Jade Cargill reportedly set to be at the WWE Performance Center

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jade Cargill is scheduled to be at the WWE Performance Center this week. Mike Johnson’s report at PWInsider.com adds that Cargill’s contract with AEW is believed to have expired.

Powell’s POV: Although there’s been no indication that Cargill has officially signed with WWE, things seem to be headed in that direction if it hasn’t happened already. If Cargill ends up in WWE, it will be interesting to see how much time she spends at the Performance Center and whether she appears on NXT television or goes straight to the main roster.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. This makes a lot of sense out of Becky being in NXT right now. Could be a helluva feud.

  2. She could actually use Jade Cargill actually since it’s her real name if the company let’s her.

  3. The company won’t let her. They won’t use any names that they cannot own the trademarks for anymore. Makes good business sense. Wrestlers are performers. Actors don’t use their real names in movies and TV shows, why should wrestlers.

  4. A few weeks of learning their system of doing things, then straight to Smackdown.

  5. A few actors have played fictionalized versions of themselves under their own names. Drew Carey made a career out of playing a fictional character also named Drew Carey. Neil Patrick Harris experienced a career resurgence playing a character also named Neil Patrick Harris in a series of popular movies about stoners.

  6. Kurt Angle has always been Kurt Angle so perhaps they’ll do it for Jade Cargill.

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