Joe Hendry on wrestlers who didn’t like his parody songs and the top wrestlers who did

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Inside the Ropes interview with guest Joe Hendry
Interview conducted by Kenny McIntosh
Available at

Hendry on wrestlers being upset over his parody songs: “Three people that I can think of have got upset. I won’t tell you which ones are which, but I’ll tell you what happened. One time, someone started, in the middle of the match, legitimately stomping on me and I had to control the situation as best I could. I’m proud of how I handled it. There’s another time where someone stormed out the building for three hours before they came back and had to complete the day’s work.

“And there was a third time where I did not brief the person on the entrance and they were upset about it. In that case, they were probably right, but I just knew how the fans were going to react. I knew it was going to be great for business and I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince them of that in the moment and that they would only understand in retrospect. With the entrances, in many cases the best thing was to ask for forgiveness, not permission.”

On top wrestlers who enjoyed his parody songs: “I’m sure [I don’t want to name and shame] (laughs) but I will say, the top guys are the ones who find it the funniest. I was anxious about the Kurt Angle parody because I wasn’t sure how he’d take me throwing his medals in the bin and just dissing every achievement that he’s had, but he loved it.

“Drew [McIntyre] loved it—the top talents love it because they understand. Matt Cardona is a great example. If you look at how he reacted to the ‘Edge’s Bitch’ video, he put his working boots on to make sure that the video got over. So I really appreciate it, I think it makes for great entertainment when the talents steer into it. Drew was struggling to hold back the laughter for the Eiffel 65 video I did about him.”


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