WWE Raw results (1/8): Powell’s live review of CM Punk’s appearance, Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,598)
Portland, Oregon at Moda Center
Aired live January 8, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] A smiling Cody Rhodes shown arriving at the building while the broadcast team of Michael Cole and Wade Barrett hyped his match against Shinsuke Nakamura. They were interrupted.

Drew McIntyre stood in the ring and said he had something to say. He said last week was all or nothing for him because he needed the title, yet he didn’t get it. He said he cost himself the match by accidentally pulling Seth Rollins’ foot onto the ropes while he was pinning him.

McIntyre said others may be right in that he could be responsible for holding himself back. He said if that’s the case, he needs to get his priorities right and step away from WWE a while. He said he felt that way until a couple of days ago, but then he realized that the better man didn’t win. He also pointed to Damian Priest attempting to cash in his Money in the Bank contract.

McIntyre asked why Priest didn’t wait until after he’d won to cash in. McIntyre called Priest an idiot while saying that he screwed him and himself. McIntyre brought up Cody having magical political powers and CM Punk returning with open arms. He said he could leave for nine years and get a hero’s return.

CM Punk’s entrance theme interrupted McIntyre and he walked to the ring. “We are in Piper Country,” Punk started. He said he was disappointed that McIntyre didn’t wear his kilt and said the fans may have actually liked and cheered him.

Punk said he and Piper are known for talking and asked whether that’s what McIntyre is known for. Punk said since he returned, it seems like that’s all McIntyre has done. He admitted that may seem odd coming from a guy who perhaps talks too much. Punk said that McIntyre could say whatever he has to his face. Punk laid on the top turnbuckle.

McIntyre congratulated Punk. He said that they are going on a month and yet Punk “is still here.” McIntyre said he had a bet with some people in the locker room about how long he will actually be around. McIntyre said Punk wants attention and headlines.

McIntyre said he knows the real CM Punk because he traveled the roads with him for years. McIntyre recalled Punk referring to himself as the locker room leader while he was backstage. McIntyre mocked the idea of a leader needing to say he’s the leader.

McIntyre said there was a time when he needed some help because he lost someone close to him and his career was in a tailspin. McIntyre said Punk saw him as a threat and never helped. McIntyre said Punk is Straight Edge and has no demons, but he is a demon. McIntyre referred to him as a succubus before declaring, “I’m the leader now, kid.” McIntyre laid over the top turnbuckle for a moment.

Punk said he’s called himself a lot of things, but a leader was never one of them. Punk said that if he’s not a leader, who did McIntyre watch walk out of the company. Punk said it was him. Punks said McIntyre followed his lead by leaving and then coming back to win the Royal Rumble and win the championship. Punk said he would now follow his lead by doing the same.

Punk said he’s not a demon, but when pushed he is Satan himself. Punk said that if McIntyre saw that side of him that says a lot about him. Punk said he’s a real nice guy until it’s not time to be. Punk looked at his wrist and said it’s getting to be that time. He said he wasn’t back to make friends, he was back to win the Royal Rumble and headline WrestleMania.

McIntyre spoke about how the world shut down when he won the championship. He said some superstars went home and he assumed Punk would have done the same. McIntyre said he would win the Rumble and headline WrestleMania and this time it will be for himself.

Punk stepped up and told McIntyre that it was getting a little spicy, so he would lead by example by walking away before he knocked his teeth down his throat. Punk said the only person who can stop him from accomplishing his goals is himself and he got out of his way a long time ago.

Punk said McIntyre, Seth Rollins, and Cody Rhodes can’t stop him. Punk said that because he’s a nice guy, he’s going to eliminate McIntyre from the Rumble last. Punk left the ring and his music played while McIntyre smirked at him from the ring…

Powell’s POV: The verbal exchange was entertaining. I really like the way that multiple people feel like realistic threats to win the Royal Rumble. Maybe the winner is someone as obvious as Punk or Cody, but there have been many years where it felt like the winner was a slam dunk.

