WWE Raw results (6/5): Powell’s live review of Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship, Zoey Stark vs. Natalya, and Becky Lynch vs. Sonya Deville in Money in the Bank qualifiers, Miz TV with guest Cody Rhodes

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,567)
Live from Hartford, Connecticut at XL Center
Aired June 5, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] The broadcast team was Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves, and Samantha Irvin was the ring announcer. Patrick checked in and hyped Seth Rollins defending the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time…

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance. Patrick hyped Rollins defending the championship against Damian Priest later in the show. Rollins stood in the ring with his arms out while the crowd chanted his entrance theme.

Rollins welcomed viewers to “Monday Night Rollins.” He said he’s had a nonstop party since winning the championship. In the midst of it all, he said he wondered when is the last time there’s been a world championship match held live on Raw. Rollins said it’s been nearly two years. The fans booed. Rollins said that’s too damn long.

The Judgment Day entrance theme interrupted Rollins. Damian Priest and Finn Balor walked out. Rollins wondered where Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio were going to attack him from Priest and Balor entered the ring. Priest said Ripley and Dom had their own business, and added that Rollins should only be worried about him.

Rollins mocked Balor accompanying Priest and asked if he holds his hand when he goes down a slide. Balor said everybody loves “Mr. Funny Man” Rollins and said everyone loves singing his song, which caused fans to sing it again briefly. Balor said Priest would take the title tonight.

Priest said Rollins is a deserving champion with a resume that speaks for itself. Priest said Rollins has beaten pretty much everyone he’s ever been in the ring with. “But so have I,” Priest said. He said that he didn’t think he’d get the opportunity anytime soon and he will not fall. Priest said he doesn’t need the other members of Judgment Day to beat Rollins.

Rollins said that Priest doesn’t stand a chance against him if it’s just the two of them. Rollins challenged Priest to put his money where his mouth is by agreeing to leave his crew backstage. Rollins said it’s probably for the best to leave Balor in the back because he doesn’t fare well when they fight. Rollins poked Balor’s shoulder in a callback to his old injury. Balor got upset.

Priest accepted the terms and said he would be champion by the end of the night. Rollins said that no matter how you slice it, his title reign is already longer than Balor’s reign was. Rollins left the ring and played to the crowd while Graves played up championship match…

Powell’s POV: It’s baffling that the creative forces had Priest take the loss to Rollins in last week’s tag team match. They covered for it by labeling this an open challenge issued by Rollins, but it still makes it tough to buy Priest as a threat to Rollins. Furthermore, the stipulation of no Judgment Day members at ringside makes Priest feel even less likely to win. Of course, they can book whatever outcome they want, but they sure did choose a strange path for this title match.

Graves hyped the Money in the Bank qualifying match between Natalya and Zoey Stark while assuming that Trish Stratus would be in Stark’s corner…

Becky Lynch made her entrance for the other MITB qualifying match heading into a commercial break… [C] Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green made their entrance coming out of the break. A pre-tape aired with the heel duo talking about Deville winning. Green said big things are happening…

1. Becky Lynch vs. Sonya Deville (w/Chelsea Green) in a Money in the Bank qualifier. Deville dodged Lynch’s early Manhandle Slam and then pulled her hair to go on the offensive. Lynch regained control and performed a crossbody block from the middle rope for a two count. Trish Stratus’s music played and she walked onto the stage with Zoey Stark. Lynch performed an inverted DDT on Deville for another two count. [C]

Deville superplexed Lynch coming out of the break and got a near fall. Lynch fired back and sent Deville to ringside and then hit her with a dropkick through the ropes. Lynch threw Deville back inside the ring and was then blasted by a kick from Green, who rolled Lynch back inside the ring. Deville covered Lynch for another near fall.

A short time later, Green climbed onto the apron and was punched off by Lynch, who then ran her into the ringside barricade a few times. Deville went after Lynch, who also ran Deville into the barricade three times. Lynch rolled Deville back inside the ring and went for her finisher, but Deville avoided it and rolled her up for a two count.

