TNA Victory Road results (9/13): Vetter’s review of Nic Nemeth vs. Moose for the TNA Title, Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo for the Knockouts Title, Zachary Wentz vs. Mike Bailey for the X Division Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

TNA Victory Road
San Antonio, Texas at Boeing Center at Tech Port
Streamed live September 13, 2024 on TNA+

TNA Victory Road Pre-Show

The venue is a small arena and it’s sold out with maybe 2,500 spectators; it seems to be a perfect venue for wrestling. Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt provided commentary. Hannifan noted this show marked the highest attendance and ticket sales in the U.S. this year.

1. Leon Slater vs. Kushida. UK-native Slater is a rising star; he’s right around age 20. Some quick reversals to open and a standoff. Kushida tied him in a bow-and-arrow. Kushida hit a Rewind Kick at 2:30 and a handspring-back-elbow. Kushida hit a cartwheel kick that sent Slater to the floor. Kushida hit a top-rope summersault onto Slater on the floor at 4:00. In the ring, Kushida tied him in a leg lock, but Slater reached the ropes. Leon got up but was selling the pain in his knee. Kushida switched to a crossarm breaker, and he hit a basement dropkick to the face. Slater hit a dropkick for a nearfall at 6:00. They got up and traded forearm strikes. Kushida went for the Hoverboard Lock but Slater blocked it.

Leon set up for a dive but Kushida moved. So, Leon leapt over the ring post and did a corkscrew splash onto Kushida. In the ring, Kushida hit a superplex to the mat and applied a cross-armbreaker upon landing, and Slater tapped out. That was a really good opener and has gotten the show off in the right direction.

Kushida defeated Leon Slater at 7:52.

Josh Alexander was interviewed backstage, and he is angry. We then saw The System arrive at the building, with Alisha Edwards still wearing a neckbrace.

2. Jake Something and Hammerstone vs. Steve Maclin and Eric Young. All four immediately began brawling. Jake hit a back bodydrop on Young. Maclin hit a backbreaker over his knee on Hammerstone. Jake and Hammerstone began beating up Maclin on the floor, then in the corner. They hit some forearm strikes and a team chokeslam. Eric got the hot tag at 4:30 and he hit a leg lariat on Jake. Eric nailed a Doctor Bomb on Jake for a nearfall. Hammerstone hit a Mafia Kick on Young. Maclin hit his spear on Hammerstone as he was tied in the Tree of Woe. Young immediately hit a top-rope elbow drop for a believable nearfall, but Jake made the save. Maclin clotheslined Hammerstone to the floor. It allowed Jake to hit a Black Hole Slam to pin Young. Good big-man match.

Jake Something and Hammerstone defeated Steve Maclin and Eric Young at 7:46.

TNA Victory Road Pay-Per-View

1. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Francis and KC Navarro. Jeff and KC opened. The crowd chanted profanities at First Class. KC hit his modified 619 on Matt at 3:30, and they began working Matt over in their corner. Francis hit a sideslam for a nearfall at 5:00 and he stepped on Matt’s back. Francis missed a Swanton Bomb! Jeff got a hot tag and hit a clothesline on KC, then he slammed him stomach-first for a nearfall. Jeff hit a Russian Legsweep. AJ hit a Mark Henry Slam on Jeff at 7:30. The Hardys hit a team second-rope superplex on AJ, but KC immediately hit a frogsplash on Jeff for a nearfall.

AJ blocked a Twist of Fate. The Hardys blocked chokeslams and they hit a DDT on Francis, then clotheslined him to the floor. Matt hit a Twist of Fate on KC. Jeff peeled off his shirt (squeals!) and hit the Swanton Bomb and pinned KC. That played out exactly like you envisioned it would, but it was fine. I enjoyed Francis trying that Swanton Bomb; he is such a good heel foil.

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy defeated KC Navarro and AJ Francis at 9:38.

2. Zack Wentz vs. Mike Bailey for the X Division Title. A reminder that Bailey lost the title in an Ultimate X match; he was not pinned. No sign of the injured Trey Miguel. They locked up, Bailey got a quick rollup, and a standoff. Bailey caught him with a roundhouse kick at 1:00. Wentz tackled him and hit some punches. Bailey went for a crossarm breaker. Wentz hit a superkick, then a dive through the ropes onto Bailey. Wentz snapped Bailey’s arm across the top rope as they got back into the ring, and Mike began selling it. Bailey hit his Triangle Moonsault to the floor at 3:00. In the ring, Bailey hit a flying double knees to Wentz’s back, as Zack was draped over the top rope.

