WWE Friday Night Smackdown results (7/19): Barnett’s review of WWE Champion Cody Rhodes, Logan Paul and LA Knight contract signing for the U.S. Title match at SummerSlam, Tiffany Stratton vs. Michin

By Jake Barnett, ProWrestling.net Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)

WWE Friday Night Smackdown (Episode 1,299)
Omaha, Nebraska at CHI Health Center
Aired live July 19, 2024 on Fox

Footage was shown of Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton fighting off the Bloodline last week until they were outnumbered. In the arena Cody Rhodes made his ring entrance while Corey Graves and Wade Barrett discussed his title defense against Solo Sikoa on commentary. Terence Crawford was shown in the crowd watching the show. Cody asked Omaha what they wanted to talk about and started with Randy Orton. He thanked Orton for what he had done for him in the past and said he wouldn’t be there without him. 

Cody asked the crowd to imagine the guilt he felt watching The Bloodline put him through the table, given his previous back injury and surgery. He said your family isn’t always related to you, and called Orton his brother before addressing Solo Sikoa. Cody then said he had told Solo in the past that he wasn’t ready. Even though he had cost Cody the World Title in the past, and taken over the Bloodline, he was standing there and telling him that he still was not ready….

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller interrupted Cody and walked down to the ring. Theory said he was attacked last week by Jacob Fatu because of Cody. Waller told Cody that his mentor and brother got hurt last week because of him, and Cody kicked him in the gut. The numbers quickly caught up to Cody and he was tossed to ringside. Terence Crawford got up and handed Cody his chair, and Cody went back into the ring and cleared out the heels. He stood tall to close the segment. 

Carmelo Hayes was shown backstage in a barber’s chair. He addressed Andrade and said the world wants to known which one of them is going to miss first, and it won’t be him…[c]

My Take: I’m assuming they had Theory and Waller interrupt Cody because it was the easiest way to get Terence Crawford involved in the show? The opening segment was fine but I have no interest in seeing Cody interact with the A-Town Down Under goof troop regularly.

Backstage, Nick Aldis approached Cody Rhodes. He asked for a match with Waller and Theory, but Aldis said he needs to find a partner first. He told him he had until the end of the night to find someone. Carmelo Hayes made his entrance in the arena. He was followed by Andrade. 

1. Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes: Carmelo and Andrade traded reversals and evasions to start the match. They then traded a few pinfalls before trading punches on their feet. Andrade got hung up on the ropes, and Carmelo used it as an opportunity to deliver a springboard leg drop…[c]

Carmelo remained in control as the show returned from commercial break. Andrade fired back with a huge lariat and both men were down. He followed up with some dragon screw leg whips and a flying forearm. Carmelo ended up in the corner, and Andrade landed double knees to the bottom buckle for a close near fall. Hayes replied with an acrobatic facebuster and then place Andrade on the top rope. Andrade knocked Hayes back into the ring and landed his double jump moonsault for a close near fall. 

Both men traded big strikes. Andrade landed his spinning elbow feint and covered for another near fall. Andrade went to the top rope and jumped at Andrade, but Hayes caught him with the FIrst 48. Melo then went for Nothing but Net, but Andrade avoided it and delivered The Message to get the win. 

Andrade defeated Carmelo Hayes at 10:39

Andrade celebrated after the match. Highlights were shown of Nia Jax’s win over Michin and beat down of Bayley after the match. Nia Jax and Bayley will have a split screen conversation after the break…[c]

My Take: A good opening match. Andrade has been getting some wins on TV recently, and had a solid showing in Money in the Bank. Hopefully that means they plan on using him high on the card sooner than later.

Nia Jax looked into the camera and everyone should start feeling sad for Bayley now, because she was going to beat her and put her out of “my” misery like a sick old dog. Bayley replied that Nia hadn’t changed in the 10 years she’s known her. She’s just a loudmouth who walks around like she owns the place. Bayley referenced being injured by Nia in 2017, and called her big, clumsy and reckless. 

Nia replied that she had changed and she was her Queen of the Ring, and she would take her title at Summerslam. Bayley then said that if Nia was different from 2017, then so is she, and claimed she would walk out of Summerslam with her Women’s Championship and there was nothing Nia could do about it. Nia pulled off her headset and said she was done with the interview. 

