AEW Dynamite results (5/8): Powell’s live review of Adam Copeland vs. Brody King for the TNT Title, Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta, Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage meeting face-to-face

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 240)
Edmonton, Alberta at Rogers Place
Aired live May 8, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] Adam Copeland was shown walking backstage and he was greeted by backstage interviewer Arkady Aura. Copeland said he wasn’t feeling so good. He said his match with Brody King would now be a no disqualification match. “You wanted the Rated R Superstar?” Copeland asked. “Tonight you got him”…

The Dynamite opening aired and then pyro shot off on the stage. Excalibur and Tony Schiavone checked in on commentary (Taz was unable to travel after getting treatment on his knee). Ring announcer Justin Roberts conducted the introductions for the opening match…

1. Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta. Referee Paul Turner called for the bell and then Cassidy and Beretta immediately threw punches at one another. Beretta ducked out to ringside and was hit by a suicide dive. Cassidy ran Beretta into the ring post.

A countdown clock appeared in an upper corner of the screen and noted it was roughly 50 minutes until Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage would meet face-to-face. Excalibur spoke about Chuck Taylor needing surgery due to Beretta attacking him and said it would most likely be a career ender.

Cassidy and Beretta fought into the crowd and up the steps. There were a lot of Edmonton Oilers jerseys in the crowd with the team having a playoff game later in the evening. When the wrestlers returned to ringside, Cassidy tripped Beretta while he was on the barricade. Back inside the ring, Beretta hit a knee strike. Cassidy came right back with an Orange Punch and then both men stayed down to sell.

Don Callis walked out minus entrance music and was booed loudly. Schiavone recalled Cassidy walking off the stage with Callis last week. The match continued during the first picture-in-picture break. [C] Callis sat in on commentary at ringside coming out of the break and said he had a business conversation with Cassidy about taking things to the next level.

Cassidy threw light kicks that grew harder until the referee pulled away. Cassidy got around the referee and threw punches at Beretta. Cassidy removed his elbow pad and went for an Orange Punch, but Beretta countered into a half-and-half suplex. Beretta performed a piledriver and did not go for the pin. Beretta performed a second piledriver.

Beretta hit Cassidy with a running knee strike. Beretta removed the turnbuckle pad and was caught by the referee. Meanwhile, Cassidy removed another turnbuckle pad and then ran Beretta into it. Cassidy rolled up Beretta and got the three count.

Orange Cassidy defeated Trent Beretta in 13:20.

After the match, the referee raised the arm of Cassidy at ringside. Beretta hit Cassidy from behind and then worked him over with punches. Beretta pulled the ring steps out and then gave Cassidy a piledriver on top of the steps. The referee told Beretta it was over. Beretta catapulted Cassidy’s head into the ring frame.

Cassidy scrambled and grabbed a chair while Beretta picked up a tool box. Callis ran over and stood by Cassidy while telling another group of referees that came out to get Beretta out of there before he kills someone. Kris Statlander tried to talk Beretta down…

Powell’s POV: So what does it take to keep Superman Cassidy down? Cassidy got the win and then took a violent beatdown afterward, yet still got to his feet with a chair in hand. I like Cassidy, but that was just too much.

Footage aired from earlier in the day from inside an SUV driven by Nicholas Jackson, who was accompanied by Matthew Jackson, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry. The Elite members pulled into a parking spot that was reserved for Tony Khan…

A video package recapped The Elite attacking Kenny Omega on last week’s Dynamite…

A Jack Perry promo aired that was recorded last week. He said Kenny Omega isn’t as bad as he thinks he is. Perry said he hoped Omega had fun performing all of his old moves in his hometown for what would probably be the last time. Perry said Omega was not the hero they needed him to be. Perry said Omega was a coward like everyone else and now The Elite will change the world without him. Perry said everyone has to sacrifice and Omega just made his…

Powell’s POV: A well delivered promo. The Elite faction really needs someone who can be the lead man on the mic and perhaps it can be Perry.

