Update on ESPN documentary on Ric Flair, director discusses his motivations

flair1Rory Karpf, the director of the ESPN “30 for 30” documentary on Ric Flair, spoke about the project with Sports Illustrated. “In the wrestling world, the viewer isn’t sure what’s real or what isn’t, but ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair wasn’t just a character,” Karpf said. “He was real. The wrestler he portrayed in the ring was also the man he was outside the ring. I found that to be fascinating. He’s led a crazy life that’s a natural for a 30 for 30. Plus I just love pro wrestling…

““I wanted to explore what specifically made Ric so great and what specifically makes for a great pro wrestler. Why is he considered the greatest of all time? How is that determination made? Unlike the NFL or NBA there really aren’t stats and metrics we can use like touchdowns, points scored or championships to determine greatness. Wrestling is pre-determined. But it is very athletic and the performers are definitely athletes. I wanted to give wrestling its just due in comparison of other sports.” Read the full piece at SI.com.

Powell’s POV: The story also lists the following personalities as being interviewed for the documentary: Charlotte, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, and Flair’s first wife Leslie. It’s noted that the documentary will run between 90 and 120 minutes. Karpf added that his is currently in the editing stage, while also noting that some interviews are still left to shoot. This will definitely be a “must see” documentary once it is released.


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