WWE Raw results (3/25): Powell’s live review of CM Punk’s appearance, Jey Uso vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Sami Zayn vs. Bronson Reed, Andrade vs. Giovanni Vinci, Ivy Nile vs. Candice LeRae

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,609)
Chicago, Illinois at Allstate Arena
Aired live March 25, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a shot of Lincoln Financial Field while Michael Cole touted WrestleMania XL. They switched to a shot of the Raw host venue and then showed footage from earlier in the day of CM Punk arriving… A video package recapped the Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes segment from Friday’s Smackdown… Cole was joined on commentary by Pat McAfee, and Samantha Irvin was the ring announcer…

Cody Rhodes made his entrance wearing a suit without a jacket. Cody asked the Chicago crowd what they wanted to talk about. He said he could say nothing. He said we were in “that final awkward two weeks” before WrestleMania when the time for talking is over.

Cody recalled Roman Reigns’ appearance on The Pat McAfee Show and had the crowd cheer for McAfee, then told them to dial it back because “it’s just Pat.” Cody had the crowd give it up for Cole, then shift his focus back to Reigns.

Cody recalled Reigns referring to him as a politician who makes promises that he can’t keep. Cody said Chicago should know more than any other city that when he makes a bet or a promise, he absolutely keeps it. Cody recalled being invited to be a fan’s best man. Cody said imagine having to explain it to his wife and why he was going and paying for the bachelor party.

Cody spoke of similar examples and said he asks for nothing in return. Cody said Reigns sees it as desperation. Cody said he does all of this while pretending to be the champion “because the champion isn’t here.” Cody said he respects Reigns, but he’s aware of the way he screwed him out of his dream last year.

Cody said he respects Reigns, but he hates his guts. Cody said he understands if Reigns hates him because he and his cousin The Rock can’t have their “wank fest” at WrestleMania. Cody said he won the Royal Rumble. Cody said if he learned anything last year it’s that he can’t do it alone.

Cody said he actually was going to ask for something back. He asked the fans if they would ride with him during the WrestleMania night one tag match and if they would fight with him at WrestleMania night two. Cody said that if he was going to point at the sign, he wanted the fans to point along with him. Cody pointed at the WrestleMania sign and the fans followed his lead.

The Rock’s entrance theme interrupted Cody and he made his entrance. The Rock struck his rope poses while Cody stood in the middle of the ring. Once Rock was finished, he stopped and glared at Cody. The cheers for Rock’s surprise appearance turned to boos once his music stopped playing.

Cody and Rock had a long staredown and neither man had a microphone in hand. The fans were censored for chanting “Holy Shit.” The silent staredown continued while a “this is awesome” chant started followed by a CM Punk chant.

Rock put his arms behind his back and approached Cody. Rock said something to Cody and then smiled and backed up while dropping his arms to his side. Rock started to leave, which drew boos from the fans. Rock looked at the crowd and then made his exit without saying a word. Cole said Cody seemed to be taken aback by whatever Rock said to him. A “Rocky sucks” chant broke out. Rock smiled as he looked at the crowd and then headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: A good promo from Cody followed by the fun surprise of a silent Rock. I’m not sure what Rock said, but it was obviously a nice hook that should made viewers stick around to find out. I like that Cody was respectful regarding Reigns, yet finally stated that he hates his guts.

Ricochet was shown jumping rope and then shadow boxing in his locker room while Cole hyped his match against JD McDonagh for after the first commercial break… [C]

An ad for Smackdown touted Jade Cargill’s first appearance since joining the brand, plus the two qualifying matches for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Title ladder match for WrestleMania XL… Cole recapped the opening segment while noting that there were nearly 16,000 fans attendance at the sold out show…

Cole and McAfee were shown at the broadcast table. Cole called McAfee pathetic for dressing like he was in The Bloodline…

Jackie Redmond caught up with Rock as he walked through the curtain and asked him what he said to Cody Rhodes. “Go ask Cody Rhodes,” Rock responded…