Ring announcer Samatha Irvin introduced Finn Balor and Damian Priest for Balor’s match against Tommaso Ciampa heading into a commercial break… [C] Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano walked backstage while Ciampa delivered a promo about their desire to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. The duo made their entrance…

1. Finn Balor (w/Damian Priest) vs. Tommaso Ciampa (w/Johnny Gargano). Cole set up footage of R-Truth setting up this match by goading Balor into it. A graphic listed Kofi Kingston vs. Ludwig Kaiser for later in the show. Balor fled to ringside early on. Ciampa followed, but Priest blocked his path. Ciampa returned to the ring and avoided Balor’s attempt to hit him. Balor came back moments later and knocked Ciampa off the apron and into the broadcast table. [C]

Ciampa executed a powerbomb lung blower for a two count. Balor came right back and dropkicked Ciampa in the corner. Balor went up top for his finisher, but Ciampa rolled out of the way and then hooked Balor into a pin for a two count.

Priest climbed onto the apron, causing Ciampa to abandon his finishing move. Ciampa hit Priest, who no sold it. Gargano pulled Priest off the apron, but Priest put him down. Ciampa took out Priest with a knee strike from the apron.

Ciampa tried to return to the ring, but Balor kicked the middle rope into his groin. Balor went for a suplex, but Gargano tripped Balor, causing Ciampa to fall on top of him for the three count. Cole said DIY was inching closer to an eventual tag team title shot…

Tommaso Ciampa defeated Finn Balor in 8:15.

Powell’s POV: Meh. The match was well worked, but I could have done without the babyface duo resorting to cheating to win the match. And while Cole did his best to build up DIY on commentary, I’d prefer to see them actually win some tag team matches rather than just take the approach of getting singles match wins over the champions to earn an eventual title shot.

Becky Lynch was interviewed on the backstage ring set by Jackie Redmond about her loss to Nia Jax. Lynch said she didn’t end up in the hospital after being punched by Jax this time around. She said that’s an improvement over last time when she did go to the hospital and then went on to win the Royal Rumble…

Cole promoted The Jackie Redmond Show on the NHL YouTube page and noted that she will interview CM Punk on Thursday…

Powell’s POV: Will Punk officially challenge Brendan Smith to a fight in hopes of avenging Connor Bedard?

Kofi Kingston made his entrance for his match against Ludwig Kaiser… [C] Cole touted WWE heading to Toronto for a three-day weekend wrapped around the Money in the Bank PLE… The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions and their challengers were shown in separate backstage shots… Ludwig Kaiser made his entrance…

2. Kofi Kingston vs. Ludwig Kaiser. Cole said Giovanni Vinci will be out of action for “a number of weeks” due to the dropkick Kingston hit him with that ended last week’s match prematurely. Cole and Barrett agreed that Kingston’s intent wasn’t to injure Vinci. Otis vs. Ivar was listed in a graphic for later in the show.

Kaiser was the early aggressor and told Kingston that he took Vinci’s head so he would return the favor by taking Kingston’s head. Kingston battled back, but Kaiser ducked a Trouble in Paradise kick attempt. Kingston dumped Kaiser to the floor and went for a suicide dive that was cut off by a Kaiser punch, Kaiser ran Kingston into the barricade and then blasted him with a knee strike. Kaiser talked more smack to the fallen Kingston. [C]

Kingston and Kaiser fought to ringside. Kaiser went for a diving uppercut that Kingston avoided, causing Kaiser to hit the ringside barricade. Kingston tried to return to the ring, but Kaiser stopped him and the referee counted out both wrestlers.

Kofi Kingston fought Ludwig Kaiser to a double count-out at 8:45.

After the match, Kingston hit Kaiser with a suicide dive and threw punches at him. Kaiser gouged Kingston’s eye until Kingston pushed him away. Kaiser charged Kingston, who backdropped him over the broadcast table. Referees and producers tried to stop Kingston, who got by them.

Kaiser threw an office chair at Kingston, who sold it like he was shot. Kaiser picked up Kingston and placed him on the ring steps. Kaiser jawed at Kingston and then threw more punches at him. Kaiser went to the apron, but he was pulled away by the producers and referees. Kaiser teased leaving, then ran over and dropkicked Kingston’s head against the ring steps… [C]

Powell’s POV: The double count-out was weak, but they more than made up for it with the post match angle. Kaiser’s character doesn’t even like Vinci. Just imagine what he’d do to get even for an actual friend!

