WWE Raw results (2/12): Powell’s live review of Cody Rhodes’ comments on the WMXL Kickoff event, Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed, LA Knight vs. Ivar, and Liv Morgan vs. Zoey Stark in Elimination Chamber qualifiers

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,603)
Lexington, Kentucky at Rupp Arena
Aired live February 12, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show while a shot aired of the building’s exterior. Footage aired from 2:03 p.m. ET of Cody Rhodes exiting his tour bus and then Cole hyped Cody challenging Roman Reigns for the WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania. Cole was joined on commentary by Pat Mcafee, and Samantha Irvin was the ring announcer… Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. “Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci vs. Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods. Cole played up Jey’s tag team title accomplishments while noting that he has never won a singles title. Kaiser clotheslined Jey to the floor and the distracted the referee while Gunther put Jey down with a big boot heading into the first commercial break. [C]

Gunther put Kingston in a Boston Crab. Jey got upset, entered the ring, and slapped Gunther across the face. Gunther released the hold while the referee stepped in to clear Jey from the ring heading onto another break. [C]

Jey and Gunther ended up as the legal men. Jey performed a top rope crossbody block and got a two count. Jey went for a spear that Gunther stuffed before delivering a chop. Gunther knocked Kingston off the apron and then put Jey down with a big clothesline and covered him for a two count.

Gunther went for a top rope splash, but Jey put his knees up. Jey speared Gunther and had him pinned, but it was broken up by Kaiser. Vinci tagged in and caught Jey with a kick. Jey fired back with a superkick. Kingston and Woods elevated Vinci into a 1D for Jey, who followed up with a top rope splash on Vinci and pinned him..

Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods beat “Imperium” Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci in 19:45.

Powell’s POV: The 1D looked a little off live, but they found a camera angle that made it look good on the replay. The match continued the build to a Gunther vs. Jey match for the Intercontinental Championship. Jey continues to be a big hit with the live crowds.

Cole spoke with McAfee at ringside and mentioned his show was in Las Vegas for Super Bowl week and then they set up a video package that recapped the WrestleMania Kickoff event…

Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford, Angelo Dawkins, and B-Fab made their entrance. Lashley headed to the ring for his Elimination Chamber qualifying match while the others returned to the back… A Smackdown ad aired and did not add any new matches to the lineup… [C]

An Andrade vignette aired. He said life has taught him he has to decide what he wants and what he deserves. He said he had his first match when he was 13 and has been a champion many times. Andrade recalled winning the NXT Championship and the U.S. Champion. He said titles were not enough for him to remember who he was. He said after three years, he is back and the direction is clear…

Bronson Reed made his entrance and then Cole recapped Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton qualifying for the Elimination Chamber match on Smackdown…

2. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed in an Elimination Chamber qualifier. Lashley went for an early Full Nelson, but Reed back him into a corner of the ring to break it. Lashley knocked Reed down with a shoulder block. Lashely charged Reed, who sidestepped him, causing Lashley to go through the ropes and into the ring post. Reed jumped from the apron and crashed into Lashley, who tumbled into the timekeepers area. [C]

Cole played up Reed being a native Australian and trying to qualify for Elimination Chamber match that will be held in Australia. Lashley put Reed down with a Flatliner. Lashley suplexed Reed and covered him for a near fall. A graphic listed Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura for later in the show.

Reed rallied and put Lashley down with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Lashley came right back with a spinebuster for a near fall. Lashley set up for a spear, but Reed caught him with a knee and then performed a uranage slam. Reed performed a senton on Lashley and then went up top for his finisher, but Lashley cut him off and slammed him tot he mat. Lashley speared and pinned Reed…

Bobby Lashley defeated Bronson Reed in 8:40 to qualify for the men’s Elimination Chamber match.

