WWE Raw results (1/29): Powell’s live review of Cody Rhodes and Bayley’s post Royal Rumble win appearances, CM Punk’s health update, Damian Priest and Finn Balor vs. DIY for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,601)
Tampa, Florida at Amalie Arena
Aired live January 29, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Michael Cole welcomed viewers to the show while a shot of the Tampa skyline was shown. Jey Uso was shown arriving while Cole hyped his match with Bronson Reed. Imperium was shown walking backstage. Cole hyped Gunther defending the Intercontinental Championship against Kofi Kingston, Damage CTRL was shown arriving and Cole noted that Bayley, who was wearing a San Francisco 49ers jacket, won the Royal Rumble…

A video package recapped the Royal Rumble event… Cody Rhodes was shown exiting a tour bus. Cole touted Cody’s Royal Rumble win and said it was pretty obvious which championship he would choose to challenge for. Cole also noted that the first hour of Raw would be commercial-free…

Pat McAfee made his entrance and was introduced by ring announcer Samatha Irvin. McAfee joined Cole at the broadcast table. Cole announced that he and McAfee are the new Raw broadcast team going forward…

Powell’s POV: McAfee is always a good get for WWE when he is available, but I really enjoy Wade Barrett on color commentary, so I hope he has a good landing spot.

CM Punk made his entrance with his right arm wrapped and in a sling. Punk stopped and signed an autograph for a young fan and then slapped some hands on his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Punk looked at the WrestleMania sign.

“I came real close Saturday night and I felt like I had it in the palm of my hand,” Punk said. Punk said he’s not mad at anyone. He congratulated Cody Rhodes. Punk said it’s not always about what you deserve, it’s about what you’ve earned, and Cody has busted his ass and earned it. Cody compared it to the Tampa Bay Lightning busting their ass and winning back-to-back Stanley Cups.

Punk said he feels a bit unlucky. He said he tore his tricep during the Royal Rumble match. He said he wanted to tape it up and get through the Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania, “but it’s not in the cards for me.” Punk said that maybe his dream of main eventing WrestleMania just isn’t going to happen.

Punk said he didn’t want anyone to feel bad for him. He brought up a friend of his named Chad Gilbert, who is battling cancer. Punk said he sits with him while he gets chemotherapy treatment and Gilbert is always in a good mood and never complains. Punk got emotional and said what he has is a flesh wound.

Punk said he loses more than he wins. He asked the fans if they saw him in UFC. Punk said it wasn’t great, but the had a dream and he said yes when he was asked because it scared the crap out of him. Punk said it’s a bump in the road and he said best in the world are people who battle cancer or his friend who fights fires.

Punk said he doesn’t focus on negativity or people who tell him he has the wrong hair or tattoos. Punk said WrestleMania 40 isn’t in the cards. “But I’m a Chicago Cubs fan and it won’t be the first time or the last time I say this, there’s always next year.” Punk started to say he would bust his ass when he was interrupted.

Drew McIntyre made his entrance. “Not what I was expecting,” Punk said. Cole noted that Punk eliminated McIntyre from the Royal Rumble match. McIntyre entered the ring and recalled saying terrible things about Punk since he returned to WWE. McIntyre said he stood by those things because Punk was terrible to him in the past, but he related to what Punk was saying now.

McIntyre said he has never been a spiritual purpose, but he wanted Punk to know that he prayed for this and it happened. McIntyre said he heard the news about Punk’s injury on Sunday and slept like a baby. McIntyre said he would find a way into the world title match at WrestleMania. McIntyre said he would live Punk’s dream again.

Punk told McIntyre that his heart hurts worse than his tricep does. Punk said he’s going to rehab his injury and he will main event WrestleMania, but the first thing he will do when he returns is take out McIntyre. McIntyre threw a punch that Punk ducked. Punk threw two kicks and two punches before McIntyre hit him with a Glasgow Kiss. Once Punk was down, McIntyre stomped his injured arm.

Sami Zayn ran out and cleared McIntyre from the ring. McIntyre laughed. Cole called McIntyre disgusting and said he’s a pathetic excuse for a man. McIntyre watched intently from the floor while Zayn and a trainer helped Punk to his feet…

Powell’s POV: I feel awful for Punk, who continues to feel snake bit when it comes to injuries. His promo was excellent and I like the way he put things in perspective. The angle with McIntyre was awesome. This wasn’t a case of McIntyre walking the line between babyface and heel, he was a downright nasty heel and I’m here for it.

