Beyond Wrestling “Wrestling at the Rock” results: Vetter’s review of Alec Price vs. Megan Bayne, Miracle Generation vs. Love Doug and Little Mean Kathleen for the IWTV Tag Team Titles

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Beyond Wrestling “Wrestling at the Rock”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
May 11, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at Redemption Rock Brewing Company

This show did NOT air live at the time and was recently uploaded to IWTV. The crowd is maybe 150. Lighting is good but this is an awkwardly small room, as there is no room for standing against one of the walls. Paul Crockett and Beyond Wrestling promoter Denver Colorado provided commentary.

1. Ryan Clancy defeated Thomas Sartell at 7:42. I just saw aging veteran Sartell for the first time at a show over St. Patrick’s Day in March; he looks like a high school math teacher. They shook hands and had an intense lockup, and they kept it in first gear with knuckle locks and headlocks. They finally sped it up and traded rollups, with Clancy getting an inside cradle for the pin. Not boring, but not much to describe either.

2. “Post Game” Mike Walker and Vinny Talotta defeated Teddy Goodz and Gal at 8:00 even. I consider these four to all be heels. Walker and Talotta came out first and they sure were acting cocky and arrogant but they were actually the babyfaces in this one. Goodz carried a canister of muscle-building powder. Gal and Talotta opened and they both flexed. Post Game took turns working over Gal’s left arm. Post Game had their opponents down on their stomachs and did push-ups on their back at 4:00. Gal went to toss powder, but of course it went into Goodz’ eyes. Post Game then kicked the cannister so it went all over Gal’s face. Goodz and Gal started fighting because they were blinded and didn’t realize they were fighting another teammate. Post Game hit a team slam on Gal for the pin. Okay action.

3. Brad Hollister and “Brick City” Victor Chase and Julio Cruz defeated Brett Metro, Handyman Jake Gray, and Alex (w/Draeger) at 6:06. Okay, this should be a squash. Hollister wore his Wrestling Open heavyweight title belt. Gray has his handyman wrench in his hands. We only had two babyfaces, so Hollister pointed at a trainee in the crowd named Alex and taunted him until he joined the match. Alex looks like he’s 16. “Does he even have a last name?” Alex charged at Chase at the bell and ricocheted off him. This crowd was HOT and cheering for this teen, as the heels beat him up and hip-tossed him around the ring. Gray entered and fought Cruz at 2:00, and the heels worked over the scrawny Gray, who also likely is still a teen. Metro entered at 5:00 and hit a Death Valley Driver on Cruz for a nearfall. The heels hit a Shield-style team powerbomb on Metro for the pin. Acceptable.

4. Sammy Diaz defeated Danny Miles via DQ at 7:48. Diaz has recently turned babyface and he is similar to Trey Miguel; he hit a dropkick and celebrated. He hit a tornado DDT at 1:30. Miles dumped Diaz to the floor and he was nearly counted out before crawling back in. Miles immediately hit a rolling cannonball in the corner for a nearfall, then an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Miles hit a swinging uranage for a nearfall at 5:00, then some knee strikes to the spine and he kept Diaz grounded. Diaz fired back with a moonsault for a nearfall. Miles hit a Lungblower to the chest for a nearfall. Miles hit an Angle Slam for a nearfall at 7:00, but he missed a second cannonball. Diaz hit a Sabin-style Cradleshock and was going for a pin when Steven Stetson jumped in the ring and attacked Diaz, causing the disqualification.

5. Steven Stetson and Ray Jaz defeated Ichiban and Jermaine Marbury at 10:07. The prior match bled into this one, as Ichiban and Marbury ran down to help save Diaz, so this one got underway without ring introductions. The babyfaces worked over Stetson. They hit punches in the corner with the fans counting along. Jaz hit a snap suplex on Ichiban at 3:00 and the heels began working Ichiban over. Stetson hit a Mafia Kick to the face for a nearfall at 6:30. Marbury got the hot tag and cleared the ring. Ichiban hit an enzuigiri on Jaz. Stetson hit a clothesline to the back of Ichiban’s neck at 9:30. Jaz hit a Demolition-style elbow drop on Marbury for the pin. Good crowd heat.

6. Paris Van Dale defeated Armani Kayos at 5:19. Lauren St. James is once again Paris’ personal ring announcer. Armani is “the skinny legend” and he’s young, Black and flamboyant. Denver said these two are former partners and they are roughly the same height, and she might weigh more than him (and she’s not heavy, Armani is just that thin.)  Armani hit an X-Factor for a nearfall at 1:00, then a leg drop for a nearfall. Paris hit a Splits Stunner and was booed. She hit a bulldog for a nearfall. Armani hit a roundhouse kick to her head. She hit a thrust to the throat then she immediately hit a DDT for the cheap pin.

