11/2 WWE in Brighton, England results: Triple H, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, and Sheamus, Asuka vs. Mickie James, Braun Strowman vs. Kane

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WWE Live Event
Brighton, England at Brighton Centre
Report by Dot Net reader Gaz Williams

1. Finn Balor defeated Samoa Joe. As good a match as you’d expect from these two, with Joe slowing the match down and having prolonged periods of offense broken up by Finn staging several comebacks that allowed him to get enough hits in to make it a very competitive match. Finn pinned Joe after a Coup de Grâce. Finn cut a promo about how when he first started out “just around the corner” in Kent (Kent is a 2 hour drive) and that Joe is one of the toughest and best opponents he has ever faced.

2. Asuka defeated Mickie James. The match started well with both wrestling to stalemate, but overall it was a bit disappointing, Mickie basically dominated the majority, which made it seem like Asuka got lucky with an upset victory. Asuka was much better at the NXT event here in June against Ember Moon. Mickie tapped to the Asuka Lock.

Elias introduced himself, Gallows, Anderson and Bo Dallas to a chorus of boos, he told us he wasn’t going to sing one of his own songs but take a request, “someone” shouted Wonderwall by Oasis, actually it wasn’t half bad (plus Wonderwall is a song guaranteed to get Brits who’ve had a drink singing) then he changed the lyrics to insult Brighton.

3. Jason Jordan, Goldust, Rhyno, and Heath Slater beat Elias, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, and Bo Dallas in an eight-man tag. Standard 8 man tag action… Quick tags for the faces before Goldust got isolated and beaten up for most of the match until Jason Jordan got the hot tag, then it all broke down (Rhyno didn’t Gore anyone, what the f—?) and the legal men were left in the ring. Jordan pinned Anderson after hitting his big neckbreaker finisher! (does it have a name?).

Enzo entered to cheers until he cut a promo in which he did the usual diss the town shtick, but in his own unique way so it was kind of funny.

4. Enzo Amore defeated Kalisto to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. A few Lucha chants and we were away, an ok back and forth match, at one point Kalisto put on an Enzo hair piece and did the dance which got a few laughs, he hit a few big spots until Enzo took advantage as the ref speaking to Kalisto. Enzo retained with a Jordanzo.

5. Mark Andrews and Dan Moloney beat Joseph Connors and Tyson T-Bone. Entertaining back and forth tag that showcased all for men well, Andrews and Moloney in particular put in a good showing and had the full support of the crowd by the end. Andrews pinned Connor after a shooting star press!

A video package aired with Ambrose discussing being a man down but it didn’t matter if it was 3 on 3, 2 on 3, 5 on 2, etc, Rollins said but “it never hurts to have a plan B but it was a call he never expected to make.” We all know what plan B is because Triple H posted online that he would be in Brighton, but I’m glad they’ve put some effort into making it seem like an uneasy alliance because it is pushing the realms of suspension of belief for Triple H to team with the Shield.

6. Braun Strowman defeated Kane by DQ. Decent but typically slow moving, but thankfully short, big man match that ended after Kane brought a table into the ring, and started to beat Strowman with a chair. Kane went to chokeslam Strowman through the table but was over powered and took a powerslam through it instead. Strowman wins via DQ.

They went to intermission so I went to the bar.

7. Sasha Banks and Bayley beat Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss. Good but not amazing tag match, Bayley and Sasha worked over Alexa until she tagged in Nia, who went all Hulk Smash on them, Alexa asked to be tagged in when she felt they were suitably beaten, but Bayley and Sasha came back and were able to keep Nia out of the ring. Bayley pinned Alexa after a Bayley 2 Belly.

8. The Miz (w/Curtis Axel, Bo Dallas) beat Matt Hardy to retain the Intercontinental Title. Miz gave a promo, everyone booed, he continues to excel on the mic. A great match from these two with Hardy dominating for extended periods of time and getting in some believable near falls, Bo ran distraction until he got caught so him and Axel were sent to the back. Shortly after Miz got Hardy with a thumb to the eye. Miz retained with a Skull Crushing Finale

9. Triple H, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins beat Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, and Sheamus. Great match for everyone involved that had plenty of the 6 man tag madness the Shield is known for. After a period of heel dominance Triple H got a hot tag and ran through all his signature moves on Cesaro, while Ambrose and Rollins beat down Sheamus and Bray on the outside, until Triple H hit the Pedigree and Rollins and Ambrose joined him in the ring. Triple H pinned Cesaro after a Triple Powerbomb.

Random highlight of the night… At one point Seth got chucked to the outside and while recovering against the guard rail, this 5 or 6 year old kid came running from about 8 rows back to ringside to check Rollins was ok, including a gentle pat on the back (my wife is still a bit hormonal after having a baby last year so she was in tears at this adorable display).

Afterwards, Dean and Seth started circling Triple H who stood ready for a fight, instead they out their hands out, after a brief hesitation and YES chants from the crowd Triple H joined them and the crowd went nuts.

A good end to a good show, but not the best night of wrestling I’ve ever seen, I’ll say 6/10.

Biggest Pops
Triple H
The Shield
Brawn Strowman

Most Heat
The Miz
Enzo Amore


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