Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA Championship, Mike Santana vs. Moose, Ultimate X qualifiers

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA Championship: A terrific match that is worth going out of your way to watch. Nemeth continues to thrive as a big fish in a small pond, and Alexander is off to a good start as a heel. I like the idea of going with a draw for their first match. There was no reason go give away a clean finish in a television match. This wisely created the need for a rematch, which I’m already looking forward to.

Moose vs. Mike Santana: They set the table nicely by having The System take out Santana and then state that he was medically unable to compete. This combined with System involvement gave Santana a viable out for losing. Furthermore, it made Santana look valiant for fighting despite his storyline injuries and the way this all played out created the need for a rematch.

Jason Hotch vs. Rich Swann vs. Ace Austin in a qualifying match for Ultimate X: A big upset with Hotch pinning Austin to qualify for the Ultimate X match. Never mind that it was a distraction finish caused by Hotch’s partner John Skyler, this was still a shocker. And I’m all for it. I’ve never understood why Hotch and Skyler have been booked as scrubs throughout most of their TNA run. Hotch has upside potential and hopefully this win will lead to bigger and better things.

Riley Osborne vs. Chris Bey vs. John Skyler in a qualifying match for Ultimate X: The brief match was fun while it lasted. Osborne going over to earn a spot in the Ultimate X match was a pleasant surprise. This was the first of the two qualifiers to air on this episode, and going in I thought they might be building toward both members of the ABC tag team qualifying for the Ultimate X match.

TNA Impact Misses

Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz: A soft Miss. The wheel spinning program continued with Shaw getting a win. Shaw continues to feel bland as a babyface, and Steelz continues to feel underutliized.


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