WWE Raw results (2/26): Powell’s live review of Elimination Chamber winners Becky Lynch and Drew McIntyre, Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, New Day vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci in a Street Fight

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,605)
San Jose, California at SAP Center
Aired live February 26, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show while the venue’s exterior was shown. Footage aired from earlier in the day of Elimination Chamber winners Drew McIntyre and Becky Lynch making separate arrivals… A video package recapped the Elimination Chamber event… Cole was joined on commentary by Pat McAfee, and Samantha Irvin was the ring announcer…

Dominik Mysterio introduced Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley. The broadcast team noted that Ripley is up for a publication’s Australian Woman of the Year award. Once in the ring, Ripley welcomed viewers to Monday Night Mami. A loud “Mami” chant broke out.

Ripley boasted over retaining her title at Elimination Chamber. Ripley say that Nia Jax may have been the biggest threat to her title. She said it doesn’t matter because even though she’s from Down Under, it doesn’t take away from the fact that Mami is always on top.

Becky Lynch made her entrance and entered the ring. Lynch said The Man is coming around to WrestleMania to fight Ripley. Lynch said she and Ripley both had a great night on Saturday. Lynch spoke of winning the Chamber match and how Ripley won her match in front of friends and family in a packed stadium. Lynch said now Ripley’s family won’t have to fly to WrestleMania to watch her lose.

Dom said no one talks to Mami that way. Lynch shot him down and then said Ripley has been the face of the company while she has been the heart and soul of it. Lynch said The Man can do it all, including beating Ripley. Lynch tossed the mic down.

“Are you done?” Ripley asked. Ripley told Lynch not to disrespect Dom ever again. Ripley congratulated Lynch on winning the Chamber match and said it’s about time she stopped disappointing her and approach her level. Ripley said that there’s a great woman behind every great man, but she won’t be behind Lynch because Mami is always on top. Ripley slammed the mic down and made her exit with Dom.

Nia Jax ran in from the broadcast table side of the building and attacked Lynch from behind. Jax performed multiple leg drops on Lynch while Ripley and Dom headed to the back. Jax set up for her Annihilator finisher, but Adam Pearce led a group of producers and referees out and told Jax that she had done enough and threatened to fine her. Jax left the ring…

Powell’s POV: A good first promo exchange between Ripley and Lynch. Ripley was more over with the crowd than Lynch, so it was a good call to have Dom at ringside to help draw heat from the crowd. The Jax attack is logical given that she beat Lynch clean the last time they met in a television match.

Sami Zayn made his entrance. Cole said Zayn told him that his Raw match was a must win match heading into WrestleMania. The broadcast team said he would face Shinsuke Nakamura after the commercial break… [C]

A video package recapped The Rock’s last appearance on Smackdown and touted his next appearance on Friday’s show. The graphic noted that the Glendale, Arizona venue is sold out… Cole questioned whether Rock would accept the challenge of Cody Rhodes to a match…

Jackie Redmond spoke with Nia Jax in the backstage area. Jax said she should be going to WrestleMania rather than Lynch due to beating her clean. Redmond brought up Jax’s match with Liv Morgan. Jax cut off Redmond and said that Morgan would get ten times what happened to Lynch…

Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance…

1. Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. Both men ended up at ringside. Nakamura ran Zayn toward toward the barricade, but Zayn jumped onto the barricade and hit Nakamura with a moonsault. Zayn sold his ribs. [C] Zayn used a Michinoku Driver to pick up a two count. Zayn followed up with a tornado DDT moments later.

Zayn rolled to the floor. Nakamura followed and draped him over the barricade. Nakamura went to the ring steps and then jumped off and hit Zayn with a knee to the head. Cole said it had become a sickening assault by Nakamura.

Zayn barely beat the referee’s count and was drilled with a Kinshasa. Nakamura covered Zayn, who put his foot over the bottom rope at the last moment. Nakamura got mad and kicked Zayn. Nakamura went for a Kinshasa, but Zayn sidestepped him and shoved him into the corner, then hit him with a Helluva Kick to the back of the head. Zayn followed up with a traditional Helluva Kick and scored the pin…

Sami Zayn defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in 14:55.