Backstage, Judgment Day members Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh spoke. Ripley said they needed to send the right message after failing to do so at the Royal Rumble. Priest and Balor spoke about showing the world how vicious they are when they defend the tag titles against DIY…

“DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa were shown walking through the backstage area and spoke about their dream of winning the titles and showing the world who they are… Entrances for the tag title match took place…

1. Damian Priest and Finn Balor vs. “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. DIY performed their early pat on the back spot, which the crowd reacted to.

A short time later, Priest tagged Balor, who went up top. Priest set up Ciampa for his finisher, but Ciampa escaped and cut off Balor on the ropes while Gargano put Priest down with a DDT. Ciampa performed a White Noise style move on Balor for a good near fall. Gargano and Ciampa hit their Meet in the Middle finisher on Balor, but Priest reached up from the floor to save Balor from being pinned.

Balor hit Gargano with a sling blade clothesline and a shotgun dropkick. Balor went up top for his finisher, but Gargano avoided it. Gargano put Balor in the Gargano Escape. Priest ran in and tried to break it up, but Ciampa put him in a Sicilian Stretch. Priest eventually powered up and dumped Ciampa onto Gargano to break both holds.

A short time later, Priest hoisted up Ciampa on the floor, but he released him and then caught Gargano going for a suicide dive. Priest put Gargano down with a Flatliner onto the broadcast table. Back in the ring, Priest hit a Razor’s Edge on Ciampa and then Balor followed up with a Coup De Grace and scored the pin.

Damian Priest and Finn Balor defeated “DIY” Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa in 12:50 to retain the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles.

Powell’s POV: When they announced that the first hour of Raw would be commercial-free, I immediately hoped they would slot this match in hour one. This was really good. The crowd’s reaction to DIY during their entrance was mild, but they had the fans with them by the end. I’m happy they didn’t pull the trigger on the tag title change because DIY will benefit if they continue to chase the titles rather than win them prematurely.

After the match, Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh ran out to celebrate. Priest and Balor boasted about their win. Priest said people have seen a change in the Judgment Day and he feels like they owe the man an apology. Priest invited R-Truth to join them in the ring.

R-Truth came out with a confused look on his face. Priest called for Truth to join them in the ring and gave him his word that he would not attack him. Priest said Truth could “say my deal.” Truth entered the ring and said he was happy Priest was letting him say it because it never works when he says it. Truth said Priest wasn’t nice enough and then asked the crowd to please rise for The Judgment Day.

Priest tried to explain why he eliminated Truth from the Rumble match. Truth cut him off and said they could talk about it later. Truth said he wasn’t able to sleep, so he moved Priest’s cash to crypto, filed his taxes, and liquidated all of his assets. Priest said there’s no way Truth knows what any of that means. Priest said Judgment Day is a family.

Truth said that’s what he’s been trying to say all along. He said Priest is like his older brother. Priest noted that Truth is older than he is. Truth said Balor “is like that weird uncle” in that he’s unpredictable and yet “we still love him.” Truth brought up Dominik and the fans booed. Truth said McDonagh is like the stepbrother no one wants to admit is in the family.

Priest said Truth needed to let him finish. Priest said Truth isn’t in The Judgment Day. Priest said he likes Truth and he thinks he’s funny, so that’s why he wouldn’t be the one to do what was about to happen. Priest said Dom’s name and then McDonagh attacked Truth from behind.

The Miz made his entrance and was immediately attacked by Priest, Balor, and Dom while McDonagh continued to put the boots to Truth. Balor held Miz’s legs while Dom hit him with a top rope frog splash. The Judgment Day men stood over Truth and Miz with their arms raised…

Cole recapped the Punk injury news and then Punk was shown with medical personnel and Adam Pearce. Cole announced Sami Zayn vs. Drew McIntyre for later in the show…

2. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark vs. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green. Both entrances were televised. Green acted surprised by some early in-ring offense that she had. However, Baszler took out Niven at ringside while Stark hit Green with the Z360 before pinning her…

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark beat Piper Niven and Chelsea Green in 2:00.

