Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Joe Hendry and Mike Santana vs. Moose and JDC, Jordynne Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic for the Knockouts Title, Eric Young vs. Jake Something, Kushida vs. Laredo Kid

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

The System’s opening segment: Don’t look now, but Alisha Edwards has become the woman that TNA fans love to hate. Her heel mic work is solid and the boos seem to get louder with each new taping. The rest of the segment was fairly routine, but I like that they gave a hook for the main event by having Moose say that JDC would be added to the group if they won the tag team match or would be left on the outside if the lost the match.

Joe Hendry and Mike Santana vs. Moose and JDC: Josh Alexander interfering in the match gave the babyfaces an out for losing. The main event had star power and was also made more interesting by the JDC stipulation. JDC adds something to The System, so it’s good to see him become an official member of the heel faction. The post match promo from Nic Nemeth to set up his title match with Moose was well delivered. Where was this strong Nemeth mic work during his Dolph Ziggler years?

Matt Cardona and Steph De Lander: Nice mic work from both wrestlers. Cardona using a personal services contract to make his claim that De Lander is his property resulted in a good heat and made De Lander sympathetic. The only negative of the segment was that it ended on a flat note with PCO coming out to confront Cardona, who hid behind De Lander and then shoved her into PCO while he made his escape.

Jordynne Grace vs. Karmen Petrovic for the Knockouts Title: A decent match. TNA and its wrestlers are getting good exposure from the working agreement with NXT. Meanwhile, the NXT wrestlers are gaining valuable experience by working with pros such as Grace while working outside the WWE Performance Center. I hope the situation with Rosemary gets more interesting. The NXT exposure is nice, but it feels like her stock is actually down at the moment after taking two quick losses on NXT television while not getting any promo time. Given Rosemary’s relationship with Wendy Choo, one can only assume that the pillow left in the ring was meant to imply that Choo attacked Grace after the match. The broadcast team was laying it on pretty thick with all the talk about Grace potentially wearing down from all of the open challenges and her busy schedule. It came off like they were building up a good excuse for Grace for an upcoming title change.

Zachary Wentz and Mike Bailey vs. Jason Hotch and John Skyler: A Hit from a match quality standpoint. It was a disappointing to see Hotch right back in Good Hands mode coming out of his appearance in Ultimate X. And I actually like the Good Hands as a tag team, but TNA books them as scrubs and there’s no mystery regarding the outcome of 95 percent of their matches.

Kushida vs. Laredo Kid: I was looking forward to this match, but it turned out to be an angle with Josh Alexander attacking Kid. This led to another angle with Josh Alexander showing off his mean streak by putting Kushida down with a C4 Spike and winning their impromptu match. It was a good bounce back week for Alexander following his loss do Nic Nemeth in the Iron Man match.

TNA Impact Misses

None: This was not a home run show despite the lack of Misses, but it was a good, solid double.


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