Earlier in the day backstage, Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair ran into Chelsea Green and Piper Niven in front of Nick Aldis’ office. They argued over who should get to talk to him first, until Bianca challenged Chelsea to a match later on to settle the argument. Bianca then made her ring entrance in the arena…[c]

My Take: I can’t say I understand why they would resurrect the online discourse over Nia being clumsy and reckless with her co-workers. Seems like they could have told a fictional story that was more interesting, but that’s just me.

Chelsea Green made her ring entrance with Piper Niven.

2. Chelsea Green vs. Bianca Belair: Bianca landed a nasty German Suplex early on. She then set up for the KOD, but Chelsea escaped. Both women traded roll-ups and Bianca got the win very early on without much action. 

Bianca Belair defeated Chelsea Green at 0:56

After the match, Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre appeared on the screen. They said they were the champions and they had all the power. Isla said they would give them a glimpse of the titles next week, but as for their rematch….we’ll see. Backstage, LA Knight walked towards the ring for his contract signing with Logan Paul…[c]

My Take: Chelsea looked a bit silly here, but maybe that’s the point? I’m not sure where they’re going with her.

The announce team plugged the main event and said Cody Rhodes was running out of time to find a partner. Nick Aldis was in the ring for the contract signing. He said the contract in his hand was already signed by one of the parties, and all that was needed was the signature of the United States Champion. He then brought LA Knight out to the ring first, followed by Logan Paul. 

Before Aldis could talk, Paul grabbed the microphone and asked why he should let this Sons of Anarchy Larry the Lobster looking dude a title shot. Knight said maybe he shouldn’t, but before he left he wanted to remind him that every time they’ve been in the ring together he’s cooked him. Knight recounted Logan Paul refusing his title shot, and then pinning him to qualify for Money in the Bank. He said he wanted to do that again, but this time for the US Title. 

He addressed Knight and called him “John”, and told him that he’s not on his level. Paul accused Knight of having his entire life revolve around his accomplishments in the ring, and he has no accomplishments in the last 20 years to speak of. He insisted that they were not the same. Paul recalled his accomplishments away from the WWE and said the name Paul echoes through the zeitgeist of culture. He then told Knight he was a gym rat with a spray tan that wanted to be The Rock. He said his catchphrase bodybuilder thing was a good gimmick.

Knight sarcastically replied that he’s never heard that before, and chided Paul for using old material. He then referenced Jake Paul and said he wasn’t afraid to step in the ring with Mike Tyson, but Logan was afraid to get in the ring with him. Knight said he guessed balls didn’t run in the family. Paul got fired up and asked the crowd if they wanted the match. He said he would say he’d take everything Knight had, but he has nothing to offer him. Paul then said he would draw a map on the contract to the place where Knight could stuff his dreams of being a WWE Champion.

Paul then bailed from the ring, and then tried a sneak attack when LA Knight turned around. Knight recovered and quickly dumped Paul from the ring to close the segment. We then got a very good Tiffany Stratton music video, followed by Stratton making her ring entrance with Nia Jax. She will face Michin next…[c]

My Take: Paul went pretty hard after Knight, and Knight held his own per usual. It was a fun trash talking segment even if it did detour into too much insider nonsense on Paul’s part.

Backstage, Santos Escobar and LA Knight had an argument. Escobar said he wasn’t pinned in their Money in the Bank Qualifier, and if it had been just the two of them he would have won.. Knight took offense and told Escobar that if he wanted to test him, his Mom has his number and he could call him. Escobar questioned why Knight wanted to fight him so close to his title match, but he would help him ruin his opportunity.

In the arena, Michin made her entrance for the next match. 

3. Tiffany Stratton vs. Michin: The action spilled out to the floor early. Michin gave chase, but got scooped up and slammed by Stratton with her cartwheel into an Alabama Slam…[c]

Stratton landed a springboard back elbow in the corner followed by a spinebuster for a near fall. She then went for another Alabama Slam, but Michin escaped and rolled her up for a two count. Michin landed a couple of kicks and a running clothesline. She then landed a tornado DDT out of the corner for a near fall. Stratton landed a hip attack and a seated dropkick for a close near fall. Michin fired back with a missile dropkick from the second rope. Nia Jax then grabbed Michin’s leg when she hit the ropes, but the ref was distracted by Stratton. 

