ROH on HonorClub results (8/22): Robinson’s review of Mark Briscoe vs. The Beast Mortos for the ROH Title, Dustin Rhodes, The Von Erichs, and Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 78)
Taped July 28, 2024 in Arlington, Texas at Esports Stadium Arlington
Streamed August 22, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The show opened with a quick recap of Collision and Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara capturing the ROH World Tag Team Titles…

Robinson’s Ruminations: This happening on Collision still annoys me. These are ROH championships and this should have happened on ROH.

1. Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich vs. “The Kingdom” Matt Taven and Mike Bennett and “Dark Order” Alex Reynolds and John Silver (w/Evil Uno). No entrances for anyone in this one, we went right to the ring. After a quick staredown with everyone, there was a quadruple Iron Claw applied to the heels, and the action spilled to all sides of the ringside area and everyone brawled on the outside. Back in the ring finally, Ross and Reynolds started the match and Ross landed a dropkick. Marshall tagged in and hit a drop kick of his own.

Silver tagged in and kicked Marshall and posed and walked right into a big lariat. Dustin tagged in but Silver pushed him into the heel corner and tagged in Bennett. Bennett walked into Dustin’s signature offense. Dustin got pushed back into the corner again and Uno grabbed a leg. Taven hit Just the Tip and got a two count on Dustin. The heels argued about who was tagging who but still kept Dustin from getting a tag. Silver hit an elbow drop and got a two count. Bennett locked in a chinlock and Dustin powered out only to walk right into a dropkick.

Taven tagged in and hit a Russian leg sweep and a Lionsault for a two count. Reynolds hit a springboard elbow drop for a two count. Reynolds threw Dustin out of the ring to Uno and goaded Sammy off the apron. After the reset after the cheating Dustin hit his snap powerslam for a double down. Dustin made Reynolds and Taven run into each other and then hit Reynolds with a bulldog and got the tag to Sammy. Samm hit a top rope crossbody and a running elbow. Bennett got cleared and Sammy hit Reynolds with a no look cutter.

Sammy went up top and hit a swanton only for Marshall to hit a beautiful moonsault for a broken up nearfall. The match broke down a bit and then all the faces hit all the heels with shattered dreams. The faces called for the Iron Claw but Uno slid in with a chair only for the ref to clear him, and the heels to hit low blows on all the faces. Everyone hit a big strike on the last man ending with Marshall muffing a lariat. Marshall got hit with Taven’s disaster kick and a small portion of the Dark Order combo for a two count.

Things broke down on the outside and Taven hit a big dive on everyone, then Sammy teased a dive. Reynolds cut off the dive but then got back body dropped over the top by Sammy onto the pile. Sammy hit a twisting dive onto the pile. Back in the ring, Silver rolled up Marshall for a two count and then blocked an Iron Claw attempt. Silver then got locked into an Iron Claw and hit with a spinning Iron Claw powerslam for the three count…

Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Ross Von Erich, and Marshall Von Erich defeated Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: This didn’t follow the normal formula and I’m glad for that. The Iron Claw powerslam move at the end was pretty cool and a nice update to the claw for where wrestling is these days.

Mark Briscoe backstage cut a promo on Mortos. His word of the day was multitudes. Briscoe said he wasn’t going to excuse getting pinned by Mortos, but said he’s sealed his fate and he’s got an ass whooping coming.

2. “Cage of Agony” Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona vs. Serpentico, Fuego Del Sol y Atlantis Jr. Serpentico hit a satellite DDT and Liona stuffed it and hit a huge cross body block on the little luchador. Kaun in and hit a senton splash for a two count. Kuan got rolled up for a two count and Serpentico tagged out to Fuego who hit a top rope flying head scissors and a standing moonsault press. Fuego hit an enziguri on Liona who stuffed it and got popped up into a powerbomb by Kaun for a two count. Cage hit a scoop slam and leg drop on Fuego for a two count. Cage curled Fuego and tossed him over his head.

Fuego got flipped onto the ropes and bounced off in a crazy spot. Liona picked up Fuego and kneed him a bunch and hit a backbreaker for a two count, then choked him for the five count. Kaun came in with an outside in senton for a two count. Serpentico finally popped back up off the floor as Kaun locked in an arm bar. Fuego fought out and hit a neckbreaker for a double down. Atlantis got the hot tag and after some movement reversals hit a flying head scissors and made Liona splash cage in the corner and then cleared Gates from the ring.

