TNA Impact results (4/4): Powell’s review of Nic Nemeth vs. Alex Shelley, X Division Champ Mustafa Ali vs. Rhino in an Old School Rules match, Chris Bey vs. Frankie Kazarian

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact (Episode 1,028)
Taped March 24, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena

Aired April 4, 2024 on AXS TV

Impact opened with a video package that featured comments from Nic Nemeth and Alex Shelley making separate comments about their main event match. They were both complimentary of one another and yet both men expressed confidence about winning the match… The Impact opening aired and then a shot of the Philadelphia skyline was shown… The broadcast team was Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt, and Jade Chung was the ring announcer… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. X Division Champion Mustafa Ali vs. Rhino in a non-title Old School Rules match. Former Philadelphia Flyers player Joe Watson was at ringside showing off his book and helped Rhino. Late in the match, Rhino fought off Ali’s security guard. Rhino went for a Gore, but Ali sidestepped him and sent him through a table that was set up in the corner of the ring and then scored the pin.

X Division Champion Mustafa Ali beat Rhino in 8:40 in a non-title Old School Rules match.

After the match, Jake Something came out and destroyed a giant Pro Wrestling Illustrated cover featuring Ali that Ali had pulled out during the match. Something powerbombed a security guard while Ali got upset at ringside…

A brief video package aired on the Nemeth vs. Shelley main event with comments from Joe Hendry and Tasha Steelz… [C]

Powell’s POV: Pardon the stripped down approach this week. John Moore was a late scratch for coverage and I watched the show before I found out. I’m going with the bare minimum for the review to avoid having to watch the show a second time during this busy weekend. I already wrote the TNA Impact Hit List before I found out that John was unavailable, so I’ll save the majority of my comments for when that article comes out later today.

Hammerstone was interviewed on the stage by Gia Miller. Hammerstone, who wore Josh Alexander’s headgear on his arm, said he will face Alexander again. However, Hammerstone moved close to the camera said he calls the shots and the match will be held at Rebellion. Hammerstone knocked the cameraman down. Miller told him that was enough. Hammerstone helped the cameraman to his feet and then hit him. Hammerestone put Alexander’s headgear on the cameraman said, “It’s Josh Alexander.” Hammerstone put the cameraman in a Torture Rack, then removed the headgear and soaked up boos from the crowd before heading backstage…

Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz made their entrance. Miguel taunted the crowd by acting like he thought they were in Chicago and then New York. The FBI’s entrance followed. The broadcast team acted surprised by The FBI showing up and said it was a new era for the group. Little Guido introduced “the TNA FBI” and himself…

2. “The Rascalz” Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz vs. “The FBI” Ray Jaz and Zack Clayton (w/Little Guido). Hannifan said Clayton is a reality television star who is engaged to fellow reality star J-Woww. Myron Reed showed up at ringside and sprayed Guido with spray paint. Miguel put Jaz down with a spinebuster. Wentz superkicked Jaz and then hit him with a double stomp before pinning him…

“The Rascalz” Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz defeated “The FBI” Ray Jaz and Zack Clayton in 3:25.

Kevin Knight spoke about the Nemeth vs. Shelley main event… [C]

A video package aired with Jonathan Gresham in a group therapy session. Gresham said if he wants to say something, he has to listen and wear the mask. They cut to a closeup of what appeared to be Gresham wearing a grill and saying that if you want to be honest, then you have to live a lie…

Gia Miller interviewed Mike Bailey and Trent Seven about their upcoming TNA Tag Team Title match. “The System” Moose, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Alisha Edwards showed up and boasted about holding gold. Seven challenged Moose to a match for next week. Moose told him to be careful what he wishes for…

Entrances for the Frankie Kazarian vs. Chris Bey match took place. Kazarian had Jade Chung introduce him as the King of TNA…

3. Frankie Kazarian vs. Chris Bey (w/Ace Austin). Hannifan noted that there seemed to be conflict between Bey and Austin. Late in the match, Kazarian did an Eddie Guerrero spot by pulling out a chain, tossing it to Austin, and then lying down, which made the referee think Austin hit Kazarian. The referee ejected Austin from ringside. A short time later, Kazarian kicked the ropes into Bey’s groin and then hit him with his Fade to Black finisher and scored the pin…

Frankie Kazarian defeated Chris Bey in 12:00.

Footage aired from a recent TNA Xplosion of Rosemary defeating Masha Slamovich, followed by Dani Luna beating Slamovich in last week’s four-way match…

Backstage, Alisha Edwards made a pitch to be Slamovich’s tag team partner in an upcoming Knockouts Tag Team Title match. Slamovich didn’t respond immediately, so Edwards told her to think about it…

Nemeth and Shelley were shown warming up separately backstage while Hannifan hyped the main event. A brief video aired with Josh Alexander, Trent Seven, and Mike Bailey talking about the show’s main event. A graphic listed the match as a “Generational Clash”.. [C]

A brief video hyped PCO vs. Kon in a Monster’s Ball. Hannifan said he hopes the match is made official for next week…

Xia Brookside made her entrance. Ash By Elegance’s concierge (George Iceman) came out and asked Brookside who she is before introducing Ash…

4. Ash By Elegance (w/The Concierge) vs. Xia Brookside. Late in the match, Brookside avoided Ash’s Rarified Air finisher. Brookside rallied. Ash tried to escape, but Brookside grabbed her legs while Ash pulled up the ring skirting. The referee turned her focus to the skirting. Ash kicked Brookside, who stumbled by the ropes. The concierge threw a glass of champagne at Brookside that came up short, but she sold it anyway and was rolled up and pinned…

Ash By Elegance defeated Xia Brookside in 8:30.

Backstage, Ace Austin and Chris Bey weren’t on the same page. The “First Class” duo of Rich Swann and AJ Francis showed up and talked smack until Bey challenged them to a match. Swann said Bey would regret his decision. Swann said if you’re not First Class and then Francis capped it off by saying “you’re last”.. Shots aired of Nemeth and Shelley walking backstage…

Highlights aired of Steph De Lander beating Rosemary in the 8-4-1 match with help from Matt Cardona to earn a Knockouts Title match…

Gia Miller interviewed De Lander and Cardona backstage. Cardona said De Lander didn’t need her help and referred to her as the Death Match Queen. De Lander boasted that she beat seven other women last week and said she would take the Knockouts Title from Jordynne Grace…

The broadcast team listed the following matches and segments for next week’s show: Jordynne Grace and Steph De Lander contract signing for the Knockouts Title match at Rebellion, and Crazzy Steve vs. Laredo Kid for the Digital Media Championship…

Alex Shelley made his entrance for the main event followed by his opponent Nic Nemeth… [C]

5. Nic Nemeth vs. Alex Shelley. Shelley was in offensive control heading into a break. [C] Late in the match, Nemeth escaped the Border City Stretch. Shelley superkicked Nemeth, who countered out of another move attempt and then hit his Danger Zone finisher and scored the clean pin.

Nic Nemeth defeated Alex Shelley in 21:25.

Nemeth celebrated his win after the match to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The main event was great and has been released online by TNA (see below). It’s definitely worth checking out if you can find the time during his crazy weekend. Overall, this show was solid yet fairly forgettable outside of the main event. I will be back later today with my TNA Impact Hit List, plus my weekly TNA Impact audio review will be available for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


Readers Comments (2)

  1. How is Nemeth’s intro music?

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