Wrestling Open “Episode 136” results (8/8): Vetter’s review of Brad Hollister vs. Brother Greatness, AEW’s Mark Sterling’s appearance, Gal vs. Bobby Orlando, Allie Katch vs. JC Storm

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

We are looking for reports on all WWE, AEW, NXT, TNA, MLW, ROH, GCW, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

Wrestling Open “Episode 136”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 8, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

We are looking for reports on all WWE, AEW, NXT, TNA, MLW, ROH, GCW, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

Wrestling Open “Episode 136”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 8, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 300 range. Paul Crockett provided commentary.

* The show opened with several promos that were shot outside, including Steven Stetson talking about his return to Wrestling Open, and Ashley Vox questioning if she can trust Paris Van Dale, and Ryan Clancy being angry at Bryce Donovan for his actions of late.

1. Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) and Dezmond Cole defeated Channing Thomas and DJ Powers (w/Sidney Bakabella and Teddy Goodz) at 8:56. Bakabella got on the mic and once again told Goodz he would be on the floor and not in the match, and Teddy was not happy. The babyfaces tied up the arrogant teen Powers (think NXT’s Kale Dixon) early in the match, and Jermaine hit a dropkick. Marbury hit his palm-to-the-head slam on Channing at 2:30. The heels began working over Jermaine in their corner, and the crowd chanted “defense!” to rally Marbury.

Powers yanked Marbury to the floor at 6:30 and they briefly brawled. Cole eventually got the hot tag and hit a top-rope missile dropkick on both, then a Helluva Kick on Channing. Powers accidentally collided with Channing! Powers hit his split-legged stunner on Channing, then a guillotine legdrop for a nearfall. He got a Victory Roll on Channing for a nearfall. Powers hit a frogsplash on Cole for a nearfall. Sidney hopped on the ring apron; Goodz stopped him from handing a weapon to DJ! Cole immediately hit a Michinoku Driver to pin Powers. Bakabella yelled at Goodz after the match for his interference.

* Bakabella got on the mic and he berated Goodz, saying he’s a “loser” and the old vet who just hangs around in the locker room and no one wants to be around anymore. Goodz stormed to the back; Channing followed him. No punches were thrown.

2. Allie Katch defeated JC Storm at 7:26. Storm came out first, wearing all black and she has red dyed hair. Katch attacked her from behind on the floor and was booed. They got in the ring and the bell sounded at 1:00 to officially begin, with Katch dominating her and kept JC grounded. Allie hit an Eat D’feat for a nearfall at 4:30. JC hit a spear for a nearfall. Allie hit her piledriver for the pin. The ‘official time’ was 6.26 but I started my stopwatch at first contact.

* Katch got on the mic and mocked the crowd for “cheering for a handyman and a basketball.” She said the crowd only likes her “when I shake my butt and flirt with girls,” as she berated the fans. She is upset that the fans like Gabby Forza and mocked Gabby for getting injured again.

3. Rex Lawless (w/RJ Rude) defeated CPA (w/50 Cal) at 7:35. The height, weight, overall body mass difference here is vast, and Crockett called it a “mismatch.” Rude sang “an original” tune on the way to the ring and was loudly booed. He said his band is playing at a festival this weekend. Lawless hit a spear on the ring apron. He hit a sideslam for a nearfall at 2:30 and it feels like Rex is toying with the smaller competitor. He hit a Bulldog Powerslam. Rude got back on the mic and began butchering Bon Jovi.

In the ring, CPA hit a stunner, but he couldn’t pick up the massive Rex and put him on his shoulders. Moments later, he got Rex up and hit the Number Cruncher (Death Valley Driver) for a believable nearfall at 6:00. CPA came off the ropes but Rex caught him with a running boot for a nearfall. CPA ripped off his button-down (he had another one on underneath) and threw it at Rex, then he hit his comedy 619. JGeorge appeared from the back and that distracted CPA. It allowed Rex to hit a release powerbomb and a running boot for the pin. Decent action.

* JGeorge jumped in the ring and attacked CPA but 50 Cal chased him off. CPA got on the mic and demanded a match next week against JGeorge.

4. Bryce Donovan defeated Sam Holloway at 5:36. Wow, this is a huge debut for Ohio-based Holloway, who is perhaps 6’7″ and I’ve compared his amateur wrestling look and style to Julius Creed. Bryce entered from the parking lot and he glared at fans as he stormed into the ring. Crockett said of Holloway “he’s a huge human being.” Bryce turned around and fell backward, surprised at how big his competitor is, and he stalled on the floor. Funny. In the ring, Sam tossed him in the corner and hit a series of punches to the gut, so Bryce bailed again at 1:30.

