By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)
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House of Glory “City of Dreamz”
March 15, 2025 in New York, N.Y. at NYC Arena
Streamed on the TrillerTV+
This is their usual venue and the crowd is maybe 400-500. Jason Solomon and JD from New York and Hilary P. Wisdom provided commentary. The lighting was good.
1. Zilla Fatu vs. Donovan Dijak for the HOG Crown Jewel Title. The commentators said this is just Zilla’s second match of 2025. Standing switches to open and a feeling-out process. Dijak is taller and he grounded Zilla with a headlock. They brawled to the floor at 4:00, and Zilla whipped Dijak into the guardrails, and they fought into the crowd. They got back into the ring, and Dijak hit some chops and was in charge. Zilla hit a German Suplex at 8:30. Dijak hit a release suplex for a nearfall and playfully kicked at Zilla, who was down on the mat. The crowd rallied for Zilla.
Zilla hit a snap suplex into the corner and they were both down at 10:30. Zilla hit a leaping shoulder tackle and a sit-out Bubba Bomb, then a frogsplash for a nearfall. Zilla went for the Samoan Spike, but Dijak blocked it, and Donovan hit a choke bomb for a nearfall at 12:00. Zilla did a German Suplex off the ropes but Dijak rotated and landed on his feet. Zilla got a grazing Samoan Spike. Dijak hit his discus Mafia Kick for a nearfall, then a top-rope moonsault for a believable nearfall. Zilla hit a pop-up Samoan Drop for a nearfall at 14:30. Dijak went for a Feast Your Eyes pop-up knee strike, but Zilla escaped, and Zilla hit the Samoan Spike for the pin. Really good big man match.
Zilla Fatu defeated Donovan Dijak to retain the HOG Crown Jewel Title at 15:43.
2. Joey Silver vs. J Bouji. Silver carried his bag of candy to the ring. Silver hit a satellite head-scissors takedown. They briefly brawled on the floor. In the ring, Bouji ‘slipped’ on the ropes, fell, and crotched himself at 4:00. Silver flipped Bouji off the apron and down to the thin mat at ringside at 6:30, and Bouji struggled to get up. Silver dove through the ropes onto him. In the ring, Silver hit a frogsplash for a nearfall. Bouji hit an OsCutter at 8:30. He opened Silver’s bag, dumped out the sweets and stomped on them, and that earned a chorus of boos! He shoved a sucker into Silver’s mouth and punched him. Silver shoved the ref so he could stomp on Bouji, and the ref disqualified Silver! The crowd did not like this outcome.
J Bouji defeated Joey Silver via DQ at 10:29.
* Idris Jackson and his manager, Hilary P. Wisdom, came to the ring. Idris is on a winning streak. “La Sombra” Carlos Ramirez hit the ring and brawled with Idris. Wisdom hit Ramirez with his book, but La Sombra no-sold it and he beat up Hilary. Carlos is getting a match against Idris!
3. Mighty Mantequilla vs. Danhausen. Mantequilla wears a mask and an outfit that is black with yellow trim. A feeling-out process early and the usual Danhausen humor; Mantequilla blocked being cursed. Danhausen finally ‘cursed’ him at 4:00, and he tripped Mantequilla. Danhausen worked the knee, and he hit a Bulldog. Danhausen poured his jar of teeth into Mantequilla’s mouth and kicked them out and got a nearfall at 8:00. Mantequilla hit a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall. Danhausen shoved Mantequilla into the post. Danhausen set up for Go To Sleephausen, but Mantequilla escaped, rolled up Danhausen, and got the flash pin! Just a so-so match; I feel like I’ve seen every trick of Danhausen’s gimmick now.
Mighty Mantequilla defeated Danhausen at 11:03.
