WrestleMania XL results: Powell’s live review of night one with The Rock and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes, Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch for the Women’s World Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE WrestleMania XL Night One
Streamed April 6, 2024 live on Peacock
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Lincoln Financial Field

A new “Then, Now, Forever, Together” video aired and then Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show while an overhead shot showed off of the host stadium. Footage aired of Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and The Rock appearing at different times in the parking lot… Meek Mill was featured in the opening video…

Cole announced that they were sold out for night one. A shot aired of Rhea Ripley stretching backstage while Cole said we were moments away from her title defense. Cole noted that it was 52 degrees with 15MPH winds while a graphic listed the same information on the screen. Becky Lynch was shown pacing backstage…

Coco Jones was introduced by ring announcer Samantha Irvin. Jones performed the Star Spangled Banner while standing inside the ring…

Powell’s POV: It looks like “America The Beautiful” opening WrestleMania is out along with Vince McMahon.

Paul “Triple H” Levesque made his entrance “The Game” by Motorhead. Cole recalled stating on the Kickoff Show that he believes the new era of WWE should be dubbed The Triple H Era. Cole was joined at ringside by Corey Graves and Pat McAfee. Cole labeled Graves as the heir apparent, which got a smile out of Graves.

Levesque stood in the ring and stated: “Man, I live for this. Welcome to a new time. Welcome to a new era. Welcome to WrestleMania”…

A video package set up the Women’s World Heavyweight Championship match. A CGI version of Becky Lynch’s book was displayed in front of the stage with highlighted passages that were narrated by Lynch. “I am The Man,” Lynch closed. Lynch made her entrance. The Prime energy drink logo was in the middle of the ring. The Spanish broadcast team checked in from ringside (their table is so screwed). Cole said Lynch had been sick all week long.

The band Motionless in White played Rhea Ripley to the ring. Cole noted that the band is from nearby Scranton, Pennsylvania (home of Dunder Mifflin!). The band’s singer Chris “Motionless” Cerulli introduced Ripley from the stage. Once both wrestlers were inside the ring, Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match…

1. Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch for the Women’s World Championship. Cole said Lynch suffered from strep throat this week. Graves said her temperature was as high as 102 degrees during the week. McAfee added that Ripley was working through a wrist injury.

Ripley performed an early Northern Lights suplex into a bridge for a two count. Ripley went for a vertical suplex, but Lynch countered into an inside cradle for a one count. Ripley powered up Lynch and executed the suplex and then got a two count.

Ripley went to the ropes and did the Eddie Guerrero shimmy. Lynch ran up the ropes and pulled Ripley down with an arm drag. Lynch executed a tornado DDT for a two count. Lynch draped Ripley over the middle rope and then hit her with a second rope leg drop. Lynch performed an exploder suplex that sent Ripley into the barricade.

Back inside the ring, Lynch executed a top rope leg drop on the back of Ripley’s neck and got another two count. Lynch went to the middle rope and dove at Ripley, who caught her and slammed her to the mat. Lynch tried to get up and was blasted by a knee strike that led to a near fall.

Lynch caught Ripley in a crossarm breaker. Ripley powered up Lynch and slammed her to the mat twice, but Lynch maintained the hold. Ripley powered her up again and used a sit-out powerbomb to break the hold and picked up a near fall in the process. Cole acknowledged the chilly conditions again.

Ripley showed some frustration over not being able to pin Lynch. Both wrestlers stood up and traded slaps until Ripley headbutted Lynch. Ripley charged Lynch, who moved and sent Ripley through the ropes and into the ring post. Cole noted that Ripley’s bad arm hit. Lynch applied a Disarmer over the ropes and had to release it to the referee’s count.

Ripley came right back and applied the Prism Lock in the middle of the ring. Lynch used her arms to get close to the ropes, but Ripley pulled her back to the middle of the ring and then dropped to the mat and grapevined her. Lynch rolled onto Ripley to break the hold and got a two count.

Lynch slipped out of Ripley’s Riptide attempt and countered into a Manhandle Slam for a near fall. Ripley went for a backslide, but Lynch flipped over her. Ripley hit the Riptide and covered Lynch, who kicked out at the last moment. Ripley barked at the referee about his count.

Ripley went up top, but Lynch fell into the ropes and crotched her on the top turnbuckle. Lynch went to the middle rope and traded punches with Ripley. Lynch got the better of the punch exchange and performed a superplex.