Lynch immediately went for the Disarmer, but Deville shoved her into the ropes. Deville covered Lynch and put her feet on the ropes while Green held them for leverage, but Lynch still kicked out. Lynch rallied moments later with the Manhandle Slam and scored the pin…

Becky Lynch defeated Sonya Deville in 11:20 to qualify for the Money in the Bank match.

A graphic listed Lynch and Zelina Vega as the two qualifiers for the women’s MITB match… Patrick hyped footage of The Bloodline imploding for after a break… An ad for NXT focused on the battle royal to become No. 1 contender to the NXT Women’s Championship… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good opening match. As much as I despise the second chance qualifiers, I must confess that the possibility of such a match occurring left me open to the idea that Deville would get help from the other heels to win this match and then Lynch would find her way into the match later.

A Did You Know graphic listed 40 million social media views for Friday’s Bloodline segment from Smackdown… A video package recapped the segment with Roman Reigns celebrating 1,000 days as champion, getting a new title belt, and the drama that followed with Solo Sikoa leaving Jimmy Uso lying…

Powell’s POV: The Bloodline saga continues to be brilliantly written. As I’ve said for a long time now, the next evolution in pro wrestling wouldn’t be match based, it would be a dramatic upgrade of the writing. The Bloodline and the monster numbers they produce are proof of that. I just hope that we start to see this level of wrestling throughout WWE and everywhere else for that matter.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were interviewed by Byron Saxton in the backstage area. Zayn said he wasn’t one to say he told them so, but it was nice to see the Usos stand up for themselves. Sami corrected himself and said that Jimmy Uso did, but it remains to be seen what Jey Uso will do.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci interrupted Zayn and Owens. Kaiser said they would be a problem for the tag team champions. Owens got all fired up and accused them of breaking the rule of interrupting their promo time despite not being mentioned.

Gunther walked into the picture and told Owens that he lacks discipline. Gunther said that he is a disciplined man and he needs to teach Owens discipline. Owens assumed he was referring to his temper. Owens got fired up and told Gunther they could go to the ring. Owens storm off and was followed by Zayn…

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn made their entrance while Patrick wondered if Owens facing Gunther would be made official… [C] A vignette aired on Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. It focused on Chance’s run on American Ninja Warrior as well as their success as a tag team…

Imperium made their entrance after Patrick said the Owens vs. Gunther match had been made official during the break…

2. Intercontinental Champion Gunther (w/Ludwig Kaiser, Giovanni Vinci) vs. Kevin Owens (w/Sami Zayn) in a non-title match. Graves said he had a bad feeling that Owens’ temper was going to cost him sooner or later. Owens hit Gunther with a shoulder block, but Gunther didn’t flinch. Owens fired away with punches. Gunther came back with a big boot and a German suplex.

Owens rolled to the floor and held his neck. Gunther followed to the floor. Owens got a couple of shots in before Gunther slammed the back of Owens’ neck into the ringside barricade. Gunther picked up Owens and dropped him on the ring apron. [C]

Gunther continued to target the neck of Owens coming out of the break. Gunther dominated the action. Owens went for a suplex at one point, but sold pain and was unable to complete the move. Owens showed signs of life by throwing punches, but Gunther put him down with a German suplex.

[Hour Two] Owens popped up and returned the favor with German suplex of his own. Gunther regained offensive control and jawed with Zayn. Owens hit Gunther with three superkicks and a cannonball in the corner before covering him for a two count.

Gunther caught Owens in a sleeper. Owens escaped the hold, but Gunther put him down with a dropkick. Both men traded strikes. Owens performed a fisherman’s buster suplex for a near fall. Owens went up top and was cut off. Gunther tossed Owens to the ring and covered him for a near fall.

