6/24 Evolve 86 results: Zim’s in-person report on WWN Champion Matt Riddle vs. Evolve Champion Zack Sabre Jr., Keith Lee vs. Ethan Page, Jason Kincaid vs. Tracy Williams, Austin Theory vs. Timothy Thatcher

We are looking for reports on all WWE, NXT, Impact Wrestling, ROH, Evolve, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

Evolve 86
Melrose, Massachusetts at Melrose Memorial Hall
Report by Dot Net staffer Zack Zimmerman

1. Timothy Thatcher defeated Austin Theory. Thatcher chocked out Theory for the win.

2. ACH beat Chris Dickinson. ACH won with a lariat, brainbuster, and a 450. The match started slow and got good by the end.

“A gatekeeper” (Blaster McMassive) quit Ethan Page’s group and said he’s nobody’s gatekeeper. Thomas Sharp is his new name. Ethan Page came out and said he didn’t care. A new gatekeeper came out and attacks Sharp from behind.

3. Thomas Sharp beat the new Gatekeeper. Sharp won with a Blackhole Slam.

4. Fred Yehi over Jaka via submission. Yehi forced Jaka to submit to a Koji Clutch. A bad match that was compounded by overstaying its welcome.

5. “Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams beat Jason Kincaid. Williams tapped out Kincaid with a modified crossface. A good showing for Kincaid.

6. Keith Lee pinned Ethan Page. Lee won with a fireman’s carry Jackhammer. Page dragged Lee down a level or two.

7. Evolve Champion Zack Sabre Jr. defeated WWN Champion Matt Riddle in a non-title match. Keith Lee was the special ring announcer. Short and sweet. Zack tapped him out with a brutal looking modified bow and arrow stretch. Nice main event. “Hot Sauce” Williams attacked Riddle after the match.

If you attend or watch Evolve 87, you are encouraged to send a report or the basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com.


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