9/20 WWE Smackdown Live Pre-Show coverage

sdpreshow1By Jason Powell

The following is live notes of the WWE Smackdown pre-show that is being broadcast on the WWE Network. Refresh the page for the latest updates. If you are reading this on the Prowrestling.net app, our mobile website will refresh more frequently than the latest updates than the app will. CLICK HERE to see the very latest updates to this article throughout the show.

-Scott Stanford opened the show and hyped the John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose. He also touted that Alexa Bliss would appear on the show. Stanford was joined in studio by Jerry Lawler, Lita, and Booker T.

-The broadcast team played up Miz announcing he entered contract renegotiations, and Daniel Bryan saying the terms that Miz was looking for are delusional.

-The hosts hyped Miz vs. Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title for Smackdown. They aired a Facebook video from Miz, who wasn’t happy about the match being booked. Miz accused Bryan of pulling a fast one on him. He said he thought he would be able to celebrate a restructured contract, but instead they are trying to get the IC Title off him. Miz complained that Ziggler doesn’t deserve to be number one contender and questioned how many chances Ziggler has received. Fair question.

-Alexa Bliss was interviewed from backstage at Smackdown. She was not in Harley Quinn mode. She said she’s been watching footage of Becky Lynch’s matches to prepare for their title match. She also pointed out that she beat Lynch in her main roster debut match.

-Lawler brought up Alexa’s look being similar to that of the Harley Quinn character. Bliss said she absolutely has been inspired by the character and uses her motto as her own. Booker asked her about the overall experience of being on Smackdown. She said it’s been unbelievable and said she never won a championship at the NXT level and is going for the title now.

-Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss will have a contract signing on Smackdown for their No Mercy title match.

-American Alpha will return to face The Usos on Smackdown to become No. 1 contenders to the Smackdown Tag Titles.

Join Jake Barnett for live coverage of WWE Smackdown Live on the main page.


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