Gunther went for a top rope headbutt, Owens put his knees up. Owens followed up with a Swanton Bomb for a great near fall. Vinci climbed onto the apron and was pulled down by Zayn. Kaiser went after Zayn too, causing Owens to join the fight. Owens returned to the ring and was followed by Vinci. Owens put Vinci down with a Stunner. Gunther rolled up Owens and got the three count…

Intercontinental Champion Gunther defeated Kevin Owens in 17:20 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: Wow, that was a hell of a match. Gunther looked dominant for long stretches of the match while Owens’ character showed great heart. I’m already looking forward to an eventual rematch whenever the timing makes sense.

The broadcast team hyped upcoming segments and said WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler would appear after the break… [C]

Cathy Kelley interviewed Matt Riddle in a backstage area. Riddle said he’s tired of seeing Gunther cheat week after week. He said he didn’t think Gunther would be Intercontinental Champion if it wasn’t for his sidekicks.

Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci showed up. Kaiser told Riddle to watch his mouth. Riddle asked what he was going to do about it. Kaiser poked him and then slapped his chest. Riddle tossed Kaiser over some production crates and then took Vinci down and applied an ankle lock until producers and referees broke it up…

Powell’s POV: I like the smarter and more determined Riddle. And I’m all for a Gunther vs. Riddle match. I just have zero interesting in seeing Riddle or anyone else win Money in the Bank and cash in on a secondary champion.

Byron Saxton interviewed WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler in the backstage area. Saxton asked what it means to be champions given their friendship. Baszler called it destiny. Rousey said it was past time to legitimize the titles and invited any team with the balls to take them on.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance showed up and said they couldn’t think of a better way to make their Raw debut than to face the tag team champions. Rousey said she admired their stupidity. Baszler said she would call it bravery at this point.

Baszler said the thing that ends bravery quickly is the sound of having ligaments torn from your body. Rousey said it would be a baptism by fire and said they would let Adam Pearce know about their death wish and then see them inside the ring. Rousey and Baszler made their entrance… [C] Carter and Chance made their entrance coming out of the break…

3. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in a non-title match. Patrick said Carter and Chance teamed together for four years in NXT, but added that he felt like this was too much for them.

Rousey caught Chance in an armbar over the ropes. Carter superkicked Rousey from the floor. Carter returned to the ring and performed a top rope dive onto Baszler on the floor, and then Chance followed up with a corkscrew dive over the top rope onto Rousey on the floor.

Back inside the ring, Baszler got the better of Chance until she made a hot tag. Carter caught Baszler with a kick and then followed up with another against the ropes. Carter used her legs to spike Baszler’s head onto the mat. Rousey tagged in and put Carter down with a kick.

Chance made a blind tag before Carter avoided a charging Rousey, who ran into the ring post casing. The challengers hit their finisher on Rousey and had the win, but Baszler broke it up. Carter picked up another near fall on Rousey, who then grabbed Chance and applied an ankle lock. Chance rolled out of the hold and then performed a Codebreaker that sent Rousey into her corner.

Baszler tagged herself in and missed Carter tagging in. Carter rolled up Baszler for a two count. Baszler put Carter down with a wicked suplex and then applied the Kirifuda Clutch and got the submission win…

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler defeated Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in 8:45 in a non-title match.

Powell’s POV: It wasn’t always pretty, but I enjoyed the match and the main roster debut of Carter and Chance. The “life of the party” slogan didn’t work for me in NXT and I’m surprised it’s still a thing on the main roster. Carter and Chance are a good undersized and therefore underdog tag team and if they get over it’s not going to have anything to do with their generic party girls gimmick.

Ricochet was shadow boxing on the Gorilla position set when he was interrupted. Bronson Reed took issue with Ricochet being in the MITB match despite beating him in a past match. Ricochet pointed out they both had qualifying matches.