Powell’s POV: A competitive match with an outcome that left me disappointed, yet hardly surprised. I dig Lashley and all, but I was hoping that Reed would get the biggest win of his main roster run and qualify for the Chamber match. My guess is that Reed still gets in the match if they have a last chance qualifier, but it won’t give him the big boost that an upset win over Lashley would have.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Sami Zayn being interviewed by Jackie Redmond in the empty arena seats. Zayn said there is part of him that feels embarrassed by losing to Drew McIntyre. He said he’s felt that way before, but it’s always overcome by an unwavering belief in himself. Zayn said the belief in himself is what carried him to WrestleMania. He said he is a contender and he will be a champion. He said it would not be an easy path.

Shinsuke Nakamura interrupted the interview via the big screen. He asked what was wrong with Zayn and whether he’s forgotten his big moments. Nakamura said Zayn acts like he’s in misery and he gets sympathy from the fans, just like Cody Rhodes. Nakamura accused Zayn of swindling people to stay in the spotlight. Nakamura said he will pick up Zayn’s soul and continue his warpath forward…

Powell’s POV: A cool segment. I enjoy Nakamura’s demented heelish view of the world. I continue to wonder if Zayn’s quest for gold is leading to him challenging Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage while Cole said he would appear after the break… [C] The WrestleMania XL trailer featuring The Rock, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes, and Seth Rollins aired…

Mainstream media headlines regarding the WrestleMania XL Kickoff event were shown while Cole gushed over the event generating over 200 million social media views. They also ran a Triple H tweet about taking WrestleMania to a whole new level…

[Hour Two] Cody Rhodes made his entrance dressed in a suit and received a big reaction from the crowd. Cody asked the Lexington crowd what they wanted to talk about. He said he believes he will be headlining WrestleMania XL when he challenges Roman Reigns. A loud “Cody” chant broke out while a graphic displayed the match.

Cody said it took him some time to say that and credited the fans with being the reason he could. He said the fans made their voices heard. A “We Want Cody” chant broke out. Cody thanked the fans and said he doesn’t know how he can ever repay the fans. “Actually, maybe there’s only one way,” Cody said. He said he’s passionate about WWE and wears his heart on his sleeve.

Cody said he didn’t want to become emotional or then he would become a crybaby. Fans booed and then a “Rocky Sucks” chant broke out. Cody said that while everyone was saying they wanted him, there was one man who didn’t want to hear it. Cody said that man is the most famous man alive and a potential presidential nominee.

Cody set up footage of The Rock on The Pat McAfee Show talking about “Cody Crybabies” last week. Cole told McAfee that it’s all his fault. Cody said he knows promos are different from the last time Rock was here and very few people could even fathom matching Rock on the microphone. “But I do have to ask, what are we supposed to do with the nuggets?” Cody asked McAfee, who said he thinks he’s supposed to shove them up his ass.

Cody said he is a fan of The Rock and he thinks everyone has been at one time or another. Cody said one thing Rock doesn’t do well is listen. Cody said he didn’t say anything to defile Rock’s ancestors at the press conference and yet Rock slapped him in the face in public. Cody said he saw a look in Rock’s eyes that was no longer the people’s energy, it was malevolent. Cody said that Rock hit him, which means he will hit Rock back.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance and the fans chanted his song once he was inside the ring with Cody. Rollins took a bow and the fans cheered. Cody told Rollins to absolutely take a bow. Cody thanked Rollins for coming to his aid at the press conference. “What can I say other than you’re welcome,” Rollins said before cackling.

Rollins said that as much as he looked forward to defending his title against Cody at WrestleMania, he gets why Cody made the decision that he did. “You gotta finish your story, right?” Cody smiled. Rollins said there are millions of people around the world who want to see Cody finish his story. Rollins told Cody that he needs to finish his story for himself, his father, for Rollins, and for all the fans.

Rollins said that if Cody doesn’t beat Roman Reigns and take his title, the landscape on the other side of WrestleMania is very dark. Rollins referred to Reigns as the most powerful champion of the modern era. Rollins said Reigns would gain more power and show up even less often to defend his title. Rollins said it might be their last chance to take that power and give it to the people. A “Cody” chant broke out. Cody smiled again.

Rollins asked Cody what his plan is. Rollins said Cody got screwed out of the title in the main event of last year’s WrestleMania. Rollins said Cody fought his way back, but the deck is stacked against him and the bar has been raised. Rollins said Cody wouldn’t just be dealing with Paul Heyman, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, and Roman Reigns.

