AEW Collision results (9/6): Powell’s live review of The Elite vs. Bryan Danielson, Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta, Continental Contenders matches

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Collision (Episode 61)
Chicago, Illinois at NOW Arena
Aired live September 6, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness checked in on commentary and recapped footage of Hangman Page setting Swerve Strickland’s childhood home on fire at the end of Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite. Schiavone said the Page vs. Swerve match will be a lights out steel cage match. A shot aired of the cage hanging above the ring…

Schiavone and McGuinness spoke at ringside. McGuinness said AEW could not be held responsible and therefore the cage match is an unsanctioned match…

Footage aired of Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir arriving earlier in the day. McGuinness said Moxley would make a statement verbally or physically during the show. The broadcast team also hyped Rampage and the AEW All Out countdown special airing after Collision… The broadcast team ran through the All Out lineup and then listed some of the matches for Collision…

Powell’s POV: I love that AEW wasted no time in recapping the big angle at the end of Dynamite. I have mixed feelings on the arson angle, but once they made the call to do it, they should absolutely make it feel like a major happening.

Ring announcer Arkady Aura tried to deliver the introductions for the opening match, but Lance Archer attacked Mark Briscoe from behind on the stage and then roughed him up at ringside…

1. Mark Briscoe vs. Lance Archer in a Continental Contenders match for a spot in the AEW Continental Championship four-way match at AEW All Out. Briscoe bled heavily from the forehead after he was run into the barricade. Briscoe battled back and used a chair as a launchpad to dive from the ring onto Archer on the floor. Back inside the ring, Archer also bled before hitting a spinebuster heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Briscoe jumped from the apron and performed a neckbreaker on the floor. Back in the ring, Briscoe hoisted up Archer and performed a Death Valley Driver. Briscoe went up top and hit Froggy Bow. Briscoe pointed to the sky while making the cover and only got a two count.

Briscoe set up for a Jay Driller, but Archer stuffed it. Briscoe threw forearms and chops at Archer, who then caught him with a big boot. Archer chokeslammed Briscoe and then hit him with a Buckle Bomb. Archer slammed Briscoe and got a two count.

Archer set up for a superplex, but Briscoe fought out of it and then bit Archer’s head before knocking him off the ropes. Briscoe hit Froggy Bow and tried to cover Archer, who sat up and flipped him off. Briscoe hit a sliding lariat and hit a third Froggy Bow and then got the three count…

Mark Briscoe defeated Lance Archer in 12:40 to earn a spot in the four-way for the AEW Continental Title at AEW All Out.

Powell’s POV: A nice back and forth brawl. Jake Barnett (who is covering Smackdown on the main page) and I both picked the babyfaces to win the qualifying matches, but I thought there was a small chance that they would put Archer over to add another heel to the match while also setting up a future ROH Championship match. That said, no complaints about Briscoe qualifying or the match.

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith delivered a backstage promo. Jericho said The Conglomeration faction is a well-oiled machine. He said each person is an important cog in the machine. Jericho said Tomohiro Ishii is one of his favorite opponents and he would like to face him again but now is not the right time. Bill said time must run out for every man. “Especially this one,” Keith added. The camera showed Ishii lying on the ground in front of the trio with a chair wrapped around his neck. “And then there were three,” McGuinness said on commentary…

The Grizzled Young Veterans made their entrance while their opponents were already inside the ring…

2. “The Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake vs. “Iron Savages” Bronson and Boulder (w/Jacked Jameson). Gibson and Drake targeted the knee of Boulder. The Savages came back briefly. Boulder had Bronson on his shoulders when Drake clipped his knee.

The Vets cleared Boulder from the ring, and then Bronson dumped Drake to the floor. Drake returned to the apron and tagged in, which led to a double team Hot Shot on Boulder. The Vets followed up with their Grit Your Teeth finisher and then Drake covered Boulder for the win.

“The Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake defeated “Iron Savages” Bronson and Boulder in 3:15.

After the match, “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler made their entrance in non-wrestling attire. FTR entered the ring and brawled with the Vets. Gibson was cleared from the ring. FTR set up for their finisher, but Gibson pulled Drake out of the ring. Jameson tried to celebrate with FTR, who hit him with a Shatter Machine…

Powell’s POV: A good spotlight match for the Vets followed by FTR dominating them in a brief brawl. I’m looking forward to seeing the teams meet in a tag team match. By the way, I should clarify that Jake and I both picked Konosuke Takeshita to beat The Beast Mortos. I mentioned earlier that we picked the babyfaces to win the qualifiers, but technically neither guy has been working as a babyface.