The Judgment Day members were hanging out in their clubhouse. Rhea Ripley said she knows Dominik Mysterio has unfinished business with his father. She asked him to let her know next time because she would have loved to have joined in. Dom said he would. Damian Priest spoke with JD McDonagh about his match with Ricochet. Ripley told him to just win. McDonagh bumped fists with the other members, including Finn Balor, who was also in the room…

Ricochet made his entrance followed by JD McDonagh, who as accompanied by Dominik Mysterio. Cole recalled footage of Dom costing Rey Mysterio his match against Santos Escobar on Smackdown…

1. Ricochet vs. JD McDonagh (w/Dominik Mysterio). Ricochet dropkicked McDonagh to ringside. Dom shoved McDonagh out of the way when Ricochet ran the ropes, but Ricochet bounced off the ropes and then performed a dive onto Ricochet anyway. [C]

Ricochet executed a standing shooting star press for a near fall. McDonagh came back with a standing Spanish Fly for a near fall. McDonagh performed a brainbuster for another near fall. McDonagh placed Ricochet on the ropes and joined him, but Ricochet fought back and hit a Poison Rana.

Ricochet followed up with the Recoil and had the pin, but Dom put McDonagh’s leg over the bottom rope unbeknownst the referee. Ricochet glared at Dom and then performed a springboard 450 splash, but McDonagh put his knees up and then got a two count. [C]

McDonagh put Ricochet down with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Ricochet battled back with a Destroyer out of nowhere and then went up top. Dom climbed onto the apron and hit the ropes when the referee ordered him to get down, causing Ricochet to be crotched. The referee ejected Dom to a big pop. McDonagh ran up the ropes, but Ricochet knocked him down. Ricochet executed a shooting star press onto a standing McDonagh and then pinned him…

Ricochet defeated JD McDonagh in 14:25.

Powell’s POV: A hot opening match. The broadcast team did a great job of acting in awe of Ricochet’s most dynamic moves. Dom definitely enhanced the match and the crowd loved seeing the referee give him the boot.

CM Punk was shown walking backstage with a Chicago Cubs replica title belt over his shoulder. Cole said Punk would appear next… [C]

A trailer aired for the Bray Wyatt documentary that premieres next Monday on Peacock… Footage aired of Jey Uso arriving at the building earlier in the day… Cole boasted that this was the eleventh straight sellout on the road to WrestleMania and listed the attendance as 15,810…

CM Punk’s entrance theme played. The cameras showed Punk walking through the curtain backstage. “It’s…” Punk said and then the crowd filled in the “Clobberin’ Time” for him. Samantha Irvin introduced Punk as “Chicago’s own.” Punk, who had a brace on his surgically repaired arm, stopped to sign an autograph for a fan before going to the ring.

Punk headed back to ringside and then slapped hands with Irvin, then grabbed a microphone and hopped onto the broadcast table and held up the mic while the crew got a shot of the WrestleMania sign behind him. Punk’s entrance music stopped once he was inside the ring and the fans chanted his name.

Punk said he had a lot things he wanted to say and a lot of business to get to, but he asked if it was good to be alive in Chicago on a Monday night. The fans cheered. Punk said people are asking if he will be at WrestleMania. Punk said the short answer is yes. He said his elbow is not great or 100 percent, but his mouth works. “We’re not on Netflix yet, so I apologize, April knows what I’m talking about,” Punk said.

Punk said people have made suggestions that he host WrestleMania. He said he didn’t know. He said ten years ago, he would have thought it was beneath him, but now he just wants to be in front of the people. Punk brought up the idea of being a referee and asked if there was a match that needed the most impartial referee.

Punk said there are a lot of people who talk about him and need to talk about him. Punk pointed to McAfee. Punk said he’s not a daily listener because he listens to The Experience and The Drive-Thru (Jim Cornette’s podcasts). Punk said McAfee had Roman Reigns on his podcast. Punk wondered why Reigns brought him up. Punk said Reigns earned the right and he respected it. Punk said that he expected to see Reigns while he’s on his way down the mountain and while Punk is climbing the mountain.