Rollins said Cody has to deal with the biggest star and the most influential man in the entire entertainment industry. “You’ve got to deal with The Rock,” Rollins said. Another “Rocky Sucks” chant broke out. Rollins told the crowd that he tends to agree with them and that’s why he was there to tell Cody that he doesn’t have to fight this battle alone.

Rollins said he and Cody haven’t seen eye to eye. Rollins recalled Cody saying he wants to take everything from Reigns. Rollins said he felt that deep in his soul. Rollins said that’s why he stepped up at the press conference. Rollins said he’s sick of arrogant entitled pricks like Rock and Reigns thinking they can do whatever they want and always getting away with it.

Rollins took partial responsibility for the man that Reigns has become, but he said he never could have never imagined the monster that he’s become. Rollins said the monster now has two heads because he’s standing side by side with the only person on the planet who is as entitled and selfish as he is.

Rollins said that when it comes to fighting The Bloodline, Rock, and Reigns, there’s only one man on earth who is uniquely suited to be Cody’s shield. Rollins said that man was once an architect and now he’s a visionary and a revolutionary. Rollins dropped the mic and exited the ring while Cody stayed behind and watched Rollins head to the back…

Powell’s POV: Excellent mic work from Rollins. Cody was also good, but this was Seth’s moment to shine and he nailed it. But there was one big letdown, which is that they didn’t try to make sense of Cody initially implying that he wouldn’t face Reigns at WrestleMania after consulting with The Rock. It’s disappointing that they just seem to be moving on without making any attempt to fill that storyline gap.

Cathy Kelley informed Jey Uso, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods that Gunther would have to defend his Intercontinental Championship on next week’s Raw. After a round of the “who” bit from the New Day duo, she said Gunther will defend against Jey Uso…

Liv Morgan made her entrance for an Elimination Chamber qualifier… [C] Footage aired of Patrick Mahomes and Isiah Pacheco wearing the replica WWE championship belt they were awarded after winning the Super Bowl…

A video package aired on Liv Morgan and Zoey Stark. Morgan said she would take everything from Rhea Ripley after winning the Elimination Chamber. Zoey Stark spoke separately about being the baddest woman in the division and how she would win the Elimination Chamber match and go to WrestleMania…

3. Liv Morgan vs. Zoey Stark in an Elimination Chamber qualifier. Morgan went to the ropes early and was cut off by Stark, who then performed a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron. [C] Stark stuffed a Codebreaker and then catapulted Morgan into the corner. Stark charged Morgan, who hit her with a standing double stomp. Stark came right back with a superkick for a two count. Stark went up top and went for a corkscrew dive that Morgan avoided. Morgan hit Oblivion and scored the pin…

Liv Morgan defeated Zoey Stark in 9:15 to qualify for the women’s Elimination Chamber match.

Powell’s POV: The Elimination Chamber qualifiers give the television matches more purpose, but the outcomes continue to feel highly predictable.

Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh were walking through the back when R-Truth showed up. Truth told McDonagh that he’s not in the Judgment Day. Priest said he would handle it. He said they had some jokes together, but it’s over. He said Truth was never in Judgment Day. He said there was no initiation or re-initiation. Priest said tonight would be an execution. McDonagh made his entrance and was accompanied by Priest, Balor, and Mysterio… [C]

The broadcast team touted being at Rupp Arena…

Backstage, R-Truth was on his phone when Adam Pearce showed up to tell him to get to the ring. Truth called The Miz and told him to hop on a plane because he needed his help. Truth said the Judgment Day was going to try to kill him. Truth made his entrance…

4. R-Truth vs. JD McDonagh (w/Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio). The referee called for the bell and McDonagh ran over and kicked a distracted Truth. McAfee acknowledged that Truth is 52 years-old after he performed the splits. McAfee said he pulled a muscle “while I took a dump the other day.” Truth performed an Attitude Adjustment on McDonagh, who was pulled to the floor by Dom. [C]

Truth dominated the offense and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Truth set up for another AA, but McDonagh escaped and rolled him up for a two count while holding his pants for leverage. Truth came back momentarily, but McDonagh hit him with The Devil Inside finisher and scored the clean pin.

