NXT TV results (12/19): Moore’s review of Dragon Lee defending the NXT North American Title, Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley, NXT Breakout Tournament quarterfinal matches

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Taped December 13, 2023 in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired December 19, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley. Both women started the match with a shoving match. Henley reversed a double stomp into a rollup for a two count. Stratton sidestepped a dropkick for a bit of a reset. Both women traded shortarm strikes. Henley hit Stratton with a House Call Kick. Stratton trapped Henley in the apron, but Henley quickly got out and worked on Stratton with hands. Stratton used a shove to cause Henley to tumble to the floor.

Stratton whipped Henley into the corners and punished her a bit with strikes and stretches. Both women got dueling chants. Both women traded forearms. Henley sidestepped Stratton in the corner and worked on her with the ten punches in the corner. Tiffany went for a power bomb, but Henley reversed it with a huracanrana. Stratton planted Henley with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Stratton got a two count off a jackknife pin. Henley flipped Tiffany with the kickout into a pin for the surprise win.

Fallon Henley defeated Tiffany Stratton via pinfall in 3:56. 

An angry Tiffany tossed Henley several times into the announce desk and dragged Henley to the backstage area. Stratton whiped down Henley with a wet mop and then tossed garbage on her. The referees sent Tiffany away as she kept yelling “loser” at Henley…

John’s Thoughts: That was surprising. Definitely Henley’s biggest win in her career with Stratton looking strong due to the plucked out loss and heat segment after the match. This will probably end up in some sort of stipulation match. Good to see Henley finally getting pushed and utilized more than just being a “good hand”.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes shared a dap and Trick congratulated Melo on his Smackdown debut. Melo apologized for hitting Trick with a belt. Trick asked Melo if he was sure he saw Ilja attack him. Melo said he didn’t see it, but Ilja was the only person that hits “that” hard. Outta nowhere, Melo asked Trick if he can make the New Years Evil match a triple threat? Trick wondered why? Melo said they don’t have to fight each other and team up against Ilja for jumping them.

Trick reminded Melo that he “doesn’t know” who jumped him. Trick said he won the Iron Survivor so he can get a one-on-one match. Melo said it doesn’t matter if he or Trick wins the title, right? Trick said Melo won his title matches one-on-one and he wants to do the same. Melo told Trick to whoop dat trick. Trick asked Melo if he could help him train and stay by his side. Melo high fived Trick and agreed…

Ilja Dragunov was shown walking in the parking lot…[c]

Vic plugged WrestleMania Weekend ticket sales…

NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov made his entrance in a formal suit. Ilja said he doesn’t know how he got caught up in the Trick-Melo saga. He said he feels like the third wheel in a bad bromance movie. He said he never saw that on his 2023 Bingo Card. He said what he did check off on his bingo card was showing the world who Ilja Dragunov is. He talked about how he uses his body as a weapon and gives every ounce of his being because the championship deserves such effort. He said he’s going to start 2024 by beating NXT’s fastest rising star.

Randomly, Ridge Holland entered the ring in a basic black shirt and pants. He said it’s been a rough couple of weeks where he’s struggling in his mind. He said he has to rewrite his story so he’s back in NXT. Ilja clapped and asked Ridge what he wants in NXT? Ridge said he know how it is to be seen a certain way and to have a stigma on him. Ridge said his career has been a series of unfortunate events. He talked about being surrounded by injuries and accidents every single moment.

Ridge said he’s here to redeem himself. He said Ilja can help him earn that redemption. Ridge said he wants to prove he’s a main eventer and the NXT Championship is what makes Ilja a measuring stick for such success. Ilja asked Ridge if he wants a title shot? Ridge said he has too much respect to NXT and the title to beg for a title shot. Ridge said he’s willing to run through the locker room to have that moment with Ilja. Ridge said this is the first chapter in the redemption of Ridge Holland. Ilja said he’s tired of people getting in his face and even blaming him out of nowhere. Ilja said Ridge doesn’t have to wait to find out where he stands, because he’ll find out “tonight”. Ridge and Ilja shared an intense handshake…