Lynch immediately applied the Disarmer. Ripley stood up got Lynch in the Electric Chair position to break the hold. Lynch performed a huracanrana to pull Ripley over the ropes, but Ripley maintained her Electric Chair position once she was on the floor and then fell backward with Lynch.

Back inside the ring, Ripley performed a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Ripley tried to follow up with a superplex, but Lynch fought out of it and attempted a Manhandle Slam that Ripley avoided. Ripley performed a version of the Riptide in the corner, then hit the actual Riptide in the middle of the ring and scored the clean pin…

Rhea Ripley defeated Becky Lynch in 17:05 to retain the Women’s World Championship.

Powell’s POV: A good opening match with the expected outcome. Lynch is a trooper if she was still feeling the effects of strep throat, which is no fun. Ripley’s star is still rising, so I like the call to keep the title on her. The sun set, so it was cool to watch the match start with daylight and conclude once it was nearly dark. I like the little touch of acknowledging the weather conditions at the outdoor event.

Cole set up a Netflix preview for Rebel Moon Part 2, which was followed by advertisements… A Pretty Deadly video aired with Kit Wilson and Elton Prince discussing the six teams in the tag team ladder match… Entrances for the tag title ladder match took place…

2. “Judgment Day’s” Damian Priest and Finn Balor vs. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. “Awesome Truth” The Miz and R-Truth vs. “A-Town Down Under” Austin Theory and Grayson Waller vs. “New Catch Republic” Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate in a 6-Pack Ladder Match for the Undisputed Tag Team Titles. Cole pointed out that Priest brought the Money in the Bank briefcase to the ring with him and teased the possibility that he could cash in during or after the tag team main event.

Cole also pointed out that the Raw and Smackdown Tag Team Title belts were hanging above the ring. He said the match would continue until both sets of belts were held down. Graves recalled that Balor needed staples to close a gash caused by a ladder at last year’s WrestleMania (when he faced Edge). Bate picked up Balor and performed an airplane spin while Balor held a ladder that hit one of the other wrestlers in Terry Funk fashion.

Bate and Dunne climbed a ladder on opposite sides at ringside and then performed simultaneous moonsaults onto groups of wrestlers who were waiting with their arms up. Bate made a play for one set of belts inside the ring when Priest launched Dunne into the ladder, causing Dunne to take a rough landing.

Priest and Balor were in the ring when Truth reached out in search of a tag. One of the other wrestlers tagged Truth, who then performed John Cena’s signature spots on Balor and covered him for a pin that Truth counted himself. Truth stood up and celebrated. Miz informed him that they had to pull the title belts down. A cute sequence that the live crowd enjoyed.

Priest was hit with a double team move by Truth and Miz. Gargano superkicked Priest and then CIampa hit Priest with a Pedigree. Truth suggested that the DIY duo go after the Raw title belts while he and Miz would go for the Smackdown belts. The teams made a play for the belts, but they were knocked down by Waller and Theory. Waller climbed up the ladder and pulled the Smackdown Tag Team Title belts down and they were named the winners of those titles.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller won the Smackdown Tag Team Titles in 7:30.

Bate and Dunne performed a double team powerbomb that sent Waller over the top rope and onto a ladder that was leaning over the apron and the broadcast table. DIY created a ladder bridge inside the ring after setting up two tables on the floor. Ciampa ended up on the ladder wedged between the standing ladder and the middle rope and then Woods dropped an elbow on him. Kingston performed a trust fall dive onto a batch of wrestlers on the floor.

Woods made a play for the title belts, but Theory cut him off and threw him out of the ring. Theory climbed the ladder, but Bate and Dunne pulled him down and hit him with a Birminghammer, which didn’t get much of a reaction from the crowd. Gargano performed a leap over the top rope and put Dunne through a table on the floor with a DDT. Ciampa cut off Bate near the top of the ladder and performed an Air Raid Crash that took out both men.

R-Truth entered the ring and was alone when he set up a ladder. Truth climbed the ladder, but JD McDonagh showed up and pulled him down. Cole explained that there are no disqualifications. McDonagh helped Balor to his feet and then pulled him up the ladder. Woods cut off Balor and then Kingston worked him over with chair shots. The New Day duo tipped over the ladder, causing McDonagh to crash through tables on the floor.

Priest performed a Razor’s Edge on Kingston on top of a chair. Priest climbed the ladder and smiled at the booing crowd before reaching up for the belts. The Miz rushed up the other side of the ladder to cut off Priest. Miz got his hand on one of the belts. Priest went for a South of Heaven chokeslam off the ladder that they didn’t follow through with. Cole said it was a smart move because the ladder was buckling.