Still shots aired from the Royal Rumble… Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage while Cole said the Rumble winner would appear next… An Elimination Chamber ad aired and then they cut to the first commercial break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The random women’s tag team matches continue. The first ad started roughly 54 minutes into the show, so they didn’t make good on the commercial-free promise. This will annoy some viewers, but as someone covering the show I selfishly have no complaints.

The WrestleMania XL video aired. We are 68 days away…

Men’s Royal Rumble winner Cody Rhodes made his entrance.

[Hour Two] A “you deserve it” chant broke out once Cody said a word. Cody asked the fans what they wanted to talk about. Cody asked Samatha Irvin to repeat herself. Irvin was shown standing up at ringside and introducing Cody as the winner of the 2023 and 2024 men’s Royal Rumble matches. Cody ate up the intro while standing on the middle rope and then thanked Irvin.

Cody said the fans who attend shows expect them to deliver. Cody said he doesn’t think people realize that they also need to escape. Cody said the last 48 hours of his life outside the venues have been challenging. Cody said that on Saturday, the fans will never know how much he needed them. He said he is endlessly grateful for that. Cody looked at the WrestleMania sign and said he wanted to make WrestleMania 40 official.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance and joined Cody inside the ring. Rollins said the fans were right, Cody does deserve it. He acknowledged that he and Cody don’t always see eye to eye, but he feels they have developed a mutual respect for one another. Rollins congratulated Cody on winning back-to-back Rumble matches and said that’s special.

Rollins told Cody that he would be making a mistake if he chose to fight Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. “I think you should fight me instead,” Rollins said. A “no” chant broke out. Rollins said he is the guy now and his title is the title in WWE.

Rollins said the landscape has changed. He said he gets that Cody has thought about Reigns for a full year. Rollins said they traveled the road together for the last year and he pointed out that he was in the main event because “it sure as hell wasn’t Roman Reigns.” Rollins pointed out which title he defended on those nights.

Rollins asked Cody if he remembered why the title came to be. He said it was because the people were sick and tired of Reigns showing up every other week, then every other month, then every six months and never defending his title and cheating to defend the title whenever he had an opportunity to be an honorable man.

“This title is our title,” Rollins declared. Rollins said they have leveled the playing fields with the World Heavyweight Championship. Rollins said they don’t need to pretended like Reigns is a god because he’s not and they don’t need him.

Rollins asked Cody what title he wanted: “Do you want the Hollywood title, the Hulk Hogan title, the one for posers and frauds and the people who politic their way to the top. Or do you want the Dusty Rhodes title? Do you want the workhorse championship, the blue collar championship, because that’s what the World Heavyweight Championship means. It is about who is the very best between these ropes.”

Rollins implied that he knows which title Dusty Rhodes would want, but he said it’s not about him, it’s about Cody and his decision. Rollins told Cody that he didn’t need an answer now. He said it’s the biggest decision that Cody will ever make. Rollins pointed at Cody’s chest and asked him what’s in there and what kind of man he wants to be.

Cody told Rollins that he has “an insane amount of respect” for him. Cody said it’s the last thing he woke up thinking that they would be talking about or that he would be thinking about. Cody told Rollins that he would think about it. Cody dropped the mic. Rollins showed a small smirk. Cody left the ring and then stopped and looked back at Rollins…

Powell’s POV: I’ll be damned. It was easy to see that Rollins was going to make his case for Cody challenging him for his title once he came out, but I was with the fans in the crowd who were chanting no. Rollins really warmed me up to the idea with his strong promo. Obviously, this would free up Reigns for a match against The Rock. Only time will tell whether they follow through with it, but it was a hell of an unexpected curveball.

