AEW Dynamite results (4/3): Powell’s live review of Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland contract signing, Young Bucks vs. Best Friends in an AEW Tag Title tourney match, Will Ospreay vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 235)
Worcester, Massachusetts at DCU Center
Aired live April 3, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] Excalibur checked in on commentary and then TNT Champion Adam Copeland made his entrance and was introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts. Taz and Tony Schiavone were on commentary with Excalibur.

Copeland’s mic suffered from a bit of feedback to start. He said he was there to talk as Adam. He asked the fans if they were having fun. There was more feedback. “Live TV, baby,” Copeland said.

Copeland said there’s been “a lot of negative BS spewed this week.” Copeland said screw that. He said he wanted to talk about positives and added that there’s a lot of positives in pro wrestling. He said those who go on social media just to complain are still pro wrestling fans.

Copeland said he grew up a fan of the WWF. He said he also watched the NWA, Stampede Wrestling, BC Wrestling out of Vancouver, and Grand Prix Wrestling. Copeland said he knew he was closer to the end than the beginning and said he knew he wanted to be in AEW.

Copeland said he has been in some of the most phenomenal locker rooms of all-time and he would put up the AEW locker room against anyone. He said he came to AEW because he could face Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Swerve Strickland, Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, Darby Allin, FTR, The Young Bucks, Buddy Matthews, Brody King, and Malakai Black (he stared into the camera after saying Black’s name).

Copeland said his friends say it looks like he’s having a blast and he said he is. Copeland said he wasn’t knocking anyone else, but his time in AEW has been the most fun he’s had during his 32-year career. Copeland said he celebrates AEW and the fans cheered AEW.

Copeland said he celebrates the men who started AEW and that means the Bucks, Omega, Cody Rhodes, and Tony Khan. Copeland said they are all fans. He said AEW has pushed the industry into a better place and gives more people a chance to do what they love for a living. Copeland said AEW makes pro wrestling better and more fun. “And AEW is where the best wrestle,” he said while looking into the camera.

Copeland said AEW was moving forward. He said there was a reason that Kazuchika Okada, Mercedes Mone, Will Ospreay, and he came to AEW. Copeland said he wanted to introduce a man who symbolizes everything AEW will be going forward.

Will Ospreay made his entrance after being introduced by Copeland. Ospreay entered the ring and looked at Copeland, who smiled and then they shook hands. Powerhouse Hobbs made his entrance with Don Callis…

Powell’s POV: Tell me that CM Punk’s comments got to you without actually saying that CM Punk’s comments got to you. Even so, it was a strong promo from the right guy just in terms of Copeland being a longtime WWE wrestler who joined AEW and never badmouthed his former employer. Here’s hoping that Copeland’s promo is a sign that AEW intends to turn down the temperature when it comes to the polarization of fans. Neither company is innocent when it comes to taking jabs, but Tony Khan has been especially vocal at times. I view it as counterproductive, so hopefully this is a start of a different approach. Either way, Copeland delivered a pro-AEW promo at a time when the company needed one.

1. Will Ospreay vs. Powerhouse Hobbs. Don Callis sat in on commentary. Both wrestlers ended up at ringside where Hobbs slammed Ospreay on top of the ring steps. Hobbs picked up Ospreay and slammed him on the apron repeatedly heading into a picture-in-picture commercial break. [C]

Ospreay slapped Hobbs in the corner and then made a face that showed concern. Hobbs picked up Ospreay by the throat and then suplexed him. Hobbs blocked a swinging DDT, but Ospreay countered into Stundog Millionaire. Hobbs came right back with a powerslam for a two count.

Ospreay came back with an OsCutter and covered Hobbs for a near fall. Ospreay removed his elbow pad and set up for his finisher, but Hobbs came him and picked him up, only for Ospreay to counter into an inside cradle. Hobbs turned Ospreay inside out with a clothesline and both men stayed down.

