4/28 ROH in Lakeland, Florida results: Lanny Poffo makes a surprise appearance, Dalton Castle, The Briscoes, and Silas Young vs. Cody, Marty Scurll, and the Young Bucks, Jay Lethal vs. Shane Taylor, Deonna Purrazzo vs. Ava Storie

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ROH “Bound By Honor Night 2”
Lakeland, Florida at RP Funding Center
Aired live on HonorClub and FITE TV
Results courtesy of Dot Net Member Don Murphy Twitter.com/don424

Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana on commentary. The building seems to have a lot of empty seats

1. Coast To Coast over The Motor City Machine Guns in 10:00. Very entertaining opener. After the match, Shelley stormed off while Sabin looked on and congratulated the winners

2. Serpentico fought Cheeseburger went to a no-contest in 6:00. Bully Ray interfered and laid out both men for the no-contest. After the match, Bully started to cut a promo. Flip Gordon ran in, got in some offense, and cleared Bully from the ring.

3. Matt Taven over Josh Woods, Beer City Bruiser, and Kenny King in a Four Corner Survival Match in 7:00. The other Kingdom members Vinny Marseglia and TK O’Ryan distracted Woods, allowing Taven to roll him up for the pin. Marseglia also held Taven’s feet on the ropes during the pin.

4. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian beat Vinny Marseglia and TK O’Ryan in 12:00. Very good match. Finish came when Matt Taven tried to interfere, but was intercepted by Scorpio Sky. The Addiction then hit the Celebrity Rehab on TKO Ryan for the win.

5. Flip Gordon over Scorpio Sky in 8:00. Good match. Flip won with a flying Stunner off the ropes. After the match, Bully attacked and low-blowed Flip from behind. Bully said on the mic that he would be Flip’s biggest regret since joining ROH.

During intermission they showed a match from Supercard of Honor XI with Volador Jr. and Will Oespray beating Jay White and Dragon Lee.

6. Deonna Purrazzo over Ava Storie via submission in 6:00. After the match, Kelly Klein, who had joined the commentary team for this match, attacked Purrazzo.

The match between Hangman Page and Punishment Martinez never took place. Martinez attacked Page from behind with a chair on Page’s way to the ring, followed by a chokeslam through a table.

7. Jay Lethal over Shane Taylor in 12:00. Prior to the match, Lethal noted that tomorrow is his birthday and had a special guest in town to celebrate. The guest was Lanny Poffo, who presented Lethal with a pair of “Macho Man” Randy Savage sunglasses and recited the poem Poffo wrote for Savage’s king coronation back in 1989. Lethal hit many of Savage’s classic spots, including the flying elbow drop for the pin. Lethal left to Savage’s “Pomp and Circumstance” theme.

8. Cody, Marty Scurll, and the Young Bucks over Dalton Castle, The Briscoes and Silas Young in an eight man elimination match in 30:00. The finish saw Dalton pin Scurll with the Bangarang, and then get rolled up by Cody. Scurll and Cody argued throughout the match, as well as after.


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