Ronda Rousey accuses WWE wrestler Drew Gulak of inappropriate behavior, Gulak shares his side of the story

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ronda Rousey accused Drew Gulak of grabbing the string of her sweatpants while they were backstage at a WWE event. Rousey appeared on NewsNation’s “Banfield” (video below) and told guest host Brian Entin that she was “barely an acquaintance” of Gulak. Rousey said she confronted Gulak and said they would have a problem if he ever did something like that to her or any other woman.

Gulak took to social media to share his side of the story. “Backstage at a WWE event in 2022, I saw Ronda talking with a group in the hallway,” Gulak wrote on Twitter. “I stopped to say hi and shake all their hands, and in an attempt to shake her hand, I accidentally touched her drawstring. Complete accident, and one that I had apologized to her for the mishap.”

Powell’s POV: Rousey also stated that people in WWE are not speaking out because there will be negative repercussions. “Everybody is being held hostage by their careers, but since I don’t plan on going back there unless they make some very major changes, I feel free to say whatever I want to say,” Rousey said. When it comes to the Gulak story, Rousey said Bruce Prichard was present, along with a member of the wring team whose name she could not recall. Rousey added at the end of the interview that while still not perfect, things in WWE have improved for women since Paul Levesque gained power.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. So she alleges he did something inappropriate , but didn’t say anything until she decided she wasn’t going back.
    Another strong, independent #metoo woman, huh?

    • Yes, she made her own choice to leave and not go back.

      That’s pretty much the crux of being strong and independent. But it doesn’t mean not being smart enough to know when you need a paycheck and it’s not safe to speak up.

      Stop being part of the problem.

  2. I dont believe anything that this woman says, sorry. I know that isnt very enlightened of me, but she has an axe to grind against the company.

    She was a MASSIVE star at the time…

    IF this happened and she reported it Gulak would have been sent packing in a matter of moments.

    And IF this happened and she didnt report it – shame on her. Again, as a MASSIVE star she the responsibility to report this behavior to protect other women who did not have the same influence as she had at the time.

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