WWE Raw results (4/15): Powell’s live review of Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable for the Intercontinental Title, Rhea Ripley appearance, Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio, Sheamus returns, Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,612)
Montreal, Quebec at Bell Centre
Aired live April 15, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Michael Cole introduced the show while a shot aired of the building exterior. Sami Zayn was shown walking backstage while Cole added that Zayn grew up 45 minutes from the building. World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest was also shown walking backstage, then Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage, and finally Jey Uso was shown doing the same. Cole hyped footage of The Bloodline saga from Friday’s Smackdown…

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance with her right arm in a sling and held her title belt in the other. Pat McAfee joined Cole on commentary and they spoke of rumors being injured when she was attacked by Liv Morgan in a backstage segment during last week’s Raw. Raw general manager Adam Pearce stood in the ring behind Ripley.

“So obviously you guys know what’s going on right now, yeah?” Ripley started. “After the attack last week from Liv Morgan, I’ve now been told that I’m stuck on the bench for quite a few months.” Ripley added that she was told that she needed to vacate the thing that means the most to her. Fans booed and then chanted “no.”

A censored bullshit chant broke out. Ripley agreed with the chant. She said the title means the most to her and that’s why what she was about to do was so painful. Ripley laid the title belt down in front of her. Ripley stood and looked down at the belt while a “Thank you, Mami” chant broke out.

Ripley brought up Liv Morgan’s revenge tour and called it stupid. She said she could have had some respect for Morgan had she done it face to face, but she blindsided her like a coward. Ripley said she understands because she would have dropped Morgan where she stood.

Ripley issued a warning to whoever wins “my Women’s World Championship.” Ripley said when she returns, she’s coming back for blood. Ripley said she wouldn’t be gone just due to injury, but also because they would need to lock her up in a Montreal jail once she found Morgan.

Liv Morgan made her entrance and laughed while security held her and Ripley apart. Morgan laughed as she was escorted to the back. Ripley dropped a security guard with a headbutt…

Sheamus’s silhouette was shown while Cole noted that he’d been out for eight-and-a-half months… An ad aired before the commercial break for the WWE Draft starting April 26 on Smackdown and concluding on the April 29 Raw… [C]

Powell’s POV: Well, that sucks. But I did like the way that they made Morgan the heel by having her laugh at the popular heel Ripley. They might as well do what they can to turn a negative into a positive. Here’s wishing Ripley the best in her recovery. There’s no reason to believe that she won’t be more popular than ever once she returns.

Rhea Ripley was shown walking backstage where the rest of Judgment Day greeted her with a group hug. Damian Priest said they know she’ll make Liv Morgan pay and come back even more badass than she is now. Priest told her that they love her. Ripley spoke about keeping Judgment Day on track while she was away. Dom said he loved her. “Yeah, I know,” Ripley said…

Powell’s POV: Han Solo would be proud.

Sheamus was introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Cole said Sheamus had been sidelined by neck issues. Ivar made his entrance…

1. Sheamus vs. Ivar. Cole noted that Ivar made his main roster debut as part of the Viking Experience five years earlier to the day at Bell Centre. Cole said there were 15,118 fans in attendance. Sheamus performed White Noise from the middle rope and then played to the crowd. [C]

Sheamus performed Ten Beats. Ivar came back with a spin kick. Ivar went up top and splashed Sheamus for a near fall. Ivar went for a springboard move and was caught with a knee strike. Sheamus dropped his kneepad and hit Ivar with another knee strike. Sheamus played to the crowd and then hit the Brogue Kick and got the three count…

Sheamus defeated Ivar in 8:20.

Powell’s POV: It’s been a long road back for Sheamus and it was great to see him in the ring again. It was also cool to hear his old entrance theme.

