Johnny Gargano on how time off helped him long term, getting a WrestleMania moment, working in front of the French crowd during WWE Backlash weekend

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Good Karma Wrestling with guest Johnny Gargano
Hosts: ESPN Chicago’s Jonathan Hood, ESPN Milwaukee’s Gabe Neitzel, and ESPN West Palm’s Brian Rowitz
Twitter: @GKW_Wrestling

How much his time off from wrestling helped him in the long term: “It was a blessing man. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to. Honestly, the fact that we were able to take time. Candace was pregnant, for her to have the baby, for me to be home during that time period and help out as much as I could, it was literally a blessing. And for everything to work out the way it did, to comes back with Triple H, a guy I have so much respect for, not just as a leader, but as a human being, to work directly side by side with him. That was a reason I was in NXT and for so long, that I generally enjoy working with that man. To be able to do it again, now in a larger scale, it truly is just something that I cold not have. I wished for, but I could not have imagined it played out the way it did.”

On sitting back and realizing that he got a WrestleMania moment: “Man, I really wish I could live in the moment. I really wish I’m one of those people that I just appreciate things as they come, but I don’t. I really, really don’t. And I don’t think it’s hit me yet that I wrestled at Wrestle Freakin Mania. Like, literally my childhood dream come true. I wrestled at WrestleMania and that still isn’t something that has resonated with me. I think its something that maybe a year or two or ten or hopefully not 50 years down the line… Then I’ll sit back and be like, “man you did some pretty amazing things in your career. So, it hasn’t hit me yet, but hopefully one day I’ll sit back and realize, “man, you had a pretty cool life.”

Wrestling in front of the French crowd during Backlash weekend: “So NXT did a show in France a couple of years ago and the crowd was absolutely insane. One of our favorite crowds of all time. So as everyone has watched now, all crowds in France are absolutely so amazing, so unique. And I mentioned the 15 hours of travel, it was well worth it. I would have traveled 30 hours to wrestle in front of that crowd because that crowd was absolutely electric, absolutely insane.

“And I promise you, for everyone out there, it makes a world of difference if you are giving energy, it makes a world of difference in our performance. So please, everyone follow their lead, be loud, be crazy. I know Cleveland’s going to be crazy at SummerSlam. I know that for a fact because I’m a Cleveland guy and the Cleveland crowds are amazing. So please follow their lead. Be awesome for us. We really appreciate it.”

Other topics include buying tickets to SummerSlam for his family in Cleveland, Cleveland sports, and more.


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