Priest set up another ladder and got his hand on one of the belts, but Truth tipped over the ladder. Truth performed an Attitude Adjustment that sent Priest over the top rope to the floor. Truth set up the ladder, climbed it, and then pulled down both belts.

R-Truth and The Miz won the Raw Tag Team Titles in 17:25.

Cole noted that it was Truth’s first WrestleMania win and the first time that Awesome Truth won tag team titles…

Powell’s POV: Well, I got the Waller and Theory prediction right, but I was wrong about Miz and Truth winning. Good for Truth just in terms of getting his first WrestleMania win at age 52. The ladder match was entertaining and now we just hope that everyone involved escaped without injury. I’m all for splitting up the tag team titles. The Smackdown teams have mostly spun their wheels since Priest and Balor won the titles. Was this done to free up Priest for a cash-in either this weekend or sometime before the next Money in the Bank event?

Olympic gold medalist Jordan Burroughs was introduced to the crowd while standing in the front row…

A video package set up the next tag match while ads aired for ad-based Peacock subscribers…

Santos Escobar made his entrance with Angel, Humberto, and Elektra Lopez. Angel and Humberto wore their silly claw temporary tattoos for the occasion. Dominik Mysterio came out and then they all headed to the ring together. “Te LWO” Rey Mysterio, Andrade, Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro, Carlito, and Zelina Vega all made their entrance to Rey’s entrance theme…

3. Dominik Mysterio and Santos Escobar (w/Angel, Humberto, and Elektra Lopez) vs. Rey Mysterio and Andrade (w/Joaquin Wilde, Cruz Del Toro, Carlito, Zelina Vega). Cole said this was Rey’s 12th WrestleMania. Rey removed his belt to use on Dom, but Dom cut him off with a kick.

Rey hit a Code Red on Escobar over six minutes into the match and then made a hot tag to Andrade, who performed dragon screw leg whips on both opponents. Andrade kipped up and got a good reaction. Andrade hit Dom with double knees in the corner. Andrade went for a moonsault and landed on his feet when Dom rolled over. Andrade hit him with a standing moonsault.

Dom came back with a neckbreaker on Andrade and then both men tagged out. Rey performed a huracanrana and then cleared Dom from the ring before performing a 619 on Escobar. Andrade hit Dom with a top rope moonsault to the floor. Humberto went after Rey while the referee was tied up with Angel, which led to a two count for Escobar.

Elektra climbed on the apron and barked at the referee. Vega pulled Elektra to the floor and then hit her with a moonsault. There was a series of dives that was capped off with Wilde being launched from the middle rope onto Angel and Humberto who were a good distance away at ringside (I love that spot). Two masked men showed up and helped Mysterio, who then hit Dom and Escobar with a 619. Andrade took out Dom and then Rey pinned Escobar.

Rey Mysterio and Andrade beat Dominik Mysterio and Santos Escobar in 11:05.

After the match, the masked men celebrated with The LWO and then removed their masks to reveal themselves as Jason Kelce and Lane Johnson…

Powell’s POV: Johnson plays for offensive tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL, and Kelce just retired after a Hall of Fame run as the Eagles center. Jason is the older brother of Travis Kelce, who plays tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs and dates Taylor Swift. The match didn’t do a lot for me. They rushed back into the Rey vs. Dom drama to set up the match at the last minute. And while the NFL fan in me enjoyed seeing Kelce and Johnson, their involvement in this particular match felt really random. On a side note, the broadcast table called Humberto by his “Berto” name, so it looks like that will be his name after back and forth.

Cole set up a video package set up Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso. Cole said it was only the third time that “real brothers” faced off at WrestleMania…

Samantha Irvin introduced Lil Wayne as “the greatest rapper of all-time.” Lil Wayne performed on the stage for Jey Uso’s entrance. Lil Wayne accompanied Jey to ringside and they both wore “Yeet” shades. Jimmy Uso made his entrance and was hit by a suicide dive. Jey ran Jimmy into the post and eventually threw inside the ring…

4. Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso. The referee called for the bell once both wrestlers were inside the ring. Jimmy took offensive control and taunted the crowd while slowly working over his brother. Jey battled back and they traded punches while the crowd said “yeet” for Jey’s punches and either booed or said “no” for Jimmy’s punches.