Powell’s POV: A strong match with a nice assist from Cole, who did a good job on commentary of playing up Zayn being desperate to win matches heading into WrestleMania. I continue to wonder if this is leading to Zayn challenging Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.

The broadcast team spoke at ringside and set up a video package on the Imperium and New Day feud… Timestamped footage aired of Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods arriving at the building earlier in the day… Chelsea Green made her entrance for a match against Raquel Rodriguez… [C]

Cole listed Post Malone, Jade Cargill, The Dudley Boyz, Nia Jax, Diamond Dallas Page, and Pat McAfee as being added to the WWE 2K24 video game. A CM Punk video aired with him praising the fans for making it known they wanted him in the game and he said they would get it. McAfee said it was an honor to be in the game and said his guys would also be in the game…

Chelsea Green stood in the ring and said that after issuing a formal complaint with management, she was competing in protest. Green said she would have won the Last Chance Battle Royal and won the Elimination Chamber match had Adam Pearce not added Raquel Rodriguez. Green said she’s the star and people wanted her. She mocked Rodriguez flying all the way to Australia and losing. She worked in a jab at the San Jose Sharks of the NHL. Green said she would prove that Rodriguez is a big loser. Rodriguez made her entrance…

2. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Chelsea Green. Green drew an imaginary line, which Rodriguez crossed. Green drew another line and Rodriguez stepped past it. Green slapped Rodriguez, who then went on the offensive and performed a couple of fallaway slams. Rodriguez used a Tejana Bomb to get the three count…

Raquel Rodriguez beat Chelsea Green in 1:15.

Powell’s POV: I continue to wonder where Green would be if the creative forces had opted to build her heat as opposed to having her character get its comeuppance so often.

Sami Zayn was interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the backstage area. Zayn said it was an understatement to say that he needed the win he got over Shinsuke Nakamura. Zayn said he doesn’t know what a loss would have done to him. Zayn said his win reaffirmed his belief that he is a contender and will be a champion. He said that if a path to WrestleMania doesn’t find him, he will go out and find it.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci showed up, causing Redmond to make her exit. Kaiser and Vinci both smirked at Zayn while walking past him. Intercontinental Champion Gunther followed and laughed in Zayn’s face before walking past him. Cole said Gunther would appear in the ring after the break… [C] Another Elimination Chamber recap video aired…

[Hour Two] Cody Rhodes was interviewed by Cathy Kelley on the backstage interview set. He recalled challenging The Rock to face him any time, any place. Rhodes also spoke about facing Grayson Waller. Cody recalled bringing Jey Uso to Raw the first time he was on Waller’s talkshow and then challenging Rock on his most recent appearance. Cody said he’s giving Waller his first Raw main event and added that he gets to find out…

“Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci made their entrance. Cole said he tweeted out a photo of McAfee kissing up to Gunther after Gunther stared him down for dancing last week. McAfee kept his weird fecal fetish going by talking about how Gunther makes him poop his pants.

Gunther boasted about retaining the Intercontinental Championship by beating Jey Uso last week. Gunther said he actually felt his title slipping away from him last week for the first time. He said he got lucky. He said nobody is perfect, but he is very, very close.

Gunther brought up his WrestleMania match. He said he reads the suggestions of fans, which include Sami Zayn, Chad Gable, The Miz, and even R-Truth.

“The Judgment Day” members Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh made their entrance and joined Imperium inside the ring. Priest said they don’t sweat Gunther. Priest acknowledged that Gunther has had a dominant run and said it was second only to Judgment Day’s run. Priest said the Judgment Day intends to add more gold at WrestleMania and said it includes the Intercontinental Title.

Gunther said that since Priest wasn’t cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase, he wanted to know who it would be. Gunther wondered if it would be Finn Balor or “that one with the big head right there” in reference to McDonagh.

