AEW Collision results (2/24): Murphy’s review of Bryan Danielson vs. Jun Akiyama, FTR vs. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty, Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sammy Guevara, Malakai Black vs. Bryan Keith

By Don Murphy, Contributor (@DonThePredictor)

AEW Collision (Episode 35)
Springfield, Missouri at Great Southern Bank Arena
Aired live February 24, 2024 on TNT

[Hour One] The Collision opening video aired and pyro shot off from the stage. Tony Schiavone checked in on commentary with Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness. Dasha was the ring announcer…

1. Sammy Guevara vs. Powerhouse Hobbs in a No DQ match. Early in the match, Guevara used speed as part of a flurry of offense. Hobbs eventually caught Guevara on the outside and hit the World’s Strongest Slam on the ring steps. Kevin Kelly noted that the Don Callis family and any of Guevara’s friends, including Chris Jericho, are banned from ringside.

Don’s Take Yet there’s a No DQ stipulation, so any of the others could interfere with no repercussions. OK….

Hobbs hit several World’s Strongest Slams on the ring apron. The action continued on the floor with Hobbs on the offense. Hobbs asked Kelly for his belt, which Kelly obliged. Hobbs began whipping Guevara with Kelly’s belt, but Guevara grabbed the belt and returned the favor. Guevara began attacking Hobbs with a chair. Guevara hit a cutter on Hobbs in the ring steps and began whipping him with Kelly’s belt again. Guevara pulled out two tables and climbed to the top rope to cross body Hobbs through them. Hobbs caught him and delivered a spine buster through the tables. The show went to its first picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Guevara was back on offense and hit a GTH for a near fall. Down the stretch, Guevara hit Hobbs with two unprotected beer bottle shots to the head and placed him on two tables that he had placed on the floor, side by side. Guevara placed a tall ladder in the ring and delivered a swanton bomb to Hobbs off the ladder through the tables. Back in the ring, Guevara placed Hobbs on another table and climbed to the top rope. Hobbs pushed the referee into Guevara crotching him on the top rope. Hobbs delivered the World’s Strongest Slam from the second rope through the table for the win. [C]

Powerhouse Hobbs defeated Sammy Guevara in a No DQ match in about 17:00.

Don’s Take This was a fun brawl to open the show with the right guy going over. I wasn’t a fan of the logic flaw of having the No DQ stipulation yet banning everyone from ringside. I was also hoping Hobbs would be more dominant in victory. Using the referee to get a win does more to protect Guevara than it does to make Hobbs look strong.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli cut a backstage promo. Moxley talked about Castagnoli walking 20 miles from the airport to train with Dave Taylor on his first day. He said that wrestling 20 minutes meant nothing to them but a time limit draw was unacceptable. Moxley accepted FTR’s challenge for a rematch at Revolution and said that the four of them would pay homage to the history of tag team wrestling. Castagnoli said that FTR wants to bring back the past but they are the future and set the tone for tag team wrestling. Moxley said that it looked like FTR gave everything they had while the Blackpool Combat Club didn’t deliver all that they had. Castagnoli told FTR to bring all of their weapons because they’re going to need it.

2. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty. Tony Schiavone announced at the top that the match between FTR and the Blackpool Combat Club had been made official for Revolution. For the first several minutes of the match, both teams were even on offense until Taylor tackled Harwood. The show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Taylor was still on offense but missed a splash from the second rope allowing Harwood to make the hot tag. Wheeler cleaned house for a bit with the heels briefly regaining the advantage for several near falls. Wheeler tagged in Harwood and hit the Doomsday Device on Moriarty for the win.

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty in 10:00.

After the match, Wheeler took the mic and said that Moxley had told the locker room to step up or get stepped on. He said they were a couple of cockroaches that don’t get stepped on easily. He added that if Moxley and Castagnoli had anything else to say, they knew where to find them.