4. “Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy vs. Darron Richardson and Jodi Aura. Jodi and Darron are reluctant partners; they don’t like each other. Jodi wore his long black jacket that makes me think of Marvel’s Blade. Darron wore a big fluffy pink pimp coat. “It looks like something my grandma would wear when she got out of the shower,” a commentator said. Funny. Darron got on the mic but was loudly booed. A huge pop for Private Party; I don’t think we’ve seen them since they lost the AEW Tag Team Titles. (I watched Collision first and was thinking about them when we saw Lio Rush and Action Andretti on the stage, and I thought of these two pulling a vanishing act.) This was a never-ending entrance; they even started the song over again.
Jodi and Marq finally opened, but Darron tagged himself in. Uh-oh. When PP started to gain control, Darron quickly tagged himself out. Kassidy hit a headscissors takedown on Aura at 2:30 and they traded some fast reversals; this Aura kid is really good. Aura hit a doublestomp on Isiah as Isiah was trying to duck. Private Party worked over Darron. Isiah hit a back suplex at 7:30. Quen was shoved into the ropes, causing Isiah to fall in the corner and be crotched. Jodi tagged in at 10:00 and hit a running kick on Quen. Aura hit a rolling kip-up stunner on Isiah for a nearfall!
The crowd was hot and behind Aura, but Darron tagged himself in and hit a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall. Quen hit a Twist of Fate on Darron, and Isiah hit a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall, but Aura made the save at 12:30. Aura hit a clothesline to the back of Quen’s head! Darron shoved his partner off the top rope! He was loudly booed. Darron missed a flip to the mat. PP hit the GIn and Juice team stunner move on Darron. Quen hit another Twist of Fate, and Isiah hit a second Swanton Bomb! Quen hit a top-rope 630 senton splash for the pin! Nice move. Fun match.
“Private Party” Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy defeated Darron Richardson and Jodi Aura at 15:09.
* Isiah got on the mic and talked about losing their tag title belts, but he said “the journey will start again.”
* Intermission. They leave a blank screen up. (Show an old match here, guys!)
5. Mercedes Mone vs. Indi Hartwell. I thought Indi would have a reworked ring name but nope, she is still Indi Hartwell. A massive pop for Mone, who has all four belts with her. (The HOG women’s champion is Megan Bayne, who was in Las Vegas for AEW, so I guess Mone can’t add the HOG title to her collection. Yet.) They locked up; Indi is much taller and she pushed Mone into the corner and mockingly did the Mone dance. Indi knocked her down with a shoulder tackle. Mone hit a Meteora at 2:30. Mone tied her in the Bank Statement, but Indi got a foot on the ropes. Mercedes hit a baseball slide dropkick to the floor, and they fought at ringside. In the ring, Indi hit a Mafia Kick at 5:00 and she stomped on Mone and choked her in the ropes.
Indi hit a kick to the side of the head and got a nearfall. Mone hit a Backstabber, then a second one at 7:00. Indi hit a sideslam for a nearfall. She backed Mone into a corner and hit a series of punches, but Mone dropped down underneath her and Mone hit a powerbomb. Mone hit a Meteora into the corner and a double kneedrop for a nearfall at 10:00. Mone hit two rolling suplexes, but Indi hit a spinebuster. Indi hit a Samoan Drop, but Mone locked in the Statement Maker (Bank Statement crossface). Indi hit a snake-eyes and a belly-to-Bayley suplex; the commentators said it would have been a humiliation to Mone if she lost to Bayley’s move.
Indi missed a top-rope elbow drop, and Mone immediately hit a sunset flip into the corner, a Meteora into the corner, and a second-rope Meteora for a believable nearfall at 13:00. Indi hit a swinging faceplant for a nearfall. Mone got a Victory Roll for a nearfall, and she hit her swinging faceplant move for a nearfall, but Indi got a foot on the ropes! Mone again locked in the Statement Maker, and Indi tapped out. That was really, really good. So cool they did that in front of a small crowd at an indy show.
Mercedes Mone defeated Indi Hartwell at 14:53.
