WWE Raw, Powell’s Q&A Audio Show note, Miro, Chris Hero, Rhaka Khan, Brad Anderson, Chris Hero, Pat Buck, Kyle Fletcher, Great Muta, Arik Cannon, Wilbur Snyder

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

-Merry Christmas! I hope everyone who is celebrating the holiday has a wonderful day.

-WWE Raw is a taped “best of” edition and airs on USA Network tonight at 7CT/8ET. My weekly live review and same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons) will return next week.

-Submit questions for this week’s Q&A Audio Show via email at dotnetjason@gmail.com. Please maintain the limit of three pro wrestling related questions and four non-wrestling questions. This show is available exclusively for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Due to the holiday, the show will be available tomorrow or Wednesday.

Birthdays and Notables

-Miro (Miroslav Barnyashev) is 38 today.

-Chris Harris is 50 day. He briefly worked as Braden Walker in WWE.

-Rhaka Khan (Trenesha Biggers) is 42 today.

-The late Wilbur Snyder died at age 62 on December 25, 1991.

-Brad Anderson turned 54 on Sunday.

-Chris Hero (Chris Spradlin) turned 44 on Sunday. He worked as Kassius Ohno in NXT.

-Pat Buck (Patrick Buckridge) turned 39 on Sunday. He is the AEW Vice President of Talent Development.

-Kyle Fletcher turned 25 on Sunday.

-The Great Muta (Keiji Mutoh) turned 61 on Saturday.

-WWE producer Jamie Noble (James Gibson) turned 47 on Saturday.

-Arik Cannon turned 42 on Saturday.


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