WWE Network data leak discovered, WWE statement

A WWE database leak exposed three million users home and email addresses, birthdates, earnings, ethnicity, children’s age ranges, genders, and more. Kromtech security firm’s Bob Dyachenko told Forbes.com that he discovered an unprotected database that was open to anyone in plain text who knew which web address to search.

WWE responded to the story by issuing the following statement to Prowrestling.net. “Although no credit card or password information was included, and therefore not at risk, WWE is investigating a vulnerability of a database housed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which has now been secured. WWE utilizes leading cybersecurity firms Smartronix and Praetorian to manage data infrastructure and cybersecurity and to conduct regular security audits on AWS. We are currently working with Amazon Web Services, Smartronix and Praetorian to ensure the ongoing security of our customer information.”

Powell’s POV: This is obviously troubling information for WWE and for the company’s image from a security standpoint. At this point, it has not affected WWE stock in any manner, as it is actually up a few cents as of this update.


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