Dominik Mysterio stepped in front of Priest. Dom was booed loudly while he said Judgment Day backs up what they say. Dom declared that the Intercontinental Title belongs to the Judgment Day.

Gunther delivered a soft push to Dom’s chest. Priest had to be held back by the other members of his faction. A “let them fight” chant broke out. Priest took off his jacket, but his faction mates continued to hold him back. Priest told Gunther that the Intercontinental Title was coming to Judgment Day whether he likes it or not. The Judgment Day members exited the ring…

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods were shown walking backstage while Cole hyped the street fight for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: An interesting development with Priest and Gunther. They could do some creative things if Priest challenges Gunther for the Intercontinental Title while still being in possession of the MITB contract.

Priest, Balor, Dom, and McDonagh walked backstage. Priest told the others that he was calmed down. Rhea Ripley showed up and questioned Dom confronting Gunther. “Mami, I got this,” Dom said. Ripley said he better and then walked away.

Dom left the group and approached Andrade, who told him it was good to see him again. Dom said maybe he would see him around. Andrade said he was going to meet with Adam Pearce to discuss his next opponent. Andrade told Dom he would see him soon. Dom said maybe and walked away…

Kaiser and Vinci were inside the ring. Kingston and Woods made their entrance dressed in San Jose Sharks jerseys. Kaiser and Vinci left the ring and fought with the New Day duo on the stage area to presumably start the match…

3. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci in a Street Fight. The teams fought to ringside. Kingston and Woods tried to pull a table out from underneath the ring, but they were attacked before they could set it up. Kingston and Woods went to the ring and went for stereo moves, but Woods stopped short and threw an awkward kick at Vinci through the ropes. [C]

The teams were brawling in the crowd coming out of the break and quickly made their way back to ringside. The crowd chanted for tables. Kaiser pulled a table out and was cheered, then slid it back under the ring like the good heel that he is. Kaiser brought a chair inside the ring and then worked over Woods with it while Kingston was down at ringside.

Kaiser and Vinci placed a table in front of Woods, who was hung up in the tree of woe. Kaiser and Vinci performed simultaneous dropkicks on the chair, which sent Woods to the floor. Kingston returned and performed a crossbody block. Kingston performed an SOS on Vinci and then slammed Kaiser on top of him.

Kingston set up the table on the floor and tried to suplex Kaiser from the ring, but Vinci cut him off and then he and Kaiser double suplexed Kingston back inside the ring. Woods returned to the ring briefly, but Vinci sent him back to the floor where Kaiser joined in battering Woods with kendo stick shots.

Kaiser got a running start for a move on Woods, but Kingston cut him off with a dive off the ring steps. Vinci put Kingston down with a wicked clothesline. Back in the ring, Vinci worked over Woods with a kendo stick and then Kaiser hit him with a chair. The Imperium duo were standing tall heading into the break. [C]

Kingston and Woods battled back and battered Kaiser with repeated kendo stick shots in the middle of the ring. Woods told Kingston to get the tables in Dudley Boyz style. Both men went to ringside and pulled out a table. Kingston placed Vinci on the table and held him there while Woods dropped a top rope elbow on him to put him through the table. The crowd’s “holy shit” chant was censored.

Back in the ring, Kingston draped Vinci over his knee while Woods stomped him. New Day had the win, but Kaiser pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make the three count.

Kingston and Woods set up for Midnight Hour, which Cole noted was a tribute to Big E. Vinci shoved Kingston off the top rope and through the table at ringside. Vinci bashed Woods with a cookie sheet. Kaiser ran Woods into a chair that was wedged in a corner of the ring and then rolled him up and got the three count…

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci defeated Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 18:10 in a Street Fight.

Powell’s POV: Wow, both team really worked hard and that was as physical of a hardcore style match as you’ll see in WWE. Kaiser was holding his arm and seemed upset afterward, so hopefully he was just selling the violent match.

