Kitsune Women’s Wrestling “Yabai!” results: Vetter’s review of Aja Kong and Jada Stone vs. Jordan Blade and Janai Kai, Delmi Exo and Shazza McKenzie vs. Aspyn Rose and Act Yasukuwa

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Kitsune Women’s Wrestling “Yabai!”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
August 18, 2024 in Los Angeles, California at 1110 Bates Ave

I admittedly don’t know nearly all of the Japanese talent on this show; I’ve seen other Kitsune shows but I really know the U.S.-based roster the best here. This is a plain white room, and lighting was merely okay, and attendance was maybe 150-200. Jordan Castle and Aria Perkins provided commentary. Aria’s mic is really low.

1. Maya World defeated Aleah James at 9:07. Aleah previously was in NXT-UK, while Maya is Texas-based and a rising name on the indy scene. Standing switches to open. Aleah hit a huracanrana. Maya hit some chops in the corner at 4:00. Maya hit a running boot to the side of the head for a nearfall. Aleah hit a springboard crossbody block at 6:30. Maya nailed a discus forearm. Aleah fired back with a spin kick to the head. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees, then while standing. Maya hit a kip-up stunner. Aleah hit a DDT for a nearfall at 8:30. Maya wrapped Aleah around her back, dropped her stomach-first to the mat, and scored the pin. Nice opener.

2. Mainey and Nina defeated Miko Alano and Savvy Stone at 11:29. Castle said Mainey and Miko are training partners and have a friendly rivalry. Nina wore pink-and-black and she’s a babyface and Castle said she’s Filipino. Mainey and Miko opened and traded rollups. Savvy wore a black fishnet top and skirt and she’s a heel, and she battled Nina. Nina hit a running knee in the corner for a nearfall at 3:30. The babyfaces hit a team suplex on Savvy. Mainey and Miko brawled to the floor at 7:00; Savvy dove through the ropes onto them. Nina then dove off the top rope onto them.

In the ring, Savvy and Nina traded blows; these two seem more polished than their respective teammates. Nina got a nearfall but Savvy got a foot on the ropes. Savvy hit a low blow uppercut. (Hey, a woman actually sold a low blow!) Savvy got mad and attacked her partner, Miko, and tossed her at Nina, and stormed off! Nina hit a blow and pinned Miko. Definitely some greener talent here; the crowd was good.

* Miko got on the mic and was upset at Savvy. Savvy re-entered the ring and sat down on a chair to let Miko berate her. Miko challenged her to a match. Savvy told her “you have no heart.”

3. Kitsune defeated Lady Pink in a No. 1 contender match at 7:32. Kitsune wore a sparkly white or silver outfit, while Lady Pink was in mostly black with a pink trim. They traded some quick lucha reversals. Castle said they are both from Tijuana. LP hit some loud chops at 1:30. Ktsune hit a crossbody block and a lucha-style armdrag off the ropes. LP hit a buzzsaw kick at 4:30, then a running boot as Kitsune was against the ropes. Kitsune hit a bulldog for a nearfall. They traded overhand chops, and Castle remarked that they keep getting louder. Kitsune locked in a cross-armbreaker out of nowhere, and Lady Pink tapped out! Okay match.

4. Xia Zhao (f/k/a Xia Li) vs. Nagisa Nozaki ended in a double countout at 11:08. Former WWE wrestler Xia was a fun surprise, and she wore green. Castle said this is Nagisa’s first match in the U.S., and she’s in white-and-purple. She has a title belt with her and fans threw streamers at her. An intense lockup but then Nagisa unloaded repeated double-handed overhand chops! They fought to the floor at 2:30, and fans were seated wayyyy too close to the ring and there weren’t guardrails. In the ring, Nagisa hit a boot to the side of the head and kept Xia grounded. Xia hit a pumphandle overhead suplex for a nearfall at 5:00 and we got a “this is awesome!” chant.

Xia nailed a spin kick to the head and they were both down. Xia hit a jumping knee and she locked in an STF at 6:30. They traded rollups. Nagisa hit a basement dropkick for a nearfall. Xia put her in a Torture Rack and turned it into an STO stunner for a believable nearfall at 9:30. Nagisa hit a running boot that sent Xia to the floor. They fought on the floor, and they stopped each other from getting back into the ring as they continued to fight, so the ref called for the bell. The crowd booed the double countout, as the women continued to trade punches. A really good match and far better than the prior two matches.

5. The Great Sakuya defeated Angie Savage at 4:07. The storyline is that Sakuya is the daughter of the Great Muta and there is a long story behind this, and she wore red face paint. I had seen pictures but it’s my first time seeing her in action. Jordan said Savage is from the NJPW Academy and she has similar curly shoulder-length hair and features as Masha Slamovich. Jordan acted shocked to see Sakuya appear. “My goosebumps have goosebumps!” he said. Sakuya hit a variety of kicks and she slammed Angie’s head into the mat. She planted her foot in Angie’s throat and showed off her green tongue. Savage hit a snap suplex for a nearfall at 2:30. Sakuya choked her and kept Angie grounded. Sakuya sprayed green mist in Savage’s face, hit a superkick, and a top-rope moonsault for the pin. That was fun.

