Wrestling Open “Episode 102” results (12/14): Miracle Generation vs. Brick City for the IWTV Tag Team Titles and Eliminator Cup, TJ Crawford vs. Dezmond Cole, Richard Holliday vs. Sammy Diaz

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 102”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
December 14, 2023 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd is in the 150-200 range. Paul Crockett and Brother Greatness provided commentary; they’ve really started to click together.

* As always, they opened with a nice video package of highlights from last week’s show.

1. Brad Baylor (w/Ray Jaz) defeated Jermaine Marbury at 5:28. Baylor is the cocky, brash teen with a great physique and he’s a great heel. Marbury is the generic basketball player gimmick. Baylor hit a powerslam for a nearfall at 3:00. Marbury fired up and ripped off his basketball jersey, then hit a spear. He hit a Sliced Bread out of the corner. Baylor hit a TKO stunner for the clean pin.

2. Westfield Kelly and Graceson Kelly defeated “Ace of Space Academy” Max St. Giovanni and Colton Charles at 5:37. The Kelly twins are identical and look similar to Cedric Alexander and a lot like NBA star James Harden. They were here within the past month. Max is the brother of ROH wrestler LSG. I don’t think I’ve seen Colton before; he’s a tall Black man with short, curly hair. AoSA wore similar black-and-teal gear. A Kelly hit a German Suplex on the big Charles at 2:00, and the Kellys worked Colton over in their corner. Charles fired back with a release German Suplex, and he made the hot tag to Max at 4:30. Max hit a springboard spin kick. The Kellys hit a team chokeslam to pin Max.

* A video package aired showing the feud between Kennedi Copeland and Paris Van Dale, which began when PVD ripped a nose ring out of the head of Kennedi. Shannon Levangie has paired up with Van Dale. In the ring, the women are being “given mic time to air their grievances.” PVD walked to the ring solo, then Kennedi. There is to be “no physicality.” Kennedi got on the mic; I turned up the volume all the way but I have no idea what she’s saying. She said people want her to shut up Paris for good. Paris got on the mic (she spoke more clearly into it) and said Kennedi “is not on my level.”Next week will be Kennedi vs. Shannon Levangie.

3. “Waves & Curls” Traevon Jordan and Jaylen Brandyn defeated “The Batiri” Obariyon and Kodama at 7:26. W&C are essentially Private Party or the Street Profits, and the whole crowd sings to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.” I’ve seen the Batiri just once; they wear yellow-and-black facepaint covering their whole faces. The shorter Jaylen opened. The taller Traevon hit a suplex for a nearfall at 2:30. The Batiri grounded Jordan and began working over his left leg. Brandyn made the hot tag at 6:00, and he hit a springboard clothesline. The Batiri collided, allowing Brandyn to get a rollup for a nearfall. Jaylen hit a Doomsday Crossbody Block, and Traevon made the cover for the pin.

* A video package aired of Channing Thomas and Sidney Bakabella attacking Landon Hale and Love, Doug. Channing and Bakabella walked to the ring, but Channing clearly isn’t dressed to wrestle. “He looks like a grown-up, sleazy Harry Potter,” Crockett said. Funny. Sidney got on the mic and said that wrestling in Worcester is beneath Channing Thomas. They have a different opponent for Love, Doug tonight! Goodz came out and shook the hands of the other heels.

4. Love, Doug defeated Ted Goodz (w/Channing Thomas, Sidney Bakabella) at 4:36. Doug charged into the ring and tackled Goodz to begin the match. They immediately brawled to the floor. Goodz kicked the ropes as they got back in to force a low blow on Doug. Ted then took control in the ring. Goodz applied an abdominal stretch and pulled on Channing’s arm for leverage. Doug set up for a Sliced Bread but Goodz fought free. Goodz went for a Backpack Stunner, but Doug fought free, got a rollup, and the pin out of nowhere.

5. Sammy Diaz (w/Brother Greatness) defeated Richard Holliday at 7:46. Holliday just turned heel in both Game Changer Wrestling and in his return to Major League Wrestling, in just the last two weeks. Diaz is similar to Trey Miguel. An intense lockup and Richard has a significant height advantage. Diaz hit a second-rope Blockbuster for a nearfall at 2:00. Crockett said this is a first-ever singles match. Diaz hit a dropkick in the corner for a nearfall. Richard fired up and hit some clotheslines and a sideslam, then a backbreaker over his knee for a nearfall at 5:00.