Harwood said that Moxley talked a lot about past eras and bringing back the past. He said that this wasn’t what this was about. He said that Moxley was there almost from the beginning and is like the king of AEW. He added that everyone walks around in fear of the Blackpool Combat Club and that the reason Moxley and Castagnoli don’t like FTR is because they’re not afraid of them. He concluded by saying that “to be a king you have to kill a king” and that they’re coming for Moxley’s head.

Don’s Take: A fine match with the expected outcome. Add Shane Taylor to my list of guys I wish was better utilized.

A video previewed the main event between Bryan Danielson and Jun Akiyama…

3. Thunder Rosa vs. Lady Bird Monroe. Monroe made her Collision debut. Aside from the cool name and a few hope spots, this was a complete squash for Rosa who won with the Tijuana Bomb. [C]

Thunder Rosa defeated Lady Bird Monroe in about 2:30.

Don’s Take: The announcers spoke about the next number one contender for the AEW Women’s Championship which leads me to think Rosa may be in that spot sooner rather than later.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Stokely Hathaway, Willow Nightingale, and Kris Statlander. Paquette asked them about Skye Blue’s and Julia Hart’s comments on Rampage. Hathaway said he apologized for interfering and they have to look to the future. Statlander challenged Blue to a match next week.

4. Colten Gunn, Billy Gunn, and Jay White (w/Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Austin Gunn) vs. “The Iron Savages” Boulder, Bronson and Jacked Jameson. Caster appeared to lose his place in the middle of the rap. Bowens took over and went right to the “Everybody Loves….” line. The Savages took over on Billy Gunn early. The babyfaces retaliated but eventually the Savages took over on Colten Gunn.

After several minutes, Colten made the hot tag to White. Down the stretch, the babyfaces took turns hitting moves on the heels. White hit the Blade Runner on Jameson for the win.

Colten Gunn, Billy Gunn, and Jay White defeated “The Iron Savages” Boulder, Bronson and Jacked Jameson in 4:00.

Don’s Take: Remember what I said about Shane Taylor? Jay White tops that list.

[Hour Two] Lexy Nair was backstage with Bryan Danielson who put over Jun Akiyama. He noted that Akiyama was Eddie Kingston’s idol and that Kingston would be on commentary. He said he respects Akiyama but doesn’t respect Kingston. Having to shake his hand at Revolution might kill him because Kingston is not a professional. Danielson said that he’s known Kingston for twenty years and he had the most potential out of everyone. He said that potential was wasted until last year. He said he would beat Kingston at Revolution for the Continental Crown.

5. Malakai Black vs. Bryan Keith. Chain wrestling to start. Kelly noted that October 23. 2021 was the last time Black was beaten in a singles match. Black kicked Keith off the apron as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Keith hit a flurry of offense. Down the stretch, both men exchanged blows. Black hit Keith with a double stomp from the top rope, followed by a pump kick, a knee strike and a German suplex for a near fall. Keith retaliated and charged at Black, only to be met with The End roundhouse kick for the win.

Malakai Black defeated Bryan Keith in 11:00.

After the match, the lights went out and when they came back on, Mark Briscoe was in the ring with a kendo stick. Brody King and Buddy Matthews ran out and Briscoe attacked them with the stick. Briscoe then pulled out a metal spike and charged at Black but ended up jabbing the spike in the top turnbuckle. Black hit The End roundhouse kick on Briscoe, with King following up with Dante’s Inferno. [C]

Don’s Take: I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen Black in a singles match so this was fun. The Mark Briscoe post-match attack was OK but the story doesn’t do much for me.

A video recapped the events between the Young Bucks, Sting and Darby Allin.

6. Serena Deeb vs. Lady Frost. Kelly noted that Kiera Hogan was originally scheduled to face Deeb but came down with the flu. The match was even for the first several minutes but Deeb gained the advantage as the show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Deeb was still on offense for a good portion of the match. Frost made a comeback late but Deeb hit her with a back elbow followed by a single leg Boston crab for the submission win.