Punk brought up Seth Rollins and said he’s magically taller than he is now that he wears high heels. Punk said Rollins laughed at him for paying the price of being a pro wrestler since he was 15. Punk said maybe Rollins has earned the right, but it’s kind of funny coming from someone with two bad knees.

[Hour Two] Punk said The Rock is someone who hasn’t said a word about him. Punk said he’d like to think it’s because ten years ago he came face to face with the Second City Saint and realized that his arms are too short to box with God. Punk brought up Drew McIntyre. Punk said he doesn’t live on the internet. He said that when you have a problem in Chicago, you handle it face to face like a man.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance. Punk barked for McIntyre’s “stupid song” to be turned off and said nobody wanted to hear it. Punk said he wasn’t medically cleared, but he wasn’t looking to have a wrestling match. “Why don’t you get your bitch ass in here,” Punk asked.

McIntyre stood on the stage and said he would love to get in the ring, but the last time they were in the ring together he stomped his arm and he deserved it. Punk asked if he was a Scottish Psychopath in a kilt or an internet troll in a skirt. McIntyre said it’s 2024 and Punk can get cancelled for talk like that.

McIntyre made his way to ringside and showed off his Punk inspired t-shirts. Punk said he never had to put another man’s name on a shirt to sell it. McIntyre tore off one of his shirts and said he struggled to get out of it because of his biceps, which is something Punk probably never had an issue with.

McIntyre climbed onto the broadcast table and said Punk doesn’t drink or do drugs and yet he spends all of his time in rehab. McIntyre said he doesn’t hate Punk, Punk actually completes him. McIntyre spoke about how thinking about Punk helps him in the gym and when he won the Elimination Chamber.

Punk told McIntyre to get in the ring. McIntyre said Punk probably had a weapon and would try to take him out before WrestleMania. Punk laid down in the ring. McIntyre sat down on the broadcast table with his legs crossed and said he hopes Punk has a front row seat at WrestleMania.

McIntyre boasted that he’s always been the Chosen One. Punk dared McIntyre to say who dubbed him the Chosen One. Punk said it wasn’t the people. McIntyre told Punk to get it all out because it would still be months before he would be back in the ring. McIntyre suggested that Punk be the guest commentator at WrestleMania so he could see him win the championship.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins’ entrance music played. Punk looked annoyed by it. Rollins entered the ring and stared at Punk before getting a mic and staring at McIntyre, who was standing on the broadcast table.

Rollins looked at Punk and while leading the crowd in chanting that it was Monday Night Rollins. Rollins said they firmly established whose show it was. A CM Punk chant followed. Punk said it could be Rollins’ show, but it’s his city. Rollins told Punk that he doesn’t get to make decisions about a title match at WrestleMania when he’s not in it.

Rollins opted to poll the crowd. Rollins asked the fans if Punk should be on commentary, which didn’t get much of a reaction. A “referee” chant broke out, which made Punk laugh. Rollins pointed to Punk’s arm in the brace and said that’s his counting arm. Punk dropped to the mat and made a three count with his good arm. Punk said to be fair, he didn’t think he could be objective and was censored when he called Rollins and McIntyre dipshits.

Rollins asked Punk if he wanted to know what he thought. “Nope,” Punk said. Rollins said that was ironic because he doesn’t think anything of him and he hasn’t crossed his mind since the last time they were in the ring together. Rollins said Punk is a non-factor and it doesn’t matter if he wants to be on commentary or the referee of the title match.

Rollins said Punk needs him to have a moment at WrestleMania. Rollins said he likes the idea of Punk being on commentary calling his finest hour. Rollins said the way things are going for Punk, it’s as close to a championship match he would get. Rollins told Punk the one thing he needs him to do is stay out of his way.

Punk said it was decided. Punk said he would sit in on commentary. Punk said he would do something that the company couldn’t do during his ten-year absence by making Rollins and McIntyre interesting. Punk left the ring and his music played, but McIntyre called for it to stop and said Punk isn’t in the match and doesn’t get the last word.