Jimmy superkicked Jey, who returned the favor. Jey barked at Jimmy to bring it and then let Jimmy superkick him. The superkick exchange continued. Jey got the better of it and told his brother to get up. Jey set up for one more, but Jimmy covered up. Cole said Jey was about to hit the deathblow an opted to show compassion.

Jimmy said he was sorry and offered a handshake while on his knees. Jey shook his brother’s hand and helped him up, but Jimmy pushed him and then superkicked him. Jimmy hit a top rope splash for a near fall. Jey came back with a spear and then performed a top rope splash and scored the pin…

Jey Uso defeated Jimmy Uso in 11:05.

Powell’s POV: Another ho-hum match. The fans love Jey, but Jimmy just hasn’t clicked as a singles heel. Jimmy comes off more like a sleazy used car salesman than a dangerous heel. I thought they might give Jimmy a cheap win to extend the feud, but it came off like it might be a one and done.

Cody Rhodes was shown stepping out of his fire hazard tour bus while holding his ring gear… A video package set up the six-woman tag match while some viewers saw ads…

The Damage CTRL trio made their entrance. Cole spoke about how cold it was. They showed Cole wearing a hat and Graves wearing gloves while McAfee told them they look ridiculous. Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair, and Naomi had were on an elevated platform that lowered them next to the stage…

5. Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Naomi vs. Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai. Sane performed an early dive from the top rope and hit a standing Naomi with an Insane Elbow on the floor. The Damage CTRL trio isolated Naomi once she was back inside the ring. Naomi kicked Asuka and then executed a double cutter Sane and Kai, who were on the apron.

Belair tagged in and worked over all three opponents. Belair pressed Sane over her head and then dropped her on top of Asuka and Kai. Belair performed a handspring into the ropes and then hit a standing moonsault on all three opponents.

The crowd came to life when Belair teased tagging in Cargill, but her opponents prevented her from doing so. Belair was isolated until she did a somersault to avoid a double clothesline and then tagged in Cargill, which received a big pop.

Belair chokeslammed one opponent. Sane dove from the top rope at Cargill, who caught her and gave her a back breaker. Cargill dumped Kai awkwardly and then hit her with a Michinoku Driver, but the pin attempt was quickly broken up.

Belair set up Sane for a KOD that Asuka broke up. Asuka accidentally sprayed Sane with mist. Belair whipped Asuka with her ponytail and then followed up with a KOD. Cargill hit Jaded on Kai and pinned her…

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Naomi defeated Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Dakota Kai in 8:05.

The babyface trio posed in the middle of the ring with Belair standing in the middle…

Powell’s POV: A showcase win for the babyfaces in Cargill’s non-Royal Rumble match debut. The crowd reacted big for Cargill and was into the babyface trio. Belair extended her WrestleMania winning streak and yet this felt like a down year for her. It’s total speculation on my part, but I continue to wonder if they wanted to go with Belair vs. Cargill and it was simply a case of company officials not having enough faith in Cargill’s ring work to actually go through with that match.

A video package set up the Intercontinental Title match while some Peacock viewers saw ads…

Sami Zayn was standing backstage when his wife and child approached him. Zayn’s wife kissed him and then Sami kissed his young son. Zayn told his wife to keep their son backstage because he didn’t want him to see what was going to happen. Chad Gable approached Zayn after his family left. Zayn assumed Gable was coming to the ring with him, but Gable told him that he had this by himself and always did. Gable shook Zayn’s hand and then Zayn walked through the area that leads to the stage. Kevin Owens was waiting for Zayn. Owens shoved Zayn, hugged him, and then fired him up. Zayn was shown walking through the Gorilla Position and the making his entrance.

Powell’s POV: That was a cool sequence with Zayn’s family, Gable, and Owens. Plus, it’s always fun to see a shot of the backstage setup that they don’t normally show. I’m as excited for this match as I am for anything on the WrestleMania card this year.

Logan Paul’s energy drink had a small stand set up at ringside while the broadcast team plugged the product. Gunther made his entrance and was accompanied by Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci, who did not accompany him to ringside. A shot aired of a group of fans cheering for Gunther in Cologne, Germany (they’ve shown shots from various international locations throughout the show)…

6. Gunther vs. Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Championship. Gunther caught Zayn with an early suplex and then picked him up and blasted him with a chop. Zayn’s wife was shown cheering for him from the front row. Gunther blasted Zayn with more chops, but Zayn fired away with various strikes and then performed a pair of half-and-half suplexes. Gunther shot up and turned Zayn inside out with a clothesline, which led to a near fall.