Excalibur hyped Kenny Omega’s important announcement for after the break… [C]

Kenny Omega was shown sitting up in a hospital bed. He said he appreciated Matthew Jackson reminding him that the attack was just business. Omega said May 26 will mark the five-year anniversary of when it all started. Omega challenged The Elite to face Team AEW in Anarchy in the Arena. Omega spoke of FTR being on Team AEW and hinted that the other two wrestlers would reveal themselves to The Elite tonight…

Powell’s POV: Anarchy in the Arena matches are fun and all, but I’m surprised they didn’t go with a standard match first and build up to a big gimmick match.

Tony Schiavone stood on the stage and introduced Serena Deeb. She said losing to Toni Storm at Double Or Nothing is not an option for her. She said she returned to AEW after being on the shelf for 15 months. She said she suffered a series of three unprovoked seizures last year. She said doctors could not understand why it was happening. Deeb spoke of having a vision of becoming the AEW Women’s Champion during her downtime.

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm made her entrance in black and white and joined Deeb and Schiavone on the stage. Storm called Deeb a charity case and threw money at her. Deeb said she would fight for her life to become AEW Women’s Champion. Storm said she doesn’t give a single solitary shit about what Deeb has gone through. Storm and Deeb went face to face. Deeb turned to leave. Storm grabbed Deeb and tried to hit her, but Deeb blocked it and then knocked out Storm. Luther picked up Storm to carry her to the back…

Lexi Nair checked on Orange Cassidy in the trainer’s room. Rocky Romero entered the room. Romero told Cassidy that Tony Khan informed him that if he can beat Jay White later in the show, they and a partner of their choice would get a shot at the trios title. Romero mentioned Shibata and Trent Beretta as potential partners. Cassidy said no regarding Beretta and said they would figure it out…

2. Mariah May vs. Harley Cameron (w/Saraya). Both entrances were televised. Callis remained on commentary. May hit a seated Cameron with a dropkick. Cameron went to the apron where Saraya checked on her. When May walked over, Cameron clotheslined her over the top rope heading into a PIP break. [C]

May performed a Sky High for a two count. Cameron came back with a jawbreaker, but May blocked her kick and dropped her with a headbutt. May went up top and performed a missile dropkick. May set up for a hip attack, but Saraya pulled Cameron to ringside. May went to ringside and dropped Saraya with an elbow strike.

Back in the ring, Cameron caught May in an inside cradle for a two count. May came right back and hoisted up Cameron before slamming her to the mat and scoring the pin…

Mariah May beat Harley Cameron in 9:10.

After the match, Saraya attacked May. Mina Shirakawa ran out and put Cameron down with a spinning back fist while Saraya went to ringside. May picked up Shirakawa and spun around. They teased kissing, but Shirakawa pulled away. A crew member handed Shirakawa two champagne glasses and then she and May drank together…

Powell’s POV: The announcers played up that it was Shirakawa rather than Toni Storm who came to the rescue. May was over with the live crowd.

Pac was interviewed by Aura in the backstage area, but they were interrupted by Jay White, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn. White noted that Pac was coming off a loss to Kazuchika Okada. White said he knows how to get the job done against Okada and said maybe he should go after the Continental Championship…

A Malakai Black video aired. Black spoke about how Adam Copeland was so pivotal to the industry that he changed the landscape. Black said Copeland started fearing death and became painfully aware of his own mortality. He spoke about how Copeland found light with his wife and children. He said the devil sent a man to remind Copeland who he really is. Black said he has to bring Copeland to the brink of death so that Copeland can live again…

Excalibur hyped the Swerve and Cage segment as coming up next… [C] A video package aired on The Elite and how they will change the world…

Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson wore headsets while saying the person who put the video together deserves a raise. They said they would address what Kenny Omega said in the ring. A crew member handed them a sheet of paper. Matthew said the paper said we were about to hear from the AEW World Champion. “Go get ’em, Swerve,” Matthew yelled..