A Grayson Waller video aired…

Adam Pearce was on the phone with Bronson Reed and said he would take something under consideration. Pearce ended the call when Chad Gable entered the room. Gable said Gunther is looking for a challenger for WrestleMania. Gable said he’s haunted by Gunther reducing his daughter to tears and then laughed at her misery before referring to him as a terrible father. Gable said this means more to him than the other potential challengers. Pearce said he would take it under consideration…

Powell’s POV: Will there be a tournament or a big multi-man match to determine Gunther’s challenger or will they actually go with a big multi-man match for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania?

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark made their entrance for the random women’s tag team match of the week… [C]

A family was shown in the front row who had their tickets upgraded as part of a phone company sponsorship…

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Bazler and Stark complaining about Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae getting a tag team title match at Elimination Chamber just because Hartwell is from Australia… Hartwell and LeRae made their entrance…

4. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae. Baszler stuffed an early DDT attempt by LeRae and then hit her with a knee strike. Baszler bent LeRae’s arm and then stomped on it. Stark tagged in and targeted LeRae’s bad arm. Hartwell eventually tagged in and performed a spinebuster on Stark. Baszler had already tagged in and caught Hartwell in a Kirifuda Clutch for the win…

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark beat Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae in 2:45.

Powell’s POV: The crowd was really flat for this match. I continue to assume that all of these random women’s tag team matches on Raw will lead to a “get everyone on the show” tag team turmoil match at WrestleMania.

Drew McIntyre was shown smirking as he walked through the backstage area while Cole hyped his appearance as coming up next… [C]

A “Did You Know?” graphic listed that Saturday’s Elimination Chamber was the most attended and most watched Elimination Chamber event in history… Another batch of Elimination Chamber highlights were shown…

R-Truth was shown sitting inside the Judgment Day clubhouse. The Miz, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa joined him inside the room and wondered what he was doing there. Truth said Judgment Day was gone for the night and he was thinking about the good old days. Ciampa said he had a plan and then asked Truth, “Are you ready?” Truth took his small television out of the clubhouse…

Drew McIntyre made his entrance. McIntyre thanked everyone for putting their hands together and praying harder than they have ever prayed in their lives. He said it’s because of them that he is facing Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania.

McIntyre spoke of being jet lagged and having his eardrum burst during the match. He said the doctor told him he might not make WrestleMania. McIntyre said he looked at the doctor and replied: “Who do you think I am, CM Punk? Nothing is going to stop me from missing WrestleMania.”

[Hour Three] McIntyre sat down crosslegged in the middle of the ring. He said he knows it hurt Punk to not be in the Chamber match or at WrestleMania. McIntyre said he did something for Punk. He said he knows Punk is straight edge, so his drank twice as much for him on the flight home. McIntyre called out Rollins.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance and joined McIntyre inside the ring. McIntyre pointed at the WrestleMania sign. Rollins welcomed the fans to Monday Night Rollins. He congratulated McIntyre for winning the Chamber match and for clawing his way back into a title match.

Rollins said McIntyre now has an opportunity to do what he’s wanted to do since 2020 by winning the title in front of a capacity crowd at WrestleMania. Rollins said he is standing McIntyre’s way.

McIntyre said he wanted Rollins to be one hundred percent. He questioned why Rollins was going to Smackdown to fight someone else’s battle. McIntyre told Rollins that if he pisses off The Bloodline, they will cost him the match at WrestleMania. McIntyre told Rollins to back off.

Rollins told McIntyre that he respects what he said, but some risks are worth taking. Rollins said McIntyre knows what he is all about and therefore he knows that Rollins has thought about all of it. Rollins said he’s thought about all of the negative outcomes and McIntyre might be right.

Rollins said it might be an easy night for McIntyre at WrestleMania. “But what if you’re wrong?” Rollins asked. Rollins said some risks are worth taking. He said he’s been selfish in his career and his life. He said thought the gold will fill the void, but he still felt empty inside.