Portland imagery was shown… The broadcast team recapped Kaiser attacking Kingston…

Jackie Redmond caught up with Kaiser in the backstage area. Kaiser said it was Kingston’s fault that he was the only member of Imperium who was there. Kaiser said Kingston took Vinci’s head, so he took Kingston’s head…

Michael Cole stood in the ring and introduced Nia Jax as one of the favorites to win the Royal Rumble match. Jax made her entrance and then mocked Cole for not thinking that she would break Becky Lynch’s face again. She said it would be shocking if she broke Cole’s face. Jax said she was focused on the Royal Rumble and said neither Rhea Ripley nor Iyo Sky could stop her.

[Hour Two] Women’s World Champion Rhea Riley made her entrance to a babyface reaction and joined Jax inside the ring (Cole made his exit). There was a loud “Mami” chant. Ripley said these people know what’s up and they also know that Jax likes to talk a big game.

Ripley said Jax was acting like she’d already won the Royal Rumble. Ripley asked Jax if she remembered what happened last year. “I threw you out,” Ripley said before laughing. Ripley conceded that Jax beating Lynch was an accomplishment, then added that Lynch isn’t her.

Ripley told Jax that if she wins the Rumble, it’s best to keep her name out of her mouth. Jax said she gives Ripley all the credit and said she might be the most dominant champion in the history of the women’s division. Jax told Ripley not to forget that she put her on her ass when she came back.

Jax said the only reason she’s not the champion is because Ripley is afraid to face her one-on-one. Jax said that when she wins the Rumble, she would choose Ripley, who would have no choice but to face her. “See you soon, unstoppable champ,” Jax said before tossing the mic aside and exiting the ring…

Powell’s POV: A strong segment. Ripley is going to be a big babyface whenever the company opts to pull the trigger. My guess remains that Lynch will avenge her loss to Jax by either eliminating her from the Rumble match or by beating her at Elimination Chamber and then go on to challenge Ripley at WrestleMania. Again, though, I like the way they are taking the time to build up multiple wrestlers as realistic threats to win the both Rumble matches.

A video package recapped The Rock’s return and his segment with Jinder Mahal from last week. Cole said The Rock shattered WWE social media records with over 171 million plus views spread over the company’s various channels…

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green made their entrance for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match… An ad for Friday’s Smackdown listed Bianca Belair vs. Bayley… [C]

Jackie Redmond interviewed Cody Rhodes in the backstage area about his main event match with Shinsuke Nakamura. Cody recalled saying “this should be over.” Suddenly, Nakamura attacked Cody from behind. Cody fought back and they were eventually pulled apart…

Cole hyped a charitable contest to win Triple H’s personal seats at the Royal Rumble…

Powell’s POV: Wait, so the winner gets to sit at Gorilla Position and wear the headsets at the Royal Rumble?!?

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance made their entrance…

3. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Natalya, Tegan Nox, Ivy Nile, Maxxine Dupri, Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, Candice LeRae, and Indi Hartwell were shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. The challengers were in offensive control heading into an early break. [C]

Late in the match, Carter sat on the top rope and placed Green on her shoulders. Chance performed a huracanrana on Green and then covered her for a near fall. Carter shot Chance onto Green, who put her knees up. Green followed up with a Rough Ryder for a near fall of her own.

Niven made a blind tag and then dropped an elbow on the back of Carter before covering her. Chance broke up the pin. Carter and Green were cleared to ringside. Carter caught Niven with a superkick, then responded with a uranage slam. Green tagged in and pushed Niven to the middle rope.

Chance pulled Carter out of the path and then Carter tripped Green before she was out of the ring. Niven splashed Green accidentally. Chance took out Niven with a Codebreaker. The champions hit their Keg Stand finisher on Green and then Chance pinned her…

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance defeated Piper Niven and Chelsea Green in 9:50 to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Titles.

Cole announced that the Rhodes vs. Nakamura match would now be a street fight…

Cole said they have some video footage that may explain why R-Truth thinks he’s a member of The Judgment Day. The video showed Truth talking about being born in North Carolina on a cold January morning. He said he told the doctor that one day he would be in The Judgment Day.