Serena Deeb defeated Lady Frost in about 8:00.

After the match, Deeb took the mic and said that the women’s division was heating up, She reiterated that she was open to wrestling anyone and that when she wrestles, the lights don’t go out and the picture doesn’t turn black and white. She said she was here to put the “wrestling” back in All Elite Wrestling. [C]

Don’s Take: Deeb is fun to watch, but similar to many other acts in AEW, she just does her thing without moving into any meaningful feuds. Hopefully, with Mercedes Mone coming in that will change. For what it’s worth, that would be a fun feud if done right.

Eddie Kingston made his way to the commentary table for the main event….

7. Bryan Danielson vs. Jun Akiyama. Naito Nakabayashi of New Japan Pro Wrestling was the assigned referee for this match. Basic chain wrestling to start. Danielson went to work on Akiyama’s legs early. Akiyama retaliated with an arm attack on Danielson. Danielson tossed Akiyama to the outside as the show went to its final picture-in-picture break. [C]

After the break, Danielson suplexed Akiyama on the floor followed by a knee strike off the apron. Back in the ring, Danielson hit a flurry of offense but Akiyama responded with a running lariat. Danielson attempted a submission hold. Down the stretch, Akiyama hit a piledriver for a near fall. Danielson locked in an ankle lock into a German suplex. Danielson followed up with knee strikes. Akiyama hit an exploder suplex for a near fall. Akiyama locked in a front choke hold. Both men exchanged kicks, knees and suplexes. Both wrestlers collided together attempting flying knee strikes.

Both men exchanged blows. Danielson blocked an exploder suplex and hit a tight knee strike to the head.  He followed up with the Busaiku knee for the win.

Bryan Danielson defeated Jun Akiyama in about 9:00.

After the match, Danielson and Akiyama shook hands. Danielson then flipped off Kingston who was standing at ringside. Akiyama took offense and slapped Danielson. Danielson appeared to apologize and offered another handshake before low-blowing Akiyama. Kingston ran in and brawled with Danielson. Claudio Castagnoli came out to join Danielson in attacking Kingston.

FTR made the save and cleared the Blackpool Combat Club from the ring. Tony Schiavone said that he just spoke to Tony Khan (drink) and that Kingston will team with FTR on Dynamite to face Danielson, Castagnoli and Jon Moxley. The babyfaces and heels glared at each other as the show went off the air.

Don’s Take If you like wrestling for wrestling’s sake, this was a match for you. I enjoyed it, but as usual, I would have enjoyed it more if I got a bit more back story on Akiyama. The 15-second video didn’t do it. I do have to say that Danielson’s promo on Kingston made me more interested in their match at Revolution. The trios match on the go-home Dynamite will likely solidify things heading into the event.

This wasn’t the strongest edition of Collision. Perhaps AEW figured with everyone watching the Elimination Chamber this morning, they would put on a good show without loading up the card. While they didn’t run head-to-head, I’m very curious to see what Tony does on WrestleMania Saturday. Running head-to-head is ill advised, but he’s stubborn enough to do it. My vote, aside from just pre-empting it that week, would be to run in the afternoon after NXT and before Mania. It’s a wrestling weekend when overload is expected so he could get away with it. Time will tell. I’ll be back next week for Rampage. Until then!


Readers Comments (5)

  1. We just had FTR vs BCC. We’ll have the same match at Revolution. But before that, they will face each other again, but in a 6 man tag. This just doesn’t feel special.

    Did Moxley imply weapons in the Revolution match?

  2. No mention of Billy Gunn giving that one dude a fameasser and the fat fuck standing up and stumbling six feet then throwing himself over the ropes immediately to “sell” the move?

    • Sometimes when your eyes are floating from a TV screen to a laptop, you miss certain details. I did see him fly over the rope and thought it was odd.

      • Dude hit the ground face first then leapt back to his feet, staggered a good 6ft to the ropes then just flung himself over them. Reminded me of HBK’s overselling vs Hogan!

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