Cole and McAfee checked in from ringside and were mauled by Sheamus in a playful way. Once Sheamus left, Cole set up a video package on Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable while also recapping their recent history… Chad Gable was shown walking trough the backstage area… [C]

A graphic touted that WWE had over one billion views across social media during WrestleMania XL week… McAfee comically narrated slow-motion desk cam footage of Sheamus hugging him and Cole…

Paul “Triple H” Levesque made his entrance. Cole said the Triple H Era is here. Cole noted that “middle management stooge” Adam Pearce was waiting for Triple H in the ring where a podium was set up with covered title belts on top of it. The Montreal crowd cheered loudly for Triple H (times have changed).

Triple H said it’s hard to believe that it was only eight days ago that they were in the midst of the biggest WrestleMania of all time. Levesque said kingdoms fell, nightmares began, and a new era started. Pearce noted that they went into WrestleMania with tag team champions and exited with two sets of tag team champions.

Raw Tag Team Champions R-Truth and The Miz made their entrance carrying the red Raw Tag Team Title belts. A “you deserve it” chant broke out for the new champions. The Miz raised R-Truth’s arm. Truth handed Miz his title belt and the microphone and then did a leap into the splits.

Triple H congratulated the new champions and said it was probably the biggest tag match in history (um…) and the two of them made history. Triple H said it’s a new era and if they are going to represent the brand as tag team champions, they needed to do it in a way that represents as an all new era.

Triple H announced that Truth and Miz will now be known as the World Tag Team Champions and then unveiled the new title belts. R-Truth acted amazed. He spoke about the magic tricks he’s seen over the years and said he’s never seen a magic trick like that. He said Triple H made title belts appear “out of thin oxygen.”

Miz said Triple H is not a magician. Truth said that’s exactly what a magician would say. Truth said he doesn’t trust magicians after Little Jimmy. Truth said everyone was once able to see Little Jimmy. Miz mentioned Triple H’s name. R-Truth asked where Triple H was and then said Triple H is “a crafty little genie.” Truth told Triple H that he sees right thought him and referred to him as Tommaso Ciampa.

The Miz woke up the crowd by mentioning the host city, which led to the fans singing the Ole song. Miz spoke in French to Truth about the new belts. Truth finally understood that the new title belts belong to him and Miz. Triple H finally asked if he could just leave. He took the Raw Tag Team Title belts from Truth and Miz and then presented them with the new World Tag Team Championship belts. Triple H told Pearce that Truth and Miz were all his.

Pearce asked Truth why he would make the boss leave. Pearce announced that there would be a Triple Threat match to determine the No. 1 contenders to the tag team champions. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa made their entrance for the Triple Threat match. [C]

Powell’s POV: That was a rare case of a Truth comedy bit that just didn’t click. We’re getting more Triple H than necessary, and I assume he’ll be back on television on Friday to do something similar with the Smackdown Tag Team Titles, and then again for the WWE Draft. The new names for the titles mesh with the other Raw titles and the new belts are an upgrade over the red belts.

Julius Creed and Brutus Creed made their entrance followed by Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. As the New Day duo were coming out, there was a “glitch” with a chime and a couple of symbols appeared briefly on the screen…

2. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Julius Creed and Brutus Creed vs. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in a Triple Threat to become No. 1 contenders to the World Tag Team Titles. The Miz and R-Truth sat at ringside. DIY sent the Creeds to the floor and then dove onto them, but they Creeds caught them. Kingston and Woods performed flip dives onto the teams at ringside and then celebrated with Miz and Truth. [C]

[Hour Two] A “Triple H” chant broke out and Ciampa played into it with a crotch chop. Late in the match, Julius superplexed Kingston, but legal man Woods hit Julius with a top rope elbow drop. Creed sent for the pin and was hit by Meet in the Middle by DIY and then Ciampa pinned Woods…

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa defeated Julius Creed and Brutus Creed and “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 10:55 in a Triple Threat to become No. 1 contenders to the World Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: Two Triple Threats set up Friday’s number one contender match for the WWE Undisputed Championship and now a Triple Threat determined the No. 1 contenders to the tag team titles. Are they rushing because of the quick turn around from WrestleMania into WWE Backlash France? Either way, I’m not a fan of all the Triple Threats. I didn’t care for this match featuring three babyface teams, nor am I excited about the babyface title match with Awesome Truth vs. DIY.