McIntyre said Punk is obsessed with him. McIntyre said he is living Punk’s dream and Punk is his number one stan. McIntyre entered the ring and continued to jaw at Punk until Rollins superkicked McIntyre. Rollins followed up by giving McIntyre a Stomp, then turned his focus to Punk, who was watching from the entrance aisle. Rollins left the ring and walked past Punk, who then looked back at McIntyre…

Powell’s POV: Wow, that was a wild ride. The tease for Punk being special referee made the announcement that he’ll be the special referee feel like a letdown. The great thing about the verbal exchange is that it felt authentic. Punk didn’t just stand there and wait for Rollins and McIntyre to say their words, he interrupted them in ways we typically don’t hear in these in-ring verbal exchanges. Punk’s daring McIntyre to say Vince McMahon’s name was something else. Everyone involved got their fair share of jabs in and I really enjoyed the segment, but I don’t know how effective the ending was when it came to making me more excited about Rollins vs. McIntyre.

A subtitled Shinsuke Nakamura video aired. Nakamura spoke about Jey Uso and his dream, then asked about his own dream. Nakamura said he would turn Jey’s dream into a nightmare… [C]

2. Candice LeRae (w/Indi Hartwell) vs. Ivy Nile (w/Maxxine Dupri). None of the entrances were televised and the bell rang right when they returned from the break. LeRae dumped Nile to ringside. Dupri climbed onto the apron and was knocked down by LeRae, who then sat down in the corner and clutched her left knee. The referee checked on LeRae and tried to stop Nile from going after her. Nile got past the referee, but LeRae tripped her and put her feet on the ropes while scoring the pin.

Candice LeRae beat Ivy Nile in 1:50.

After the match, LeRae ran past Hartwell, who didn’t look pleased by the way her partner won…

Powell’s POV: More of the same with LeRae. I wonder if they had to cut that one short because the Punk, McIntyre, and Rollins segment ran long.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods were shown talking with Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa about having a match and the ladder match at WrestleMania. Paul Heyman could be seen talking with Drew McIntyre in the background. R-Truth and The Miz showed up. Truth said he would sit in on commentary for the match… [C]

A sponsored WrestleMania recap video featured Jey Uso talking about his relatives competing at the event over the years…

3. “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. The Miz and R-Truth sat in on commentary. The New Day duo had offensive control heading into the break, which included a video featuring Jakara Jackson, Roxanne Perez, Blair Davenport, for Women’s History Month. [C]

Gargano hit the New Day duo with a suicide dive. Both teams were attacked by the male members of The Judgment Day for the no-contest finish.

“New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods fught Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa to an apparent no-contest.

The Judgment Day members dominated the babyfaces while R-Truth continued to call it on commentary. Miz said he had enough and ran in, but he was quickly put down. Damian Priest pointed at Truth, who said he was on commentary and wasn’t fighting. Truth called for the show to go to commercial break. Priest tossed Truth in the ring. Truth got the better of the Judgment Day members for a moment, but Priest took him out with a Razor’s Edge and then Finn Balor hit him with a Coup de Grace…

Cody Rhodes was interviewed by Jackie Redmond inside a locker room and asked him what The Rock told him. Cody said it wasn’t something he wanted to repeat, but it was a promise that Rock can’t keep…

Cole hyped Andrade vs. Giovanni Vinci for after the break… [C] An ad aired for “WWE: Next Gen”, which premieres Monday on The Roku Channel…

Intercontinental Champion Gunther was interviewed by Cathy Kelley. Gunther said he doesn’t believe Sami Zayn can beat him at WrestleMania, nor does he believe Zayn can beat Bronson Reed. Kelley asked if Gunther would be scouting Zayn during his match with Reed, Gunther repeated that he doesn’t believe Zayn can beat him…

4. Andrade vs. Giovanni Vinci. The final moments of Andrade’s entrance was televised. Cole mentioned that Vinci replaced Ivar, who was medically unable to compete in the match as advertised. Andrade went for a moonsault and landed on his feet when Vinci moved, then hit Vinci with a standing moonsault for a two count. Vinci came back with a running crossbody block heading into a break. [C]

Vinci battled back, but Andrade caught him with an elbow (Judas Effect style). Andrade followed up with a neckbreaker move and scored the pin. Cole said the move is called The Message…

Andrade defeated Giovanni Vinci in 7:10.

