Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Bully Ray and Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander and PCO, X Division Champ Lio Rush vs. Kevin Knight in a non-title match, Subculture vs. Rich Swann and Sami Callihan

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Rich Swann and Sami Callihan vs. “Subculture” Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster: A strong tag team match and a good win for Swann and Callihan. With all three Subculture members losing on this episode and not being booked for tonight’s Victory Road show, one has to wonder if they were written off television with these losses.

Trinity and Alisha Edwards contract signing: I still don’t buy Alisha in the role of number one contender to the Knockouts Championship. She’s lost a lot of matches over the years and it’s going to take more than one battle royal win and her suddenly playing up her Boston accent to make her feel like a real player in the Knockouts division. But the actual segment was solid and I was truly surprised when Eddie Edwards put Trinity through a table at the end.

X Division Champ Lio Rush vs. Kevin Knight in a non-title match: Knight had another good match and took yet another loss. It was no surprise in this case because he was working with the X Division Champion. Still, I hope Knight will start getting some wins if he’s going to be sticking around.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Dani Luna: A competitive show opening match. Purrazzo going over was logical given that she’s facing Jordynne Grace on tonight’s Victory Road event, whereas Luna is not advertised for the Impact Plus show.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Bully Ray and Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander and PCO: PCO is such a monster that being set on fire after having battery acid poured in his mouth didn’t kill him. But apparently his balls are human, as all it took was a Bully Ray nut shot to do him in. Meh. And am I the only one underwhelmed by Alexander’s return thus far? He was the face of the company prior to his injury, but he hasn’t been spotlighted in this manner since he came back from surgery.

Joe Hendry and Yuya Uemura vs. Champagne Singh and Shera: The JOYA song and dance number feels like something that people will either love or hate. You can tell where I fall based on this landing in the Miss section.


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