By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)
Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 107)
Taped March 1, 2025 in Oakland, California
Streamed March 13, 2025 on HonorClub
Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman were on commentary and Justin Roberts was the ring announcer…
*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…
The show started with a rundown of the matches…
1. “Spanish Announce Project” Angelico and Serpentico vs. Alpha Zo and CSJ. No entrance for Zo and CSJ. After some traded arm work, Zo got a headlock takeover. Angelico locked in an arm submission with his feet and then rolled up Zo for a two count. Serpentico tagged in and hit a double stomp to the arm. SAP hit a hip toss and then hip tossed Serpentico onto Zo. CSJ came in, got a hip toss and a double superkick and rolled to the outside. Serpentico hit his head-scissors and rolled up Zo for a two count. Serpetnico hit some strikes to the head but then ran into a backbreaker and a throw.
CSJ tagged in, hit a back elbow and then a diving back elbow to the head and got a two count. The jobbers hit a double suplex and Zo locked in a chinlock on Serpentico. Serpentico hit a backfist and flipped out of a back suplex attempt and then hit a double flatliner on the jobbers. Serpentico got the hot tag to Angelico who came in with clotheslines and then his step up clothesline off the back of Zo. Angelico hit a series of kicks and then his rewind kick and rolled up Zo for a broken up nearfall. CSJ pulled Zo to the wrong corner and had to backtrack for the correct one. Angelco locked in a deathlock submission on CSJ and Serpentico locked in Six Seconds Magic on Zo as CSJ tapped out.
“Spanish Announce Project” Angelico and Serpentico defeated Alpha Zo and CSJ by submission.
Robinson’s Ruminations: A fine little comeback tag match for SAP. I don’t have hopes for SAP doing much more than losing to a team that’s bigger on the food chain given that they couldn’t quickly put away some guys we’ve never heard of
A recap aired of The Learning Tree mugging Gravity and Bandido in front of their family…
The segment aired from Dynamite with Chris Jericho holding Gravity’s mask in his hands. Jericho humiliated Bandido and his whole family. Jericho asked how Bandido could come back from that. Jericho said he was done letting people be comfortable around him…
Robinson’s Ruminations: That might have been the best Jericho promo I’ve heard in a long time. The fact it was a backstage pre-tape is probably why.
2. Blake Christian vs. Titus Alexander. Christian shoved away the code of honor and Alexander pushed him back only to get slapped in the face. Christian slid out of the ring and made Alexander chase him, and stomped Alexander when he followed in. Christian hit a stiff leg trip, slapped the back of Alexander’s head and then slapped his face and strutted. Alexander fired back with a slap of his own. Alexander hit a huge dropkick that got the crowd going. Alexander teased a dive, but Christian moved, grabbed Alexander and threw him into the barricade with a ton of momentum.
Christian said “too easy” into the camera and blew a kiss. Back in the ring, Christian hit a springboard clothesline and locked in an arm hold, pretended to like an ice cream cone and then slid around to a chinlock. Alexander fought out but Christian went to the eyes. Christian then hit a springboard roll through and Alexander ended up outside. Christian hit his flipping dive that ends in a reverse DDT. Back in the ring, Christian paint brushed the back of the head of Alexander and kicked him in the face and raked the eyes right in front of the ref as the crowd chanted “you suck”.
Alexander got the boot up and hit a big up kick. Christian floated over a suplex attempt only to get hit with a handspring cutter that sent Christian outside. Alexander then hit a big huge flip dive on Christian. Back in the ring, Alexander missed a knee strike and Christian hit a drop kick to the back of the head. Christian missed a double stomp off the top and Alexander hit a huge running knee strike and got a really believable nearfall and the crowd chanted for Alexander. Christian flipped out of a chaos theory attempt, hit a jumping stomp and locked in Vanilla Choke Zero for the tap out.
Blake Christian defeated Titus Alexander by submission.
After the match, Christian soaked up the boos of the crowd, blew a kiss at referee Aubrey Edwards, and then motioned for her to call him…
Robinson’s Ruminations: God damn, I love Blake Christian. The heel work after the match actually made me laugh. That was a great match, and Titus Alexander is someone special. He absolutely held his own in there with someone as technically savvy as Christian, and he had great babyface fire the whole way through the match.
A video package aired on Leila Grey. She said she’s had to dim her own light so others could shine. Grey said she went to the NJPW Dojo, and won a body building competition. She said she was coming out of the shadows and into the spotlight. She’s the Baddie. “Get it, Got it, Good.”
