Live Pro Wrestling “Retro Slam” results: Vetter’s review of Tommy Dreamer vs. Channing Thomas vs. Anthony Greene for the Live Wrestling Title, Teddy Goodz vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin, Ichiban vs. TJ Crawford

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Live Pro Wrestling “Retro Slam”
August 25, 2024 in New Bedord, Massachusetts at Cisco Brewers
Streamed on the IndependentWrestling.TV

This show was recently posted on IWTV. This is an outdoor show on a beach, with the bay leading to the Atlantic Ocean in the background; I’ve seen a show here before. There are perhaps 200 people watching.

1. Love, Doug (w/heart mascot) vs. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball.) The ref did a “jump ball” to start the match, but Doug hit a low blow. Jermaine hit a shoulder tackle. Doug hit a bulldog for a nearfall, and he tied up Jermaine on the mat. Jermaine hit a running stunner at 4:30. The heart mascot grabbed Jermaine’s foot! Doug immediately got a rollup for the pin; he was trying to put his feet on the ropes but was actually a bit too far away to do it. Okay opener. TJ Crawford jumped in the ring and helped Doug beat down Jermaine. Ichiban made the save.

Love, Doug defeated Jermaine Marbury at 5:14. 

2. Ichiban vs. TJ Crawford. Two of my favorites are locking up here. Basic reversals early on. TJ took control and grounded Ichiban. He tied Ichiban in an abdominal stretch and got an assist from Doug. Crawford nailed a spin kick to the head, then a running Penalty Kick for a nearfall at 6:00. TJ reached for the ropes and to grab Doug’s hands to block a sunset flip; the ref kicked his hands away. Ichiban got the rollup for the pin. Basic, which to me, is a bit disappointing. These two definitely could have a show-stealer; this wasn’t that.

Ichiban defeated TJ Crawford at 7:12.

3. Davienne vs. Liviyah, with special referee Little Mean Kathleen. I saw the blonde 17-year-old Liviyah on a recent Live Wrestling show; the commentators said she is a second generation wrestler. Davienne is thicker and clearly stronger. They took turns playing to the crowd; the crowd loves Liviyah. Davienne tried to attack from behind but Liviyah blocked it and Liviyah hit a missile dropkick. They fought to the sand and over by a pier and were nearly counted out but got back in at 3:00.

Davienne took control and kept Liviyah grounded. She hit a Helluva Kick at 5:00. Davienne got a nearfall and she began arguing with ref LMK. Liviyah hit a senton and a second-rope doublestomp to the stomach for a nearfall at 7:00. Davienne hit a Mafia Kick and a legdrop move for a nearfall, and she barked more at LMK. LMK bit Davienne’s fingers! Liviyah immediately hit a stunner for the pin.

Liviyah defeated Davienne at 7:45.

Brett Ryan Gosselin came to the ring. He’s a former champion here, but lost the belt to Tommy Dreamer. He said this is a “crap hole town” and of course was booed. He made an open challenge!

4. Teddy Goodz vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin. Goodz is continuing on his retirement tour. Goodz is far more muscular and has a weight advantage. BRG jawed at the crowd at the bell. Goodz knocked him down, and BRG rolled to the sand to stall. Goodz followed and he chopped BRG in front of the fans. Goodz hit a running clothesline and threw BRG back into the ring at 4:30. However, BRG kicked the ropes to crotch Goodz, and he got a nearfall.

Goodz hit an enzuigiri; BRG hit a superkick and a Flatliner for a nearfall at 6:30. Goodz threw BRG from the top rope to the mat. He hit a decapitating clothesline. BRG hit a low blow kick when the ref was out of position, then a swinging neckbreaker for a believable nearfall at 9:00. BRG choked Goodz but let go before being disqualified. Goodz hit a superkick; BRG hit one. BRG came off the ropes, but Goodz caught him with a stunner and scored the pin. Good match; easily best of the show so far.

Teddy Goodz defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 10:23.

5. Bobby Orlando vs. Tyree Taylor. Tyree (think Willie Mack-meets-Shane Taylor) has a size advantage, and I’m a big fan. Orlando is the Cabana-style comedy wrestler who is beloved here. An intense lockup to open, and Tyree shoved Orlando to the corner. Orlando dropkicked Tyree off the apron to the sand. In the ring, Orlando hit a shotgun dropkick. Tyree hit a stunner and he worked over Bobby in the ropes. Tyree hit a running splash, then a uranage at 4:30 for a nearfall.

