Trailer for the Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Netflix has released a trailer for the “Mr. McMahon” documentary.

Powell’s POV: A strong trailer that shows it will not be ignoring the Janel Grant lawsuit. We’ll find out to what degree that lawsuit is covered when the six-part series is released September 25 on Netflix.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Wonder if it will include comments regarding the virtue-signaling hypocrites who act holier-than-thou about everyone else, yet never stopped watching WWE programming owned by this guy who had MANY sexual allegations leveled against him, including a RAPE, and paid all the women off?
    Also, to all here who fit the above description, enjoy making money for that guy by watching this. Hypocrisy runs rampant in todays society.

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