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland made his entrance without Prince Nana. Highlights aired from Christian Cage and his crew attacking Swerve and ripping hair out of his head. Swerve said that when you become AEW World Champion, people want a piece of you figuratively and quite literally.

Swerve said he understands going for the person at the top and dubbed himself the Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers star) of AEW. Swerve called out Christian.

[Hour Two] Christian Cage walked out with Killswitch, Nick Wayne, and Shayna Wayne. Christian had a mic and spoke as he slowly walked toward the ring. Christian said he couldn’t wait to watch the Vancouver Canucks stomp the Oilers. Christian stopped at the bottom of the ramp and told the crowd to shut up once they started chanting for the Oilers.

Christian said Swerve is not in his league. He called himself the face of TBS and TNT and said he deserves to be world champion. Christian walked closer to the ring and threatened to take Swerve’s gold teeth out of his mouth.

Swerve said he told Christian he wasn’t coming alone. Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun, and Brian Cage entered the ring. Swerve said he wanted Christian to get in the ring so that he could take him out like Kendrick Lamar took out Drake over the weekend. Swerve said it wouldn’t be the last time that someone from the west coast took out a fake father from Toronto. Nice.

Swerve said Christian got where he is by playing the politics came whereas he had to work his ass off and get beat down and get back up to become champion. Swerve dared Christian to come take his title belt. Swerve said Christian wouldn’t do it because it would put him in an uncomfortable position. Swerve said that Christian will say “I Quit” when he’s put in an uncomfortable position. Christian raised the microphone to speak and then lowered it.

Brian Cage hit Swerve from behind. Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun joined in on the attack. Christian cheered them on from ringside and told the trio to finish off Swerve. Liona and Kaun stood on top of the ring steps and then slammed Swerve through the broadcast table. Christian smiled and then he and his crew headed to the back…

Backstage, Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson applauded Christian Cage once he and his crew showed up. Christian credited the Jacksons for the idea and said it was a pleasure doing business with them. Matthew asked Nicholas if what happened would be considered a bitch move…

Powell’s POV: One faction down, many more to go! I like the way they tied the Jacksons into this by having them get a measure of revenge for Swerve saying what they did to Tony Khan was a bitch move. But I am surprised that they put all of the heat on Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Bishop Kaun when they could have had Christian get physically involved. Then again, it’s not like Christian ever struggles to get heat, so he’ll be fine.

The broadcast team stood in front of their broken desk. Callis complained about not having a place to sit. Schiavone barked at Callis about Christian giving the Jacksons credit for coming up with the idea. Excalibur recapped Willow Nightingale beating Skye Blue to retain the TBS Title in a Manitoba Madness match from last week’s Rampage…

TBS Champion Willow Nightingale was interviewed by Aura. Willow said she wasn’t feeling well physically and pointed to her “shiner” and then said emotionally she was doing great. Aura asked if Willow was ready for Mercedes Mone at Double Or Nothing. She said the question is whether Mone is ready for her. Willow said she’s sorry that Mone got hurt in their last match. Willow said Mone may win all of the attention, but she will win inside the ring…

3. Jay White (w/Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn) vs. Rocky Romero. The entrances were televised. White was in offensive control heading into an early break. [C] Romero used a backslide to get a close near fall. Romero hit Sliced Bread for another near fall. White came back with a brainbuster and then hit the Bladerunner before getting the three count.

Jay White defeated Rocky Romero in 8:10.

The Gunns attacked Romero after the match. Pac made his entrance and walked to the ring. White and the Gunns grabbed their NINE title belts and exited the ring…

Powell’s POV: It feels safe to assume that AEW has spent more money on nine trios title belts than the trios title matches have actually drawn since the best of seven series.

A Samoa Joe training video aired. Joe spoke about how fear drives a warrior. Joe said he is not a warrior who fears, he is what those men fear in the first place… [C]

4. Chris Jericho and Big Bill vs. Mo Jabari and Harlon Abbott. The entrance of Jabari and Abbott was not televised. Bill chokeslammed both opponents and then tagged in Jericho, who hit Abbott with the Judas Effect and then pinned him…

Chris Jericho and Big Bill defeated Mo Jabari and Harlon Abbott in 2:30.