Lexis King was backstage gloating in front of the camera as he was heading to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: That was a bit random with Ridge showing up outta nowhere in his living room clothes. I’m okay with Ridge going back to the Performance Center to get a little bit more seasoning as he was one of those usual big man that Vince McMahon called up way too early. To Ridge’s credit, I thought he was getting better every week as an explosive babyface (as that style fit him better then when he was a generic heel). Interesting that they had him alude his many injuries and the unfortunate accidents with Big E Langston and Elton Prince. HBK and crew like to reference real life in characters, so that might be referenced in his character development.

Trick Williams asked Ilja backstage why Ilja is giving Ridge Holland a match before their match. Ilja said he just wanted to see where Ridge stands. Ilja said he’s also the champion and Trick is the challenger. Ilja said the champion dictates what the challenger does. Trick said Ilja is only the champion until New Years Evil…

Dion Lennox made his entrance looking like a jacked up Showtime Percy Watson due to him wearing reading glasses. Vic noted that his attitude changes when he takes off his glasses. Lexis King made his entrance…

2. Lexis King vs. Dion Lennox in a first round match of the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament. Lexis asked for a handshake and Dion slapped it away. Lexis went into some methodical heel offense. Lexis choked Dion with a rope leverage boot. Lexis hit Dion with a running knee and a Northern Clothesline. Dion started to no-sell kicks and hulk up. Dion rallied with right hands and reversed a knee into a schoolboy for a two count. Dion hit Lexis with a few pounces and a dropkick.

Dion hit Lexis with a body slam. Lexis with a Northern Lights for a two count. Lexis tried to walk away with the breakout tournament contract. Dion tossed Lexis back in the ring. Lexis made a comeback and hit Dion with a reverse Cross Rhodes for the victory.

Lexis King defeated Dion Lennox via pinfall in 2:59 to move on to the Semi-Finals of the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament. 

Trey Bearhill made his entrance with a chair in hand. Lexis rolled to ringside and yelled that Trey hasn’t earned a shot at him yet. Trey helped Dion to his feet and raised his arm like a victor…

John’s Thoughts: A short and sweet match with both men looking better than my expectations. I didn’t know what to expect from Dion Lennox with him being an NIL guy. He was good in his explosion sequence in getting over his “hulk up” kind of gimmick. Given his intensity, he looks like the lovechild of Percy Watson and EC3. Lexis looked better here too and he’s starting to get more comfortable in his new heel in-ring style. NXT is doing Pillman Jr. some good because it allows him to learn and experiment where he didn’t have the time and coaching in other places.

Eddy Thrope cut a promo recapping his feud with Dijak. Eddy noted that Dijak injured him and he returned the favor by costing Dijak the Iron Survivor match. Eddy challenged Dijak to an NXT Underground match (formerly known as Raw Underground)…

Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne made their entrance…[c]

John’s Thoughts: So Raw Underground is Eddy’s now? He was good in the last one so it should be okay. The absurd part of me wants to see Shane McMahon and the strippers back (at least for one week because Shane got annoying in his commentary).

Kiana James and Izzi Dame made their entrance…

3. Kiana James and Izzi Dame vs. Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail. Thea put Izzi in a headlock and hit Izzi with a armdrag. Thea distracted herself by waving at Riley Osborne in the Chase U section. Izzi attacked Thea from behind. Jacy managed to tag in and work on Izzi with chops. Jacy hit Izzi wtih a corner senton and knocked Kiana off the ropes. Jacy told Kiana to suck it. Jacy rolled up Izzi a few time for one counts. Izzi turned things around with a lariat.

Kiana tagged in and talked trash to both opponents. Kiana gave Jacy a few knees to the gut and hit Jacy with a paintbrush boot for a two count. Izzi tagged in and whipped Kiana into the gut of Jacy. Izzi hit Jacy with a reverse TKO for a two count. Jacy and Izzi took each other out with clotheslines. Kiana tagged in first, but Jacy managed to leap for the hot tag to Hail. Hail slammed Kiana in the corner and hit Kiana with a T Bone Suplex. Thea hit Kiana with a Koppu Kick and springboard senton.