Zayn rallied with a tornado DDT. Gunther was slow to get up and Zayn charged for a Helluva Kick, but Gunther caught him in a sleeper. Zayn escaped the hold. Gunther blocked a Blue Thunder Bomb attempt. Zayn tried again, but Gunther countered into a sleeper. Zayn reached for the ropes and then Gunther suplexed him.

Gunther charged Zayn, who put him down with an exploder suplex. Gunther came right back with a dropkick and a powerbomb before going for a pin that resulted in a two count. Gunther waited for Zayn to get up and then hit him with a big boot in the corner. Gunther looked down at Zayn’s wife and then went back to the opposite corner, but Zayn followed him and caught him with a Helluva Kick for a nice near fall.

Zayn went for another Helluva Kick, but Gunther cut him off with a clothesline that turned him inside out. Gunther powerbombed Zayn twice and covered him for a close near fall. Gunther sold disbelief over Zayn kicking out. Gunther jawed at Zayn’s wife and she jawed back at him.

Gunther put Zayn down again and then invited Zayn’s wife to enter the ring and help him up. Gunther powerbombed Zayn and turned his focus back to Zayn’s wife while Cole and Graves called on referee Eddie Orengo to call off the match. Gunther performed a top rope splash, then went up top and hit the move again. Gunther went to the apron and smiled while suggesting that Zayn’s wife throw in the towel.

Meanwhile, Zayn started firing up. Gunther went to the ropes and was hit with a Helluva Kick. Zayn executed a brainbuster from the ropes Gunther stumbled to his feet and was leaning in the corner when Zayn blasted him with a Helluva Kick. Zayn followed up with another Helluva Kick while Cole asked viewers if they believed in miracles. Zayn covered Gunther for the three count…

Sami Zayn defeated Gunther in 15:30 to win the Intercontinental Championship.

Cole said Gunther’s 666-day reign was over. Cole called it one of the biggest upsets of the last decade. Zayn went to ringside and kissed his wife before returning to the ring and celebrating with the title belt…

Powell’s POV: That lived up to my high expectations, though I would not have minded had they gone five minutes longer. Sami’s wife is great. You never know what you’re going to get from family members during wrestling shows, but she looks completely invested in the match and her responses to Gunther come off as genuine rather than forced. I have loved Cole’s work since the alleged sex pest stopped screaming at him through his headset, but borrowing the classic line that Al Michaels used for the Miracle On Ice was surprisingly unoriginal for a really cool moment. Anyway, it was a wonderful title reign for Gunther and I look forward to seeing him move into world title contention.

A video aired with the wrestlers talking about WrestleMania…

Raw general manager Adam Pearce and Smackdown general manager Nick Aldis were inside the ring when they were introduced by Samantha Irvin. They listed the attendance as 72,543 and thanked the fans. Pyro shot off on the stage…

San Francisco 49ers tight end George Kittle was shown in the crowd along with actress Vanessa Hudgens, rapper Wale, and actor/comedian Druski… Cole hyped the WrestleMania XL post show press conference and then the broadcast team ran through the lineup for night two… A video package set up the main event…

Cody Rhodes made his entrance for the main event. Cody stopped and kissed Mama Rhodes, who was in the front row, and then gave his weight belt to his father-in-law while Cole spoke about the father-in-law’s cancer battle.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance in a wild robe with a giant shoulder piece (I just bought that same outfit at Target).

A Brahma Bull logo appeared on the middle screen on the stage. The side screens said all levels were cleared, which led to “Final Boss Engaged”. The Rock’s entrance theme played and he walked out and stood in the middle of a flaming Brahma Bull logo before heading to the ring. Rock had the People’s Champion title belt (Lonnie Ali gifted it to him at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony) draped over his shoulder. Rock posed on the middle rope and there were cheers.

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns made his entrance along with new WWE Hall of Fame inductee Paul Heyman. Cole noted that Reigns has been champion for 1,315 days. Cole said Reigns was working his eighth main event, which ties the record set by Hulk Hogan.

Cole took a jab at Roman’s light schedule and said Cody would have beat him last year had it not been for interference. Graves and McAfee held up their index fingers in support of Reigns while Cole declined to join them.

Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the main event and explained that the result would determine the stipulation of the main event of WrestleMania Sunday. “Samantha Irvin is so damn good,” Cole said…

7. The Rock and Roman Reigns (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes. Rock wrestled in boots and trunks and was in tremendous shape. The teams came together in the middle of the ring for a staredown. Reigns and Rollins started the match with a collar and elbow tie up. The fans sang Rollins’ entrance theme, which Reigns acted annoyed by.

Reigns knocked Rollins down with a shoulder block. Rock held up his index finger in a show of support. Rollins ducked a clothesline and caught Reigns with a kick to the gut. Cody pleaded with Rollins to tag him in. Rollins smiled at Reigns and then tagged Cody for what Cole called a preview of Sunday’s main event.

Cody targeted the left arm of Reigns, who then sent him into the corner and clotheslined him. Cody caught Reigns with a knee to the cut and hit him with a few forearm shots. Cody ducked a clothesline. Rollins tagged in and Roman stopped while running the ropes to avoid being hit by both opponents.

The Rock tagged into the match while Cole said it was the first time in eight years that Rock was in a match. Rock and Rollins locked up and Rock got the better of it. Rollins returned the favor moments later. A loud “Rocky” chant broke out with some boos. Rock backed Rollins into the corner and kicked him in the gut. Rock punched Rollins a couple times.

Rollins blocked a punch and fired back with punches of his own, but then the Rock put him down with a clothesline. Rock looked at Cody and gave him the “bring it” hand gesture. Cody tagged into the match and locked up with Rock, but neither man got an advantage.

Cody caught Rock with a couple of punches and then Rock came back with a kick. Cody hit Rock with an uppercut. Cody backed Rock into his corner and then tagged in Rollins, who joined Cody in throwing kicks at Rock. Roman ran in and Rollins put him down with a sling blade clothesline.

All four wrestlers met in the middle of the ring. They threw punches and then Cody and Reigns ended up fighting on one side of the ring while Rock and Rollins fought on the other next to the sponsored hydration station. Rock barked at referee Chad Patton and warned him he would fire him if there was a count-out. Rock said he doesn’t f— around and they were about two seconds late while trying to mute it (oh, my virgin ears!).

Cody and Reigns fought on the stage while Rollins and Rock fought into an open space on the main floor. Rock picked up a trashcan and hit Rollins with it. Rollins came back with punches. Rock caught Rollins with a punch and then grabbed a bottle of water from a production area and spit water in Rollins’ face.
Rock was sent back to ringside and then Rollins jumped off the barricade and hit Rock.

Rollins rolled Rock back inside the ring. Rollins jawed at Rock from ringside and then tried to return to the ring. Rock grabbed the referee while Reigns showed up behind Rollins and clipped his left knee. Rock asked Rollins how he felt now and then kicked his knee. Rock punched Cody, who was near the bottom of the ramp.

Rock took Rollins back inside the ring and slammed his bad knee on the mat. Rock wrenched the bad knee around the ring post twice. Reigns tagged in and continued the assault on Seth’s knee. Rock threw a kick at Rollins’ knee from the apron. Cole said the referee had no choice but to watch due to Rock’s power in the company.

Reigns put Rollins in a half crab. Rollins rolled out of it and threw kicks at Reigns, then got to his feet and chopped him. Reigns put Rollins down and knocked Cody off the apron. Rollins sent Reigns over the top rope and then joined him on the floor. Rock dropped off the apron and ran Rollins into the ring steps twice.

Reigns had Rock roll Rollins back inside the ring. Reigns held up his index finger to boos. Rock and Reigns made fast tags while isolating Rollins. Cole assumed Drew McIntyre must be sitting backstage laughing because he predicted that this would happen to Rollins.

Reigns did the locked and loaded bit in the corner and went for a Superman Punch that Rollins avoided before performing a neckbreaker. Reigns tagged in Rock, who prevented Rollins from getting to his corner. Rock kicked Rollins in the balls. Cole said the referee apologized to Cody while saying there was nothing he could do about it.

Rock threw punches at Rollins and then spat on his own hand and wound up, but Rollins dropped him with an enzuigiri. Reigns ran in to stop Rollins, but Seth tossed him to the floor. Rollins dove to his corner to tag out, but Reigns pulled Cody off the apron.

Rock put Rollins in a Sharpshooter. Cody entered the ring and slapped Rock across the face, which caused Rock to release the hold. Rock went after Cody, who clotheslined him over the top rope. Rollins superkicked Rock and the hit him with the Stomp. Rollins sold his inured knee before crawling to his corner and making the hot tag while Reigns also tagged in.