Bailey applied a Trailer Hitch leglock in the center of the ring; Wentz reached the ropes but sold the pain in his knees. Bailey hit his Speedball kicks to the ribs and thighs at 5:30. Bailey hit a variety of kicks. Wentz hit a German Suplex. They hit stereo spin kicks to the head and both went down. Nice! They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. They started trading open-hand slaps. Wentz hit a crossbody block that sent them both over the top rope and to the floor at 8:30. Bailey hit his springboard moonsault to the floor. He missed a top-rope Shooting Star Press in the ring. Wentz hit a handspring-back-kneestrike. Wentz hit a second-rope corkscrew moonsault onto Bailey on the floor at 10:30.

Bailey hit a moonsault kneedrop to Wentz’ chest on the ring apron. Wentz hit a snapmare, sending Bailey’s head onto the entrance ramp, at 12:00. Bailey dove back into the ring to avoid being counted out. Wentz went for a Swanton Bomb, but Bailey got his knees up to block it. Bailey hit a moonsault kneedrop and a superkick for a nearfall. Bailey set up for a Flamingo Driver, but Wentz escaped. Zack hit a second-rope stunner for a believable nearfall, and they were both down 14:30. Wentz hit a kneestrike to the chin in the corner. Bailey hit a sit-out powerbomb, then a picture-perfect Shooting Star Press for a nearfall. Bailey nailed the Tornado Kick, but he missed the Ultima Weapon flipping kneedrop. Wentz got some rollups. Bailey hit a Poison Rana. Wentz hit a running knee, then the snapmare driver for a believable nearfall at 17:00. Wentz hit a superkick. Bailey hit a Lungblower move, then he nailed the Flamingo Driver for the pin! New champion! That was stellar.

Mike Bailey defeated Zack Wentz to win the TNA X Division Title at 17:32.

* The System spoke backstage. They are confident they will all win tonight.

3. PCO and Rhino vs. Steph De Lander and Matt Cardona. SDL wore the “property of Matt Cardona” T-shirt and didn’t look happy to be there. She took the mic and said that “my career has felt like a dream.” She is proud to be here in a TNA ring, and in front of 2,000 sold-out fans. She said she needs neck surgery, so these guys need to sort things out. She said she wakes up every day in pain. (Fans were doing the annoying “what?” chant.) Cardona attacked Rhino and hit a Radio Silence leg drop. Um, that’s it? The match never got started. I wasn’t looking forward to this match… but they needed to come up with something better than this.

4. Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz (w/Alisha Edwards) vs. “Spitfire” Dani Luna and Jody Threat for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles (or Spitfire must disband if they lose). Tasha is replacing Alisha Edwards, who is still not cleared after being knocked out at the last live TNA event. I also HATE that Dani and Jody “offered” to break up if they lost; that should have been a stipulation demanded by the heels. Dani and Tasha opened, and Dani showed off her power advantage by easily shoving her to the mat. Jody entered and hit repeated clotheslines in the corner on Masha, then an Exploder Suplex for a nearfall at 2:00. Dani slammed teammate Jody onto Masha for a nearfall. Masha suplexed Jody for a nearfall. Tasha entered and hit some chops, as her team worked Threat over. (Alisha is doing a great job being animated at ringside, shooting her hand in the air and counting along with some nearfalls.)

Masha hit a series of snap suplexes and got a nearfall at 5:30. Tasha tied up Jody on the mat. Dani finally got the hot tag at 7:30 and hit a running knee on Masha. She hit a second-rope superplex on Tasha, then a fallaway slam on Masha, then a standing powerbomb on Masha for a believable nearfall. Masha hit a German Suplex on Jody for a nearfall. Masha hit the Snow Plow driver on Jody, but Dani tossed Tasha onto them to break up the pin at 10:00. All four fought in the ring. Masha and Tasha set up for a Magic Killer but it was blocked. Jody and Dani hit a team powerbomb move and pinned Masha. That was really good. Let’s be honest here, Tasha being in there made for a better match.

* Alisha got in the ring and barked at Masha and pushed her finger into Masha’s chest. Masha got angry and was about to strike here! However, Tasha hit a stunner on Masha! Tasha then posed with Alisha!