Shinsuke Nakamura showed up. Reed said Nakamura caught him on a bad night and the next time they meet will end in a different result. Reed walked away. Ricochet said he wouldn’t give Nakamura anything but another L and then laughed. Nakamura told him he’d have to prove it. Ricochet made his entrance for his match with Nakamura… [C]

A Johnny Gargano video package aired. He spoke about how people have always looked at him and saw him as an underdog. He spoke about how he had a dream and he traveled the world for ten years in pursuit of it. He said he got a chance in NXT and was told there wasn’t a place for him, but five years later he was the face of the brand. Gargano said now he’s a staple of Raw. He he thrives when he’s underestimated and his story is just getting started…

Powell’s POV: I hope this is a reset of Gargano. He did emphasize the word “way” at one point during his promo, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance. Graves assumed that LA Knight was watching the match now that he also qualified for MITB. Graves said Knight had taken Smackdown by storm and predicted big things for him…

4. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ricochet. Ricochet dropkicked Nakamura, who rolled to the floor. Ricochet set up for a move, but Nakamura caught him with a kick from the apron. Nakamura went to the ropes. Ricochet cut him off and sent him to ringside and then hit him with a twisting flip dive. [C]

Nakamura set up fore his finisher, but Ricochet stuffed it with a big knee and then hit the Recoil. Ricochet went up top, but Nakamura cut him off with a punch and then went to the middle rope. Both men traded forearm strikes. Nakamura dropped off the ropes. Bronson Reed ran in and splashed Nakamura in the corner to end the match.

Shinsuke Nakamura fought Ricochet to an apparent no-contest in 8:10.

After the match, Reed put Ricochet down and then splashed Nakamura again. Ricochet got up and climbed onto the back of Reed, who then splashed Nakamura on the mat. Reed put Ricochet down and then hit him with the Tsunami. Reed stood over both men and smiled while Patrick said Reed’s statement had been made…

Powell’s POV: The match was fun until the finish. If there is a second chance qualifier, then Reed would seem to be the favorite to win it.

Highlights aired from last week’s Raw of Kaiser and Vinci beating Alpha Academy…

Backstage, Chad Gable corrected Maxxine Dupri on the pronunciation of Otis’s name. Otis implied that it’s all the same. Gable credited Otis with bringing them all together. Durpri vented about the Viking Raiders and Valhalla. Gable said he knew the answer to taking down the Viking Raiders was in Otis’s brain. Otis spoke about the pretty lady taking on the viking lady. Gable told Dupri that they couldn’t start her training while she was dressed the way she was. Dupri said she had the perfect outfit in her locker…

Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage dressed in a suit and wearing a cast over his left arm. Graves said Miz TV was up next… [C] Kevin Patrick hyped Undertaker’s one-man show dates…

The Miz stood in the ring and introduced Cody Rhodes for the Miz TV segment. Miz mouthed the words to Cody’s entrance theme and enthusiastically shook his hand. There was a loud “Cody” chant once his entrance music ended.

Miz told Cody that he looked dashing. He recalled Rhodes challenging Brock Lesnar to show up in any city that he’s in for a fight. Miz recalled Lesnar beating Cody and breaking his arm. “Don’t you think that’s kind of stupid,” Miz said.

“Right out of the gate, eh Mike?” Cody asked. Miz corrected him and said he’s The Miz inside the ring. Cody said some people said it’s crazy and one person said it took balls. “You know a tiny bit about that, right,” jabbed Cody. Rhodes assumed that The Beast was on his annual hibernation and said we wouldn’t be seeing him for a while. Miz said he loves surprises and he had one for Cody that was even better than The Beast.

[Hour Three] Dominik Mysterio was introduced as a surprise guest. Graves was over the top in his enthusiasm and questioned how Miz was able to pull it off. Funny. Dominik and Rhea Ripley made their entrance. Once they were inside the ring, Miz tried to speak, but Ripley told him to be quiet because Dom had something he wanted to say.

Dom was booed loudly when he tried to speak. Miz barked at the fans to let Dom talk. “Yeah, don’t boo Dom,” Cody said in an intentionally unconvincing manner. Dom said he was happy when Miz invited him. He recalled Cody talking like he was the big dog in the yard last week.