Reigns came up bleeding from his nose and acted like he was infuriated. Reigns let out a war cry and charged Cody for a spear, but Cody jumped over him and performed a sunset flip for a two count. Cody performed a Cody Cutter. Rollins had tagged himself in and then Rollins followed up with a splash for a two count. Rollins played to the crowd. “I hate that damn song,” Heyman said.

Rollins went for a Stomp, but Reigns powerbombed him. Reigns set up for a spear, but Rollins caught him with a kick and then tagged in Cody. The babyface duo performed a double superkick on Reigns. Rollins put Reigns down with a Stomp. Cody hit Reigns with CrossRhodes and had him beat, but Rock pulled the referee out of the ring.

Rock ran Rollins into the barricade. Reigns recovered and hit Cody from behind with a low blow. Reigns speared Cody. Rock rolled the referee back inside the ring and counted along with the referee, but Cody kicked out at the last moment.

Reigns put Cody in a guillotine. The referee checked Cody’s arm, but Cody kept his arm up. The Rock grabbed Cody’s legs and Reigns maintained the hold. Rollins hit Reigns with a Stomp to break the hold. Rock returned to the ring and tossed Rollins to the floor. Cole said there might as well be Bloodline Rules for this match given the way things were going.

Rock grabbed the weight belt with Cody’s blood on it and told Mama Rhodes that it was her son’s blood. Mama Rhodes barked at Rock, who returned to the ring. Cody caught Rock with a punch and got the belt, but Rock hit him. The referee cleared the belt from the ring. Cody hit Rock with a Bionic Elbow.

Cody charged Rock, who put him down with a spinebuster. Rock looked to the crowd. Rock looked to the crowd and then went for the People’s Elbow, but Cody shot up and hit Rock with a Cody Cutter. There was a mix of cheers and boos. Cody asked Rock if he wanted to make him blood and then set him up for CrossRhodes, but Reigns returned and hit Cody with a Superman Punch.

Reigns let out a war cry and then tried to spear Cody, who was pushed out of the way by Rollins, causing Reigns to accidentally spear Rock. Cody and Rollins hit stereo Pedigrees on their opponents and covered him for a great near fall.

Rock and Roman ended up at ringside. Cody and Rollins had a brief pep talk and then Rollins went after Reigns while Cody went after Rock. Cody was put down by Rock, who cleared the Spanish broadcast table. Rock picked up Cody and then barked at Mama Rhodes to look at her son. Rock put Cody on the table and then joined him.

Rock set up for a Rock Bottom, but Seth grabbed his foot. Cody took advantage of the situation and then put Rock through Cole’s broadcast table with a Rock Bottom. Rollins speared Reigns into the timekeepers’ area. All four men stayed down for a moment.

Reigns got Cody in the ring and worked him over with punches. Cody fired back and they traded blows while Rock and Rollins were still down on the floor. Cody hit Reigns with CrossRhodes. Cody picked up Reigns and hit a second CrossRhodes, then picked him up for a third, but Rock blasted Cody with lash from the weight belt. Reigns speared Cody.

Rock held out his hand. Reigns nodded and then tagged out. Rock waited for Cody to stand up and then put him right back down with a Rock Bottom. Rock looked into the camera and made the throat slash gesture before holding up his index finger. Rock hit Cody with the People’s Elbow and pinned him…

The Rock and Roman Reigns defeated Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes in 44:35.

Graves said it was time for Cody to find a new story to finish because Sunday night would not be Cody’s night. Cole said it would be Bloodline Rules and Cody would not be finishing the story. Cole said Rollins was still down on the floor. Rollins was shown crawling. Rock and Reigns did the bro handshake. Rock and Reigns held up their title belts while Heyman stood behind them on the ramp and then pyro shot off on the stage. Cole closed things out while Cody and Rollins were both kneeling inside the ring…

A video package recapped night one of WrestleMania to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The right ending for night one to stack the deck against the babyfaces heading into night two. Rock pinning Cody would seem to suggest that we’ll get a singles match between the two at some point. I was a little worried about the match when it was on the slow side early, but I didn’t realize they would go as long as they did. I enjoyed the match and it was cool to see Rock back in the ring against after all these years. I continue to suspect that Cody is going to get a lot help from some big legends tomorrow night, but I guess we’ll see what happens.