Cage dropped his head and ate a boot and a snap powerslam for a two count. Atlantis hit a rolling cutter and tagged in Serpentico as he and Fuego splashed Gates at ringside. Serpentico hit a top rope splash on Cage for a two count. Serpentico got hit with a press slam by Cage. Things broke down and everyone hit a big move on the last man ending with a Liona shoulder block on Atlantis. Gates tried Enter the Gates but Atlantis flipped out and hit a flying head scissors and dumped Gates to ringside again. Cage hit a pop up powerbomb and a knee to Atlantis. Serpentico dove at Cage and got hit with Drill Claw for the pinfall…

“Cage of Agony” Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona defeated the Luchador Trio by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Pretty formula six-man tag match. For a Cage of Agony match, it was a little slow down the middle. Atlantis doesn’t have half the speed and grace of Fuego and it was really shown here in this match.

Backstage “MxM Collection” Mason Madden and Mansoor said they had great news. They said they were wrestling tonight and were going to win. Then two dudes in bear furs and war paint came in to sniff them. We learned that those fur clad men are Pillars of Destiny…

3. Abadon vs. Alejandra Lion. No televised entrance for Lion, who didn’t adhere the code of honor because she didn’t want to mess up her outfit. Abadon knocked her down and made her shake hands. Abadon missed a splash in the corner and walked into a pair of superkicks. Abadon seemed to snap back to life and hit a neckbreaker. Abadon hit a Gory special jaw jacker style move and then Black Dahlia for the pinfall.

Abadon defeated Alejandra Lion by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A squash match to give the challenger momentum. Nothing here.

The generic All In commercial aired…

4. “MxM Collection” Mansoor and Mason Madden vs. “Pillars of Destiny” Hunter Grey and Parviz. No televised entrance for Pillars, but they did forearm each other when they got announced. The Pillars tried to bite the tip of MxM on the code of honor. The Pillars started grunting and I’m not sure if the crowd responded or it just echoed in the arena. Mansoor locked in a side headlock only to get his hand bit. Mansoor tried a leapfrog only to get caught and dumped, but then he hit a dropkick. MxM hit some tandem moves including an ugly springboard elbow from Madden.

MxM hit a double elbow drop. Pillars tagged out with forearms to the chin and one suplexed the other onto Mansoor. Pillars tagged out again and locked in a bear hug. Mansoor fought out and hit an enzuigiri and pushed Pillars into each other. Madden hit a shoulder block on both Pillars and hit them with elbows. Pillars tried a chokeslam but Madden fought it off and chokeslammed the both of them. Mansoor dove onto Pillars at ringside and then walked all the way up the ramp to the stage to pose. They ran down the ramp and speared Pillars. Back in the ring, MxM hit Centerfold (an assisted double underhook DDT) for the pinfall…

“MxM Collection” Mansoor and Mason Madden defeated “Pillars of Destiny” Hunter Grey and Parviz by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: MxM works well in the ring and are pretty over with the Texas crowd, for whatever that’s worth. The Tips thing is really catching on as they touched tips with fans on their way up the ramp. The Pillars are on the other side of the fashion spectrum are a mix of old War Machine and Bruiser Brody, and that’s not a bad thing. I’d like to see more of them, but it’s really hard to be the tough, rugged brutes and then come back from a loss like this.

A Lee Moriarty and Shane Taylor promo aired that was filmed last week. Moriarty said Action Andretti was a victim of his Pure Renaissance. Taylor said to be the leader he needs to be he needs gold too. Taylor said he’s got a hurt shoulder and told Mark Briscoe to get the title warm for him…

5. Angelico vs. Aaron Solo in a Pure Rules match. The judges were Paul Wight, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels. Solo set some money down on the table in front of the judges as he made his entrance. Angelico started with some arm work but Solo got a headlock takeover. Angelico picked the ankle and locked in some sort of banana split style move and made Solo use his first rope break. Angelico locked in a calf crusher with a pick on the other ankle too and Solo used his second rope break to get out.

The wrestlers traded sweeping nearfalls. Angelico slithered up to his feet and Solo blasted him with a closed fist punch and got told that was his last one. Angelico locked in a sleeper and Solo used his last rope break to get out. Solo hit a spinning roundhouse kick and got a two count. Solo locked in a chin lock but Angelico fought out, but got into an argument with the ref about a closed fist or not, and Solo hit a slam for a two count. Angelico hit a kick and locked in his death lock style finishing hold. Solo grabbed the ropes immediately but there was no escape and he tapped out…

Angelico defeated Aaron Solo by submission in a Pure Rules match.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A fine little pure rules match. I guess this means Angelico is the next victim for the Pure Rules Renaissance.

