Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: PCO vs. Brody King, The Hart Foundation vs. The Dirty Blondes and Parrow, Joey Ryan and Taya Valkyrie vs. Maxwell J Friedman and Aria Blake

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling TV (Episode 23)
Taped in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the War Memorial Auditorium
Aired on September 21, 2018 on beIN Sports

The show opened with Konnan, Pentagon Jr., and Fenix stood in the ring. The broadcast team was Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini (and the ring announcer was Tim Barr). Konnan said Salina de la Renta’s contract with Pentagon Jr. and Fenix was one sided and accused her of taking advantage of the Lucha Brothers via the fine print. He said he is always a step ahead of her.

Salina headed to the ring with Ricky Martinez. She confirmed that Pentagon and Fenix are no longer with her. She said they did not escape their contracts, they were granted early releases. She said that if you want to go then you can do. She gave them once last chance. Martinez handed them contracts. Salina said the new contracts are something she spoke about with “Hunter” and noted that it will make them huge stars “for them.”

Fenix took the mic and said they have an answer. Pentagon spoke in Spanish, then they ripped up the contracts and even threw pieces at her. Konnan took the mic and told Salina that it doesn’t matter to him whether she’s a man or a woman, she will be checked and checked hard if she sticks her nose in his business. Konnan played to the crowd… The MLW opening aired…

Powell’s POV: A good opening segment that played into the widespread buzz of Pentagon and Fenix being WWE/NXT bound. I certainly heard the same thing from multiple people in the industry, but apparently they have deals with Luhca Underground that will keep them out of WWE for at least another year. I feel for them if they want to go, but it’s good news for LU, MLW, Impact Wrestling, and any other promotion that features the talented brothers.

1. “The Hart Foundation” Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart, and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Parrow and “The Dirty Blondes” Michael Patrick and Leo Burke (w/Col. Robert Parker). Schiavone noted that it was a hurricane tag match, meaning all the wrestlers were allowed in the ring at one time. Parrow performed an early chokeslam on Pillman.

Hart performed a big moonsault onto multiple opponents. Late in the match, Parrow picked up Pillman and tossed him onto the top ropes in one of the corners. The Blondes came back and dropped elbows on Hart. The Blondes set up on the top rope in opposite corners. Parrow called them off and splashed Hart for a two count. The Blondes were taken out and then Smith performed a running powerslam on Parrow for the win.

The Hart Foundation beat The Dirty Blondes and Parrow.

After the match, Parker barked at Parrow for costing his team the match. Kaci Lennox entered the ring with a mic. Parker told Parrow that he was done with him. The Blondes attacked Parrow and left him lying…

Powell’s POV: An action filled match that pleased the live crowd. They were hot for the Harts, who were the babyfaces despite their recent heelish actions. Parrow splitting from the Stud Stable is an interesting move. He’s a big man whose power moves tend to get good reactions. I just wish the decision didn’t look justifiable. After all, Parrow basically went into business for himself and it backfired. If he’s turning babyface then you’d think they would have made him look more sympathetic, but I guess we’ll see where it goes.

A recap aired of Sami Callihan attacking Jimmy Havoc after the War Games match. Havoc cut a promo in which spoke calmly about fighting Callihan…

Backstage, MJF and Aria Blake spoke in front of the MLW banner. MJF said he’s not really into women wrestling or even voting. Funny. Blake spoke seductively to him and he told her he was rock hard, then pulled up his shirt and then showed off his hard abs…

2. Joey Ryan and Taya Valkyrie vs. MJF and Aria Blake. The fans chanted “you will touch it” at MJF early on. MJF also performed an inverted atomic drop on Ryan, who no-sold it while MJF acted like Ryan’s junk injured his leg. Aria worked over Ryan for a bit. Valkyrie returned the favor by roughing up MJF briefly.

Later, Ryan pulled a lollipop out of his trunks and stuck it in the mouth of MJF, who then pulled Valkyrie in front of him to take a superkick from Ryan. Blake low-blowed Ryan and acted like she hurt her arm in the process. MJF rolled up Ryan and pinned him…

MJF and Aria Blake defeated Joey Ryan and Taya Valkyrie.

MJF cut a promo on the stage while Blake stood by. Joey Janela came out and attacked MJF, who low blowed him and took off…

Powell’s POV: Blake has the Alexa Bliss disjointed arm thing going on and used that to sell the effect of hitting Ryan’s junk. This was fun and the live crowd loved it.

The MLW control center segment aired for the NYC event. Tom Lawlor vs. Shane Strickland was hyped for the show along with the previously announced matches…

Sami Callihan delivered a backstage promo and said he and Jimmy Havoc were supposed to stand tall at the end of War Games, but Havoc was the reason their team lost. Callihan said he expected more out of Havoc. Callihan said everyone was right in saying that Havoc is just another death match garbage wrestler who couldn’t cut it when all the chips were down. Callihan said Havoc isn’t in his league…

Bocchini raved about Low Ki vs. Fenix for the MLW Championship, and Callihan vs. Havoc for next week’s show. Schiavone hyped this show’s main event going into a break…

3. PCO vs. Brody King. PCO performed an early suicide dive. Back in the ring, PCO performed a powerbomb and followed up with a knee to the head for a two count. PCO got caught up in questioning the ref. Once he turned around, King clotheslined PCO and got a two count. King had a brief run of offense.

PCO came back and clotheslined King in the corner and followed up with a DDT. PCO waited for King to get up and then ran toward him only to be backdropped into the corner. King charged PCO only to crash and burn. They got to their feet and traded punches and then Ryan gouged the right eye of PCO. The ref jawed at both men and they both shoved him to the mat to end the match.

PCO fought Brody King to a double disqualification.

Afterward, King performed a piledriver on PCO and then threw punches at him until several referees and security members entered the ring to pull him off. PCO got back to his feet and then performed a moonsault onto King and the referees on the floor to end the show…

Powell’s POV: I was surprised that the live crowd wasn’t very lively early in the main event. There were some PCO fans, but it wasn’t as hot as I expected. That changed by the end of the show as ore and more fans got behind PCO. It was fun to see them get fired up, deflate due to the finish, then peak in excitement over the big moonsault at the end of the show. That was really well done and now they can get more than one match out of this and they managed to close the show on a high note despite the double DQ main event finish. Next week’s show looks great on paper with Low Ki vs. Fenix and the Callihan vs. Havoc match.

Check below for my new interview with MLW promoter Court Bauer from the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast.


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