Pruett’s Lucha Underground Hit List – Pentagon Dark vs. Matanza for the Lucha Underground Championship, the fromer Jack Swagger debuts as Jake Strong

By Will Pruett, Senior Staffer (@itswilltime)

Lucha Underground Hits

Catrina’s Search for Life Force: Catrina has always been a divisive character. Some fans aren’t into her ability to teleport. Some people may not appreciate the heavy amount of licking. I really appreciate the depth this character seems to have. On this show we saw her searching for life force to retain or restore her powers. It’s a compelling story that sets up a great main event next week.

Sammy Guevara: While this trios match was less than what Jake Strong needed (more in the misses), it was great for Sammy Guevara. Sammy was able to stand out as an athletic high flyer.

El Dragon Azteca vs. Drago: This was a good lucha match with a medallion on the line. Kobra Moon’s involvement and the post-match scene with Johnny Mundo helped put this over the edge into hit territory.

Pentagon Dark vs. Matanza: This is a minor hit for a good match, but this was not the great match it could have been. Instead of a great match, this seems to be starting the story of Matanza as conflicted and possibly grieving the loss of Dario. It’s interesting. Pentagon continues to be established as Lucha Underground’s top guy and that works.

Hype for next week: Lucha Underground’s best wrestling has come from the Grave Consequences matches with Mil Muertes and Fenix. Next week’s main event with Jeremiah Crane should be no different (It’ll be awesome. I was at that show live and it ruled.)

Lucha Underground Misses

Jake Strong Debut: This was a strange way to debut the former Jack Swagger. While the match was built around making him look strong, he still had to lose. Why would Jake Strong join up with a huckster like Famous B? Shouldn’t he be better than this? If Strong is supposed to be a top tier player, why was he debuted in a lower tier program?

Vampiro: I know he’s the signature voice of Lucha Underground, but Vampiro just sounds sad these days. Why so sad, Vamp? It’s not working well for the show.

Will Pruett writes about wrestling and popular culture at Of interest to him are diversity in wrestling and wrestling as a theatrical art form. To see his video series “What I Love About Professional Wrestling” subscribe to his YouTube channel. To contact, check him out on Twitter @itswilltime, leave a comment, or email him at


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Good point about vampiro. He seems out of it. Hopefully it is playing into something.

    I think I would take a beating from mil muertes just to receive a good licking from catrina.

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