Hobbs powerslammed Ospreay from the middle rope and covered him for a near fall. Hobbs barked at referee Aubrey Edwards about her count. Hobbs lowered the straps on his singlet and then went for a spinebuster, but Ospreay countered into a DDT. Ospreay hit a Sky Twister Press and then hit the Hidden Blade before getting the three count…

Will Ospreay defeated Powerhouse Hobbs in 13:20.

After the match, Callis entered the ring and tried to raise the arms of Ospreay and Hobbs, but Hobbs wasn’t having it and got in Ospreay’s face. All three men left the ring. Ospreay headed up the ramp and was interrupted by the entrance theme of Bryan Danielson, who smiled at Ospreay when he passed him on the ramp on his way to the ring. Excalibur hyped Danielson vs. Lance Archer for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match that didn’t go needlessly long. Ospreay has now defeated all of the other members of the Callis Family, which he’s technically still a member of.

Lance Archer made his entrance coming out of the break and was not accompanied by Jake Roberts…

2. Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Archer. Archer entered the ring and dropped Danielson with a forearm to apparently start the match. Archer dominated the next couple minutes and then Danielson took over and lit him up with kicks to the chest and then to the back of Archer’s leg.

Danielson put Archer’s leg over the middle rope and then hit it with a running dropkick. Archer tossed Danielson to the floor. Archer followed, but Danielson rushed back to the ring and went for a suicide dive. Archer caught Danielson and slammed him on the apron. Archer kicked a ringside crew member and slammed the man on top of Danielson on the ringside floor heading into a PIP break. [C]

Archer did his rope walk while holding Danielson’s arm, but Danielson pushed his leg and crotched him. Danielson hit Archer with two dropkicks in the corner. Danielson went for a third, but Archer grabbed him by the throat. Danielson took Archer down and put him in the LeBell Lock. Archer reached the ropes to break the hold.

Archer went to ringside and then Danielson hit him with a flying knee from the apron. Danielson slapped a fan’s hand in celebration and then rolled Archer back inside the ring. Danielson performed a top rope missile dropkick. Danielson threw another round of kicks to Archer’s chest, but Archer stuffed the finale kick.

Archer chokeslammed Danielson and covered him for a near fall. Archer set up for his Blackout finisher, but Danielson hit him with elbows to the head while sitting on the top rope. Danielson set up for a move, but Archer caught him with a knee strike of his own.

Archer went for the Blackout, but Danielson countered into a sleeper hold. Archer flung Danielson off to break the hold. Danielson put Archer down with a running knee. Archer stuffed another knee strike, but then Danielson hit him with three kicks to the head and followed up with the Busaiku Knee for the win…

Bryan Danielson defeated Lance Archer in 15:40.

Powell’s POV: A well worked match that went longer than it needed to. I like Archer’s work and I wish AEW had given him a real push, but there’s just no mystery regarding the match outcomes when he’s in the ring with someone as high on the card as Danielson.

Excalibur hyped Danielson vs. Ospreay for AEW Dynasty, then hyped the upcoming Dynamite segments… [C]

Renee Paquette stood on the stage and introduced Chris Jericho, who came out to his White Zombie entrance theme. Jericho recalled offering to be Hook’s mentor last week and then said something Hook said stuck in his head all week. Jericho called for the Hook Signal, which appeared.

Hook walked onto the stage in non-wrestling attire. Jericho recalled Hook saying last week that he knows who Jericho is. Jericho said he understood because as the song says, everyone he’s ever loved, he’s pushed them all away. Jericho said the rules are different when you play the game at the highest of levels.

Jericho said he wasn’t asking Hook to fully trust him, but he was asking Hook to believe in him as much as he believes in Hook. Hook said he believes in Jericho so much that he got them a Collision match. Hook said he would be keeping his eye on Jericho, who bumped fists with him…

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty spoke backstage about facing Jericho and Hook on Collision. Taylor said LionHook would get their ass beat by Shane Taylor Promotions…

Jay White made his entrance under the spotlight and then Billy Gunn showed up behind him and ended up punching him twice. White rolled down the ramp and was then run into the ringside barricade.