Rollins said it wasn’t under he had his daughter that he realized that everything isn’t about him. He said that taking down The Bloodline is bigger than both of them. Rollins said if they don’t take the group down before WrestleMania, it’s only a matter of time before they come for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Rollins said what if his knee and back are healthy and they can rip apart The Bloodline once and for all and secure the future of the industry. Rollins said if they can do all of that, then it will just be the two of them and the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania. “May the best man win,” Rollin said. “Some risks are worth taking.” Rollins dropped the mic and left the ring…

Powell’s POV: Good mic work from both men. They really need to put some major heat on The Bloodline and soon. Obviously, The Rock gives the faction a big boost, but it’s been a long time since the group has fired on all cylinders, which likely explains the live crowd’s lukewarm reaction to Rollins’ lines about taking down the faction.

Footage aired of Nia Jax attacking the women’s Elimination Chamber match entrants on last week’s Raw… Nia Jax made her entrance… [C] The WrestleMania XL video aired. We are 40 days away… A portion of Liv Morgan’s entrance was televised…

5. Nia Jax vs. Liv Morgan. Morgan went on the offensive to start, but Jax cut her off with a Samoan Drop. Jax dominated until she went for a leg drop while Morgan was draped over the apron. Morgan avoided it and then performed a suicide dive on Jax. Cole said Morgan had a chance. [C]

Cole said there were 13,491 in attendance. Jax missed a shoulder block in the corner and crashed into the ring post before tumbling to the floor. Morgan dove at Jax, who caught her on her shoulders and ran her into the ring post. Becky Lynch attacked Jax for the DQ finish.

Nia Jax beat Liv Morgan by DQ in 8:15.

Lynch slammed Jax’s head on the broadcast table and then got her inside the ring. Lynch hit Jax from behind, which sent Jax through the ropes to the floor. The referee held Lynch back while Jax backed up the ramp. Morgan was shown looking upset at ringside…

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory were interviewed by Cathy Kelley in the backstage area. She asked Waller if having Cody on his show backfired. Waller said Cody disrespected him in his home and attacked Theory. Waller said he did everything he could to protect Theory, who was skeptical…

Cody Rhodes was shown taping up his fist in his dressing room while Cole hyped the main event as coming up next…

Cole and McAfee were shown at their desk and offered their condolences to the family of Ole Anderson, who died earlier in the day. They mentioned the Four Horsemen and the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, and a graphic for Anderson was shown… [C]

Backstage, Becky Lynch pleaded her case with Adam Pearce, saying she couldn’t move on for her WrestleMania match until she ends Jax. “How’s next week sound?” Pearce asked. Lynch said it sounded perfect. Liv Morgan walked into the picture and said not everything has to be about Lynch and then stormed away…

Cole hyped Jey Uso’s appearance on The Jackie Redmond Show on the NHL YouTube page. Cole conceded that he wasn’t sure how much Jey knew about hockey…

Jey Uso was interviewed by Redmond in the backstage area. She asked how he would get back into the title picture. Jey said he would keep on being himself. He said he gets close to something and falls short whether it’s his past enemies on Raw or his own family members costing him.

Drew McIntyre walked into the picture, causing Redmond to make her exit. McIntyre said he’s riding high, but he can relate to what Jey is going through. McIntyre said from the bottom of his heart, Jey deserves this. Jey punched McIntyre and they fought until they were quickly pulled apart…

Powell’s POV: I’m surprised that Jey didn’t speak specifically about his brother Jimmy Uso costing him the match, but I suppose there’s still time to get to that.

Grayson Waller made his entrance with Austin Theory… [C]

The broadcast team announced the following matches for next week’s Raw in San Antonio, Texas: Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso, and Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax. Cole said the best part of being in San Antonio is that he won’t have to get on an airplane…

Cody Rhodes made his entrance…

6. Cody Rhodes vs. Grayson Waller (w/Austin Theory). Cody cleared Waller from the ring with a clothesline. Cole said he had breaking news. “They’re saying all over the internet that Paul Heyman is backstage here in San Jose,” Cole said. [C]

Cole said it was confirmed that Heyman was backstage. McAfee wondered who else from The Bloodline was with him. Cody hit a Disaster Kick on Waller for a two count. Theory climbed onto the apron and dropped off when Cody approached him.