Kofi Kingston delivered a promo in the backstage area while Xavier Woods sat behind him. Kingston said when people talk about New Day, they forget the most important thing, which is that they win championships. Kingston played up beating Gunther to win the Intercontinental Championship…

Jey Uso made his entrance… [C] Highlights aired of Bron Breakker’s performance in the Royal Rumble match… Bronson Reed made his entrance…

3. Jey Uso vs. Bronson Reed. Uso sent Reed to the floor and hit him with an early suicide dive. Reed shoved Jey into the ring post. Reed charged Jey, who moved, causing Reed to slam his head on the ring post casing heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Cole said there were 14,482 fans in attendance. Reed performed a Samoan Drop for near fall. Reed splashed Jey in the corner and then went up top for his Tsunami Splash, which Uso avoided. Jey speared Barrett and hit him with a top rope splash for the win…

Jey Uso defeated Bronson Reed in 9:15.

Powell’s POV: A good match with the expected outcome. Cole quoted Wade Barrett when Reed went for his finisher, so that’s a good sign that Barrett isn’t being shown the exit door like Kevin Patrick.

The broadcast team touted Andrade while a brief vignette was shown…

Backstage, Andrade signed a Raw contract for Adam Pearce. Nick Aldis knocked on the door and entered the room. Pearce taunted Aldis over signing with Raw. Aldis said it was a shame because Smackdown had a handsome contract offer for him as well. Pearce said he was quicker on the trigger. Andrade told Aldis to say hello to Zelina Vega for him and then made his exit.

Aldis said he allowed Bayley to appear on Raw so that they could have both Royal Rumble winners on Raw. Pearce said it was just business. Aldis said they had to discuss the Elimination Chamber. Aldis’s phone rang and he excused himself after pointing out that Bron Breakker was calling…

Powell’s POV: I like the attention to detail of explaining why Bayley was allowed to appear on Raw. They could probably save themselves a lot of trouble by saying the brand split rules apply only to matches, meaning wrestlers are allowed to appear on the other brand for non-wrestling segments. I also like the ongoing tension between the two general managers.

Gunther delivered a promo in a backstage stairwell. He spoke about what a big night it was for Kofi Kingston. He told him to leave it all out there because no one will be thinking about him once the match was over. Cole hyped the Intercontinental Title match for after the break… [C]

More clips and still shots aired from the Royal Rumble…

Jackie Redmond interviewed Becky Lynch on the backstage set and asked her about Plan B after she failed to win the Royal Rumble match. Lynch said she let a lot of people down. She said she wouldn’t stop until she takes the title back to the main events…

Entrances for the Intercontinental Title match took place…

4. Gunther vs. Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Gunther applied an early Boston Crab heading into a PIP break. [C] Gunther remained dominant coming out of the break. Gunther put Kingston in the Boston Crab again heading into another PIP break that became a full break (I guess they have to catch up on breaks somehow). [C]

[Hour Three] Kingston knocked Gunther off his feet with a knee strike coming out of the break. Kingston sent Gunther to ringside and then performed a suicide dive, but Gunther caught him and tossed him aggressively at the apron. Gunther picked up Kingston for a powerbomb, but Kingston countered and sent Gunther into the ring post.

Kingston hit two suicide dives. Kingston wanted to go for a third. Gunther followed him back inside the ring. Kingston ducked Gunther and then hit him with Trouble in Paradise. Gunther rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. Kingston went to the floor and attacked Gunther.

Kingston climbed onto the barricade and hit Gunther, who was on the ring steps. Kingston rolled Gunther back inside the ring and then went up top and hit a Boom Drop for a near fall. Kingston went for Trouble In Paradise, but Gunther blocked it. Kingston hit the SOS moments later for another near fall. Gunther dropped Kingston with a clothesline and then dropkicked him. Gunther powerbombed and pinned Kingston.

Gunther defeated Kofi Kingston in 15:45 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

After the match, Xavier Woods came out and checked on Kingston. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci attacked the New Day duo while Gunther was shown laughing from ringside. Kaiser and Vinci ran Woods into the ring post. Gunther called for Kaiser and Vinci and then they all headed to the stage together…

Powell’s POV: Kingston could have run over Gunther with a bus and then dropped the arena scoreboard on top of him and I still would expected Gunther to kick out and retain his title. It’s also tough to take Kingston seriously when he looks like he’s wrestling in his boxer shorts. All of that said, it was a good match and Gunther’s televised title defenses continue to feel special regardless of how predictable their outcomes may be.