Stratton took advantage and put Michin in position for a Prettiest Moonsault Ever, but she stopped when she spotted Bayley at ringside. Nia attempted to attack Bayley, but was dumped into the time keeper’s area. Bayley then hit Nia with the briefcase, and proceeded to destroy the briefcase while Stratton watched in horror. Michin then rolled up Stratton for the win. 

Michin defeated Tiffany Stratton at 7:56

Michin and Bayley celebrated after the match. Backstage, The Bloodline was shown in a dimly lit room with a spotlight over Solo Sikoa. Solo took credit for injuring Randy Orton, and said there is no question he would take the WWE Title from Cody Rhodes at Summerslam. He then said the main event better be a handicap match, because if not The Bloodline would make his partner pay the price. Solo addressed Cody directly and said he would acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief. Jacob Fatu then put the Ulafala around his neck…[c]

My Take: I guess Tiffany needs a personalized briefcase? The match was fine but it was more about the spectacle and interference. Solo’s promo was ok, but he’s still got a ways to go before you could call him elite on the microphone.

Footage was shown of Jacob Fatu destroying DIY and A-Town Down Under after their match last week. Kevin Owens walked up to him and said he would see him out there. Kevin Owens made his entrance in the arena. He was followed by Cody Rhodes…[c]

A-Town Down Under made their entrance for the main event.

4. A-Town Down Under (Austin Theory & Grayson Waller) vs. Kevin Owens & Cody Rhodes: Theory and Rhodes started the match. Cody jumped out to an early advantage with some strikes and tagged in Kevin Owens. Theory tried to escape to ringside, but Owens followed him and continued the assault. Owens knocked over the Prime bottle at ringside and got cheers. Waller quickly set it back up and got boos. Cody tagged into the match and the heels used a double team to get back on offense. Waller held Cody against the ropes so Theory could take some free shots. 

Waller tagged into the match and landed some strikes to Rhodes in the corner. Cody dove out of the corner and made a tag to Owens, who entered the match fired up. He pummeled Waller in the corner, and landed dueling lariats to both Theory and Waller. Owens then landed a cannonball on Waller, and went to the top rope. He then attempted a Swanton, but Waller got the knees up. Theory then landed a rolling dropkick, and Waller tagged in to land an elbow drop for a two count…[c]

Waller and Theory controlled the action during the break and continued to isolate Kevin Owens. He managed to get a surge of energy and dumped over the Prime bottle for another pop. He then bolted to tag Cody Rhodes, but was cut off by Waller at the last second. Waller placed Owens in the top rope in position for a Superplex. They battled on the top rope until Owens knocked down Waller and landed a Swanton. 

He then tagged in Cody Rhodes. Theory also entered the match and ran into a fired up Cody Rhodes. Cody landed some jabs and a bionic elbow. Waller got a blind tag that Cody wasn’t aware of. Cody delivered a big DDT to Theory, but Waller landed a flatliner and covered for a two count. Waller nearly hit Theory again by mistake, and Cody capitalized by hitting a Cody Cutter on Theory. Kevin Owens then landed a stunner on Waller, and Cody hit CrossRhodes on Theory and got the win. 

Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens defeated Austin Theory and Grayson Waller at 11:43

After the match, The Bloodline hit the ring to take out Rhodes and Owens. The got an early advantage by surprising them with dives to the outside, but Jacob Fatu turned the tables and regained control. He sent Cody into the steps and delivered a big hip attack on Owens in the corner. He then followed up with several more hip attacks while Cody was forced to watch. Fatu then pulled Owens into the middle of the ring and landed a flying headbutt. 

Fatu then went to ringside and Cody was put through the announce table with a powerbomb. Tama Tonga then wrapped a chair around the head of Kevin Owens and ran him into the ring post. The Bloodline then held up the ones to close the show.

My Take: A solid main event match, and a predictable post match attack that did what it needed to do in order to send the message home that Cody is going to be out of friends and outnumbered at Summerslam. If I was a betting man, I’d say they are setting up Roman Reigns to be the guy to save Cody’s bacon and keep Solo from taking his title.

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Poll: Grade the July 19 edition

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Michael Tennant July 19, 2024 @ 9:23 pm

    Out numbered attacks at the end of every show with the bloodline it really does nothing. If you’re someone that loved the bloodline storyline then you’re going to love it if you’re anyone else you’re like been there done that it just makes the faces look stupid

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