Kiana jabbed Hail in the throat. Izzi tagged in. Thea locked Kiana in the Hoverboard Lock. Kiana tapped out but was not the legal woman. Izzi hit Thea with a Big Boot for the win.

Izzi Dame and Kiana James defeated Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne via pinfall in 4:52. 

The Chase U section looked disappointed in the crowd…

Ariana Grace was in the women’s locker room talking about how Izzi and Kiana looked good out there. Perez walked in looking mad. Grace told Perez that it’s not about wins and losses, but how you play the game. Perez said it is about wins and losses and then slapped Grace. Grace cried…

Dragon Lee was shown walking in the hallway…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good short match to continue the story of Thea Hail having a crush on NXT and Chase U newcomer Riley Osborne. Thea did a good job throughout the match selling her crush. Good win for Kiana and Izzi too. We didn’t get to see much from Izzi here, but that’s the benefit of being in a tag team where Kiana can handle the bulk of the match while she comes in and does a few big moves. Perfect for a person still in training. Izzi does have a good look and size to her though.

Duke Hudson and Andre Chase were playing hood craps with Scrypts, Bronco Nima, and Lucien Price. Andre Chase was on a roll with a few successful rolls, lookin’ like he’s Ashy Larry winning the World Series of Dice. Duke told Andre to quit while he’s ahead. Bronco and Lucien tried to provoke Chase into continuing to play. Chase proposed an alternate bet.

Chase challenged OTM to a tag team match next week where if Chase and Hudson win, they win double the current pot, but if OTM wins then they get a tag title shot. Scrypts agreed as long as Chase can get the title shot guaranteed. The random Italian lady with the over-the-top Italian accent showed up.  The lady called Tony D’Angelo and Tony D agreed to give OTM a title shot in they win the double or nothing tag match next week. Everyone else other than Hudson and Chase left. Chase wanted a practice heat check dice roll. Chase showed he would have crapped out with a 7. Hudson shook his head in shame…

Drew Gulak, Miles Borne, Damon Kemp, and Charlie Dempsey were already in the ring. Dragon Lee made his entrance and waited to find out his challenger. Charlie Dempsey stepped up. Gallus made their entrance with Joe Coffey in ring gear. Dragon agreed to make it a triple threat match. Dragon Lee got a special CGI dragon graphic for his title defense…

4. Dragon Lee vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/Drew Gulak, Damon Kemp, Miles Borne) vs. Joe Coffey (w/Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) for the NXT North American Championship. Dragon dumped Joe to ringside. Dragon hit Charlie with a huracanrana. Joe hit both opponents with backbreakers. Dragon tried to make a comeback, but Mark and Wolfgang tripped up Dragon. Mark and Wolfgang were ejected. All three men took each other out heading into picture-in-picture. [c]

Joe hit both opponents with a Tower of Doom back from the break. Joe and Charlie got on the same page, but Dragon leapfrogged Joe and gave Charlie a seated senton. Dragon hit Joe with a slingshot wrecking ball boot. Dragon hit both opponents with hesitation dropkicks. Dragon got a two count on both opponents.

[Hour Two] Dragon caught both opponents with strikes. Dempsey and Joe reversed a blockbuster with a double team suplex. Charlie caught Joe midair with a right hand. Dragon went for a double Sunset flip. Charlie managed to reverse it and hit both opponents with a German Suplex Chain. Dragon hit Charlie with a Tornado DDT. Joe hit Dragon with a pop up European Uppercut. Joe hit Dragon with a flying knife edge strike for a nearfall.

Joe dragged Dragon to the top rope. Dragon put Joe in the Tree of Woe and hit him with a double stomp. Dragon hit Charlie with a Suicide Dive. Dragon hit Joe with a running knee for a nearfall. Dempsey reversed a Plancha with an uppercut. Joe hit both opponents with a suicide dive. Joe Gacy crawled from under the ring to peek at the action and went back in. Charlie and Dragon got back in the ring. Charlie hit Dragon with a innovative Fallaway Slam with a Bridge for a nearfall. Dragon recovered and hit Charlie with Destino for the victory.