JD McDonagh defeated R-Truth in 6:55.

After the match, Balor and Dom joined McDonagh in the ring. Truth fought them off. Priest entered the ring and went face to face with Truth, who had to fight off McDonagh. Priest dropped Truth with a right hand and then the Judgment Day members put the boots to him. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa ran out with chairs and chased off the heels…

Powell’s POV: I was surprised to see McDonagh get a rare clean win. The threat of Judgment Day destroying Truth kept things interesting.

Sami Zayn was putting on his wrist tape when Cody Rhodes showed up and thanked him. Cody told Zayn that he believes in him and the fans believe in him. Cody offered a handshake. Zayn hugged him instead…

Becky Lynch was shown walking through the backstage area. Cole said she would appear after the break… [C] Photos aired of various celebrities wearing golden replica WWE title belts during Super Bowl weekend…

[Hour Three] Becky Lynch made her entrance while Cole noted that she qualified last week for her first Elimination Chamber match. Becky pointed out a fan sign and said she guesses she would be going to the prom in 2034 (Cody would do it!).

Lynch spoke of her love for the business. She said she was 15 years-old when she first stepped in the ring and has been obsessed ever since. Lynch said it’s the reason that a girl who once failed gym class was able to go on and become the first woman to win the main event of WrestleMania. Becky said the business is how she met her husband and why she has her daughter.

Lynch said it’s also the reason she has missed birthdays, weddings, and her own father’s funeral. She said her daughter is only three, yet she has already had to explain why her face was bloody or why she couldn’t pick her up due to a shoulder injury or why her daddy wants to fight Maui. Funny.

Lynch said she is obsessed and has never been more obsessed with regaining her championship. She said a lot of fans love Rhea Ripley and don’t think anyone can beat her. A “Mami” chant broke out. Lynch said she’s not just anyone. Lynch said Ripley has never faced anyone quite like her.

Lynch had someone from ringside hand her a drink and made a toast about the ride they would go on to WrestleMania. Lynch toasted to Ripley, telling her to enjoy her last few weeks as champion. “Bottoms up,” Lynch said before taking a swig from her drink.

Nia Jax made her entrance. Jax said she knows that she and Lynch have had their differences, but she had something to say and wanted to get in the ring. Jax entered the ring and approached Lynch. Jax told Lynch that she has so much respect for her. Jax acted emotional while saying that she would be lucky if her mom was half the mom that Lynch is. Jax said God willing she will become a mother and lead by the example that Lynch is.

Jax said Lynch is going to win the Elimination Chamber match. Jax said there’s nothing that will stop Lynch. “Just like nothing is going to stop me from beating Rhea Ripley and becoming the Women’s World Champion,” Jax said while changing her tone to serious.

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance and went right after Jax, who hit her with a headbutt. Jax shoved Ripley toward Lynch in a corner of the ring. Ripley stopped short, but Jax splashed both women together. Jax dropped Ripley with a punch. Lynch hit Jax with a missile dropkick.

Lynch turned her focus to Ripley, who got back to her feet. Ripley ran past Lynch and knocked Jax off the apron with a big boot. “You’re going to have to kill me,” Ripley yelled at Jax. Ripley sold the Jax punch while looking at her and then back at Lynch…

Powell’s POV: A strong segment. Lynch delivered a passionate promo. Jax was intentionally insincere with her “emotional” rebuttal, and Jax once again got the better of Ripley to add more heat heading into their match at the Elimination Chamber event.

Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the backstage ring set and she noted that he will face Cody Rhodes on next week’s Raw. McIntyre said Cody second guessed finishing his story and took credit for pushing him in that direction. McIntyre said people think he did it because he wants to face Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. McIntyre said he’s the underdog and he had to beat AJ Styles to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. McIntyre looked into the camera and told Cody to take himself out of the match next week. McIntyre said Cody should avoid two things – being in his prayers and fighting him one-on-one because he might not make it to WrestleMania…

The broadcast team hyped Roman Reigns and The Rock appearing on Friday’s Smackdown. They also hyped Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre for next week’s Raw in Anaheim, California… LA Knight made his entrance… [C]

Backstage, R-Truth told Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa that he can’t believe he was saved by DX. Truth asked them how Road Dogg was doing. Truth said he had two words for them. “No thank you,” Truth said… Ivar and Valhalla made their entrance…

5. LA Knight vs. Ivar (wValhalla) in an Elimination Chamber qualifier. Valhalla created a distraction that allowed Ivar to go on the offensive momentarily. Knight came back and they ended up at ringside where Knight slammed Ivar’s head off the broadcast table. Ivar battled back and dropped Knight on the barricade and then hit him with a running splash against it. [C]

Knight clotheslined Ivar over the top rope. Ivar pulled him back in the ring and performed a double underhook into a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Knight rallied and dropped an elbow on Ivar. Valhalla climbed on the apron to distracted Knight, who didn’t fall for it. Ivar dropped him with a spin kick moments later. Ivar went for his top rope moonsault finisher, but Knight avoided it. Knight hit the BFT and scored the pin…

LA Knight defeated Ivar in 8:25 to qualify for the men’s Elimination Chamber match.

A graphic showed that Knight, Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, and Randy Orton as qualifiers. Cole noted that there are two spots remaining that would be filled on Smackdown when Logan Paul faces The Miz, and Kevin Owens faces Dominik Mysterio…

Powell’s POV: I guess they won’t be doing any second chance qualifiers. My mistake. Rinse and repeat with another competitive, yet predictable qualifying match. It would be nice to at least get one upset in these qualifying matches.

Sami Zayn was walking backstage and found Drew McIntyre waiting for him. McIntyre told Zayn to keep his name out of his mouth and his nose out of his business. Zayn told McIntyre to get out of his way. McIntyre stepped aside and then Zayn walked past him apprehensively… [C]

The broadcast team hyped the following matches for next week’s Raw: Cody Rhodes vs. Drew McIntyre, Gunther vs. Jey Uso for the Intercontinental Championship, The Miz, R-Truth, Johnny Gargano, and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh, and a last chance battle royal for the final spot in the women’s Elimination Chamber match…

Powell’s POV: Two big matches for next week’s show. So no last chance qualifier for the men, but the women will have one next week. Got it.

Backstage, Adam Pearce spoke with Chelsea Green, Indi Hartwell, and Candice LeRae about the battle royal. Green wanted it to be handed to her and complained about being in a loser battle royal with people like Hartwell, LeRae, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark. Green turned around and found Baszler and Stark standing behind her. Baszler said they were there to talk about the tag titles, but she looks forward to tearing Green apart limb by limb. Pearce said he needed a drink…

Entrances for the main event took place…

6. Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. There was a loud “Let’s go, Sami” chant early in the match. Zayn dumped Nakamura to ringside and then teased a suicide dive. Zayn used the ropes to perform a flip and then mocked Nakamura with his own “come on” bit. [C] After some back and forth action, Zayn hit Nakamura with a flip dive from the ring to the floor heading into the final break. [C]

Late in the match, Zayn had a run of his signature offense. Zayn had Nakamura down and was setting up for his Helluva Kick finisher when Drew McIntyre ran out and distracted him. Nakamura kicked Zayn’s knee out from behind. Nakamura followed up with a Kinshasa and scored the pin.

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Sami Zayn in 17:10.

After the match, McIntyre entered the ring and stood over Zayn on one side while Nakamura stood over him on the other. They put the boots to Zayn and then threw punches at him.

Cody Rhodes’ music played and he ran out in a t-shirt and pants and fought off Nakamura at ringside. Rhodes hit the Cody Cutter on McIntyre, who exited the ring. Nakamura rushed the ring and was put down by CrossRhodes. Cody jawed at McIntyre, who seethed while glaring at him from ringside.

