NXT Level Up results (12/1): O’Connor’s review of Drew Gulak vs. Tavion Heights, Von Wagner vs. Luca Crusifino, and Brinley Reece vs. Elektra Lopez

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 94)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed December 1, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Von Wagner accompanied by Mr. Stone made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Von Wagner (w/Mr. Stone) vs. Luca Crusifino. Wagner powered down Crusifino as the match started and followed up with a shoulder block. Crusifino attempted a chop on Wagner to little effect and Wagner continued to display his power on the attorney wannabe. Crusifino hit a neckbreaker and followed up with a reverse elbow on Wagner for a near fall. Crusifino applied pressure on the neck of Wagner but Wagner hit a number of clotheslines and punches and a slam on Crusifino followed by a spinning powerbomb for the win.

Von Wagner defeated Luca Crusifino via pinfall  in 4:24. 

The commentary team hyped Brinley Reece vs. Elektra Lopez for after the break…[c]

2. Brinley Reece vs. Elektra Lopez (w/Lola Vice). Reece took Lopez down to the canvas with an arm drag and performed a push up on the back of Lopez which angered ‘La Madrina’. Lopez hit a sliding dropkick on Reece for a two count before working on the neck of Reece. Lopez continued to club the neck of Reece as Reece attempted to make her way to her feet. A reverse elbow from Reece dropped Lopez and Reece looked to finish and hit a TKO for a close near fall. Lola Vice tripped Reece from the outside and Lopez took advantage and hit Reece with the chokebomb for the victory.

Elektra Lopez defeated Brinley Reece via pinfall in 5:07. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. Drew Gulak (w/Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne, Damon Kemp) vs. Tavion Heights. Gulak looked for a monkey flip but Heights cartwheeled away and grabbed the ankle of Gulak before transitioning to a scoop slam and reapplying pressure to Gulak’s ankle. Gulak sent Heights to the outside and Heights was blindsided by Dempsey which allowed Gulak to take control back in the ring applying an armlock on Heights. Gulak hit a top rope clothesline for a near fall and worked on the gut of Heights with punches but Heights fought through and hit Gulak with a big clothesline. Heights, distracted by outside interference, turned right into a rolling elbow from Gulak which closed out the show this week.

Drew Gulak defeated Tavion Heights via pinfall in 6:08. 

John’s Ramblings: After last week’s ’Best of’ mode, it was back to first run content, and the matches on offer for Level Up this week were enjoyable filler. However, this was an edition that was marred somewhat by an uncharacteristically quiet crowd and a reliance on distraction finishes in two consecutive match ups. Let’s see what awaits us on the next edition.


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