After the match, Jericho thanked the fans and said it’s always a pleasure to come back to Calgary. He “corrected” himself and said Edmonton. The fans were all over Jericho, who said he deserved it. Jericho said you make mistakes and correct them when you are under the Learning Tree.

Jericho thanked Big Bill. He also thanked Katsuyori Shibata and said they got the highest rating on He thanked Hook and said he should take as much time as he needs to recover from when he hit him with a baseball bat. Tony Schiavone entered the ring and informed Jericho that Hook will be coming back next week on Dynamite. Jericho said they would celebrate on Dynamite together. Jericho thanked the fans and waved…

Excalibur hyped the main event as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: A quick squash match with Bill doing the work and Jericho taking the glory. I also got a kick out of Jericho intentionally flubbing the name of the town and how the live crowd either played along or thought it was a legitimate mistake.

Adam Copeland made his entrance followed by challenger Brody King…

5. Adam Copeland vs. Brody King in a No DQ match for the TNT Championship. Excalibur stressed that Tony Khan made it a No DQ match from “at home base” in Jacksonville even though the Young Bucks were running wild. King performed a neckbreaker over the middle rope heading into a PIP break. [C]

King dominated during the break. King set Copeland on a chair and then ran and dove at him and then crashed into the barricade after Copeland moved. Copeland slammed the chair over King’s back repeatedly. Excalibur hyped Collision and Rampage for Saturday night without announcing any matches.

Copeland and King fought on the apron and eventually Copeland performed a DDT onto a chair. King bled heavily from the forehead and smiled after Copeland punched him twice. Copeland rolled King back inside the ring and then hit him with a top rope crossbody block for a two count.

Copeland broke the bottom bar off a chair and then wedged one in between the ropes. King dropped Copeland with a lariat heading into another PIP break. [C]

There was a table set up at ringside. Copeland tried to knock King off the apron, but King put him in a sleeper. Back in the ring, both men hit simultaneous kicks and stayed down on the mat for a moment while a “this is awesome” chant broke out.

King performed a cannonball in the corner for a two count. They plugged the three-hour block for Saturday again without announcing any matches. King performed a piledriver on Copeland. Both men rolled to the apron. Copeland hoisted up King on his shoulders and performed a Death Valley Driver on the apron. A “holy shit” chant broke out.

Copeland speared King through the ropes and then both men went through the table on the floor. Both men returned to the ring. Copeland speared King and covered him for the win.

Adam Copeland defeated Brody King in a No DQ match in 18:25 to retain the TNT Championship.

After the match, King hit Copeland with a lariat and then threw punches at him. Kyle O’Reilly ran out and worked over King. Copeland and O’Reilly clotheslined King out of the ring…

Powell’s POV: A strong match with hard work from both wrestlers. Much like last week’s TNT Title match, the match lacked drama because it’s obvious they are building to Copeland facing Malakai Black, presumably at Double Or Nothing. It’s a shame because King is very good and should be more than just a setup guy for Black.

[Overrun] Mercedes Mone was interviewed by Aura on the backstage interview set and asked if she’s ready to face Willow Nightingale. Mone said we’re 18 days away from her in-ring debut for AEW. She said AEW is where the best wrestle. She said she thrives in the spotlight and under pressure. She said she would be court side for a Boston Celtics and would throw out the first pitch at a Red Sox game. She said she is ready for Willow. Mone said Willow took something she can’t get back – time. Mone wondered why this happened to her and whether she will be as good as she once was. Mone said she will be. She said Willow has had the run of her career because of her. Mone said she would wipe Willow’s stupid smile off her face…

Lexi Nair interviewed Adam Copeland and Kyle O’Reilly in the backstage area. Copeland thanked O’Reilly for helping him out. O’Reilly said he was happy to help out against House of Black. O’Reilly said he had a favor. He said Collision will be in his hometown and then asked for a Cope Open match. Copeland asked if O’Reilly came out to help to get closer to the title, then agreed to give him the match. Copeland and O’Reilly shook hands…

“The Elite” Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada, and Jack Perry made their entrance. The Jacksons said they asked for an overrun because they had an important message. Once in the ring, Okada dubbed himself the Best Bout Machine and told Kenny Omega to get well soon.

