Janel Grant’s “love letter” to Vince McMahon published

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

A “love letter” written by Janel Grant to Vince McMahon has been published by the New York Post. The email was sent to McMahon on December 24, 2021. Grant’s attorney Ann Callis told the Post that McMahon actually instructed Grant to write the letter. “Frankly it’s pretty disgusting that Vince’s weeks-late attempt to defend his horrendous behavior — behavior he claims to this day never happened — is to try to showcase letters that Vince himself coerced her to write,” Callis told the Post. “His psychological torture of her continues — as is typical of abusive predators who respond to women speaking out with increased threats. While Janel isn’t a stranger to his intimidation tactics, this is a new low even for him.” Read the full story and the letter via NYPost.com.

Powell’s POV: McMahon’s attorney Jessica Taub Rosenberg responded by claiming that Callis was using “revisionist history” and added that Grant was not coerced. While both sides have now played to the court of public opinion, none of it will ultimately matter if there is no settlement and the case moves to a court of law.


Readers Comments (2)

  1. Vince coerced her into writing love letters??? lol i call bs!!!

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