A video package aired on Will Ospreay and Pac, who will meet for the AEW International Championship at All Out… [C]

Backstage, Lexi Nair interviewed Orange Cassidy, who said he would go to the ring and punch Bryan Keith in the face. Cassidy said he would win the AEW Continental Championship and put it inside his backpack next to the $7,000 in cash (he said he would pay Jericho that amount for ruining his jacket if Keith can beat him). Cassidy made his entrance and then Keith came out alone…

3. Orange Cassidy vs. Bryan Keith in a Continental Contenders match for a spot in the AEW Continental Championship four-way match at AEW All Out. Cassidy removed two t-shirts, put on an elbow brace, removed his shades, and then tied the drawstring on his pants.

Keith ducked the punch that Cassidy said he would hit him with, but Cassidy dropkicked him to ringside and then hit him with three suicide dives. Cassidy ran Keith into the barricade multiple times. Keith tried to run Cassidy into the steps, but Cassidy stuffed it. Keith headbutted Cassidy and then slammed his right hand on top of the ring steps twice before a PIP break. [C]

Keith put Cassidy on the top turnbuckle and hit him with a headbutt. Keith went to the second rope. Cassidy threw elbows at Keith and shoved him off the ropes. Keith stuffed a DDT attempt and then hit an exploder suplex. Keith followed up with a Michinoku Driver for a two count.

Cassidy caught Keith in an inside cradle for a two count. Cassidy tried to hoist up Keith for a move, but he sold his hand. Cassidy hit Stundog Millionaire and then Beach Break for a near fall. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Keith stuffed it and picked up a near fall of his own.

Keith lowered his knee pad and charged Cassidy, who hit him with the Orange Punch. Cassidy put Keith down with a DDT and then went up top and hit a second DDT that resulted in the three count. Cassidy sold his hand injury afterward…

Orange Cassidy defeated Bryan Keith in 11:15 to earn a spot in the four-way for the AEW Continental Title at AEW All Out.

Chris Jericho stood backstage in front of Orange Cassidy’s dressing room. Jericho said he wasn’t getting his $7,000, so he was going to take something from him. Jericho held up Cassidy’s backpack and said he intended to keep it until Cassidy gives him the money. Jericho threatened to take a pair of scissors to the backpack… [C]

Powell’s POV: No, not a backpack!!! Good lord. Sure, Cassidy wears the backpack, but I don’t recall him ever playing it up as being special enough to him that he couldn’t just go buy a new one. The Cassidy vs. Keith match was more competitive than I anticipated and featured good work from both men. I’m still trying to figure out why they decided to bring back the story of Cassidy ruining Jericho’s jacket several years ago. I just hope it’s not leading to Mimosa Mayhem 2.

TBS Champion Mercedes Mone and Kamille were interviewed by Nair in the backstage area. Nair mentioned Kamille being banned from ringside during Mone’s title match with Hikaru Shida at All Out. Mone questioned why Christopher Daniels was getting involved in her business. Mone said Kamille might be banned on Saturday, but she’s not tonight…

The Outrunners and Erica Leigh made their entrance while their opponents were already inside the ring…

4. “The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd (w/Erica Leigh) vs. Davey Bang and August Matthews. McGuinness noted that the Outrunners had yet to win a television match in AEW and questioned whether this could be the night. The Outrunners hit Total Recall on Matthews and got the three count.

“The Outrunners” Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd defeated Davey Bang and August Matthews in 2:15.

The Outrunners and Leigh had an over the top post match celebration…

Powell’s POV: The crowd had some fun with the Outrunners winning, but it felt like the company could have gotten more out of this by having them beat one of the rostered undercard teams as opposed to making it obvious by booking them to beat an enhancement duo.

Renee Paquette conducted a sit-down interview with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander heading into their Chicago Street Fight at All Out. Paquette asked Statlander why she turned on her best friend. Statlander said she gave Willow a shot at the TBS Title. Statlander said no one was there for her when she lost the belt. Statlander said she never got a rematch for the title and then Willow won the belt.