Footage aired of CM Punk costing Drew McIntyre last week’s No. 1 contenders match…

Drew McIntyre was shown laughing as he watched the footage with Jackie Redmond on a backstage television. Redmond said that wasn’t the reaction she expected from McIntyre, who then hit the television with a Claymore Kick…

An ad for Smackdown touted AJ Styles vs. LA Knight for a shot at the WWE Championship at Backlash, and Bayley vs. Naomi for the WWE Women’s Championship… [C] Entrances for the women’s tag team match took place…

3. Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile vs. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell. Dupri performed a fisherman’s suplex on Hartwell for a two count and then talked smack to LeRae. Hartwell turned Dupri around and clotheslined her. LeRae tagged in and worked over Dupri while McAfee assumed she was calling Dupri a “stupid hot dog.”

Dupri tagged out, but the referee was tied up by Hartwell and missed it. Hartwell threw a kick at Dupri and then threw LeRae on top of her while the referee was distracted. The referee turned around and made the three count. Cole said it was the first time that Hartwell seemed to be on the same page as LeRae…

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell defeated Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile in 3:35.

Powell’s POV: So Hartwell has officially joined LeRae on the dark side. I assume this will lead to an endless series of rematches between these teams. McAfee referring to the babyface as a stupid hot dog was a strange choice.

Cole said Damian Priest is the first Puerto Rican born WWE world champion in over 50 years. Photos were shown of Priest posing for a photo with New York Yankees star Aaron Judge at Yankees Stadium. A Damian Priest video package aired. It closed with Priest saying that his name and his title reign will live forever…

Damian Priest fired up a somber Judgment Day inside their clubhouse. Priest told Dominik Mysterio that he would take care of Andrade and JD McDonagh would help him get it done.

Finn Balor told Priest that their focus should be on getting the tag titles back and questioned why he was facing Jey Uso. Priest told Balor that he needed “The Prince” to teach Jey the meaning of the word loss. Priest said he would teach Jey the meaning of the word pain at Backlash. Priest asked Balor if he was good with that. Balor laughed and said of course and then they bumped fists…

Andrade made his entrance wearing his black mask, which he removed once he made it to ringside… [C]

Powell’s POV: The black mask entrance only seems to be over in Andrade’s mind. It didn’t work in AEW, nor are fans reacting to it in WWE.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Jamie Redmond interviewing Chad Gable, who was working out in the ring with the Creed Brothers. Gable said his title match meant everything to him. He said he was excited about the match. Redmond asked Gable how he prepared for facing a pro-Zayn crowd. Gable said that when he made the Olympic team in 2012, he was a Minnesota guy in Iowa. He said not one person in the building wanted him to win the match, but he did. Gable said Zayn let him see his weakness during training and now he would expose them…

Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh made their entrance…

4. Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio (w/JD McDonagh). Dom offered Andrade a handshake and then threw a chop at his chest while Andrade was looking to the crowd. Andrade executed the Three Amigos. Cole assumed that Rey Mysterio now wishes he had lost custody of Dom to the late Eddie Guerrero. Funny. Andrade went up top and pointed out McDonagh climbing on the apron to the referee. Dom took advantage of the distraction by taking out Andrade’s legs to knock him off the ropes. [C]

Dom performed what McAfee called a “This Country Destroyer” on the apron. Dom got Andrade back inside the ring and covered him for a near fall. Dom kicked Andrade into position for a 619 and went for the move, but Andrade caught him with a back elbow. Andrade hit The Message finisher and scored the pin.

Andrade defeated Dominik Mysterio in 8:40.

JD McDonagh attacked Andrade after the match. Dom held Andrade while McDonagh threw punches at him. Ricochet rushed out to chase off the heel duo. Ricochet and Andrade shook hands…

Powell’s POV: Andrade felt cold as a babyface despite working the heel that the fans love to hate.

