Wrestling Open “Episode 135” results (8/1): Vetter’s review of Love Doug and TJ Crawford vs. Sammy Diaz and Tyree Taylor, Gal vs. Bobby Orlando, Joe Keys vs. Ryan Clancy

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 135”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
August 1, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 300 range. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary.

1. Ryan Clancy defeated Joe Keys at 8:06. Keys wrestled at the tail end of the ROH Sinclair era, but I’ve seen him just a few times since; he’s got a great physique and is looking a bit like Tyler Bate these days. Keys flexed early. Clancy hit a deep armdrag and grounded Keys. Keys hit a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 4:00. He hit an impressive German Suplex for a nearfall, then a hard clothesline for a nearfall. Clancy hit a monkey flip at 6:30 and they were both down. Ryan hit some jab punches and a body slam, then a rolling senton for a nearfall. Keys set up for a Guerrilla Press, but Clancy escaped and hit a DDT. Clancy then nailed a dropkick for the pin. Good opener.

2. Ricky Smokes (w/Brad Baylor) defeated Brett Mettro at 5:22. Brett is bald and wore a green singlet; he is a recent graduate and I’ve only seen him once or twice, and I think this is his main show debut. Brett hit a body slam. Brad Baylor hopped on the ring apron and distracted Brett, allowing Smokes to hit a stiff kick and some punches. Brett hit a shoulder tackle at 4:00 and was fired up, then he hit a splash to the mat for a nearfall. Smokes hit a Grimes-style Cave-in stomp to the collarbone for the pin. Fairly basic; I remain high on Smokes.

* Brad Baylor said they are being disrespected by being booked against rookies. “We are main eventers. We are top prodigies.” Draeger and Jake Gray (two other students) ran in for the save. I’ve written this before, but Daeger looks a lot like former NXT/WWE wrestler Simon Gotch. Draeger challenged them to a tag match next week!

* A video package aired showing the feud between Davienne and Paris Van Dale, but they are going to tag here. Crockett questioned if this was a good idea, and if Davienne can trust Paris…

3. Davienne and Paris Van Dale defeated Tiara James and Ashley Vox at 5:31. Paris hit a Mafia Kick on Ashley early on, but she missed a splits legdrop. Tiara entered and hit a guillotine legdrop on Paris at 3:00. Davienne tagged in and she clotheslined both opponents. Vox accidentally ran into Tiara! Davienne hit an Air Raid Crash on Vox for a nearfall at 4:30. Ashley and Davienne traded good offense, including a double clothesline and they were both down. Vox went to tag out but Tiara left the ring apron and waved goodbye to Ashley! Paris rolled up Vox for the pin! Okay action.

4. Bryce Donovan defeated P.P. Piquano at 7:16. The cameras found Bryce in the parking lot and watched him walk up the stairs and enter the building. Piquano wore a generic yellow-and-black mask and I’m sure it is a regular member of the roster under that hood; both commentators said they had never heard of him. Whoever it is, he is much smaller, and he did numerous summersaults and danced; Bryce just looked annoyed. Bryce nailed a Black Hole Slam at 2:00. He hip-tossed Piquano across the ring. Piquano hit a crossbody block at 5:30 and was fired up! He hit a leg drop for a nearfall. Bryce caught him coming off the top rope and hit a chokeslam and a Death Valley Driver for the pin. I’m not sure what the point of that was; everyone was waiting to see who that was.

* Bryce got on the mic. He said he has the most wins of any wrestler at Wrestling Open this year, and the longest winning streak, including 3-0 against Ryan Clancy. He berated the crowd.

5. “Stetson Ranch” Danny Miles and Hammer Tunis defeated Jermaine Marbury (w/Benny the Basketball) and (mystery partner) Dezmond Cole at 9:35. Still no sign of faction leader Steven Stetson, and the Ranch came out first. Jermaine and Benny came out next, then mystery partner Dezmond Cole! Dezmond tied up Miles on the mat early on. Hammer stomped on Jermaine at 2:00; Crockett said Marbury just reached his 100th career match. Marbury hit some deep armdrags. Marbury ‘broke Miles’ ankles’ then he hit his palm-to-head slam on Tunis at 4:30. However, the heels began working over Marbury.

Cole got a hot tag and hit a Lionsault Press at 7:00 on Tunis, and he was fired up. He hit a rolling guillotine legdrop for a nearfall, then a split-legged stunner. Tunis hit an elbow drop on Dezmond for a nearfall. Marbury tagged back in and hit a Mamba Splash on Miles for a nearfall, but Tunis made the save. Tunis dropped Cole back-first on the ring apron. Tunis raked Marbuy’s eyes, and Miles hit a Mark Henry-style World’s Strongest Slam for the cheap pin on Marbury.

Steven Stetson returned and beat down both Dezmond and Marbury!

Gal came out for another posedown. He recently competed in a body-building competition and he looks fantastic. He has two medals around his neck from his competitions. He was joined in the ring by the dork Bobby Orlando. (I always compare his style and juvenile antics to Colt Cabana.) Gal said he is “tanned and jacked, ready to attack,” and he made fun of Orlando’s physique. Of course, it led to a match!

6. Gal vs. Bobby Orlando ended in a time-limit draw at 10:00. Gal hit a hard clothesline.  They fought, and Gal headed to the back! Orlando stormed to the back, dragged Gal back to the ring, and they brawled at ringside. In the ring, Orlando hit Stinger Splashes at 2:00. Gal hit a discus clothesline for a nearfall, and he grounded Orlando. Bobby hit a superkick at 6:00, then a spear for a nearfall! Gal hit a Thesz Press and a chokeslam for a nearfall at 7:30. Orlando hit a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Orlando nailed a top-rope superplex and they were both down. Gal nailed a Mafia Kick. Bobby hit a body slam, then a top-rope elbow drop, but the time limit expired before he could make a cover. This was merely okay and just didn’t have much crowd heat. Crockett said he wants a rematch.

* A video recap of last week, where Brad Hollister defeated Sammy Diaz to retain the Wrestling Open title.

7. Love, Doug and TJ Crawford (w/Brad Hollister) defeated Sammy Diaz and Tyree Taylor (w/Brother Greatness) at 11:42. The heels came out first and Hollister spoke on the mic, boasting about their faction. The heels attacked from behind, but Tyree hit a double noggin’ knocker, and he hip-tossed Doug across the ring. Brother Greatness returned to commentary and was animated in defending his guys. Diaz hit a delayed vertical suplex on TJ for a nearfall at 2:30. Tyree hit a bodyslam on TJ. The heels began working over Diaz in their corner. Tyree got a hot tag at 8:00 and hit some running splashes in the corner, then a hard uranage on Doug.

Diaz went for a moonsault but Doug grabbed his ankle to cut him off. The heels hit a team slam for a nearfall but Tyree made the save. Tyree hit a double clothesline. However, TJ tossed Tyee over the top rope to the floor, with an assist from a Doug low-bridge. Diaz and Doug traded punches, and Sammy hit a jumping knee. Diaz went for a Cradle Shock, but Doug escaped, rolled him up and grabbed the tights for leverage and scored the cheap pin. Solid match.

* Brother Greatness got angry and hopped in the ring, peeled off his shirt, and punched Hollister! He wants a match! Brad bailed to the floor, got on the mic, and told Brother Greatness they can fight next week!

Final Thoughts: Last week was a top-tier show, built around a title match that had come together over months of storylines. So, this show was undoubtedly going to be a step down by comparison. The main event earns best match, but nothing here was must-see. The Clancy-Keys opener got the show started right and takes second. Dezmond Cole always brings the energy and I’ll go with that tag match for third.


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