The broadcast team recapped footage of Drew McIntyre injuring Sami Zayn during a previous match and then attacking him backstage afterward…

Sami Zayn was interviewed by Jackie Redmond, who asked how he would put his emotions in check. Zayn spoke about McIntyre hurting him and then ruining his chance of a lifetime to win the Rumble due to drawing number 30. Zayn said McIntyre needs a reality check and he would give it to him…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane made their entrance for a match against Tegan Nox and Natalya… [C] Highlights aired of Jade Cargill’s Royal Rumble match highlights… Sami Zayn and Drew McIntyre were shown warming up in separate backstage areas…

5. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Tegan Nox and Natalya in a non-title match. The entrances of Nox and Natalya were not televised. Cole recalled Natalya attempted to eliminate Nox from the Rumble match only to be eliminated by her. Cole said Natalya later said she was proud of her partner. Nox and Natalya threw simultaneous running kicks at the champions heading into a break. [C]

Late in the match, Natalya called for a tag, but Nox turned her focus to Sane and was tripped on the apron. A short time later, Asuka held up Natalya while Sane hit her with the Insane Elbow. Sane pinned Natalya…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions “The Kabuki Warriors” Asuka and Kairi Sane defeated Tegan Nox and Natalya in 9:50 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: The crowd was quiet for this one. It looks like the Nox and Natalya team is coming to an end.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance were interviewed by Jackie Redmond in their dressing room where they had been watching the match. The duo said they would get their rematch for the tag team titles on next week’s Raw…

Samantha Irvin introduced Bayley as the winner of the women’s Royal Rumble match. WWE Women’s Champion Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai were in the ring with Asuka and Sane while Bayley made her entrance. Once Bayley entered the ring, she hugged Sane and the others. [C]

An ad aired for Sunday’s NXT Vengeance Day… Additional Royal Rumble highlights were shown…

Bayley stood in the ring and pointed at the WrestleMania sign. Bayley told the fans she would give them a rare opportunity to take a picture of Damage CTRL. She the WWE Women’s Champion, the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, and the Royal Rumble winner have never been in the same ring before.

Bayley said it’s all due to her. She said everyone said Damage CTRL was going to be a flop and that she wasn’t as good as she was before her injury, but she doesn’t listen to negativity. Bayley said that at a time when they have the most stacked and talented women’s roster, she came out on top. Bayley boasted that she was in the match for 63:03 and beat Rhea Ripley’s record.

Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley made her entrance. Ripley asked Bayley if she thought she accomplished something. Ripley said the only reason Bayley topped her time in the Rumble was because she wasn’t in the match.

Suddenly, Nia Jax attacked Ripley from behind. They fought at ringside and then inside the ring while the Damage CTRL group stood in the corner. Jax put Ripley down and hit her with three leg drops. Jax went to the middle rope and hit Ripley with the Annihilator.

Jax turned her focus to Damage CTRL and everyone other than Bayley exited the ring. Bayley squirmed as Jax approached her. Jax told Bayley that she could pick Iyo or anyone else, but Ripley would not make it to WrestleMania. Bayley nervously said she that if Jax had let her finish, she was going to say that she will make her decision on Friday’s Smackdown…

Powell’s POV: Bayley got to boast, but the real story was Jax leaving Ripley lying. I assume it will be Ripley vs. Jax at Elimination Chamber. The Australian crowd is going to cheer for Aussie native Ripley, so it’s a good time to have her in the ring with a strong heel opponent.

Sami Zayn made his entrance for the main event… [C] Cole hyped Love & WWE with Bianca Belair and Montez Ford for Friday on Hulu…

Drew McIntyre was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the Gorilla Position set and asked him about Zayn saying he needs a reality check. McIntyre said he’s simply told the truth and all of his actions are justified. He said Zayn has not beaten him in any of the matches they’ve had and that won’t change tonight. McIntyre made his entrance (minus the stupid sword again!)…

6. Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn. McIntyre caught Zayn diving over the ropes at him and then tossed him over the broadcast table. McIntyre counted along with the referee, then went to ringside and opted to throw Zayn back inside the ring. McIntyre jawed at Pat McAfee, but Zayn hit him from behind heading into a PIP break. [C]

Zayn hit a tornado DDT for a near fall. McIntyre came back with a spinebuster and a jackknife cover for a two count. McIntyre followed up with a sit-out powerbomb for another two count. Zayn chopped McIntyre, who got mad and charged toward him. Zayn moved out of McIntyre’s path, causing McIntyre to crash into the corner.