Powell’s POV: A quality match. The crowd was on the quiet side, but some of that may be due to Andrade’s uncertain status. Although he was the babyface in this match, his character has been listening while he’s been courted by The Judgment Day. Meanwhile, the Gunther promo was good in terms of establishing the dominant champion is either taking his opponent lightly or playing mind games.

Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio were shown walking through the backstage area. Cole said Ripley would appear after the break… [C] Cole announced that he will be co-hosting The Pat McAfee Show on April 5 when Triple H and Cody Rhodes will be guests…

[Hour Three] Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance along with Dominik Mysterio. Once in the ring, Ripley told Dom that she feels like she’s not getting enough attention. Ripley pointed to all of the matches that Becky Lynch has had and said she should be giving Ripley her full attention. Ripley handed the mic to Dom, who was booed loudly.

Becky Lynch made her entrance and pointed at “Buy Her Book” fan sign. Nice. Lynch said The Man has come around to Chicago. There were some cheers followed by a Becky chant. Lynch said Ripley was fresh as a daisy and she didn’t need to wait for her to wrestle a 20-minute match to confront her, which she said Ripley has done to her.

Lynch said Ripley doesn’t wrestle on Raw anymore. Ripley questioned why she would compete before the biggest match of her career. Ripley said she doesn’t have to get in the ring every week to get attention. She said she can post a photo or video online “and watch these freaks eat it up.”

Lynch acted repulsed and told Ripley to listen to herself. Lynch said they have two very different interpretations of what a champion is. Lynch said that for Ripley, it’s posting her ass on the internet for attention, whereas for Lynch it’s busting her ass in the ring night in and night out to prove herself.

Lynch said there will always be someone newer, younger, and hotter. Lynch said it’s a long game that is about skill, merit, and survival. She said it’s how you come back when you’re in the muck when you’re not the champion anymore. Lynch said Ripley hasn’t experienced that yet, but she’ll give Ripley a new experience.

Ripley said Lynch is a survivor and then labeled her a cockroach. Ripley said Lynch is hard to kill, but it’s not impossible. She said she wouldn’t take it that far at WrestleMania because she wants Lynch to be home on her couch watching her do her thing. Ripley said she wanted Lynch to sit next to her daughter and listen to her refer to Ripley as Mami. A Mami chant broke out.

Lynch told Ripley that was her one pass. She said if Ripley mentions her daughter again, it will be the last words she ever says. Lynch said it’s not funny to her. She said her father never got to meet her daughter. Lynch got emotional and said her father was proud of what she did in the ring, but the thing he would be most proud of is the mother that she’s become. She said it might be a joke to Ripley, but it’s not to her.

Lynch said there is nothing respectful about Ripley. She said that neither one of them would be the same again after WrestleMania. Lynch threw her mic aside and then Ripley did the same. They jawed at one another until Dom stepped in and pushed Ripley back.

Lynch said something that got Dom’s attention. “Excuse me?” Dom said. Lynch punched Dom out and then traded blows with Ripley, who caught Lynch with a kick. Ripley ran Lynch through the ropes and into the ring post. Ripley went to ringside and checked on Dom. Lynch regrouped and dove off the ring steps onto Ripley. Dom pulled Ripley away while referees intervened. Lynch broke free and knocked Dom down and then traded more punches with Ripley. Lynch told Ripley that she hates her while they were both being held apart by referees…

Sami Zayn was walking backstage when he spotted Chad Gable, who was talking with Maxxine Dupri. Gable ended his conversation and then told Zayn he wanted to talk about how they ended their conversation last week. Zayn said it was fine because Gable and Gunther both don’t think he can beat Gunther.