Jody Threat and Dani Luna defeated Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz to win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles at 11:09.

* Backstage, Hammerstone and Jake Something were pumped up about their win earlier.

5. Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry. Hendry got on the mic and said “Josh Alexander doesn’t think Joe Hendry has what it takes to be the face of TNA,” the crowd booed. He got the crowd to chant, “we believe!” An intense lockup and Josh tied him up on the mat and playfully slapped him and was booed. Hendry hit an impressive delayed vertical suplex and got a nearfall at 4:00. Josh snapped the left arm over the top rope, then hit his flying crossbody block as Joe was in the ropes. In the ropes, Josh was now in charge and he kept Hendry grounded. Hendry finally hit a suplex at 8:00 and was fired up. Josh went for a missile dropkick, but Hendry side-stepped it, and Hendry hit a fallaway slam.

Joe hit a pop-up powerbomb for a nearfall. Josh rolled to the floor to regroup. They fought at ringside. Back in the ring, Josh nailed a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 10:30. Hendry hit a second-rope fallaway slam for a nearfall. They got up and traded forearms, and Hendry hit some European Uppercuts at 13:00. Josh applied an anklelock! The crowd chanted “We believe!” and Hendry crawled to the ropes. Josh hit a hard slap to the face and more forearms. Josh pushed Hendry into the ref! Hendry applied an anklelock at 15:30! Alexander tapped out and Hendry celebrated and let go, but of course we don’t have a referee.

Josh hit a low blow punt kick and he pulled down his straps. Hendry stood up and removed a protective cup. He slammed Josh to the mat and reapplied the anklelock, and Josh tapped out! That was very good. (How come men don’t always wear a cup, and how come they remove them once they successfully blocked a low blow, leaving them susceptible to another low blow?)

Joe Hendry defeated Josh Alexander at 16:51.

6. “ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. “The System” Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards (w/Alisha Edwards) for the TNA Tag Team Titles. Myers and Bey opened, and Myers knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. Ace entered and tied up Myers’ left arm. Bey hit a flip dive to the floor on Edwards at 3:00. Edwards hit some hard chops on the floor on Bey. In the ring, The System took control. Edwards stood on Bey’s back. Alisha choked Bey in the ropes at 5:00. Eddie hit a backbreaker over his knee. Ace was yanked off the apron so he couldn’t get the hot tag. Myers powerbombed Bey onto Eddie’s knees for a nearfall at 9:30. This one-sided beat-down went a bit too long. Bey finally hit an enzuigiri on Edwards, but Ace was again yanked off the apron. Ace tagged in at 11:30 and hit a huracanrana on Edwards.

Ace hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Myers, then a guillotine legdrop. He hit an enzuigiri on Edwards. Bey hit a second-rope double stunner on the heels, and Ace made the cover for a nearfall at 13:30. Eddie hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Bey for a nearfall. Ace hit a roundhouse kick to Eddie’s head. Myers hit a decapitating clothesline on Ace, and they were all down. Alicia tripped Bey! Eddie hit a Boston Knee Party and pinned Chris! New champions!

Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers defeated Chris Bey and Ace Austin to win the TNA Tag Team Titles at 15:17.

* An extensive video package aired before the next match, with a lot of NXT footage of Wendy Choo and Rosemary working together to attack Jordynne Grace.

7. Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo for the TNA Knockouts Title. Choo came out first, dressed in black and holding a black pillow. We had a tale of a tape; Jordynne at 5’3″ is actually taller than the 5’2″ Choo, and she definitely has a size and strength advantage. They went to the floor, where Grace hit a DDT. Choo hit a uranage onto the thin mat. Choo went to swing her pillow, but Jordynne’s grandma in the front row confiscated the pillow. In the ring, Choo was in charge. Choo hit a cartwheel-into-a-forearm in the corner at 3:00. She hit a basement dropkick as Grace was tied in the Tree of Woe and she got a nearfall.

