9/24 WWE in Hershey results: AJ Styles vs. John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose for the WWE Championship in a No Mercy main event preview, Kane vs. Bray Wyatt, The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler, four-way Smackdown Tag Title match

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WWE Live Event
Hershey, Pennsylvania at Giant Center
Report by Dot Net reader Nicholas Cannella

Originally advertised over a month ago was Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler for WWE Title, John Cena vs. AJ Styles, and Randy Orton was scheduled to be there but he was taken off the card a few weeks ago because he was booked for the SummerSlam rematch against Brock Lesnar in Chicago. The lineup was changed last week to a double main event of Styles vs. Cena vs. Ambrose for WWE Title, and Kane vs. Bray Wyatt, plus Ziggler vs. The Miz.

1. Dolph Ziggler defeated Intercontinental Champion The Miz (w/Maryse) in a non-title match. Ziggler won a very good opener with a superkick. Miz stalled a lot before the match and the fans chanted “Coward” then Miz grabbed the mic and said he’s not a coward, but he is the Intercontinental Champion. During the match, Maryse was ejected by Charles Robinson. Dolph was over and stole the show while Miz received lots of heat.

2. Apollo Crews defeated Erick Rowan. Crews won with a rollup. Afterwards, Crews was interviewed and announced that it was his first time ever in Hershey. He was asked what is next and he said he is going to get some chocolate at Hershey Park.

Bray Wyatt cut a promo on the video screen about Kane.

3. The Hype Bros defeated The Ascension. Zack pinned Viktor after the Hype Ryder finisher. The Hype Bros were pretty over with the crowd.

4. Kane defeated Bray Wyatt. A typical big man match that was similar to all their matches in the past. Kane was over and Bray played a good heel as always throughout the match. Kane won with a chokeslam.

5. Rhyno and Heath Slater defeated Breezango, American Alpha, and The Usos in a four-way to retain the Smackdown Tag Titles. Rhyno pinned Tyler Breeze after a Gore. This was an action packed match up and good work by all four teams. Slater and Rhyno and Alpha received good pops while Breezango and Usos had heat.

AJ Styles cut a promo on video screen about how he’s the face that runs this place and his Triple Threat match against Cena and Ambrose later tonight.

6. Baron Corbin defeated Jack Swagger. Corbin won with the End of Days. Swagger had fans behind him with the ” We The People” chants.

7. Becky Lynch, Nikki Bella, and Naomi defeated Natalya, Alexa Bliss and Carmela. Lynch gave Natty the Disarm-Her Submission. A very good women’s tag match with a lot of action.

8. AJ Styles defeated John Cena and Dean Ambrose in a Triple Threat Match to retain the WWE Championship. Cena was about to give Ambrose an AA, Styles came into the ring and hit Dean with a chair. Styles was about to hit Cena with the chair, but John blocked it and AJ hit him with a low blow and quick roll up for the win. Afterwards, Ambrose hit AJ with a Dirty Deeds into AA from Cena to send the crowd home happy. Awesome final match and good preview of the No Mercy main event with lots of back and fourth action and near falls. Cena was mainly over but plenty “Let’s Go Cena” and “Cena Sucks” chants. Ambrose had good pops and AJ received a pretty good reaction as well.

Overall, it was an awesome show and there was a hot crowd all night. The Giant Center was almost full.


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