Truth spoke about all of the things he (had not) been through with the faction while photos were shown with his image inserted. Truth said they are a real family now that JD McDonagh is gone. He mentioned “Dom and Nick Mysterio” and said that Nick is his brother even though they’ve never met…

Cole hyped The Miz vs. JD McDonagh as coming up next…

Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh talked inside their clubhouse. McDonagh complained about Truth. Priest said it was actually funny, then added that he would handle things when the time came. Priest wondered why they weren’t taking care of Drew McIntyre. Ripley said he’s not an enemy. Priest questioned if it was smart of her to make an enemy of Nia Jax. Ripley told McDonagh that she needed him to handle The Miz…

The Miz made his entrance… [C] Cole hyped the NFL playoff game that will stream exclusively on Peacock on Saturday night… JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio made their entrance…

4. The Miz vs. JD McDonagh (w/Dominik Mysterio). R-Truth showed up at ringside and tried to buddy up to Dom, who asked what he was doing there. Miz cleared McDonagh to ringside. Miz pointed at McDonagh and the crowd booed, then he pointed at Truth and the fans cheered. Later, Dom took a cheap shot at Miz while the referee was caught up with McDonagh. [C]

Later, Miz threw the Daniel Bryan style kicks, which drew “Yes!” chants from the fans, including one of the two fans who were standing up wearing “4:20 Bro” t-shirts opposite the hard camera. McDonagh took a powder and was kicked through the ropes by Miz, which also took out Dom. Miz rolled McDonagh back inside the ring and put him away with a Skull Crushing Finale.

The Miz defeated JD McDonagh in 12:00.

After the match, Truth helped Dom to his feet and was immediately pushed aside. Truth ended up going to the ring and raising the arm of Miz…

Powell’s POV: The match ate up some television time and the Truth comedy continues to be a hit with the live crowds. By the way, I mentioned the fans wearing the Riddle t-shirts because WWE was notorious for not wanting wrestlers from rival companies or wrestlers who were no longer with the company to appear on television. The times they are a-changin’.

Rhea Ripley and Finn Balor were upset backstage while Damian Priest stood by. Ripley said she was going to inform Adam Pearce of their plan for next week. Priest said he would let “the boys know” once they returned to the back…

Seth Rollins was shown cackling while walking backstage… [C] Cole played up mainstream media headlines regarding The Rock’s return on last week’s Raw…

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance. Rollins played to the “Rip City” fans and said we’re a few weeks away from the Royal Rumble and then we’ll be on the road to WrestleMania.

Rollins said he’s never taken a world title into WrestleMania. He said he’s never been on the marquee, but that will change this year. Rollins said he’s worked too hard and too long. He said he took a title that didn’t exist a year ago and turned it into the most important prize in the industry.

Rollins recalled saying he would be a fighting champion and a workhorse champion. He said the work is not done. Rollins asked who he would beat at the grandest stage of them all. There were some CM Punk chants. “In his dreams, maybe,” Rollins said. Rollins started to talk about how the Raw roster is loaded from top to bottom.

Jinder Mahal’s entrance theme interrupted Rollins and then he made his way to the ring. Rollins flashed Mahal a look of disbelief once he joined him inside the ring. Mahal said of course Rollins was singing his own praises. Mahal said he was more of a revolutionary in five minutes last week than Rollins has been during the years he’s called himself a revolutionary.

[Hour Three] Mahal told the Portland fans to look at their city and said there are degenerates on every street corner. Mahal said Rollins has a platform, but he brings no change and throws childish temper tantrums when things don’t go his way once the show is off the air.

Mahal took issue with Rollins overlooking him and not giving him an opportunity. Mahal said he beat Randy Orton with ease. Mahal said that Rollins’ disrespect would not be tolerated. He said that he sees through Rollins. Mahal said he has Rollins’ attention for the first time in a long time.

Rollins scratched his head and said he would say something that might surprise Mahal. Rollins said Mahal was right. He said “we” have been overlooking Mahal. He said it wasn’t an accident, it’s been done on purpose. He said everyone has been trying to forget Mahal until he showed up last week and The Rock put his balls in a vice.

Rollins said he admires that Mahal showed up again after what The Rock did to him. However, Rollins said he did not appreciate Mahal ruining the party and getting in his face. Rollins said that if Mahal is sick of being overlooked and wanted to do something that the people would remember him forever for.

Rollins dared Mahal to take a swing at him. Mahal didn’t budge. “That’s what I thought, same old Jinder,” Rollins said before turning away. Mahal hit Rollins from behind. Rollins fought back, but Mahal put him down. Mahal went for his Khallas finisher, but Rollins avoided it and then superkicked him. Mahal ended up at ringside…

Powell’s POV: Why not? Mahal did a good job during his segment with The Rock last week, so I have no issue with him being fed to Rollins in a television match if that’s where this is going.