Holliday tied him in the Torture Rack. Diaz escaped and hit an enzuigiri. Diaz hit a splash across Richard’s back as Holliday was on the top rope. Diaz hit a top-rope frogsplash for a believable nearfall. This is easily best of the night so far. Holliday hit a running stunner at 7::00. Brother Greatness hopped on the ring apron and yelled at Holliday. It allowed Diaz to roll up Richard, put his feet on the ropes for leverage, and Brother Greatness helped hold onto Diaz’ feet for leverage, for the cheap pin. Holliday was livid at the cheap loss.

6. Tyree Taylor, Alec Price, Gabriel Skye, and Joe Ocasio in a four-way ended in a time-limit draw at 10:00. Skye and Ocasio’s match a week ago ended in a controversial DQ. Price is always a huge babyface in his native Massachusetts. Ocasio’s left shoulder is taped; he rolled to the floor to stall at the bell. Skye avoided Tyree’s power moves. Skye hit some dropkicks on Tyree. This match has tag rules, so it feels like a tag match as we have two heels and two babyfaces. Price and Ocasio tied up at 2:30, with Alec hitting his second-rope crossbody block.

Tyree hit a spear on Skye into the corner, and the heels began working over Gabriel. Skye hit a jumping knee on Tyree. Price made a hot tag at 6:30, and he hit his series of jumping kneestrikes in the corner. Price hit an impressive doublestomp on Tyree, then a Tornado DDT on Ocasio for a nearfall. Skye hit a frogsplash on Ocasio for a believable nearfall. Ocasio hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker over his knee on Skye, then a swinging uranage for a believable nearfall. Ocasio accidentally hit Tyree! Tyree hit a uranage on Skye at 9:00. Ocasio hit a diving headbutt on Price. Skye hit a jumping knee, but Ocasio rolled to the floor as the time limit expired. The clock was right-on with mine. Price and Tyree kept jawing at each other, so it appears they will be starting to feud.

7. Dezmond Cole (w/Ryan Clancy) defeated TJ Crawford (w/Brad Hollister) at 8:30. Cole is the Ricochet clone. Cole hit a Stinger Splash in the corner. TJ began working over Cole. Dezmond hit his Splits Stunner at 4:00 and a scoop bodyslam, then a legdrop across the throat for a nearfall. TJ hit a running kick to the back, then a swinging faceplant for a nearfall. Cole hit a kick to the face as TJ was trapped in the corner, then a German Suplex, then a Superkick for a nearfall at 7:00. Cole went for an O’Connor Roll but TJ fought free. Cole hit the O’Connor Roll for a nearfall. He hit a backbreaker over his knee, then an overhead powerbomb. Cole nailed a top-rope Swanton Bomb for the clean pin! That was really good.

8. “Miracle Generation” Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated “Brick City” Julio Cruz and Victor Chase (w/Brad Hollister) in an Eliminator Cup title match AND for the IWTV Tag Team Titles via DQ at 12:46. MG have been fighting IWTV champions for months, and the BC won the summer-long Eliminator Cup tournament, and this is WINNER TAKES ALL. This is the 26th title defense for Miracle Generation. Hollister joined commentary. Cruz and Kylon opened and they traded shoulder tackles, and Kylon hit an impressive dropkick, and the heels went to the floor to regroup. Chase and Waller entered at 2:30.

Waller hit a plancha to the floor on Chase. The BC began stomping on Kylon and kept him in their corner. Cruz hit a suplex for a nearfall at 6:30. Kylon finally hit a German Suplex on Chase. Waller got the hot tag at 9:00 and he hit a springboard crossbody block. Kylon nailed a moonsault on Cruz for a nearfall at 10:30. Kylon hit an enzuigiri on Chase; Chase fired back with a hard clothesline. Chase hit a powerbomb for a nearfall. Kylon hit a top-rope superplex, and Waller immediately hit his Mamba Splash frogsplash! However, Hollister jumped into the ring attacked Waller, causing the DQ. Of course, that means both teams retain their respective belts/medals.

* Because of the interference, the babyfaces get to pick a future match and stipulations. (This rule came out of nowhere, but let’s roll with hit.) Dezmond Cole is going to get a title match against Brad Hollister next week. Waller got on the mic and said at the Wrestival, it will be a four-on-four Steel Cage Warfare!

Final Thoughts: A strong show, even with a couple of non-finishes. The four-way was really good, as they packed a lot of action into those 10 minutes, and in the end, everyone came away protected. The main event was really good too, but I never expected one team to win both the tag titles and the Eliminator Cup medals. Cole-Crawford was really good too. You can see why so many of these top stars are getting a glance by Major League Wrestling lately.


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