Shane McMahon and Tony Khan held a meeting, photo leaked

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Shane McMahon and Tony Khan reportedly met on Monday. ran a photo of McMahon and Khan meeting (see below), and confirmed that the meeting took place.

Powell’s POV: I have nothing to back it up, but the photo below strikes me as staged and I suspect that it was intentionally leaked. If so, it’s a very good move to generate interest in AEW and tonight’s edition of Dynamite.


Readers Comments (8)

  1. Shane would be GREAT for AEW, so long as he can never-ever-EVER be an on-screen character.

    • Then what would you have him do? The money is in Shane being on television in the right role. Many people who like Shane have said over the years that he’s not the guy you want running creative. Pitch some ideas? Sure. But there’s a reason Vince chose to have Stephanie in creative rather than Shane.

      • I’d like to see him as a bit of a 3-headed monster with JJ and Danielson running the booking. I have no idea what the behind-the-scenes family dynamics were in WWE, and why Steph & HHH were favored over Shane.

        If Shane is an on-air character it’s just going to be more anti-WWE BS which is what drags AEW down now. I don’t need Shane skipping on to the screen and badmouthing HHH to pick a fight that’s never going to happen (Like When Easy-E challenged Vince). A one night pop (Punk, Shasha…) isn’t worth it and doesn’t improve AEW one speck.

        • Tony isn’t giving up the book. I wish he would, but seeing is believing. As I’ve said previously, I would split the rosters. Come up with a story that leads to Shane being the authority figure (no heel BS) on Collision.

        • Danielson? Maybe. Great wrestler, no idea how he would book. I lived through Jeff’s booking. I genuinely like Jeff the person, but what about his TNA booking that makes you think he’s right guy for the job?

          • Better talent mostly.

            But Shane and JJ and even Danielson cannot be allowed to book themselves. That has never worked in the history of wrestling, way back to the Abe Lincoln NWA days 😉

          • Brace yourself for ridiculously overbooked finishes and “Make AEW Great Again” if you want JJ booking the show.

  2. Like you said, I hope AEW gets some publicity out of it.

    When McMahon booked himself, he decimated the Royal Rumble and nearly ruined Strowman’s career. And the underground fight club was stupid that appealed to neither pro wrestling or MMA audiences.

    Maybe Shane and Mox can have dad bro death jitsu matches, I don’t know.

    I’m tired of authority figures, I was tired of Shane, and having a McMahon on AEW would not be a “get,” so much as remind people of WWE.

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