Shinsuke Nakamura was shown warming up backstage. An animated graphic listed his street fight with Cody Rhodes for later in the show…

Otis made his entrance with Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri. The broadcast team hyped Otis vs. Ivar for after the break… [C] Cole hyped WWE Backlash for May 4 in France along with the event’s go-home edition of Smackdown… Ivar and Valhalla made their entrance…

5. Ivar (w/Valhalla) vs. Otis (w/Akira Tozawa, Maxxine Dupri). Highlights aired from earlier in the day of Ivar and Valhalla tormenting Akira Tozawa, which led to Otis stepping up on his behalf. Otis caught Ivar jumping from the middle rope and then slammed him to the mat and got an early two count.

Otis went to the ropes, but Ivar hit him from behind. Ivar picked up Otis and walked halfway across the ring before powerbombing him before getting a two count. Otis clotheslined Ivar and then ripped off his own t-shirt. Otis performed the Caterpillar and covered Ivar for a near fall.

Ivar came back with a big boot. Ivar cartwheeled past Otis and then hit him with a spinning heel kick. Ivar went up top and squashed Otis with his moonsault finisher for the win…

Ivar defeated Otis in 3:40.

After the match, Tozawa entered the ring and barked at Ivar, who shoved him down. Tozawa ended up at ringside and told Ivar that he’s next. “I’m big, little man,” Ivar responded. Moments later, Ivar told Tozawa that he’s just “a little, little, little man”…

Jey Uso was interviewed by Jackie Redmond on the backstage ring set where she asked if he had any resolutions. Jey said he would win his first ever singles championship. Bronson Reed showed up and mocked Jey by calling him Jimmy Uso’s little brother. Reed told Jey that he’s not the only one who with plans of becoming a champion. Reed told Jey not to get in the way…

Barrett hyped the main event as coming up next… [C]

The following matches were announced for next week’s Raw: Seth Rollins vs. Jinder Mahal for the World Heavyweight Championship, Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Finn Balor and Damian Priest vs. R-Truth and The Miz in an apparent non-title match, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh, and the return of Intercontinental Champion Gunther…

Powell’s POV: I guess the idea is that Rollins is a fighting champion, but it does seem strange that Mahal is getting a title shot.

A video package recapped the Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura feud. Nakamura made his entrance for the main event… [C] Cody Rhodes made his entrance for the main event and gave his belt to an excited young fan at ringside…

6. Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura in a street fight. There was a loud “Cody” chant after the bell rang. Both men fought to ringside where Cody slammed a plastic water bottle over Nakamura’s head. Cody rolled Nakamura back inside the ring. Cody went up top, but Nakamura rolled back to the floor while the fans chanted for tables.

Cody leaned through the ropes and then Nakamura hit him with a broom. Nakamura pulled out a kendo stick and brought it inside the ring where he worked over Cody with it. Nakamura had Cody down at ringside. [C]

Cody avoided a knee drop and went on the offensive briefly. Nakamura came back with knees to his head. Cody eventually fired up and put Nakamura down with a powerslam. Cody followed up with a Disaster Kick and covered Nakamura for a two count.

A short time later, Nakamura hit Cody with nunchucks and then clotheslined him into the timekeepers area. Nakamura stood on the barricade and jumped at Cody, who hit him in the gut. Cody told the timekeeper to move. Nakamura sprayed mist at Cody, who ducked, causing the timekeeper to take the mist in the face. Cody called for help for the timekeeper and then Nakamura hit him from behind with a chair. [C]

The crowd got their wish for a table, which Cody set up in the ring. Nakamura headbutted Cody and then put him on top of the table. Nakamura went to the middle rope and used his knees to drive Cody through the table before covering him for a two count.

Nakamura went to ringside and pulled another table out from underneath the ring. Nakamura leaned the table in a corner of the ring. Nakamura drove Cody’s back into a chair that was edged in another corner of the ring. Nakamura caught Cody with a kick and then executed a sliding German suplex.

Nakamura went back to the ropes and hit Cody with a flying knee, which led to a two count. Cody came back with superkick and a Pedigree for a near fall. Cody followed up with a Cody Cutter for another near fall.

Cody fired up and played to the crowd. Cody set up for CrossRhodes, but Nakamura countered into a pin for a two count. Nakamura charged at Cody for a Kinshasa, but Cody sidestepped him and sent him crashing through the table in the corner of the ring. Cody put Nakamura away with CrossRhodes.