Zayn said Gunther doesn’t think he can beat Bronson Reed. Zayn said the match was about making Gunther eat his words. Gable said this wasn’t about Gunther, who wanted to take control and ruin Zayn’s focus. Gable told Zayn to get his head out of his ass. Zayn conceded that Gable was right and told him that he knew what he needed to do. Zayn told Gable he appreciated what he said and then they shook hands…

Powell’s POV: A really good segment between Ripley and Lynch. Ripley was the cocky champion and Lynch showed great emotion while talking about her daughter and her late father. The chat between Zayn and Gable was also top notch, though it’s hard not to wonder why Gable has the won-loss record that he does despite apparently having all the answers. I just hope we get more of serious Gable and that record improves post WrestleMania.

Bronson Reed made his entrance… The WrestleMania XL video aired. We are 12 days away… [C] An ad aired for The Rock appearing on next week’s Raw in Brooklyn… Sami Zayn made his entrance…

5. Sami Zayn vs. Bronson Reed. Zayn sent Reed to ringside and then hit him with a flip dive. Back in the ring, Reed knocked Zayn down. Once Zayn got to his feet, Reed chopped him and sent him to the floor. Reed went to the apron and hit Zayn with a shoulder block on the floor. [C]

Reed had a bloody nose from something that happened earlier in the match. Zayn knocked him down and played to the crowd, but Gunther walked out and got Zayn’s attention from the stage area. Reed took advantage of the distraction, but Zayn avoided a corner splash and rolled him up for a two count.

Zayn tried and failed to slam Reed, who then suplexed him and covered him for a two count. Zayn came back with a tornado DDT. Zayn looked to Gunther and then set up for his finisher, but Reed caught him with a clothesline and a senton. Reed performed a Tsunami splash and pinned Zayn…

Bronson Reed defeated Sami Zayn in 9:35.

Powell’s POV: The number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship losing on the penultimate edition of Raw before WrestleMania? That would not have happened under the old guard. I love it. This was right for the story they are telling and it also sets up Reed as an obvious challenger if Zayn wins the championship.

Jey Uso delivered a promo in the backstage area about his match with Shinzuke Nakamura. Solo Sikoa walked onto the picture followed by Jimmy Uso. “No yeet,” Jimmy said before laughing and walking away… [C]

A slow motion replay showed Becky Lynch blasting Dominik Mysterio with a punch. McAfee used his telestrator. Cole hyped Lynch’s “The Man” autobiography as being released on Tuesday…

Sami Zayn was upset backstage when Chad Gable approached him. Zayn said he knew what Gunther was doing and he still let him in. Gable said this is what Gunther does. Gable said it’s more than physicality with Gunther, it’s mental. Gable told Zayn he needs to take a different approach and said they could talk about it. Zayn was receptive…

The following matches and segments were announced for next week’s Raw in Brooklyn: The Rock and Roman Reigns appear, plus Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh in an eight-man tag match…

Cole recapped The Rock’s line to Cody Rhodes and recalled Rhodes saying that Rock made him a promise that he can’t keep…

Jey Uso was getting ready for his match backstage. Seth Rollins showed up and told Jey that he and Cody Rhodes had his back. Jey made his entrance while McAfee followed his lead while standing on the broadcast table. Cole recalled Roman Reigns scolding McAfee for doing the Yeet dance… [C] Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance…

6. Jey Uso vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. Nakamura was in offensive control heading into an early break. Cole reminded viewers that The Bloodline was in the building. [C] Nakamura remained on the offensive. Jey caught him with a superkick, but Nakamura caught him with a knee strike to the back of the head.

Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa showed up at ringside. Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins ran out and fought them. Cody and Jimmy quickly fought to the back while Rollins clotheslined Sikoa over the ringside barricade. Drew McIntyre arrived and ran Rollins into the ring post before putting him down with a Future Shock DDT on the floor.

In the ring, Jey landed on his feet when Nakamura suplexed him. Jey superkicked Nakamura and then ran the ropes and speared him before getting the three count.