They fought on the ropes, where Choo hit a headbutt at 5:00. She applied a Cobra Clutch, and they flipped to the mat; I’m not sure who got the worse of that. Grace got up and hit some bodyslams, then a rolling Death Valley Driver for a nearfall at 6:30. Grace nailed a Homicide-style Backslide Driver for a nearfall. Choo went for a sunset flip bomb but Grace blocked it. Choo hit a superplex and a brainbuster for a nearfall at 8:30. Grace nailed a pump-handle back suplex for a nearfall, with Choo landing on her head. Choo hit a uranage and applied a Cobra Clutch on the mat at 10:30. Grace rammed Choo’s head into the ring post to escape. Jordynne hit a standing powerbomb and a Juggernaut Driver for the pin. Good action but I never felt the winner was in doubt.

* Rosemary cme out of nowhere and hit a spear on Grace. Choo reapplied the sleeper on the mat on Grace.

Jordynne Grace defeated Wendy Choo to retain the TNA Knockouts Title at 11:06.

Santino Marella was seated in his office. Arianna Grace walked in! The long-awaited meeting is taking place. Santino jumped to his feet and hugged her. (I’m sure most fans know this is real-life father-and-daughter, but they never directly said it.) He noted she’s all grown up. (Has he not seen her?) “I’m very proud of you and glad that you’re here and we get to work together,” he said to her. “No shenanigans, no monkey business. I’m going to cry.”

Frankie Kazarian walked to the ring, looking like a rock star in his sharp jacket and sunglasses. He sat next to Hannifan at ringside, and Tom did not look amused.

8. Nic Nemeth vs. Moose for the TNA World Title. Moose immediately hit some shoulder thrusts to the stomach in the corner. Kazarian made some cutting remarks towards Hannifan. Nemeth hit a dropkick. Moose hit a bodyslam at 1:30. Nemeth hit a headbutt. Moose hit a D’Lo-style Sky High for a nearfall. He tossed Nemeth shoulder-first into the corner at 3:00, and he tied him in an abdominal stretch. Moose hit an impressive dropkick. Frankie talked about wanting to take the belt off Nemeth, saying “it’s personal.” They went to the floor, where Nemeth hit a backbody drop, and Moose crashed on the entrance ramp at 5:30.

They got back in the ring, where Moose hit a uranage for a nearfall and he was in charge. Nemeth low-bridged the top rope, and Moose fell to the floor. They fought at ringside, where Nemeth hit a huracanrana. Moose powerbombed Nemeth onto the ring apron at 8:00. They got back into the ring, where they traded punches, and they again fell to the floor. Nemeth hit a German Suplex on the floor at 10:00! (Moose was well-protected on that landing.) Moose powerbombed Nemeth through a table at ringside and the table absolutely exploded! He rolled Nemeth back into the ring. He set up for a spear but Nemeth sidestepped it. Nemeth hit an axe kick at 12:00 and they were both down.

Johnny “Dango” Curtis and Alisha Edwards ran to ringside to district Nemeth. Moose nailed a spear for a believable nearfall at 13:30. Alisha slid a title belt into the ring to Moose. Mike Santana came out of nowhere and confiscated it, and he argued at Moose, then he traded blows with Dango, as those two brawled to the back. Meanwhile, Nemeth hit the Danger Zone (Zig-zag) for a believable nearfall on Moose. They fought on the ropes, and MOose hit a superplex. He set up for a powerbomb but Nemeth turned it into another Danger Zone for a nearfall at 16:30, but Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers appeared and pulled the ref from the ring. Nemeth pleaded with the ref to not disqualify Moose, so instead, the ref ejected Edwards and Myers.

JBL appeared at ringside! He clotheslined Edwards and Myers and got a huge pop. He vanished just as quickly as he appeared. Moose hit a clothesline and a spear for a believable nearfall at 18:00. Moose hit some chops, and they traded blows. Nemeth hit a superkick. Moose hit a headbutt. Nemeth hit a clothesline, a superkick, and another Danger Zone for the pin. A really good match, even with all the outside interference down the stretch. Surprisingly, Kazarian never got involved. Nemeth celebrated with his title as the show went off the air.

Nic Nemeth defeated Moose to retain the TNA World Title at 19:38.

Final Thoughts: Some strong action from the matches you’d expect. I’ll go with Bailey-Wentz for best match, with the main event taking second, and Alexander-Hendry for third. The tag title match didn’t meet my expectations; eight minutes of a one-sided beatdown is a bit too long for me. The non-match in the PCO angle is the biggest disappointment; they still could have done a PCO-Cardona singles match. Grace and Hardys matches were both fine but lacked any suspense on who was winning.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. TNA >>> AEW

    I mean that’s common knowledge.

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