Willow spoke about how hard she worked and said she was there for Statlander, who said Willow could have given her a title shot. Willow asked if Stokely Hathaway was in Statlander’s ear the whole time. Willow said the only thing that matters now is making Statlander pay. Statlander said she’s happy it’s a street fight because she can give Willow physical scars to go along with the emotional scars…

Konosuke Takeshita made his entrance for the final Continental Contenders match, and then The Beast Mortos made his entrance…

[Hour Two]

5. Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Beast Mortos in a Continental Contenders match for a spot in the AEW Continental Championship four-way match at AEW All Out. Don Callis sat in on commentary and said Mortos appears to have no flaws and would be a great challenge for Takeshita. Schiavone said Callis could not be at ringside on Saturday due to the rules of the Continental Title matches.

Takeshita and Mortos fought on the mat. Takeshita bit the head/mask of Mortos and then superplexed him heading into a PIP break. [C] Takeshita hit a German suplex. Mortos no-sold it. Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Both men ended up back on the ropes. Mortos slammed Takeshita to the mat and covered him for a near fall. Takeshita dodged a charging Mortos and suplexed him. Mortos ducked a clothesline and came right back with a spear for a one count. In the end, Takeshita hit Raging Fire and scored the pin.

Konosuke Takeshita beat The Beast Mortos in 12:00 to earn a spot in the four-way for the AEW Continental Title at AEW All Out.

After the match, Callis headed to the ring and hugged Takeshita…

Powell’s POV: Another well worked match. Ideally, they would have made one of the qualifiers less competitive to shake things up, but I know the match junkies will disagree. So, as expected, the match will be Kazuchika Okada vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita in a four-way for the AEW Continental Championship at All Out.

Backstage, Saraya and Harley Cameron cut a promo on Jamie Hayter… [C]

AEW Women’s Champion Mariah May delivered a backstage promo and teased having her championship celebration… Entrances for the women’s match took place…

6. Hikaru Shida vs. Deonna Purrazzo. Shida used an early backslide to get a two count. Purrazzo came back and ran Shida’s head into the middle turnbuckle pad heading into a PIP break. [C] A graphic plugged MxM Collection vs. House of Black for Rampage.

Purrazzo caught Shida in an armbar. Shida escaped the hold and was powerbombed by Purrazzo, who got a two count. Later, Shida hit a falcon arrow for a near fall. Shida followed up with a Katana kick and scored the pin.

Hikaru Shida defeated Deonna Purrazzo in 9:25.

After the match, Mercedes Mone came out and did her dance on the stage before walking to the ring. Kamille entered the ring behind Shida and dropped her with a forearm from behind. Mone entered the ring and picked up Shida’s kendo stick. Mone swung the stick at Shida, who ducked it, causing Mone to hit Kamille with it. Shida put Mone down and then cleared Kamille from the ring. Shida stuffed a Backstabber and then hit Mone with a Katana….

Powell’s POV: The heavy underdog challenger for the TBS Title worked a competitive match the night before the show. A squash match, sure, but I’m not sure how Shida looking like anything other than a world beater was going to increase interest in her match with Mone. Fortunately, the post match angle made Shida look stronger than the latest back and forth match did.

Backstage, “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler were interviewed by Alicia Atout. Harwood said the Grizzled Young Veterans remind him of a less talented and not as good looking FTR. Harwood challenged the Vets to a match on next week’s Collision… [C]

Lexi Nair interviewed “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens, who were accompanied by Billy Gunn. Caster showed off his “Best Wrestler Alive” jacket. “MxM Collection” Mason Madden and Mansoor showed up. They tried to do the “just the tip” bit, but Gunn grabbed their fingers…

Entrances for the eight-man tag match took place with the babyfaces coming out first followed by The Elite…

7. Bryan Danielson, Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. “The Elite” Jack Perry, Kazuchuka Okada, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson in an eight-man tag match. Danielson and Okada were going to start the match, which drew “holy shit” chants. Perry tagged in to face Danielson instead, which drew boos.