3. Jay White vs. Billy Gunn. The match started once Gunn rolled White inside the ring and the referee checked on White. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens were shown watching the match from backstage. Gunn took White back to ringside and slammed his head on the broadcast table. Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn were shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. White climbed over the barricade and then Gunn followed him into the crowd.

[Hour Two] Gunn continued to dominate the offense as he tossed White over the barricade and joined him at ringside. Taz said the referee was being extremely patient. Gunn slammed White’s head on the ring steps and then tried to kick him, but White moved. Gunn rolled White inside the ring, but White crawled out the other side. Gunn continued to dominate going into a PIP break. [C]

White raked Gunn’s eyes and shoved him into the ring post. White threw Gunn inside the ring and went for a Bladerunner, but Gunn countered into a slam. Gunn put White down with a Fameasser. Gunn did a crotch chop and then hit another Fameasser.

Gunn went to ringside and brought a chair back to the ring with him. Austin Gunn entered the ring and knelt in front of White while Colten Gunn stood on the apron. Billy shoved Austin out of the way and then White hit Billy with a low blow for the DQ ending.

Billy Gunn defeated Jay White by DQ in 11:45.

Max Caster and Anthony Bowens ran out and helped Billy clear the heels to ringside. Caster and Bowens set up White for a table spot, but Austin and Colten pulled White away…

Powell’s POV: It’s as if Tony Khan saw the criticism that Jay White couldn’t possibly be booked worse than he has been in AEW and responded with a Hold My Beer. Seriously, what the hell was that?

Footage aired from earlier in the day of The Young Bucks arriving in the back of a black car. Separate footage aired of the Best Friends arriving with Trent Beretta’s mother…

Excalibur discussed the tag team title brackets and hyped Julia Hart vs. Willow Nightingale for the TBS Title for AEW Dynasty…

Renee Paquette introduced Willow Nightingale, who walked onto the stage with Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway. Willow spoke about her history in the town and mentioned the White Eagle. She explained that it’s an independent wrestling venue and said it’s where she figured out who she is.

Willow said she wondered whether a girl like her belongs in wrestling. The fans roared. She said the cheers reassured her and helped turn her into the woman she is today. Willow said the fans made her so confident that she knows she will be the smiling face of TBS.

Hathaway praised Willow for having a banger and knocking it out of the park. He said she impresses him and the entire world week after week.

Mercedes Mone’s entrance theme interrupted Hathaway and she walked onto the stage. Mone played to the crowd and told them to say hello to their CEO. Mercedes said she can’t wait to watch Willow tear it up with Julia Hart at Dynasty. A loud CEO chant broke out. Mone said she gets next regardless of who leaves Dynasty with the TBS Title. Mone danced down the ramp… [C]

Powell’s POV: Willow delivered a good promo and came off like a star. She continues to be an extremely likable babyface and it would be a crime to turn her heel.

Entrances for the tag team tournament match took place…

4. “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson vs. Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta (w/Chuck Taylor, Sue) in an AEW Tag Team Title tournament semifinal match. Excalibur mentioned the 20-minute time limit and said that if the match goes to a draw, the other semifinal match would actually become the tournament final.

The Bucks double powerbombed Cassidy and then Beretta on the apron. Matthew walked over to the broadcast table and asked Excalibur if he has to do everything. Matthew mimicked Excalibur while sending the show to a PIP break. [C]

Nicholas removed the top turnbuckle pad in the Bucks’ corner. Shockingly, referee Rick Knox didn’t turn his back to wrestlers and spend two minutes putting the pad back in place. A graphic listed FTR vs. Top Flight in the other semifinal match for Saturday’s AEW Collision.