Cody Rhodes defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in 24:15 in a street fight.

Cole said Cody is now moving on to the Royal Rumble match. Cody celebrated his win while Cole questioned whether Cody could become the fourth person in history to win back-to-back Rumble matches. A graphic listed Jinder Mahal, The Miz and R-Truth, and Kayden Carter and Katana Chance for Raw Talk…

Powell’s POV: A PLE length main event. It probably didn’t need to go as long as it did, but it was their blowoff match and the show had strong competition tonight. Overall, they filled the time nicely while facing strong competition from the college football national championship game. There weren’t any major storyline developments, but they didn’t just phone it in. We’ll see how they handle things next week when they run opposite an NFL playoff game.

I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the January 8 edition

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Readers Comments (12)

  1. Just getting home from the Portland show. Some thoughts: This was the most people I’ve seen at a pro wrestling event in Portland. That includes NXT takeover.

    Crowd was totally flat for women’s tag championship, although a few assholes yelled stupid shit at Chelsea and Piper. Piper is a good wrestler and deserves better. (No this wasn’t typical heat to the heel shit)

    Crowd booed Dom but it wasn’t earth shaking like at the smackdown event last year.

    Rhea is so over, she really is a face but hasn’t been booked that way.

    The crowd LOVES R0Truth (and so do I) but they just love him and Miz played it perfectly. Currently the crowd thinks Miz is a face.

    Crowd was flat for Otis/ Ivar. No one cares about “Valhalla”

    Kaiser was exceptional as a heel tonight.

    Crowd was flat for Jinder; but the loved when Rollins put him down.

    McIntyre/Punk was OK, Punk is a good talker but he’s gonna have to back it up soon.

    Cody gave a piece of the table to a fan after the show; no dark match tonight because of impending weather.

    All in all a solid B show

    • To be fair, anyone booked opposite Nia Jax is a de facto babyface.

    • > although a few assholes yelled stupid shit at Chelsea and Piper<

      The amount of virtue signaling self-righteousness in this country has gotten ridiculous, but at least you get to once again pat yourself on the back, as I"m sure you do daily.

      • The amount of times you accuse people of being self-righteous shows that you are a miserable person who thinks there must be a motive when others are simply being decent human beings. You are a sad man, Angry Mike. I am sorry that your life clearly sucks.

      • Judging from your response, MJoseph, I’m sure you shout things like “bend over more” or “you’re a fucking fat ass slob” at women regularly. No one yelled shit like that at Miz or Otis or Iver. Hmmm, guess it’s ok to do that to women, inn your world.
        You can call it virtue signalling all you want; I call it being a decent human being.

  2. I was at the show tonight as well. It was my 6 year old’s first ever live event and he was so excited to see Cody.

    We had fun. The R Truth stuff played well with the crowd. I went to see Punk and wish he would have wrestled but it was still good to see him.

    Cody may have gotten the biggest pop but even if he did, Rhea was either very close or tied with his. When Nia mentioned her and that music hit, the entire place went nuts. She is crazy over.

    Fun show. We drove up 5 hours to go see it. Can’t complain. But I do hope when Raw is sold to a new network they go back to 2 hours. 3 is just too long.

  3. “Kaiser’s character doesn’t even like Vinci. Just imagine what he’d do to get even for an actual friend!”

  4. Tom and Nick Mysterio still has me chuckling. I don’t know who R-Truth is able to stay in character when he does things like this, but he’s really killings it right now.

    • Normally, I’m mostly indifferent to goofy wrestling but R-Truth just makes me smile. It was fun to witness it live. And that video was seriously hilarious. I don’t know how he does it, either, but he can break and corpse those around him with seeming ease

      • My comparison is late career Jimmy Valiant. It shouldn’t work but you know the wrestler loves what they’re doing and they’re so committed to it that it’s just infectious.

  5. >>Punk said he’s called himself a lot of things, but a leader was never one of them. <<

    Bobby Fish, Cody, and Jericho have all said in separate interviews CM Punk anointed himself as the locker room leader and was laughed at.

    • Y2NDA lies all the time.

      Booby Fish is the human snore machine.

      Cody said that? Where? When? If we’re talking WWE, that would be over a decade ago. I don’t believe for a second that you remember that. If it was AEW, their time in the company overlapped by about 4 months. Sounds like bullshit.

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