Dragon Lee defeated Charlie Dempsey and Joe Coffey via pinfall in 12:05 to retain the NXT North American Championship. 

Gulak, Kemp, and Borne joined Dempsey in putting the boots to Dragon Lee. Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro ran out to chase away the heels…

John’s Thoughts: So Joe Gacy’s the new Hornswoggle? Weird. Hopefully there isn’t any indecent Joe on Joe action going on under the ring. I kid, I kid. Good match though aside from the weird Gacy spot. Dempsey showed off some really fun suplexes here. Dragon Lee could benefit now that he has the “fighting champion” championship. Also, looks like Wilde and Del Toro might be called back to NXT and Santos Escobar presumably getting paired with Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo (either that or they do LWO double duty due to Dragon being officially on Smackdown).

Trick was ranting wtih Melo backstage about Ilja giving Ridge that match later in the show. Trick said they might even make the New Years Evil match a triple threat. Trick said he wants to be that one guy who takes the title off the unstoppable Ilja. Melo raised an eyebrow like he was offended but then went back to supporting Trick when Trick turned towards Melo…[c]

Cora Jade showboated in the women’s locker room. Jade bragged about pinning the women’s champ. She said she was here to reclaim her locker. She pulled off Karmen Petrovic’s nameplate and replaced it on the locker with hers. After Cora Jade left, Karmen showed up and wondered who trashed her locker? Gigi Dolin noted it was Jade and there was one way to fix this…

Lawyer Luca Crucifino made his entrance to some wannabe People’s Court theme. Tavion Heights looking really intense. Vic noted that Tavion is a Olympian and has won medals all over the world in world amateur wrestling tournaments. Booker referenced Kurt Angle and Chad Gable as successful WWE Olympians…

5. Luca Crucifino vs. Tavion Heights in a first round match of the NXT Men’s Breakout Tournament. Luca used a wide base to block a suplex. Tavion hit Luca with a twisting suplex for a two count. Luca got a one count after a neckbreaker. Luca hit Tavion with a modified neckbreaker for a two count. Tavion hit Luca with a Judo Hip Toss. Tavion rallied back with right hands and hit Luca with a overhead toss and German Suplex. Tavion hit Luca with a Fisherman Power Slam. Tavion Heights hit Luca Crucifino with a twisting Belly to Belly Suplex for the victory.

Tavion Heights defeated Luca Crucifino via pinfall in 3:26.

Heights will face Oba Femi in the semi finals…

John’s Thoughts: Decent match by developmental standards. I haven’t seen a lot of Heights, but have seen him in Level Up match listings. First time seeing him here, I liked some of what I saw. He has a good amount of energy. He also showed off some good strength and unique suplexes. With Bobby Steveson and this guy, WWE might have some more promising olympic athletes than Gable Steveson (especially after they flubbed his debut which turned Baron F’n Corbin into WWE’s biggest babyface for the night).

Booker T and Vic Joseph checked in on commentary. Vic sent the show to a Lyra Valkyria vs. Blair Davenport narrated hype package. The package talked about how Lyra came from Ireland while Blair has wrestled in the UK, Japan, and her hometown New Zealand. The narrator talked about how how Lyra won the NXT while on the other side Blair was the woman attacking people in the NXT parking lot. The narrator ended the segment with some final hype…

Vic Joseph hyped up Lyra Vakyria vs. Blair Davenpot for the NXT Women’s Championship at New Years Evil. Lyra Valkyria and Nikkita Lyons were backstage talking about how creepy Tatum Paxley is. Nikkita said she came back to take care of Blair Davenport, but she also wants to come after the NXT Women’s Title…

Nikkita Lyons made her entrance…[c]