Robinson’s Ruminations: The announcers said she was still part of Top Flight, but this is definitely a new heel attitude. I guess the announcer’s didn’t get the memo to kill the Top Flight entrance.
3. Leila Grey vs. Lady Frost. Frost hit an early arm drag but Grey came back with a waist lock slam and rolled Frost up for a quick one count. Grey slid into a headlock but Frost reversed into a headlock of her own. Grey hit a backslide for a two count. Grey hit some punches and kicks and then a seated dropkick. Frost threw some chops in the corner and then Grey returned fire with some of her own.
Frost was able to hit some shoulder blocks in the corner but Grey came back with a high knee strike, a bulldog and then grabbed an ugly dragon sleeper. Frost rolled through the submission for a two count and then they rolled around and got two counts on each other. Frost hit a back body drop and a big shoulder tackle for a two count. Frost hit a step up kick in the corner and then her Snowball splash. Frost went to the top but Grey got inside the jump. Frost missed a spin kick and Grey rolled up Frost for the pinfall.
Leila Grey defeated Lady Frost by pinfall.
Robinson’s Ruminations: Grey may have taken a class at the Dojo, but she certainly didn’t work on her speed or footwork very much. There were a few spots in here where you could see Frost wanting to turn up the pace but having to slow down when Grey just wasn’t where she needed to be.
We got a recap of a few weeks ago when The Outrunners won a big 12 person tag match by pinning Mark Sterling.
4. “The Premier Athletes” Tony Nese and Aria Divari and “The Frat House” Cole Karter and Preston Vance (w/Mark Sterling, Jacked Jameson) vs. “Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin and “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona. Sterling did his usual heel mic work on the way to the ring. He pointed out a favorable sign and the announcers said that is Sterling’s brother. Late in the match, Dante hit a springboard cannonball press for a broken up nearfall. Kaun hit a uranage in the corner and then a step up dropkick. Kaun clotheslined Karter out of the ring. Toa used Dante as a weapon and Darius hit a jumping flatliner on Vance. Toa pressed Dante and tossed him on the pile outside. Toa hit a huge running shoulder tackles on the heels on the outside. Sterling tried to stop Toa but he got hit with a tackle too. Back in the ring, Jameson held onto the leg of Toa and Vance was able to hit a clothesline, but Kaun broke up the cover. Gates hit Vance with Open the Gates and got the pinfall…
Top Flight” Dante Martin and Darius Martin and “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona defeated “The Premier Athletes” Tony Nese and Aria Divari and “The Frat House” Cole Karter and Preston Vance.
Robinson’s Ruminations: Fun formula multi-man match. Gates are really starting to get over on the absolute charisma of Toa Liona. He’s going to be leaving Kaun in the dust sooner or later.
A graphic that told viewers that the ROH TV Title match will happen next week. A clip aired of Komander trying to shake the hand of Dark Panther after the main event last week, and Panther snubbing him by shaking a fan’s hand instead…
5. Aaron Solo vs Dark Panther. Komander and Alex Abrahantes were shown in the front row again. Solo waved off the code of honor. A boot sent Solo to ringside and Panther slid out after him and hit an ugly electric chair drop on the ring apron. Panther yelled at Komander and then got blasted by a Solo dive from the ring. Back in the ring, Solo went to the top and hit a double stomp and got a two count nearfall. The men traded forearms until Solo backed Panther into the corner with a chop. Panther hit a tilt a whirl backbreaker and a rollup for a two count. Panther hit a bunch of forearms and then a kick to the shin. Solo hit a superkick and chopped Panther, who asked for more.
Panther ducked the chop and tried a rings and an armbar but couldn’t lock anything in before Solo got to the ropes. Panther tired a monkey flip but got dumped to ringside. Solo teased a dive, but before he could, Panther was back in the ring, hit a head scissors and a dive of his own. Panther hit another dive and then he threw Solo in front of Komander. Panther stood on the head of Solo and posed at Komander. Back in the ring, Panther was still jawing at Komander and Solo hit a spin kick for a two count. Panther hit a splash in the corner and then a triple jump dropkick. Panther turned Solo around so Komander could see his face and hit the triple jump dropkick again for the pinfall.
Dark Panther defeated Aaron Solo by pinfall.
After the match, Panther took off his wrist tape and threw it at Komander who jumped the barricade, but Panther was already hiding behind referee Aubrey Edwards on his k” begging for forgiveness. Panther walked away as Edwards held them apart….