6. Yuna Manase defeated Megan Bayne and J-Rod in a three-way to win the vacant Kitsune Women’s Title at 11:20. J-Rod and Bayne are both about 5’11” and incredibly athletic. J-Rod tore up a fan’s sign as she walked to ringside and was booed. She got on the mic and boasted that she’s undefeated. Yuna wore light purple and Jordan said this is also her U.S. debut. Bayne and Yuna hit a team suplex on J-Rod to send her to the floor, and they traded shoulder tackles. Bayne hit a Stinger Splash onto both at 1:30. She hit a fallaway slam-and-Samoan Drop combo and that got a pop. J-Rod hit a top-rope crossbody block onto both women at 4:00.

J-Rod hit a snap suplex on Bayne for a nearfall, then she hit a snake-eyes and a Mafia Kick on Megan for a nearfall. She hit a Spinebuster for a nearfall at 7:00. Bayne hit a top-rope Doomsday Device clothesline, and all three were down. They all got up and traded forearm strikes at 9:00. Bayne hit an F5. J-Rod hit a spear on Bayne, but Megan rolled to the floor. J-Rod hit a sideslam on Yuna for a believable nearfall. Yuna hit a clothesline to pin J-Rod and win the title. Good match.

* An intermission was edited out.

7. Aspyn Rose and Act Yasukuwa defeated Delmi Exo and Shazza McKenzie at 11:31. I don’t know Aspyn or Act. Rose looks like a 1960s hippie with blue and red streaks in her hair and tinted glasses. Act carried a liquor bottle and took a swig as she walked to the ring. She has a patch over her right eye and Jordan said she was blinded, and she a samurai character. Act and Shazza opened; Act took the eyepatch off before the bell, and she almost immediately put Shazza in a Stretch Muffler. Delmi entered and faced Aspyn. Aspyn and Act tied Delmi in the ropes. Delmi clotheslined Aspyn at 3:30, and her team began working over Aspyn, hitting a front-and-back kick for a nearfall.

Aspyn tied Delmi in a crossface, but Shazza made the save at 6:00. Shazza hit a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall on Rose. Aspyn pushed her opponents into each other, then Aspyn hit a DDT on Delmi at 8:30 and they were both down. Act got the hot tag and hit a Dragonscrew Legwhip on Delmi and a dropkick on Shazza, who was tied upside down in the ropes. Act applied a submission hold and cranked back on Shazza’s head, but Delmi made the save. Shazza hit a back suplex on Act. Act hit a bodyslam move on Delmi and all four were down at 10:30. They all got up and traded forearm strikes. Act and Aspyn hit stereo Flatliners. Act applied a head submission hold on Shazza, who tapped out. Good action.

8. Miyako Matsumoto defeated Sage Sin Supreme at 8:55. I’ve seen Sage just once before on a show that turned out to be more death matches than I prefer. She is dressed like a scary Halloween pumpkin, and she carried her pumpkin trick-or-treat basket. Miyako is short and looks like a young girl in her pink outfit. Miyako grabbed the basket and threw some candy into the crowd. Sage hit double knees to the face for a nearfall at 3:00. Miyako hit several little steps on Sage’s lower back and in some comedy, got the ref to do it, too. Miyako went for an Octopus stretch, but Sage bit her on the leg! Sage applied a modified Tarantula in the ropes. She hit a series of stomps and was in charge. Miyako hit a second-rope doublestomp for the pin. Okay match.

9. Aja Kong and Jada Stone defeated Jordan Blade and Janai Kai at 12:52. I’ve seen Jordan only 2-3 times and she always dresses like a shoot fighter. Jada is the rising star here, and I’m a big fan of Kai’s kick-based offense. Kong came out last and got a big pop; Jordan Castle said she has been wrestling now for 38 years, and she was showered in rolls of streamers. Kong and Blade opened, with Blade hitting some chops and forearms that Aja no-sold. Kai and Jada entered at 1:30 and Jail playfully patted the short Jada on the head, then they traded quick reversals, and Jada hit some dropkicks.

Jada went for a handspring but Kai kicked her in the stomach! Jordan got back in and stood behind Stone and hit some crossface blows, then a German Suplex. Kai hit some bodyslams as they kept Jada in their corner. Kai hit a series of stiff kicks to the spine and got a nearfall at 4:30. She hit some front-and-back kick. Blade hit a fisherman’s suplex for a nearfall at 6:30. Kong finally got a hot tag and she brawled with Blade as they went to the floor, where she whipped Jordan Blade into rows of chairs.

Kong and Blade got back into the ring, where Aja hit some chops in the corner at 10:00, then a clothesline into the corner. Kail hit a uranage move on Stone for a nearfall. Blade and Kai tried a team suplex, but instead, Aja hit a double suplex. She hit a big elbow drop on Blade for a nearfall at 12:00. Kong hit a Saito Suplex on Blade for a nearfall. She then nailed the spinning backfist on Jordan and pinned her. A fun match, and as expected, Kong’s time in the ring was limited but what she did looked good.

Final Thoughts: A fun show as fans got to see a legend in Aja, some other Japanese wrestlers make their U.S. debuts, and some of the best U.S.-based talent. I’ll go with the three-way for best match, as Bayne is just so impressive and fun to watch. Xia vs. Nozaki was really good and even with the non-finish, I’ll give that second. The main event played out exactly as I expected and takes third.


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