Castagnoli draped Matthew over the top rope. Danielson tagged in, went up top, and dropped a knee on Matthew. Pac tagged in and hit a standing moonsault on Matthew and had the pin, but the other Elite members broke it up. The babyfaces hit the ring and ended up hitting simultaneous punches on The Elite members while the crowd chanted along. Danielson grabbed Perry’s arms to stomp him, but Perry’s teammates pulled him to the floor. [C]

With Danielson down at ringside, The Elite draped Pac, Castagnoli, and Yuta over the ropes and then Nicholas hit them all with a Swanton. Pac battled back and hit a backbreaker on Nicholas and then made a hot tag to Castagnoli, who cleaned house on the heels.

Castagnoli and Yuta hit a Hart Attack clothesline on Matthew. Castagnoli set up for a Giant Swing on Matthew, but Nicholas superkicked Castagnoli to stop it. A short time later, Castagnoli and Okada ended up in the ring together. A weary Castagnoli suplexed Okada.

Danielson and Perry tagged in. Danielson worked over Perry with punches and a series of kicks. Perry returned the favor by throwing knees and punches at Danielson before telling the live crowd that he will be the world champion. Danielson put Perry down with a running elbow strike.

There was a series of rapid fire spots involving each of the wrestlers that concluded with Perry turning Pac inside out with a clothesline and then Danielson hitting Perry with a missile dropkick. Danielson threw kicks at a kneeling Perry.

[Rampage] Schiavone transitioned to Rampage and the screen went dark for a second while the match continued. Perry caught a distracted Danielson with a missile dropkick. Yuta tagged in and ate a dropkick from Okada. Yuta ducked a Rainmaker and then ate a double superkick from the Bucks.

Okada hit Yuta with a tombstone piledriver, but the other babyfaces ran in to break up the pin attempt that followed. Several wrestlers were cleared to the floor. Okada ran the ropes and teased a dive before flipping off the fans and the hard camera. Pac cleared Okada from the ring with kicks and then hit a give dive onto Okada and Perry on the floor. Perry grabbed his head and his hip.

Pac hit a springboard 450 splash on Okada for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Danielson and Okada ended up in the ring and traded strikes. Yuta held Okada while Danielson played to the crowd and then hit Okada with a missile dropkick.

Danielson stood on the back of Okada’s legs and drove his knees into the mat. Pac tagged in and dropped Okada with an uppercut that led to a two count heading into a break. [C] Graphics listed Queen Aminata in action, and the MxM vs. House of Black tag match for later in Rampage.

Castagnoli Pac, and Yuta hit tombstone piledrivers on Okada and the Bucks while Danielson stood guard as Perry watched from ringside. Castagnoli and Yuta hit a suplex and crossbody block combo on Nicholas for a near fall. Perry returned and took a cheap shot. Danielson chased Perry out of the ring and then to the back.

The Bucks hit the EVP Trigger on Yuta, but Pac broke up the pin. Okada DDT’d Pac on the floor. The Bucks set up for a Meltzer Driver on Yuta, but Castagnoli broke it up and performed the Giant Swing on Nicholas. Yuta dropkicked Nicholas to end the Swing and then covered him for the three count…

Bryan Danielson, Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta defeated “The Elite” Jack Perry, Kazuchuka Okada, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson in 28:50 in an eight-man tag match.

Powell’s POV: A hot main event that showcased three different pay-per-view matches. I like the call to have Yuta pin one of the Bucks to help make him and Castagnoli look strong heading into their rushed AEW Tag Team Title match with the Bucks.

Overall, too many back and forth matches with too many near falls for my taste, but a better than usual go-home edition of Collision. I just wonder how many people actually saw it with Smackdown and the second NFL game of the season running against Collision.

I’m checking out and Don Murphy will be by with his review of the rest of AEW Rampage shortly after the show concludes. I will be back later tonight with my audio review of Collision with notes on Rampage. Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons), who will also hear Jake Barnett’s same night audio review of Smackdown. The members will also hear Jake and I team up for our same night audio review of AEW All Out on Saturday. Let me know what you thought of Collision by grading it below.

Join me for my live review of AEW All Out on Saturday.

AEW Collision Poll: Grade the September 6 All Out go-home show edition free polls
AEW Collision Poll: Grade the September 6 All Out go-home show edition free polls


Readers Comments (4)

  1. Maybe Cassidy’s Backpack has his pet gerbil’s name written on it. That could make it the focus of a red hot angle.

  2. So nothing from Moxley?

  3. Didn’t Cassidy say the money was in the backpack?

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