Kelly Kincaid interviewed Meta Four, who were all dancing and singing Christmas songs. Noam wished Kelly a happy holidays. Kelly wondered if Noam will accept Josh Briggs challenge. Noam said its the time of year to give to the less fortunate. Noam said he Noam Claus will defend the title against the little drummer boy Josh Briggs…

Tatum Paxley made her entrance looking like a red version of Skye Blue…

6. Nikkita Lyons vs. Tatum Paxley. Nikkita cut Tatum off at the pass with the splits. Tatum then tossed Nikkita’s hand into the steel steps. Tatum hit Nikkita with a basement uppercut. Nikkita rolled up Tatum for a two count. Tatum hit Nikkita with a splits elbow drop for a two count. Tatum rolled up Nikkita for a two count. Nikkita made a comeback with a overhead kick. Nikkita worked on Tatum with some Tae Kwon Do strikes.

Nikkita hit Paxley with a slingshoot booty strikes. Nikkita hit Tatum with a sweet looking Tae Kwon Do switch roundhouse. Lyons hit Tatum with a twisting splits leg drop for the win.

Nikkita Lyons defeated Tatum Paxley via pinfall in 3:19

Tatum Paxley crawled over to the corner. It was either lipstick or blood smothered all over her mouth. She continued to play around with Lyra Valkyria’s bird feather…

Hank walker and Tank Ledger were hyping each other up for their match against Gallus…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Both women are still developing, but this was an improvement over some of their early NXT 2.0 matches. I think it’s the best match Nikkita has in NXT so far. Again, I like that pro wrestling strike martial artists are on the come-up and really liking that Nikkita is finally employing the black belt tae kwon do that I was hoping she would when she debuted in WWE. While also looking like they have the same hair dresser, Tatum Paxley is playing a similar “damaged” character to AEW’s Skye Blue. I think she’s pulling it off better than Skye though because Skye is a bit expressionless while Tatum is extremely expressful and emotive.

Briggs and Jensen were consoling Fallon Henley. Henley then threw a fit and said she’s not done with Tiffany! After Henley left, Jensen congratulated Briggs on getting that Heritage title shot. Jensen said he and Henley will have Josh’s back and be in his corner to cancel out Meta Four. Briggs said he can’t explain it but he needs to do it alone. Jensen agreed. The two bros dap’d it up to end the segment…

Hank and Tank were in the ring. Gallus made their entrance. Vic hyped up the NXT EOTY Awards voting on the WWE website…

7. “Gallus” Mark Coffey and Wolfgang (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank hit Wolfgang with a few pounces and a senton for a one count. Tank tagged in and worked on Mark Coffey with shortarm shoulder tackles. Tank hit Mark with a Flying Jalapeño. Hank and Tank took down Gallus with clotheslines. They dumped Wolfgang to ringside. Wolfgang tripped up Hank. Wolfgang tossed Hank into the ringpost. Booker went on a random rant about people not holding the tag rope.

Gallus used tags and methodical offense to cut the ring on Hank. Hank got a window of opportunity after hitting Mark with a Pounce. Tank got the hot tag, but the ref called the tag off due to Tank not holding the tag rope. Mark Coffey hit Hank with a flying leg lariat for the win.

Gallus defeated Hank Walker and Tank Ledger via pinfall in 3:57. 

While Gallus were doing their Gallus Pose, the camera focused on Joe Gacy looking creepy in Chase U section of the crowd…

John’s Thoughts: I made the Joe on Joe action joke earlier, but it looks like WWE might be going in that direction. Don’t we already have a stalker angle with Tatum and Lyra, and not they’re teasing one between Joe and Joe? Good to see Hank and Tank on TV again. Hank was someone who was thrown on TV way to early, but had the perfect gimmick of being the regular guy in training. Hopefully he’s improving off TV. I still can’t unsee him as WWE’s Seth Rogen though.