The broadcast team set up footage from Smackdown of The Bloodline drama that included the debut of Tama Tonga…

Jey Uso was interviewed by Cathy Kelley in front of a Montreal Canadiens trophy case. Kelley asked Jey about what happened to his brother Jimmy Uso on Smackdown. Jey said The Bloodline were going down a dark and dangerous road and were adding members that he didn’t even know about. “As far as Jimmy goes, well I told him to come with me,” Jey said. Jey got upbeat while saying that Finn Balor was about to catch a beatdown… [C]

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven made their entrance. Green wore a hat with the initials “CG” on it.

Powell’s POV: Did Chelsea wear that “CG” hat to the New York hotel? That might explain the confusion. Bad jokes aside, Cole acknowledged that Green received an apology from the hotel, but he didn’t go into details about her mistaking her for a call girl.

5. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Cole noted that both teams are former champions and said the match is important as they try to jockey for position and earn as hot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Niven broke up a Carter pin attempt by hitting her with a running crossbody block, and then Green covered Carter for the win,.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven beat Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in 2:20.

Powell’s POV: I have a great idea. They could have a Triple Threat to determine the number one contenders for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles! No?

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage and Cole said he would appear after the break… [C]

The broadcast team recapped Rhea Ripley forfeiting the Women’s World Championship due to injury and then being taunted by Liv Morgan…

Liv Morgan was interviewed by Cathy Kelley in the backstage area. Morgan said she didn’t understand the negative reaction. She said her revenge tour would end with her becoming the Women’s World Champion…

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes made his entrance. Cole hyped the remaining matches while graphics showed Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor, and Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable for the Intercontinental Championship.

[Hour Three] The fans sang the Ole song. Cody asked his usual question only this time in French. Cody noted that he’s officially a Smackdown Superstar and told the crowd not to worry because he’s not going anywhere. Cody said they couldn’t celebrate WrestleMania forever. He spoke of facing LA Knight or AJ Styles at Backlash.

Cody said they could reflect a little bit. He said there was a man he could talk about for hours and that man said he would be his shield. The crowd started to sing Seth Rollins’ theme song. Cody said that person was a man of his word and then thanked Seth Rollins. A “thank you, Seth” chant broke out.

Rhodes said The Rock did some reflecting yesterday. Cody said it was news to him that Rock did a ten-week training camp and flew people in to spar with him. Cody said he doesn’t think Rock has one more match left in him, he thinks Rock has a lot more than that.

Cody said that in typical manic Rock fashion, Rock claimed he would make him bleed again. Cody said Rock is probably right and maybe he will bleed, but no amount of training or preparation could stop the fact that if he’s going to bleed, Rock is going to bleed with him.

Cody said he was confused by what happened on Smackdown with The Bloodline because Tama Tonga arrived and yet Roman Reigns was nowhere to be found. Cody introduced Jey Uso. Pat McAfee stood on the broadcast table and pumped his arms with Jey and the live crowd. Cole said McAfee would be useless the rest of the night (insert your own insult here).

Cody noted that Jey is the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship and said no one deserves it more than him. Cody said Jey helped him finish the story at WrestleMania. Cody said Jey was about to wrestle Finn Balor and the rest of Judgment Day wouldn’t be far behind, so he would love to have Jey’s back just as Jey had his.

Jey said he appreciated it, but he had to do it on his own. Cody said he understood that Jey didn’t need him and needed to do it on his own. Cody wished Jey good luck and then they hugged. Cody started to leave the ring and then said, “One other thing, until we yeet again.” They both said “yeet” together and then Cody’s music played. Finn Balor was shown walking backstage and then he stopped and looked into the camera… [C]

Powell’s POV: Am I the only one who is getting tired of this shyeet?

Nia Jax was interviewed in the backstage area by Cathy Kelley, who asked what Rhea Ripley relinquishing the championship means to the division. Jax said she doesn’t give a damn about Ripley and the title is hers…

Finn Balor’s entrance theme played and then he attacked Jey Uso from behind. The referee checked on Jey and then called for the bell…

6. Jey Uso vs. Finn Balor. Damian Priest was shown watching the match from the Judgment Day clubhouse. Balor booted Jey to ringside and then mocked the yeet dance while standing on the ropes. [C]

Priest was shown watching backstage. “I think I’m gonna say hello,” Priest said before grabbing his title belt and leaving the clubhouse. Jey caught a charging Balor with a superkick. Balor came back with a dropkick and then went for his finisher, but Jey avoided it and then speared him. Jey went up top and performed a top rope splash and scored the pin.