6. Trish Adora (w/Carlie Bravo, Shawn Dean) vs. Erica Leigh. As Trish did some arm work she used a chicken wing to make Leigh salute. Trish hit a snapmare and used a bow and arrow to do the splits on Leigh. Trish rolled Leigh up for a two count and saluted at her. Leigh tried to chop her but Trish ate it and chopped Leigh down. Trish hit a black hole backbreaker. Trish hit a nasty looking release german and then Lariat Tubman for the three count…

Trish Adora defeated Erica Leigh by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I expected an Outrunners run-in due to The Infantry being at ringside, but it never happened. This was a squash match through and through.

Lance Archer and “The Righteous” Vincent and Dutch delivered a backstage promo. Vincent said it’s been so long since he’s heard his voice on ROH. He said those that wear masks hide their evil. Dutch said something about fear and paper men. Archer came in and said “Everyone Dies”. Vincent said they have already reached nirvana…

Robinson’s Ruminations: An old school Wyatt Family style rambling promo from The Righteous and Archer. Ok, It’s better than yet another squash match.

7. Komander (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. KM. No televised entrance for KM. KM used the code of honor to squeeze the hand of Komander. Komander used his speed to avoid KM for a bit before he tried a springboard and ran right into a shoulder block. KM Biel tossed Komander across the ring. KM locked in a stretch muffler but Komander got to the ropes and pulled himself up and hit a flying head scissors. KM hit a big boot and a splash in the corner. Komander hit a springboard senton to the back of the neck and a superkick. Komander hit a springboard splash to the back and went up top. Komader hit his rope walk shooting star for the pinfall…

Komander defeated KM by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was a fun squash match, and exactly how you let a smaller man beat a bigger man in a fashion that is believable.

Another All In commercial focusing on the top matches…

8. EJ Nduka vs. Deonn Russman. Nuduka had to duck under the video screen at the top of the stage as he made his entrance because he’s so tall. No televised entrance for Russman. Nduka leapfrogged Russman who’s 6’3″ and hit a shoulder block. Russman backed Nduka in the corner only to get it turned around and hit with a bunch of punches. Nduka hit a tossing suplex and then another one. Nduka hit a stinger splash. Russman slipped out of a suplex and a shoulder block in the corner and some kicks and punches. Russman pulled the arm against the ropes and then missed a splash. Nduka hit some big clotheslines and another corner splash and a bulldog. Nduka hit a release back suplex and got the pinfall…

EJ Nduka defeated Deonn Russman by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I wanted more of Nduka and I got it. It was another formula squash and now I’m left wanting to see Nduka come off his feet because he didn’t in this match at all aside from leaping in the air.

9. Jacked Jameson and “The Iron Savages” Bulk Bronson and Beefcake Boulder vs. Jay Alexander, Colton Charles and Rosario Grillo. Jameson did his heel mic work on the way to the ring. No televised entrance for the jobbers. Jameson picked up Grillo and planted him quickly. Boulder came in against the biggest jobber and hit a running cross body block on him. Alexander, the third jobber, ate a big boot and then got splashed by Bronson in the corner. Alexander got taken to Titty City. Alexander got thrown into a huge lariat from Jameson. Beefcake went to the top and got rocket-launched by the others onto Alexander for the pinfall…

Jacked Jameson and “The Iron Savages” Bulk Bronson and Beefcake Boulder defeated Jay Alexander, Colton Charles and Rosario Grillo by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Oh boy, my favorite thing ever, a Savages squash match and Titty City……

9. Marina Shafir vs. Tiara James. Shafir offered the Code of Honor from her back and rolled up James for a two count. James tried a roll up but Shafir powered out of it with her balance. James threw a bunch of forearms that Shafir kind of no sold. Shafir hit some knee lifts and a judo throw. Shafir hit a pair of back suplexes. Shafir locked in a bow and arrow stretch and then slipped into a sleeper hold with fingers in the nostrils. As the ref broke it, Shafir slipped into an arm breaker hold and James got to the ropes. Shafir hit a codebreaker and locked in Mother’s Milk for the ref stoppage…

Marina Shafir defeated Tiara James by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Shafir playing with her food yet again. Even more squash matches. Why do I need an hour of squash matches every week?