Robinson’s Ruminations: Nice match. Nice showcase for Dark Panther, and I’m looking forward to next week’s title match. They’ve done a really good job of building the tension for this feud.
6. Lee Johnson vs. Katsuyori Shibata. Johnson waved off the code of honor. After a feeling out process with some arm work, Shibata stomped on the elbow of Johnson. Shibata got a leg trip and locked in a figure four, but Johnson got to the ropes after a bit of a struggle. Johnson got some speed going, hit a shoulder block that just got eaten and Shibata returned fire with some chops. Johnson looked like he regretted life after a few of those chops. Johnson slid out of the ring and Shibata followed and got hit with a running knee lift. Johnson threw Shibata into the barricades and broke the count out.
Back in the ring, Johnson kicked Shibata down in the corner and raked the eyes. Johnson hit some running chop in the corner, after the third one Shibata stood up and walked forward toward him. Shibata returned fire with chops and then his stalling dropkick in the corner. Shibata hit a half hatch suplex for a two count. Johnson raked the eyes again and tried a fisherman’s suplex but had to settle for a brainbuster for a two count. Shibata ate a suplex and hit an STO. Shibata locked in The Claw, transitioned into an arm bar, but Johnson got to the ropes. Shibata hit a back suplex and a PK and got the pinfall.
Katsuyori Shibata defeated Lee Johnson by pinfall.
Robinson’s Ruminations: That was probably the best heel ring work I’ve seen out of Johnson yet.
Backstage, Lexi Nair said that it was a rough night for the Frathouse. Vance said he wanted a drink and Jameson brought out a bunch of solo cups. Vance said “Win or lose, we booze”. Frathouse wandered off, except Vance. Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds showed up and told Vance to grow up. Vance threw his solo cup at them and said to clean up his trash and walked off. Uno told Reynolds that Vance will get it eventually…
Robinson’s Ruminations: Is this going to lead to Vance going back to Dark Order and setting up a trios feud? I’d feel bad leaving Karter and Garrison stuck with Jameson suddenly, because they had something going before Maria’s contract didn’t get renewed.
7. Mistico, Esfinge, and Atlantis vs. Rocky Romero, Valiente, and Euforia. Lucha nonsense happened immediately as big move after big move sent folks to ringside until Mistico hit Euforia with a springboard clothesline. Rocky hit Mistico with some clotheslines. The rudos worked over Esfinge until Euforia hit a big splash off the top for a two count. The rudos worked over Atlantis and stomped him as Rocky slid at the camera and posed. Mistico got the crowd to chant “perro” at Rocky, but he got kicked tot the ground and the rudos held him while Valiente punched him in the face.
Mistico hit a handspring back elbow and then a pop up head scissors to send Euforia to ringside. Mistico hit a springboard head scissors to Euforia on the outside. Esfigne hit Rocky and Valiente with monkey flips. Esfigne teased a dive and worked up the crowd as he tagged Atlantis. Atlantis immediately got mugged by Euforia but Atlantis came back with a crossbody. Euforia knocked down his teammates and Atlantis hit them with a double hip toss. Atlantis hit everyone with tilt a whirl back breakers. The rudos regrouped outside as Mistico tagged in. Valiente said something that got the crowd mad and then he and Mistico took turns posing and getting cheers and boos.
Mistico hit a handspring back elbow on Valiente. Mistico got the knee to the back, and then there was some miscommunication and Mistico had to slow up. Mistico hit a springboard wristlock take over. Mistico hit a springboard head scissors on Euforia and sent him to ringside and then dove onto him from the top rope. The rudos snuck up on Mistico and clubbed him down and stomped on him. Esfigne helped Mistico with a popup so he could hit a double dropkick. Atlantis dove off the apron onto Valiente and Esfigne dove onto Rocky. Mistico went around the world on Euforia and locked in an armbar for the immediate tap out.
Atlantis, Mistico, and Esfigne defeated Rocky Romero, Euforia, and Valiente by pinfall.
Robinson’s Ruminations: This might have been the worst of the lucha matches we’ve seen on ROH in the past few weeks, but this more akin to a house show “work the crowd and send them home happy” match. And again, it’s a high bar for the work rate of these CMLL guys, so this wasn’t a bad match at all.
The overall show wasn’t bad, we got some decent wrestling, and forwarded a few stories. The presence of Athena was definitely missed, but I guess I might have to get used to that if she’s going to go up to AEW and feud with Mercedes. My weekly audio reviews are available for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).
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