7. Matt Makowski defeated Tyree Taylor at 9:43. Quite a size difference here. Again, Tyree is a cross between Willie Mack and Shane Taylor, while Matt is a short, white shoot fighter (he fought Charlie Dempsey at the Blood Sport event over WrestleMania.) Matt hit some quick spin kicks to the thighs and knee strikes to the gut. Tyree hit some shoulder tackles. Matt snapped Tyree’s throat over the top rope and took control, tying Tyree up on the mat. He mounted Taylor and hit a series of forearm strikes at 5:00. Matt hit a Rude Awakening standing neckbreaker. (It doesn’t feel like Matt is a heel here; he is just staying on offense.) He hit some Yes Kicks to the chest.

Tyree hit a Pounce that sent Matt flying at 7:00, then a Stinger Splash and an enzuigiri in the corner. Matt hit a spinning back elbow and a back suplex, then a running knee to the chin for a believable nearfall. Tyree hit a powerslam and his own running knee for a nearfall. This has been really good action. Makowski hit a series of stiff kicks and he applied a sleeper on the mat until Tyree passed out; he didn’t tap out. Really good action. Tyree really sold the effects of the kicks and choke-out, stumbling to the back and needing the help of the referee.

8. “Miracle Generation” Kylon King and Dustin Waller defeated Love Doug and Little Mean Kathleen to retain the IWTV Tag Team Titles at 9:35. The Doug-LMK pairing is surprising, as she “left him at the altar” in their wedding last August. Doug came out first. She’s wearing her wedding dress and she screamed at Doug! (Why is SHE still wearing the dress like a jilted bride? She left him!) This is MG’s 43rd title defense, and they’ve been champions for more than 400 days. LMK was screaming at Doug before the bell. “I don’t see how this is going to go well for Kathleen and Doug,” Crockett said as the bell sounded. Doug and Kylon opened but they did some comedy and hugged. Kathleen tagged in and shoved her head into Kylon’s chest, and she slapped his face. Kylon responded with a dropkick at 2:30.

Waller and Doug entered. Doug threw rose petals in Dustin’s face. Kylon hit a clothesline to the back of Doug’s neck, and the MG took over. Kylon hit a moonsault for a nearfall. Doug hit a springboard double-back elbow at 6:30. Kathleen jumped in the ring and she tossed teammate Doug into the MG. She stomped repeatedly on Dustin’s chest, then same to Kylon. She hit a huracanrana on Kylon. Kylon hit a German Suplex on Doug. Kathleen hit a stunner on Kylon, and Doug hit a Rebound Lariat on Kylon. She hit a bulldog and was fired up. Doug and Kathleen hugged! He leapt into her arms! It appeared they were going to kiss but then MG hit stereo superkicks on Doug, then stereo knee strikes on LMK and pinned her. Certainly watchable.

* Doug celebrated in the ring with Kylon and Waller; Kathleen was on the floor and watched the celebration and she was irate.

9. Megan Bayne defeated Alec Price in an intergender match at 14:18. A first-time-ever meeting and worth reiterating how TALL she is that they are even height. A feeling-out process and he grounded her in a headlock. She hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex at 3:00, then a splash to the mat for a nearfall. Price hit a forearm that dropped her and he was in control. Price hit his Rebound Lariat at 5:30, then a flipping guillotine leg drop for a nearfall. She hit a fallaway slam that got a big pop and the crowd was totally into this. They traded forearm strikes. “Each one is a potential knockout shot. Something’s got to give!” Denver said.

Price went for another Rebound Lariat but she caught him and hit an Exploder Suplex at 8:30. She nailed a swinging side slam for a nearfall. He nailed a spinning back fist and a half-nelson suplex, then a running knee in the corner and his series of kicks in the corner. Price hit his second-rope leg lariat for a nearfall, then a huracanrana. She hit a back suplex and a sit-out powerbomb for a believable nearfall at 11:00. She got him up for a Tombstone Piledriver but he escaped and he hit a jumping knee and a superkick.

Price put her in a Torture Rack and dropped her snake-eyes on the top turnbuckle for a believable nearfall, and the crowd was fully behind her. They traded forearm strikes while on their knees. They got to their feet and traded chops. He hit a kick to her ear. She nailed a German Suplex; he hit a German Suplex. She hit a leaping clothesline and a chokeslam. She then nailed the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin. That was a blast. She offered a post-match handshake, but he turned and left, clearly dejected after the loss.

Final Thoughts: Beyond saved the best for the final three matches. I really liked the back-and-forth exchange between Tyree Taylor and Matt Makowski and I’ll narrowly give them best match, ahead of the Price-Bayne main event. Bayne is so tall and clearly muscular, she is rather believable against men (and in recent weeks, has beaten Mike Bailey and Joey Janela in singles matches.) The Miracle Generation vs. Kathleen and Doug was just a blast; it may not be a technical classic but it was fun and highly watchable, so I’ll give that third, ahead of the Ichiban/Marbury tag. I wasn’t sure Beyond Wrestling was releasing this, so I’m glad they opted to, as this was a fun show, even if some of the early matches stayed in first gear. The only new face here was the trainee, Alex, who didn’t get much offense in but garnered a great crowd reaction.


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