The broadcast team hyped Rhodes vs. McIntyre for next week. They also hyped Roman Reigns and The Rock appearing on Friday’s Smackdown. Cody stood on the middle rope and jawed at McIntyre about facing him next week. McIntyre pointed at the WrestleMania sign and told Cody he won’t be making it…

Powell’s POV: My God, now I’ll never know who is going to appear on Raw Talk. Anyway, I liked the main event. Nakamura really needed a win, and Zayn losing due to McIntyre plays into their ongoing issues. Cody making the save was the obvious play to add more juice to his match with McIntyre next week.

Overall, this was a solid show. Again, the Chamber qualifiers added states to three matches, but the outcomes were very predictable. The night belonged to the husband and wife team of Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch, who came through with really good promos. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the February 12 edition

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Readers Comments (18)

  1. Fire Colin McGuire, Volunteer Writer Executive in Chief

    You were sad people didn’t like you lecturing and belittling people last time so now he’s out calling your readers bratty.

    Ok. With that logic you’re bratty every time the Vikings fall on their faces each year. Better enjoy the regular season slop

    Fire Colin!

    • Sure, I’ll get right on that. Crybaby.

    • Way to prove him right. This is truly some bratty shit.

    • I find it funny that Colin had to write something attacking wrestling fans to finally get anyone to realize he actually writes here. I tried reading the first few barely comprehensible word salad “articles” he wrote and quickly concluded he’s incapable of formulating compelling content. I occasionally check one of his posts just to see if anything is different and my biggest takeaway is I don’t remember the last time anyone commented. Kudos to him for finally figuring out what he has to do to get a response.

      • Do you like anything about this site? I’m biased against WWE and you don’t like Colin’s blogs, yet I should charge you rent at this point for living in the comment section. Of course, you also hate everything about AEW and yet never seem to miss an episode, so I guess it’s just par for the course. You’re a strange one, dude.

      • What I don’t understand about you Mr greatest one, is you have such a keen understanding of how the game is played who should be wrestling who and how matches should be booked. Why aren’t you working for WWE or AEW creative?

  2. I was both pleased and disappointed that the stupid “Final Testament” (or whatever they are called) didn’t interfere witht eh Lashey/Reed match (i thought for sure they would screw over Lashley. Oh well, it’s a dumb feud anyway….

  3. Is Jackie Redmond the same size as Kayla Braxton? She looked TINY next to McIntire…

  4. Honestly – what is with these people who think it’s big and strong to belittle report writers? Seriously? These reports are ONE MAN’S OPINION!! Sheesh! I might have an issue with the odd thing that might be said, but I don’t go off like a firecracker like some of you seem to do!! If you don’t like what you read – there’s a cross in the top right hand corner of your browser you are welcome to click. End of problem!!

    Funny how things that were happening in the early 2000’s are still happening in 2024. Don’t people learn?

  5. Why Am I Watching This? February 13, 2024 @ 9:50 am

    I chuckled at Rollins’ reference to Rock’s song from “Moana.” Nice touch in an otherwise utterly stellar promo.

  6. I feel like “the greatestone” is really Jim Cornette actually.

  7. I cannot wait for WM40 but for gods sake let Cody finally win (pretty obvious he will), just so we don’t have to hear any more sob stories etc. I was happy to see him back in WWE but he’s really getting predictable now each week. Kudos to R-Truth. 52 years old and more flexible than I was at 20 lol. I still enjoy Raw but like Jason said in his coverage, some matches as in qualifiers are just too predictable. Why not let some of the newer guys or mid card players a chance to step up and shine? Just please god don’t let LA Knight win the elimination chamber, I’d rather watch re runs of Gilbergs (not goldberg) greatest matches than one of Knights. Keep up the good work Jason

  8. Jason you got some weirdos on this site in the comments section. If it were me they’d be out of here, you should switch over to Disqus that way you can ban them more easily.

    As far as the actual show goes, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the way they’ve properly booked Nia Jax as a strong heel that the crowd roots against. Nia has taken things a lot more serious this time around since returning in September and she’s putting in the work. Although, she’s going to lose to Rhea, I think they should have her get drafted to SmackDown to come after Bayley’s title and actually have Nia be the one to get the title off of her.

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