Matthew looked into the camera and said he knew Tony Khan was watching. Matthew said Khan is the best boss he’s ever worked for and he hopes he gets better soon. Matthew said he just wished that Khan had realized they weren’t trying to hurt AEW, they were trying to make it a better place. Matthew said Khan left them with no choice but to give him a Tony Khan Driver.

Matthew addressed Omega and said they had to give an EVP Trigger to an EVP. Nicholas said the only reason FTR saved Omega is because FTR hates the Young Bucks. Nicholas accepted the Anarchy in the Arena match for Double Or Nothing and then wished Team AEW luck in finding two more men with big enough balls to face The Elite.

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler walked onto the stage. Harwood admitted it wasn’t easy to find people to go against EVPs, but he said he thinks he found two guys with big enough balls for the job. Eddie Kingston made his entrance and joined FTR on the stage.

Bryan Danielson’s music played and then he made his entrance and joined Kingston and FTR. Schiavone announced that Danielson will return to action on Saturday’s Collision and next week for Dynamite in his home area of Everett, Washington. Team AEW entered the ring and brawled with The Elite. Security and referees tried to intervene as the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: Danielson and Kingston joining Team AEW is fun. Their characters had issues, but Kingston earned Danielson’s respect in the storylines. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Dynamite for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the May 8 edition free polls


Readers Comments (12)

  1. TheGreatestOne May 8, 2024 @ 9:44 pm

    “but I’m surprised they didn’t go with a standard match first and build up to a big gimmick match.”

    Why? There’s literally nothing in the history of the company and the personality of Tony Khan that suggests booking logically.

    How small do AEW crowds have to get before we call them a gathering?

    What happens when they lose to NXT in the ratings?

    How do we determine which of Tony’s pet acts is the worst draw if he opens nearly every week with one of them in the Sheldon Cooper quarter hour?

    • The man who hates this show more than life itself is back again with his unbiased critique for more attention!

      “LOok aT me MoM im InterneT femus”

      • He secretly loves AEW, has wrestling figures next to his bed, and often dreams about Tony Khan. That’s gotta be why he is always here complaining.
        Khan won’t respond to his letters, so he gets mad and projects.

        • Actually he’s one of those pathetic people who actually make themselves feel better by being negative about things because they know how negative of a person they themselves are…worthless, useless, and it’s proven by doing things like coming on here JUST to bash AEW all the time. Putting down things make them feel better about how much there is to put down about they themselves.
          Personally, I think they are fun to laugh at.

    • Wow, you came here and posted a negative comment about AEW so that you feel better. Pathetic, but still as funny as ever. Maybe it’s wrong, but people like you actually make people happy because you’re so miserable and pathetic. Thanks!

  2. Clay Connelly May 8, 2024 @ 11:12 pm

    Promos from Mone and Deeb were rooof, Broooov!

  3. A statistically equal amount of people graded the show top box (A/B) versus bottom box (D/F). This has been a common result recently. That seems to correlate with the subpar ratings and attendance

    • The poll results are definitely down for AEW lately, but remember to trim about a dozen bad faith F votes. WWE television shows get them too. I haven’t really figured out the average number for the WWE shows, but it’s been roughly a dozen for Dynamite for a long time now.

      • Yeah I figured as much. Plus prob an equal amount of automatic A votes from AEW die-hards as well. I know when I used to do surveys for work we often tossed the top and bottom numbers and looked at the trends in the middle

        The is no way last nights show was an “F” but also was nowhere near an “A”

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