Jey Uso defeated Finn Balor in 6:45.

After the match, Damian Priest entered the ring and went face to face with Jey. Priest held up his title belt. JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio attacked Jey from behind. Balor joined in on the attack. They sent Jey to ringside. Dom jumped off the apron into a superkick. Jey hopped the barricade. McDonagh followed and was punched and then run into Balor before Jey walked up the steps and exited through the concourse.

A camera followed Jey, who slapped hands with fans in the concourse. Jey gave a light shove to a dude who didn’t get out of his way. Jey exited the building and found Sami Zayn staring upward. Sami said the first show he ever saw was in the same building. He said he returns a champion and was would enter through the front door just as he did all those years ago.

Sami Zayn entered the venue and made noise using a recycling bind. Fans in the concourse were exited. Zayn made his entrance through the same section that Jey used to make his exit (the old Shield arrival section). Zayn’s music played and he took a Canadian flag from a fan and wrapped his around his shoulders as he walked down the steps and then around the main floor while playing to the crowd. Sami eventually made his way through the crowd to the ring. Cole said Zayn would defend the Intercontinental Title in his hometown next… [C]

Powell’s POV: The Jey and Sami meeting was obviously way too convenient, but it was really cool to see Sami make that entrance.

Cole listed the following for next week’s WWE Raw in Columbus, Ohio: The new Women’s World Champion will be crowned, R-Truth and The Miz vs. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa for the World Tag Team Titles, and Ricochet and Andrade vs. Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh…

Chad Gable was shown at the Gorilla Position and was booed. Bronson Reed approached Gable and said that the winner of tonight’s match won’t be champion for long because that person will have to answer to him. Gable made his entrance…

7. Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable for the Intercontinental Title. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Zayn pulled down the top rope and then Gable’s momentum took him to the floor. Zayn teased a dive and opted to use the ropes to perform a flip. Gable returned to the ring and went nose-to-nose with Zayn. [C]

Gable went after Zayn’s angle. Zayn hit him with an Asai moonsault and came up selling his left leg while his wife Khadijah was shown cheering for him in the front row. [C]

Gable performed an Olympic Slam from the top rope, but he was unable to make the cover. Zayn’s wife was shown looking concerned. Zayn and Gable traded a series of German suplexes. Zayn got the better of the suplex war by dumping Gable on the back of his head with a release German suplex. Damn.

Zayn put Gable down with an exploder and then set up for a Helluva Kick, but Gable avoided it and applied an ankle lock. Zayn had a small cut above his left eye. Zayn rolled out of the ankle lock. Gable went up top and jumped into a powerbomb. Zayn went for a Sharpshooter, but his ankle gave out.

Zayn got to his feet and continued to sell the ankle. Zayn went for a Helluva Kick, but Gable countered into a suplex into the corner. Gable put Zayn in an ankle lock and then barked at Zayn, who reached for the ropes. Gable pulled Zayn back to the middle of the ring.

Zayn rolled out of the ankle lock and into a pin for a two count. Gable charged Zayn, who hit him with an exploder suplex. Zayn hit the Helluva Kick and then fell over and grabbed his ankle before covering Gable for the three count…

Sami Zayn defeated Chad Gable in 17:15 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

Zayn’s wife was shown applauding from the front row while Cole said it was a hell of a fight. Zayn put the title belt in the middle of the ring and then pointed at Gable. Zayn walked on his knees over to Gable, who was emotional while sitting in the corner. Zayn helped Gable to his feet and tried to raise his arm, but Gable raised Zayn’s arm instead and then left the ring.