Jey Uso defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in roughly 7:30.

After the match, the cameras caught up with Cody and Jimmy, who were still brawling in the back. Cody ran Jimmy out of an exit door. Sikoa showed up and went after Cody, who was getting the better of him when The Rock showed up and attacked Cody from behind.

The Rock threw a garbage can at Cody. Rock jawed at Cody about talking trash for the last two weeks. Rock dumped a toolbox on Cody and said, “Look at you now.” Rock called Cody a piece of trash and ran him into a barricade before slamming a trashcan over his head again.

Outside the building, Rock worked over Cody in front of Cody’s tour bus while rain fell. “Get up, boy,” Rock said. “The Rock is the Final Boss. You want to run your mouth? You want to be a hero?” Rock called him a son of a bitch and ran him into the side of the tour bus. Rock looked into the camera and told the fans to look at their hero. Rock told Mama Rhodes to look at her son. Rock ran Cody into the tour bus two more times.

The Rock asked if viewers wanted to know why he’s the Final Boss. Rock was censored while he said it didn’t have to be like this. Rock said Cody stuck his nose in his business. Rock said the prophecy had come true. Cody was bleeding from the forehead. Rock punched him and then looked at the blood that Cody left on his fist. Rock told Mama Rhodes to look, then removed a weight belt that read “Mama Rhodes.”

Rock smeared Cody’s blood on his hand and then rubbed it on the weight belt, which he recalled saying he would give to Mama Rhodes at WrestleMania. Rock held up Cody and told Mama Rhodes to look at her boy. Rock said Cody’s father talked about hard times. He said Cody doesn’t know about hard times, but he will.

Rock was censored while he told Cody that this is what happens when you f— with the Final Boss. Rock ran Cody into the side of the bus again and then knelt beside him. Rock looked into the camera and told Mama Rhodes to look at her son. He said it didn’t have to be this way, but now it’s the only way…

Powell’s POV: The main event felt like a tame television main event, but they obviously made up for it with Rock beating the hell out of Cody. I think we can officially throw out all of the speculation about Rock being a double agent. I’m surprised they didn’t go with a hotter main event on paper just to major sure viewers stuck around to see the beatdown.

Overall, an excellent penultimate edition of Raw before WrestleMania. It was a memorable night with compelling verbal exchanges, the surprise appearance by The Rock, and strong hype for several WrestleMania XL matches. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the March 25 edition

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Readers Comments (16)

  1. I wish that was the permanent Raw stage ,but something tells me that’s just for tonight.

    • They used a minimal set to sell more tickets. It’s a legitimate sell out. Not setting up a 20000 seat arena for 3000 and calling it a sellout like AEW does

  2. TheGreatestOne March 25, 2024 @ 9:59 pm

    We even got a near Dusty quality blade job out of Cody tonight. What a damn ending.

    Agree that this more minimalist setup was a nice change of pace and I hope they stay hot enough to stick with it.

  3. I still think Rock’s a double agent.It’ll be revealed at Mania somehow and the explanation will be that they had to make it look believable.

  4. Punk as referee — they didn’t ruin it.

    Punk will be on commentary until there’s a ref bump, and then he’ll throw on some stripes and finish it.

  5. I’m surprise Jason didn’t use his favorite word the penultimate edition of Raw. Overall a good show it’s feeling like the PG era is dead.

  6. Wow that was a hot show

  7. “I think we can officially throw out all of the speculation about Rock being a double agent.”

    See, it’s working. This is the whole point of a double agent setup.

  8. Rock called Cody “boy” numerous times. Can you f’in imagine the self-righteous snowflakes that would be losing their minds if Cody had called the Rock that?
    Remember, again, equality really means hypocrisy and preferential treatment in todays society.

  9. “though it’s hard not to wonder why Gable has the won-loss record that he does despite apparently having all the answers”

    Simple…those that can do, those that can’t teach. Great teachers don’t have to be able to do what they are teaching, they just have to be able to get YOU to do it.

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