WWE Main Event taping results (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

We are looking for reports on all WWE, AEW, NXT, TNA, GCW, MLW, ROH, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

WWE Main Event taping
February 10, 2025 in Nashville, Tennessee at Bridgestone Arena
Report by Dot Net reader Derik Zoo

1. Zoey Stark (w/Shayna Baezler) defeated Maxine Dupri (w/Otis, Akira Tozawa). Maxine had Stark beaten, but Shayna put Zooey’s foot on the ropes. Maxine hit Shayna with a cannonball off the apron, but when she returned to the ring Stark hit her with the Z360 for the win

2. Penta defeated Grayson Waller (w/Austin Theory). The place exploded for Penta, who won with the Sacrifice and Penta Driver. After the match, a man in a Penta mask jumped in the ring to celebrate. He revealed himself to be San Francisco 49ers tight end George Kittle. Pretty cool.


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