Zayn went to ringside and hugged a man and then his wife. Suddenly, Gable grabbed Zayn from behind and gave him a German suplex on the floor. Gable ran Zayn into the ring post. Gable threw Zayn on the broadcast table and then back onto the apron. Gable ran Zayn into the ring post casing and then applied an ankle lock through the ropes while standing on the middle rope. A group of officials came out and barked at Gable until he released the hold as the show went off the air…

Powell’s POV: The strong main event one would expect from Zayn and Gable. I like the heel turn, but I really wish they would have done it sooner so that Gable could have soaked up the boos from Zayn’s hometown fans. Sami’s wife continues to be the best wrestler wife in the business when it comes to believably reacting to her husband’s matches.

Overall, a good show capped off by the strong main event and post match heel turn. Unfortunately, it was also a newsworthy show due to Rhea Ripley forfeiting the championship. They said a new champion will be crowd next week, but they didn’t explain how unless I missed something. I hope it’s not a battle royal. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the April 15 edition

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Readers Comments (24)

  1. While there’s no “shame” losing to Sheamus this doesn’t make Ivar look good going into tomorrow night.

  2. TheGreatestOne April 15, 2024 @ 8:34 pm

    I know they’re banking on the Seamus return and the main event to carry the night, but this is the worst of black & gold NXT tonight with the Paint Drying Express winning a nonsensical triple threat tag match and Candice LeRae continuing to get TV time.

  3. The “stupid hot dog” is a reference to Indy tweeting a weird picture of Maxxine dressed as a hot dog.


  4. Pretty sure Rhea said she loved him back in Spanish.

  5. TheGreatestOne April 15, 2024 @ 9:30 pm

    Jey out the front door right into Sami coming in was a brilliant little gimmick.

  6. I got just one word for you, Jason.


    (Sorry! Someone had to do it!)

  7. I was wondering if the Gable heel turn would happen tonight. I thought they might drag it out but once we went into the overrun it seemed inevitable.

    This will be fun to see where it goes. Gable has got legit potential for a serious heel run.

  8. I was actually thinking it would be Sheamus coming out to attack Zayn to restart his quest to become IC champ for the first time..

  9. Probably a gauntlet match for the title with Jax,Morgan,and a few others.

  10. Why Am I Watching This? April 15, 2024 @ 10:29 pm

    I rewatched that Jey and Sami single-camera sequence a couple of times. That was magnificently choreographed. Real Aaron Sorkin stuff. Talk about making the crowd part of the show. A++

    • I’ve been telling people (as a TV person in a past career) that the types of transitions you’re seeing now could never have happened when VKM was tearing up scripts at 4:45.

      It takes a little time and forethought to make sure you’ve got a clean and clear run for the camera, (was even harder back when all the cameras were cabled.) But this sort of production only gets attempted when you have a decent amount of security that you’re not going to be changing it all on the fly.

      • Why Am I Watching This? April 16, 2024 @ 6:15 am

        Give that cameraman a bonus…and continue paying for his gym membership. (And those overhead crowd shots as Sami was plowing through were also pretty cool. Just an all-around sense of immediacy. Fun.)

      • TheGreatestOne April 16, 2024 @ 8:39 am

        One of my co-workers spent about 20 years working as a cameraman for local TV, mostly covering live sports broadcasts, and he’s been raving about the quality of WWE production since Vince and Kevin left.

  11. Sheamus is such a great worker. He should have been a household name. But every time they bring him back, they do nothing to really repackage him. I know they teased his return last week, but he’s a former world champion. Why not have him come back and do an interview first? Or don’t announce his return and have him do a surprise run to either save or beat down a top babyface.

    He has such potential, but they never quite pull the trigger.

  12. That’s what I’m saying they could’ve saved Sheamus to attack Sami instead of Chad.It could’ve been the battle of the gingers for the title unless they’re saving it for later..

  13. Phil in the UK April 17, 2024 @ 3:42 pm

    Not sjre why but in the UK we only had a 1hr 30 minute show? Usually 3hrs but read your review afterwards (as always) and noted just how much was left out! It’s happened a few times now. Very strange and it wasn’t even the highlight show we get midweek.

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