Waller took advantage of the distraction by punching Cody, who then hit a suicide dive on Theory. Waller went to ringside and clotheslined Cody before rolling him back inside the ring. Waller went for a rolling move that Cody avoided. Cody hit a Cody Cutter. Cody followed up with CrossRhodes and scored the pin.

Cody Rhodes defeated Grayson Waller in 7:55.

As Cody was celebrating his win, Paul Heyman did his “ladies and gentlemen” introduction. Heyman walked onto the stage with three men dressed in black. The fans booed after Heyman said ladies. He said it figured they would do that in “San Josie, California.”

Heyman introduced himself. Cody, who had a chair in hand, said he didn’t give a damn what Heyman’s name is. Cody said if The Bloodline was present, they could come and get him. Heyman told Cody to calm down and pointed out that he wasn’t with The Bloodline. Heyman said the men in black are his friends from the NYPD. He started to say they were off-duty, but then he said they were actually suspended.

Heyman said he understands how insulting it must be to get “Will Smithed” across the face. Heyman told Cody that he needs to take The Rock’s name “out your frickin’ mouth.” Heyman said he and Cody were crying in the ring together a year ago.

Heyman pleaded with Cody, even saying “pretty please with a cherry on top” to withdraw his challenge of The Rock. “Or else,” Heyman said. Cody took a seat on the chair and asked or else what.

Cody asked Heyman if he knows why he hasn’t trashed Rock thus far. Cody said that he and everyone else were fans of The Rock. Cody said every meal in his home was determined by tickets sold and no one sold more than The Rock. Cody said he is done being nice. He added that if this was a Bloodline set-up, they should come and get him.

Heyman said he had a better idea. Heyman and the three men climbed on the apron. “May I?” Heyman asked as he started to enter the ring. Cody told him no. The three men in black entered the ring while Heyman remained on the apron.

Cody said if anyone took another step toward him, he would drop everyone in the ring. Heyman said he respected that and assumed it didn’t apply if he was the person who took another step toward Cody. Heyman started to enter the ring, but Cody told him that was wrong.

Cody quickly took out the men in black suits with ease using the chair. Heyman pulled out a phone and said, “Call Roman Reigns.” Heyman took out a second phone and said, “Call The Rock.” Cody told him to go ahead. He said he isn’t being hunted by The Bloodline, he is hunting The Bloodline. The men in black recovered and went after Cody, who quickly cleared them from the ring.

Cole hyped The Rock’s appearance for Smackdown and said we’d find out whether Rock will accept Cody’s challenge to a match…

Powell’s POV: My God, how will anyone sleep tonight without knowing the Raw Talk lineup?!? Anyway, Cody beating Waller didn’t feel like much of a main event (and that’s coming from someone who is high on Waller), so at least they had a post match angle. The Cody and Heyman exchange wasn’t particularly memorable with Cody predictably beating up three random dudes, but at least it set the stage for Rock’s appearance on Smackdown.

Overall, they filled the three hours nicely and did a good job of setting up two notable matches for next week’s show. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the February 26 edition

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. It’s either Zayn challenging Gunther or somehow he gets inserted into the world title match.

  2. That women’s “tag match” was just garbage. Why set up Indi and Candace with a championship match jsut to have them squashed like that? Ptui.
    There’s a lot of talent in that division and creative just can’t seem to wrap their collective head around it.

  3. I’m sure that everyone caught the Brahma Bull logo on the back of Herman’s second phone.

    The main phone is a Pro, with three cameras lenses. The second phone just has the two.

    It would be the most subtle signal ever in a couple of weeks, if Heyman switches the cases, so the Brahma Bull is on the “better” phone.

  4. Maybe McAffe should refrain from the poop jokes…

  5. Can’t wait until I run into a few off duty police officers so I can hit them with a chair. Apparently that is now legal LOL. I get that there is a suspension of disbelief required, but beating up cops with no consequences is just a little too silly.

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