Backstage, SAP celebrated Serpentico’s victory. Serpentico said Angelico should challenge for the Pure Championship. There was a voiceover from Angelico running down his accomplishments and challenging Lee Moriarty to a Pure Championship match…

10. Jacobi Watts and Nick Comoroto vs. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard. Just after the bell rang, Watts had a mic and tried to recruit Parker and Menard into his cult. They dumped Comoroto to ringside and hit a double Russian leg sweep on Watts. Comoroto came back in and shoulder blocked both 2.0 members. Comoroto threw Parker hard into the buckle to boos. Comroto hit a scoop slam and elbow drop for a two count. As Comoroto choked Parker on the ropes, Watts tried to talk to him but got pushed away. Comoroto cut off the tag with a short clothesline. Comroto pressed Parker over his head, but Parker slid out and pushed Watts off the apron. Menard tagged in and hit the 10 punches in the corner. Watts got tossed back to ringside as Parker and Menard hit a tandem series of moves and a double DDT on Comoroto for the pinfall…

Angelo Parker and Matt Menard defeated Watts and Comoroto by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: I’m not sure where this gimmick of Watts never getting in the ring is going to go. Perhaps they are still figuring it out.

The All In commercial aired for the third time…

11. Tony Nese (w/Mark Sterling) vs. Lio Rush. Sterling did some heel mic work on the way to the ring. Nese blasted Rush with some punches in the corner and then threw him to ringside for Sterling to kick while he distracted the ref. Nese tried an outside in suplex, but Rush flipped out and used his speed to confuse Nese and hit a pair of clotheslines. Rush hit a rope hung leg drop move. Rush went to the top and missed a move but kept his feet.

The wrestlers traded some fast paced strikes ending with Nese rolling through a sunset flip attempt and hit a kick to the face that looked flush. Rush hit some kicks to the head and Sterling grabbed the foot and Nese hit a clothesline for a two count. Nese threw Rush outside again for more Sterling stomps. Back in the ring, Nese got a one count as his feet were under the ropes. Nese threw Rush hard into the buckle and Rush fell to ringside where Sterling stomped him yet again. Back in the ring, Nese got a two count nearfall.

Nese locked in a body scissors. “Let’s go Lio” chanted the crowd. Rush fought out but walked right into a throat punch. Nese hit his Savage hot shot and missed a triangle moonsault as Rush rolled out of the way. Rush threw a bunch of forearms but Nese slid through his legs and hit a pump handle piledriver for a two count. Rush hit a clothesline. On an Irish Whip attempt Rush dove onto Sterling at ringside and as Nese went out to get him, slid back in and then dove onto Nese too! Rush hit his springboard stunner and went up top and hit a frog splash for the three count.

Lio Rush defeated Tony Nese by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Some really nice moments in this match, but a few good moves don’t save a match plagued with Sterling interference and an unquestioned outcome.

12. Mark Briscoe vs. The Beast Mortos for the ROH Championship. Mortos missed a high knee in the corner and fell to ringside where he ate a spicy dropkick and a cactus elbow drop. Back in the ring, Briscoe went for Jay Driller but got pushed into the corner and hit with clotheslines. Mortos hit a snap powerslam out of the corner and got a two count. Mortos pulled the arms of Briscoe in the ropes and hit him with a big right hand. Mortos used some fish hooks right into the camera.

Briscoe teased redneck kung fu but just slapped Mortos in the face. Briscoe hit a rolling elbow and locked in a chin lock and pulled at the mouth of Mortos in retaliation. Briscoe hit a chop that echoed through the arena and then hit a Russian leg sweep for a two count. Mortos hit a combo of strikes that ended with a headbutt and posed. Morotos fireman-carry slammed Briscoe in the ring and went up top. Briscoe tried to cut him off three different times before he was able to knock him to the floor. Briscoe hit a cannonball dive onto Morotos and threw a chair into the ring.

Briscoe set up the chair and used it to cannonball dive over the top this time. Briscoe went to the top and hit a whisper in the wind on Mortos and landed on his feet again. Back in the ring, Briscoe hit a clothesline and got a two count. Mortos counted a Jay Driller attempt with a back body drop and hit his pop up samoan drop for a two count. Mortos hit a torture rack backbreaker for a two count. “Mortos” chanted the crowd.

Briscoe hit a DVD and went to the top. Morotos rolled out of the way of Froggy-bow and Mortos hit him with a spear for a two count. Mortos hit a scoop slam and went to the top and missed a twisting splash as Briscoe rolled out of the way. Briscoe hit a big boot and hit Froggy-bow for a shocking two count. Mortos hit a headbutt and Briscoe came right back with a clothesline and Jay Driller for the pinfall.

Mark Briscoe defeated The Beast Morton by pinfall to retain the ROH Championship.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Mortos looks huge against luchadors, but is really the same size as Briscoe. Damn are the announcers great at championship matches. Heat check cover, number of previous champions, so much good stuff. This was a good title defense for a television match. It wasn’t quite pay-per-view worthy, but pretty close. The announcer’s tone and cadence of call really helps these championship matches. My weekly ROH audio reviews are available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).



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