WrestleMania Night One was good overall despite the middle of the show dragging. The main event and the title matches delivered. I will have a lot more to say when Jake Barnett and I team up for our same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Check back on Sunday afternoon for a new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Brian Fritz and I discussing night one and looking ahead to night two. Let me know what you thought of night one by voting in our post event polls below.

WrestleMania XL Night One Poll: Grade the overall show

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WrestleMania XL Night One Poll: Vote for the best match

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Readers Comments (23)

  1. Why Am I Watching This? April 6, 2024 @ 6:09 pm

    Allow me to ask this of y’all on the outset: How is Damian’s MITB going to come into play?

    • TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 6:19 pm

      Drew beats Rollins, Damien cashes in and takes the belt. Plays into Drew’s current character and his contract status while finally elevating Priest.

      If it’s not something like that then it’s Dom interfering in Priest’s cash-in and causing him to fail, leading to the breakup of Judgement Day and turning Priest face.

      • Why Am I Watching This? April 6, 2024 @ 6:26 pm

        Or he may cash it in in exchange for Rhea’s hair extensions. But just putting it out there. They’ve kind of buried the whole Señor Money In The Bank bit for the last several weeks.

        • TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 6:32 pm

          I think that was on purpose to try and get people to forget about it a bit so it’s not so obvious if/when he’s going to cash in.

      • The Grand Wizard April 6, 2024 @ 8:04 pm

        Face or heel, Priest has absolutely no personality.

    • I’m betting on Priest sneaking in after the tag match tonight. Maybe turning tomorrows match into a triple threat?

  2. TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 6:36 pm

    It’s a shame this opening match has turned into another WWE kickout fest. Becky has cooled off a ton in recent months and this should have been a fairly dominant win for Rhea.

  3. Why Am I Watching This? April 6, 2024 @ 6:49 pm

    Ah. There’s the briefcase.

  4. TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 6:59 pm

    Greatness Waller and Awful Dreary get one set of belts, at least.

  5. TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 7:59 pm

    The Usos put the crowd to sleep.

  6. You beat me to it my friend

  7. TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 8:47 pm

    Sammy was flopping around like Emmet at the end of The Lego Movie and it worked.

  8. One of the most undeserving, strange title reigns begin. Why him…

  9. Jason I disagree with you about the Miracle on Ice reference. Unoriginal, yes, but it was still the perfect fit given the storyline. Some lines like that are historic for a reason.

    • Now I have time to respond. I just wanted to poke my head in here during my live review and be a dick for a second. Ha! Anyway, I get what you are saying. I loved the match, but I was down on them going in for leaning so heavy into Rocky during the build, so Cole capping it off with a borrowed line annoyed me a little. But it was nowhere near enough to spoil the moment. I was just surprised he didn’t have an original call.

      • Unlike others on here who will always be dicks, I respect the views of others so presented. Especially you, Jason.

  10. Belair vs. Cargill sounds like a great summerslam match for me; gives them time to build the story

    • TheGreatestOne April 6, 2024 @ 9:23 pm

      I think they tag for 6+ months before splitting and having the match, that way Bianca can help Jade getting her reps and have first hand knowledge of what she’ll be able to do for that match.

  11. Gallus training rock to look that gud. Give those Gallus boysss a raise

  12. Original Jabroni April 6, 2024 @ 11:27 pm

    Elephant in the room- Jade Cargill is so amazing to look at, even my 8 year old son was like, ” whoa!” I actually thought she’d immediately turn heel the way she was so stoic and took forever to touch the heel team. She’d be a bad ass monster heel.
    The Usos put 72k people to sleep, which really says just how boring they are considering the constant skin on rubber sound from the constant leg slaps.
    Enough of those stupid kicks already.
    Tonight Seth jumped the same proverbial shark that he’s been attempting to jump for four or five years now. Just gawd-aweful.

  13. I sincerely hope WWE will be happy with Roman beating Hogan’s WM record tomorrow, and end his title reign tomorrow. It is beyond overdue. And once the Rock arrived, Roman pales to his starpower.

    • Why Am I Watching This? April 7, 2024 @ 7:55 am

      Yeah…it’s time to free everyone – fans AND Bloodline members – from the whole Bloodline era. Solo is going to be a terrific performer, and he’s still winless while tied to the storyline. Roman doesn’t even hold a crowd’s attention after “ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” anymore. And I really want to see Heyman be something more than Roman’s subservient mic valet. Great talent will come out of ending this, hopefully soon.

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