Jim Ross on Vince McMahon’s surgery, Seth Rollins on WWE Raw, CM Punk’s UFC 203 payday

vince1WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on Vince McMahon’s health: “Here’s wishing a speedy recovery for WWE Chairman Vince McMahon who underwent surgery Tuesday morning to address an injury he apparently incurred while training in the gym. The injury is allegedly to his quadriceps and knowing VKM he will likely be back in the office this week as well as the gym.”

Powell’s POV: WWE said Vince would be back in the office on Wednesday. You can question his sanity in situations like this, but you can never question his work ethic.

Ross on Seth Rollins: “I understand that it’s logical for newly ‘turned’ Seth Rollins to not change overnight but at some point Rollins has got to be a bit more of an attitudinal fan favorite rather than maintaining his established, villain TV persona. Rollins is one of the most gifted athletes in WWE without question and his work has always seemed to be that of a fan favorite to me. Rollins has some random, HBK-like tendencies which are so marketable.”

Powell’s POV: The only noticeable change thus far is that he isn’t doing his sinister laugh, and obviously he doesn’t have anything positive to say about Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Now that Roman Reigns is out of the main event, I’m curious to see what type of go-home promo Rollins will deliver heading into his title match with Kevin Owens at Clash of Champions.

Ross on CM Punk and UFC: “It never ceases to amaze me why some fans are so disturbed at the money that @CMPunk earned at UFC 203 in Cleveland Saturday night which was a reported 500K plus what Punk will earn for all the PPV’s that he sold for the event. The PPV number could easily push Punk’s earnings to in excess of 1M. UFC and Dana White made a brilliant strategical signing of Punk was was signed to provide a much needed buzz to the event coming on the heels of UFC 200 and the McGregor vs Diaz fight. Punk wasn’t signed to make any one forget GSP, for example, but to help market and sell PPV’s of which he did. Plus, Mickey Gall got a great rub and a unique launch to his UFC career as well so it seems that this was a win for everyone in the equation.”

Powell’s POV: No disagreement here. Punk brought in more money for UFC than he earned. It’s really that simple. It’s fair to question whether UFC should have put a novice on the show, but once they made the decision then clearly they needed to pay Punk a reasonable amount of money to compensate him for the extra buys his name drew. Ross had more to say about Punk in his actual blog, so use the link at the top of the page to check it out.

Other topics include JR’s WrestleMania weekend shows, upcoming Ross Report podcast guests, and more on WWE Raw.


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