Dijak was in his interrogation room (or sex dungeon as it was in his Ilja feud). He cut a promo about injuring Eddy’s ribs again with the turnbuckle. Dijak accepted Eddy’s challenge to NXT Underground…

Separate shots of Ilja Dragunov and Ridge Holland were shown in the hallways…[c]

Tiffany Stratton was cutting a promo talking about being rich while Henley is low class. Tiffany said Henley will always be trash. Tiffany challenged Henley to a match at New Years Evil where if Tiffany wins, Henley will be Tiffany’s servant…

Vic Joseph announced the following matches next week: Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak in an NXT Underground Match, Lexis King vs. Riley Osborne, Oba Femi vs. Tavion Heights, Cora Jade vs. Karmen Petrovic, and Noam Dar vs. Josh Briggs for the NXT Heritage Cup…

Ridge Holland made his entrance to his Brawling Brutes theme. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov then made his entrance…

8. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov vs. Ridge Holland in a non-title match. Both men traded shoulder tackles. Ridge then hit Ilja with a big man lariat. Ilja worked on Ridge with overhead forearms. Ilja then hit Ridge with a Constantine Special. Ilja hit Ridge with machine gun chops. Ridge then head butted Ilja. Ilja returned the favor with his own headbutt. Ridge adjusted his weight to block a Power Bomb. Ridge hit Ilja with an Alabama Slam. Ilja hit Ridge with a big boot and chained Germans. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Overrun] Ridge hit Ilja with a high kick and lariat. Ridge hit Ilja with a corner splash. Vic reminded viewers that Ridge was Pat McAfee’s hand picked henchman when Pat wrestled in NXT. Ilja blocked a Half Nelson with elbows. Ridge blocked a Constantine Special with a big boot. Holland went for Ten Beats of the Bodhran, but hesitated like he was giving up on the move. Ilja gave Ridge ten beats to the back of the neck. Ilja reversed a body slam with a DDT.

Ilja hit Ridge with an H Bomb. Both men traded pump kicks. Ilja gave Ridge headbutts and made him crumple with elbows to the neck. Holland then dropped Ilja on his head. Ilja did the concussion “fencing response” on the ground. The referee paused the match and then called out the referees to check on Ilja’s shoulder. Ridge hung his head in the corner hoping he didn’t hurt another person.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Ridge Holland ended in a no-contest at about 11:00 due to ref stoppage. 

Medics ran out and put Ilja on a stretcher with a neckbrace. The show closed with Ilja being stretchered out and the crowd cheering on Ilja. One ref was kind enough to put the NXT title on Ilja’s waist…

John’s Thoughts: Well, that ending kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Clearly a kayfabe angle due to this being a taped show and the melodramatic camera shots, but something just feels a bit dirty referencing Elton Prince’s injury and even more dirty, the honestly accidental injury that could have ended Big E’s life. This angle was also made more unrealistic by them doing this gimmick Ridge’s first match back. I don’t want to blame Ridge here, because it comes off as tasteless from the writers that allowed this to get past quality control. As usual I’ll give it a chance, but so far it’s just making us all relive a scary moment that no one wanted to re-live (and it doesn’t come off as entertaining either).

Sour tasting ending angle aside, I was really high on this show and still am aside from the show closer. NXT continues to do great weekly episodic television while also making sure to cultivate stars with steady character development and melodrama. Only thing that was weird was Ridge Holland randomly appearing like a wild pokemon. I like Ridge and have thought he’s been improving, but his insertion in the show did nothing for any storylines, not even his conflicted one on Smackdown. I think the time would have been better served focusing on the Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams storyline coming off the hot angle last week.



Readers Comments (2)

  1. Why would they saddle Ridge with that gimmick, and why would they do a fake injury angle?
    Tasteless is right.
    Bad karma, like the death of Mr. McMahon angle, which was followed by Sherri Martel’s passing, and the Benoit tragedy.
    I feel sorry for Ridge for now being branded this way. Will they do the same for the Creed brother and his stupid finishing move?
    This story is just a bad idea.

  2. The only ‘logical’ reason to have Holland ‘injure’ another wrestler would be so they could bring back Big E to get his revenge. But the payoff should be on RAW or Smackdown, so why they’re setting it up on NXT is beyond me.

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