WWE Battleground onsite report: In-person notes on Bayley’s debut, Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn, and more

bayley1Dot Net reader Christopher Pallo II attended WWE Battleground on Sunday in Washington, D.C. and sent the following report.

This is my first time ever attending a WWE event, therefore I was excited and hoping that the pay-per-view would be good. The Verizon Center was mostly packed although there were some empty seats in sections across the arena from where I sat at.

-I was actually surprised there weren’t a whole lot of boos for the Usos, given their relationship to Roman Reigns. Their match with Tyler Breeze and Fandango was good for what it was and there were some fun spots, but the Usos are still hurt by lack of character development.

-Michael Cole came out to boos and JBL came out to cheers when they were switching the announcers.

-The Verizon Center went absolutely bonkers when Bayley came out. That might have been the biggest pop I have heard since I started watching wrestling over 10 years ago. The match was very good and the better of the two women’s matches on the night.

-New Day was way popular as they always are, and there were a lot of people who turned on their flashlights when the Wyatts came out. The match was very good and everyone loved the spot where Xavier finally stopped being scared of Bray Wyatt.

-The Rusev vs. Zack Ryder match was good, but not a lot of people care about Ryder, which sucks because he was popular a few years ago.

-The Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens match was awesome and by far the best match of the night. I got worried after Zayn botched that spot over the top rope but he turned out alright and ended up winning the match. I have no idea whether that will be the end of that feud or not.

-Becky Lynch vs. Natalya was alright, but it was hurt by the match before it. Therefore, it seemed more like a cool down match, which is unfortunate given how talented they are.

-Darren Young vs. The Miz was alright as well, and Bob Backlund looks to be in great shape. This match along with the last match was probably the longest the crowd was really quiet, as it was loud the rest of the night.

-John Cena received his usual mix of cheers and boos, but Enzo Amore and Big Cass were hugely over. Enzo was very good on the mic as always. Cass looks bigger in person than he does on TV. The match was entertaining and hopefully we see matches between the tag teams as well as Cena vs. AJ Styles at SummerSlam.

-The Highlight Reel with Randy Orton was entertaining and I liked Orton’s promo throughout. He got a big reaction when he came out and the shot he took at Brock Lesnar was funny.

-The main event was also very entertaining, with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose receiving cheers when they came out and Roman receiving constant boos during the match. Ambrose and Rollins driving Reigns through the table with the powerbomb brought back memories and was a cool spot.

-Overall, I was glad and happy with the event. It was exciting throughout for the most part with that little lull between the Zayn vs. Owens match and the six-man tag match. I left right after the main event ended so I did not hear if they announced when WWE is coming back to D.C.


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