6. “Cold Blooded Killers” Jay Armani and Raheem Royal vs. “The Mane Event” Jay Lyon and Midas Black in a title-vs.-career, best of three falls match. TME came out first and the commentators noted that they are dressed for a fight. The final fall will be no-DQ, and if TME lose, they must disband. All four brawled at the bell. Armani was whipped into the guardrails. In the ring, CBK worked over Lyon. Lyon hit an Exploder Suple into the corner on Armani at 4:00. Midas got in and hit some rolling German Suplexes on Armani. Armani hit a jumping knee from the apron to the floor on Lyon. Armani got a rollup for a pin on Midas at 6:15 as he reached out and held onto Royal’s hands for added leverage, and the champs were up 1-0!
The match continued without a break, as CBK kept Midas grounded. Royal hit a top-rope Demolition Elbow Drop for a nearfall, and the heels worked over Midas for several minutes, while Lyon was down and out on the floor. Lyon got up and brawled with Armani on the ramp at 10:30. Armani was thrown off the ramp to the floor and he clutched his knee and writhed in pain. In the ring, Lyon had now been tagged in and he hit a Circle of Life spinning uranage at 12:00. Lyon hit a rolling cannonball through the ropes onto Royal on the floor. TME hit a Spike Piledriver (Meltzer Driver) on Armani on the ramp at 14:30. In the ring, TME hit the Grand Finale (team X-Factor faceplant) and pinned Royal at 15:04, and it is tied 1-1, and the last fall is no-DQ!
TME got multiple chairs and threw them into the ring. A medic team came out to take out Armani on a stretcher. (He was well protected on that piledriver.) He was strapped onto the stretcher and out of the back came Nolo Kitano! He is taking Armani’s spot! The commentators noted this is no-DQ so it’s legal! Nolo hit a swinging neckbreaker on Midas for a believable nearfall at 18:00! However, Nolo and Royal began pushing each other! CBK started to take apart the ring, removing the canvas! They peeled back the canvas and foam to expose the wood boards underneath. They set up for a Razor’s Edge on Midas, but Lyon made the save. Lyon accidentally clotheslined Midas in the corner. Lyon hit a standing powerbomb on Nolo and applied a Boston Crab at 22:30.
Midas applied a half-crab, but the heels escaped. Nolo hit a chairshot on Midas’ unprotected head, so Lyon hit one on Nolo! Jay hit a Jay Driller on Nolo onto an open chair at 24:00. A commentator said ringside looks like a crime scene. Jay hit a Lionsault. Midas hit a top-rope frogsplash to the floor on Royal! That seems dangerous. Lyon got a ladder and set it up in the ring. However, Nolo hit a superplex on Lyon off the ladder, with them both crashing on the wood boards at 28:00, and we got a “holy shit!” chant. Midas and Royal got up and traded blows. CBK hit a Killshot (doublestomp-and-Dominator
Nolo accidentally sprayed mist into Royal’s eyes! Lyon hit a double back suplex on the heels! Lyon pulled out some handcuffs, and he locked Royal to the top rope. TME hit some chairshots on Nolo. They hit a Grand Finale on Nolo, sending him crashing through a table set up in the ring, for the pin! New champions!
Jay Lyon and Midas Black defeated Jay Armani and Nolo Kitano and Raheem Royal to win the HOG Tag Titles at 33:52.
* Midas got on the mic and declared they are one of the best tag teams going today, and that they belong on TV.
Final Thoughts: The Mone-Indi match is why people will tune in and it was really good. I never doubted that Mercedes was winning, but Indi had a really strong showing here. I hope she finds a lot of bookings after having a match like that. That takes best match. The main event definitely takes second. This feud between CBK and Mane Event has been going for months, and this was a good payoff to end the feud. The Private Party match was fun and takes third.
The commentators said Zilla has been sick, which is why he’s been inactive so far this year, but I really think it’s important he starts up a busy schedule again. He’s so good already, but he needs the polish that will come with more ring time. Only a few complaints. The Danhausen match just didn’t click tonight; it just felt flat. And I’m just not into Joey Silver’s gimmick, but at least he’s staying as part of the undercard humor. Considering that HOG champion Mike Santana was at TNA and women’s champion Bayne was at AEW, they put together a really strong show without them. This show is available at Triller+.
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