Cassidy and Beretta performed a modified TK Driver on Matthew and had him beat, but Nicholas broke it up. They took out Nicholas and then did their hug spot. The Bucks came back and Matthew took out Taylor with a kick and then stopped short of hitting Sue with one. Matthew held out his fist for Sue to bump, but she rejected it and then Cassidy hit Matt with an Orange Bunch.

Cassidy and Beretta had Matthew beat, but Nicholas broke it up. Sue kissed Beretta on the cheek to fire him up. Matthew catapulted Beretta into the exposed turnbuckle and then pinned him…

“The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson defeated Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta in 12:30 to advance to the finals of the tournament for the vacant AEW Tag Team Titles.

After the match, the Bucks headed to the back. Cassidy and Beretta stayed down and sold disappointment while Taylor entered the ring and Sue applauded from the floor. They got to their feet and set up for another hug, but Beretta blasted Cassidy with a knee strike. Beretta walked past Taylor and his mother at ringside and then headed to the back… [C]

Powell’s POV: Good, maybe we can finally get a serious Beretta. The match was solid, but the late near falls didn’t feel like they mattered because you had to know the exposed turnbuckle would come into play.

Entrances for the women’s match took place…

5. Thunder Rosa vs. Mariah May (w/Toni Storm, Luther) for a shot at the AEW Women’s Championship. Storm sat in on commentary and they used a black and white shot when she was shown on camera. May went for a powerbomb off the apron, but Rosa countered into a huracanrana.

Rosa played to the camera and then executed a crossbody block on May, who was against the barricade. Rosa rolled May back inside the ring and covered her for two heading into another PIP break. [C]

Rosa performed a German suplex and covered May for a two count. Storm said on commentary that she was getting worried and encouraged May to fight back. May caught Rosa with a knee strike and set up for a move, but Rosa countered into a pin for a two count.

May dropped Rosa with a headbutt. May set up for a move, but Rosa countered into a Backstabber. Rosa followed up with her finisher and scored the clean pin.

Thunder Rosa beat Mariah May in 8:45 to earn a shot at the AEW Women’s Championship.

After the match, Rosa went to ringside and indicated that she wanted to face Storm on the spot, but Storm ignored her. Excalibur announced Storm vs. Rosa for the AEW Women’s Championship for AEW Dynasty…

Powell’s POV: The expected outcome with Rosa beating Storm’s sidekick to earn a title match. They still need to work harder to heat up Rosa over the next couple of weeks.

Penta El Zero Miedo and Alex Abrahantes stood on the backstage interview set. Abrahantes spoke about how the people want Penta to hold gold again. Penta called for a title shot…

Adam Copeland vs. Penta El Zero Miedo for the TNT Title was announced for next week’s Dynamite, and Penta vs. Komander was added to the lineup for Saturday’s Collision…

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring for the contract signing segment and introduced Swerve Strickland, who came out with a dancing Prince Nana. The entrance of AEW World Champion Samoa Joe followed. Joe took a seat and signed the contract while Swerve stood next to Nana.

Joe sat back in his chair and said he had advice for Swerve before he signed the contract. Joe told Swerve that signing the contract is a career defining mistake.

[Overrun] Joe stood up and said he would leave Swerve mentally scarred like he left Diddy’s party too late. The crowd popped over that gem of a line. Joe said Swerve should do the right thing now that he has the right information.

Swerve picked up a mic and told Joe that he wanted this moment his entire life. He said he dreamt of this moment even though he didn’t believe it was actually possible. Swerve said much like the pay-per-view name, they are building a dynasty in AEW and then he mentioned the three new signings.

Swerve said Joe is the definition of a killer, but so is he. Swerve said he would show Joe that he’s every bit of that man. Swerve said he would beat Joe at Dynasty. “Now run the fade on that, bitch,” Swerve said.

Joe shoved Swerve, who responded with a punch that knocked Joe down. Swerve wrapped his chain around Joe’s neck, but Joe turned and headbutted Swerve to knock him off his feet. Joe wrapped the chain around his fist and then punched Swerve with it. Joe threw more chain punches to the back of Swerve’s head.