Bryce snapped Holloway’s throat across the top turnbuckle. However, Holloway hit a shoulder tackle. Bryce hit a chop block and he kicked out the leg, then he hit a superkick at 3:30. Sam hit a catapult shoulder tackle and a missile dropkick for a nearfall. Sam crashed shoulder-first into the corner. Bryce hit a Death Valley Driver for the pin. I’ve noted before in my reviews from Cleveland-based AIW that Holloway is a top-tier talent, and he showed it here.

* “Smart” Mark Sterling got in the ring and he is here to “demand answers” from Bryce Donovan, saying Bryce owes it to the fans to explain himself. Sterling wants to know who is Bryce’s mysterious benefactor. The mic kept cutting out on Bryce. He went to the announcer’s table to find out why, and he was attacked by Ryan Clancy! Bryce scampered out of the building, but he left his bag behind. Clancy got on the mic and said Bryce could have it back when Bryce fights him in the ring.

* Sterling joined Crockett on commentary.

5. “Swipe Right” Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes defeated Julius Draeger and Brett Mettro (w/”Handyman” Jake Gray) at 8:42. Draeger and Mettro are the recent wrestling school graduates. A video package aired to explain this feud. Baylor and Mettro opened. I have compared Draeger’s entire look to former WWE wrestler Simon Gotch, and he worked over Smoke’s left arm and did an Old School tight-rope walk and chopped Smokes’ shoulder. Smokes hit a running boot on Mettro at 3:30 and the heels began working Brett over. Sterling said he would love to manage Swipe Right.

Mettro hit a double suplex; it wasn’t pretty. Draeger got the hot tag and he hit hiptosses on the heels, and he clotheslined icky to the floor. He hit a sideslam on Baylor for a nearfall. Smokes hit a dropkick on Draeger for a nearfall. Mettro tagged himself back in; Crockett thought it was too soon to get back in. Baylor hit his swinging faceplant to pin Mettro. Okay action. I’m pleased to see the more seasoned heels won cleanly and convincingly.

6. Bobby Orlando defeated Gal at 6:56. These two just went to a 10-minute draw, so this match has a 20-minute time limit. Gal wore his two body-building medals. Gal hit a German Suplex at 1:30. He hit a bodyslam and was in charge early on, hitting a side slam for a nearfall. Orlando hit a dive through the ropes onto Gal at 5:00. In the ring, he hit a stunner for a nearfall. Gal hit a Blue Thunder Bomb and hit a series of punches, then a chokeslam. Gal went for a pendulum slam, but Bobby blocked it, got an inside cradle, and scored the pin!

* Gal immediately jumped Orlando after the bell. He put Orlando’s ankle in a chair and was going to ‘Pillmanize’ it, but a returning Pedro Dones ran in and made the save.

A video package aired to promote the main event. This match also was set up last week; Brother Greatness always reminds me of a shorter Xavier Woods. I’ve only seen him wrestle a few times, as he usually is on commentary.

7. Brad Hollister defeated Brother Greatness at 13:08. BG came out first and got on the mic and said, “My odds are not good,” but he’s going to teach Hollister a lesson. This is a non-title match, and no one had anyone in their respective factions at ringside. Sterling pointed out that Hollister has a 65-pound advantage. Crockett said this is BG’s first singles match in Wrestling Open since June 2023. Hollister dominated early and kept BG grounded. He hit a flying buttbump in the corner at 3:00. Hollister got on the mic and said “I run this place; nobody can stop me. I do what I want.” BG hit a low blow while the ref was out of position and got a nearfall at 6:00; Hollister screamed into the mic.

Hollister hit a German Suplex and they were both down. He hit a Bulldog Powerslam for a nearfall at 8:00. The crowd rallied for Brother Greatness. Hollister hit a Guerrilla Press by tossing BG into the corner pads! They fought in the corner and BG crotched him on the ropes. Brother Greatness hit a leaping Flatliner (Ichiban’s finisher!) for a believable nearfall at 12:00. BG came off the top rope but Hollister caught him with a European Uppercut. Brad hit a running buttbump in the corner, then his Tornado Jackhammer slam for the pin. That was fun.

* Hollister was going to beat up Brother Greatness some more, but Bobby Orlando, Pedro Dones and Ryan Clancy rolled into the ring to save him, so Brad bolted as the show went off the air.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining main event was easily best match of the show. I liked that Brother Greatness got some offense in but it was largely assisted by a pair of low blows. I was fearful of a fluke rollup win, which would have really hurt a dominant champion like Hollister, so I’m glad the booking didn’t go in that direction. Even though it was short, I’ll take Donovan-Holloway for second. Newcomers almost never win their Wrestling Open debut, but fans got to see why Hollloway is picking up bookings far from his home. Lawless-CPA was entertaining; I’ve always said I like CPA in a comedy undercard role, and that takes third. This show definitely felt like it was missing some of the top stars, but I will again state that the Wrestling Open roster is huge, and you never know who is going to show up.


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