Bobby hit some superkicks and a bodyslam that popped the crowd, and he got a nearfall. Tyree hit a powerslam and a running knee for a nearfall at 6:30. Bobby hit a second-rope flying stunner for a nearfall. One of Tyree’s cornermen distracted Orlando. Tyree immediately hit a discus clothesline and a Brooklyn Bomb (sit-out powerbomb) for the tainted pin. Good action.

Tyree Taylor defeated Bobby Orlando at 7:44.

6. “Waves & Curls” Jaelyn Brandon and Traevon Jordan vs. “Perfect Strangers” Steven Lust and AJP. Lust looks like a shorter Elias/Elijah. AJP and the shorter Jaelyn opened, with Jaelyn hitting a dropkick. Jordan entered and hit a running splash in the corner. Jordan chopped Lust, and W&C worked Lust over. Perfect Strangers began working over Jaelyn. Jordan got a hot tag and hit a sit-out powerbomb at 7:00. PF hit a team back suplex for a nearfall. Lust accidentally kicked AJP, sending him to the sand! Jordan immediately hit a chokeslam to pin Lust. Entertaining.

“Waves & Curls” Jaelyn Brandon and Traevon Jordan defeated “Perfect Strangers” Steven Lust and AJP at 8:21.

7. Gal Barkay vs. DJ Powers. These two are both usually heels, so we’ll see how this goes. Teenager DJ Powers (think NXT’s Kale Dixon) came out first and he has a tiara on his head and jawed at the fans, so he’s clearly a heel. Gal is the de facto babyface. Gal is just coming off a body-building competition and he’s bigger and thicker, and he shoved DJ to the mat to open, and DJ stalled outside the ring. Back in the ring, Gal hit some shoulder tackles and remained in charge. DJ hit a standing neckbreaker at 6:00 and was in charge. Gal hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. DJ hit a superkick. Gal nailed a spinebuster for a nearfall at 8:30, then a chokeslam. He set up for a delayed vertical suplex, but DJ escaped, got a rollup with a handful of trunks, and scored the cheap pin. Good match.

DJ Powers defeated Gal Barkay at 9:07.

8. Tommy Dreamer vs. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) vs. Anthony Greene for the Live Wrestling Title. Greene is a babyface here; Channing is ALWAYS a heel. Of course, champion Dreamer also is a babyface, and he brought a kendo stick to the ring. He wore a TNA shirt that read “We’re FXcking back!” Channing and Sidney came out last, and Bakabella got on the mic. Channing wore denim short-shorts. All three locked up at the bell. Channing rolled to the sand and let Greene and Dreamer trade friendly reversals. The babyfaces hit bionic elbows on Channing at 3:30; Greene went for the pin, which annoyed Dreamer. The babyfaces hit a team elbow drop; Dreamer went for a cover, which annoyed Greene. (They do understand it’s every man for himself, right?)

Channing hit a double clothesline, and he stomped on Greene, then on Tommy. He kicked off the denim shorts and he has regular wrestling trunks on. He whipped Greene into the corner at 6:00. Those two rolled to the sand and fought. Back in the ring,, Greene hit a top-rope crossbody block on Channing. Tommy hit a stunner on Greene for a nearfall at 8:00. They did a tower spot out of the corner and they were all down. They began trading rollups. Greene hit a superkick on Dreamer. Bakabella tossed a chair to Channing, who opened it in the ring. He hit a drop-toe-hold that sent Tommy crashing onto the chair at 11:00.

Dreamer did a slingshot to send Channing into a chair in the corner, then he hit a DDT for a nearfall, but Sidney jumped in the ring and hit Tommy! The babyfaces surrounded Bakabella, and Greene had the kendo stick! Tommy ripped off Sidney’s whig, and Greene hit Sidney with the kendo stick to the gut! Channing hit a piledriver on Dreamer. However, Greene hit his second-rope Unprettier face plant on Channing and scored the pin on Thomas! New champion! A good way to have Dreamer lose the belt without factoring in the decision. Tommy initially seemed upset, but then he hugged Greene.

Anthony Greene defeated Tommy Dreamer and Channing Thomas to win the Live Wrestling Title at 12:38. 

Final Thoughts: A merely okay show. On paper, looking at the lineup, Ichiban-TJ Crawford should have been the best match, but instead they were just an undercard match that wasn’t designed to steal the show. So, I’ll go with Goodz-Gosselin for best match, Gal-Powers for second and Tyree-Orlando for third. The main event was solid and it allowed Dreamer to be in there but really not asked to do much either.


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