Swerve bled and then Joe hit him with more chain punches before referees pulled Joe away. Swerve grabbed the mic and laughed, which stopped Joe, who was on the stage. Swerve said he loved it. He asked Joe if that’s all he had and said then he’ll take his championship from him.

Swerve dabbed the pen in his forehead blood and then signed the contract. Joe ran back to the ring. Swerve held his arms out and then Joe kicked him in the balls and then performed a uranage slam that put Swerve through the table and drew a “holy shit” chant from the crowd. Joe put his foot over Swerve and then held up his title belt to close the show…

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable contract signing segment that felt similar in a good way to what we’ve seen from Cody Rhodes and The Rock. The crowd was hot for both wrestlers and I’m definitely looking forward to the match.

Overall, an up and down show. Yes, there was the usual good wrestling, but I’m still baffled by sixty-year-old Billy Gunn beating the shit out of Jay White. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Dynamite by grading the show below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the April 3 edition free polls


Readers Comments (11)

  1. Have you seen how huge Billy is? He is almost twice the size of jay white. He invaded his house to do bad stuff. Why wouldnt Billy kick his ass? Only thing is White should have won clean by cheating instead of the DQ but it all makes sense.

  2. TheGreatestOne April 3, 2024 @ 10:28 pm

    “He said there was a reason that Kazuchika Okada, Mercedes Mone, Will Ospreay, and he came to AEW.”

    Yes, to make a shit ton of money in front of 3,000 people and 700,000 TV viewers each week.

    • This was the most cringe promo i’ve ever seen. I felt uncomfortable watching him do it.

    • TheGreatestOne April 3, 2024 @ 10:38 pm

      “It’s as if Tony Khan saw the criticism that Jay White couldn’t possibly be booked worse than he has been in AEW and responded with a Hold My Beer. Seriously, what the hell was that?”

      Jay White is a midget jobber and he shouldn’t be able to win any kind of fight against Billy Gunn.

    • And with way less dates. That was a bad line, bc it sounds like most of us instantly thought the same thing.

      • TheGreatestOne April 4, 2024 @ 8:11 am

        And if I was any one of them, I would take the deal from AEW. Especially if I’ve already been on WWE TV and could reasonably expect to go back there once I’ve made my easy retirement money.

        Kudos to Okada, Ospreay, Mercedes, and the others who were free agents at the perfect time in modern pro wrestling.

  3. This was a bad show…

    The opening promo:…this wasn’t Copelands battle to fight. He wasn’t there for any of the past issues. He’s literally been feuding with Christian since he’s gotten there. He has no dog in that fight. An AEW original or Dustin should’ve gave that promo…or better yet….dont do the promo…it was just cringy at best.

    Mercedes Mone gets the next title shot…without having a single match….well i guess the rankings just don’t matter at this point. Never should’ve brought them back…because this was inevitable.

    Why is Jay White losing to Billy Gunn per DQ? Make that make sense?

    You basically copy and pasted what Raw just did. You couldn’t built Swerve and Joe a million different ways but you cheated off of WWEs homework…added your own AEW flair and turned the paper in.

    No way even a diehard fan could watch this show and be ok with the product they put on tv today.

  4. The crowd died when Jericho appeared. Are TK/Jericho the only two people who dont see he desperately needs a lengthy break?

  5. To get out of his contract with Don Callis’ stable, Will Ospreay will next have to fight Will Ospreay.

  6. I bet Jay White wishes that NXT deal wasn’t pulled off the table

    Edge. Oh Edge. Maybe you believed what you said but still… smh. I can’t figure out if it’s you or Jehrico who has turned into that bad “I just don’t know when to retire” version of Roddy Piper.

  7. That was a pathetic attempt by Copeland and the mic cutting out was *chefs kiss*. Willing to bet Khan reminded him to mention his name at some point. Just embarrassing.

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