Zayn went for a Blue Thunder Bomb and couldn’t get McIntyre up. McIntyre dropped him with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre sold shoulder pain while going up top. Zayn crotched him on the top turnbuckle and then superplexed him. Zayn went for his finisher, but McIntyre knocked him down with a shoulder block.

McIntyre counted down and went for his own finisher, but Zayn cut him off and executed a modified Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out briefly. McIntyre performed a belly-to-belly suplex and then kipped up.

McIntyre hoisted up Zayn and then went to the middle rope and performed White Noise, which led to a near fall. McIntyre showed frustration and surprise. McIntyre told Zayn that he has some balls, but there are some people who are out of his league. Zayn threw punches at McIntyre, who covered up until he hit him with another Glasgow Kiss.

Moments later, McIntyre ran to the corner, but Zayn followed and went for a Helluva Kick. McIntyre ducked to avoid taking the kick and ended up headbutting Zayn in the balls. McIntyre looked surprised by what happened and then hit Zayn with a Claymore Kick and pinned him.

Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn in 13:00.

After the match, Cole said McIntyre’s low blow seemed inadvertent. Ivar, Nia Jax, and JD McDonagh were listed for Raw Talk…

Powell’s POV: Another good match from McIntyre and Zayn. I thought it was clever that McIntyre entered the match with that overly confident promo and then started mocking Zayn for being out of his league. Those moments had me wondering if they were going to give Zayn an upset win. I’m very curious to see what both men end up doing at WrestleMania.

Overall, the night after the Rumble edition was enjoyable with a couple of entertaining title matches and a good main event to go along with the strong talking segments. I will be back later tonight with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the January 29 Royal Rumble fallout show

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Readers Comments (13)

  1. i really enjoyed chelsea’s comedy act last night getting planted be, seemingly, everyone at Royal Rumble. She has more talent aa wrestler than she has been allowed to show, as does piper. i wish creative would take the women more seriously, the talent is there..

    • I’ve said it from the start. They book her lose too often. The Karen persona is great, but they take the fun out of it by having her lose. Imagine the heat she would have if she actually won most of her matches and they saved her losses for key times.

  2. Seth Challenging Cody made NO SENSE when you think about it… Cody whole reason for going after Romans title is BECAUSE ITS THE ONE DUSTY COULDN’T GET!… he buried Roman (cool) AND THE WWE TITLE (DUMB)…he was better saying “you’re a RAW Superstar, go after the RAW CHAMP)…. I hope they book Cody v Roman … The Rock DOES NOTHING to elevate that title, not even for a cash in from Priest… him pinning Rock or Roman AFTER a match, doesn’t elevate him based on his current character… if it was someone like Miz, or even Dom .. then yea… they can brag bout a cheesy victory… Priest is a beast… not a chicken shit heel… They should go with Drew v Seth, Priest cash in on Drew to continue their story of 1 uppin the other…

  3. Seth’s belt means literally nothing. It might as well be the ROH Thursday Afternoon Tea title. Reigns is the champ and anyone winning the Rumble is a joke if they don’t challenge him. No promo will change that.

  4. Unless I missed something I find it interesting that they didn’t mention Jade Cargill at all tonight.

  5. Does anyone watch the picture in picture wrestling?

    No! Wade is great on commentary! Will he move to Smackdown?

    As others here have said- No! Cody needs to pin Roman, and win the championship Dusty actually vied for. That was the story. I hope it’s only a swerve.

    If Roman vs a Rock who gets winded in 2 minutes against Jinder has to happen, I hope they have sense enough to have Roman drop the belt to someone before then, and have Cody face that champion.

    If not Gunther, put in on Jinder: revenge against the Rock, plus the bragging rights of ending the reign of boredom. The American Nightmare vs the guy criticizing America.

  6. Any chance the injury is an angle?

  7. From your opening description, it looks like the US didn’t have the issue Australia had with the first few minutes as the shot of the Tampa skyline was on a freeze frame on screen while we only heard the Royal Rumble highlights until about three quarters of the way through.

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