Dom said that Cody is just a little birdie with a broken wing to someone who has done hard time. Dom recalled Cody releasing his upcoming schedule. Dom said Cody is a bad father because he should be home with his daughter. Cody said he had empathy for Dom and said Dom had a worse prison tattoo than he did.

Cody said Rey Mysterio might not be the perfect father. Cody said he knew Rey made some terrible mistakes and said he knew that because he was looking at one. Dom and Ripley teased leaving. When Cody turned his back to Dom, Dom waited for him to turn around and then slapped him. Dom hid behind Ripley.

Dom and Ripley left the ring together. Ripley told Cody that he’s nothing. Cody turned around and dropped The Miz by clubbing him with his cast. Graves said it was an episode of Miz TV that would have made Jerry Springer proud and then issued an RIP for the late talkshow host…

Powell’s POV: It’s close, but I think Dom retook the lead in mega heat reactions over the reaction that Don Callis received on AEW Dynamite last week. Either way, I like the idea of a Cody and Dom match. With Cody vs. Lesnar III expected to happen at SummerSlam, a match with Dom would be a fun match for Cody at Money in the Bank. I’d actually get a big kick out of Lesnar helping Dom steal the win so that Dom has bragging rights over Cody until they meet again.

Trish Stratus made her entrance and stood on the stage until Zoey Stark followed. The duo headed to the ring for Stark’s MITB qualifier against Natalya… [C] Natalya was at ringside slapping hands with fans coming out of the break…

5. Zoey Stark (w/Trish Stratus) vs. Natalya in a Money in the Bank qualifier. A few minutes into the match, Natalya caught Stark in the Sharpshooter. Stark reached the bottom rope to break the hold and then rolled to the floor. Natalya kicked Stark threw the ropes and then rolled her back inside the ring. Stratus took a cheap shot at the knee of Natalya while the referee was looking elsewhere. Stark hit the Z360 and scored the pin…

Zoey Stark defeated Natalya in 3:50 to qualify for the Money in the Bank match.

Powell’s POV: I guess everyone in the crowd blew out their vocal cords booing Dom. The only noise they made during this match was when Natalya applied the Sharpshooter. Ouch.

Paul Heyman was shown inside a backstage dressing room. Heyman looked into the camera and introduced himself, then invited fans to join him on Friday’s Smackdown. Heyman said a family drama would play out when Jey Uso makes his historic choice. Heyman said Jey would choose and stand by his brother…Solo Sikoa. Heyman said you can share a womb with Jimmy, but Jey will never be closer in life to Jimmy than he is to his Tribal Chief. Heyman said Jey would acknowledge that fact on Friday’s Smackdown…

A graphic listed Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin vs. Indus Sher for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Say what you will about Heyman being drafted to Smackdown and still appearing on Raw, but it’s smart to follow up the big numbers that Smackdown produced on Friday with an aggressive push for the follow-up angle this week. By the way, I don’t even have an issue with wrestlers or personalities appearing on the other show in verbal segments. My issue is when they blow off the brand split rules by actually wrestling on the show they weren’t drafted to.

Patrick hyped Gunther, Bronson Reed, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance for Raw Talk…

“Indus Sher” Veer Mahaan and Sanga made their entrance with Jinder Mahal while Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin were already inside the ring. Veer and Sanga attacked Alexander and Benjamin before the bell. The referee checked on Alexander and Benjamin and said there wouldn’t be a match. The Indus Sher duo delivered another quick beatdown…

Seth Rollins was shown putting his jacket on and grabbing his title belt while a graphic listed his match with Damian Priest for after the break… An ad for Smackdown questioned where Jey Uso’s loyalty lies… [C]

A graphic boasted that Rhea Ripley has over two million hits on TikTok and listed some celebrities she has more than… Entrances for the main event took place with Damian Priest coming out first followed by Seth Rollins…

6. Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship. Samantha Irvin delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Priest previously agreed to the stipulation that members of Judgment Day would be banned from ringside. Rollins hopped over the top rope to avoid Priest, who caught him with an elbow. Rollins avoided a charging Priest and then dropped a leg over his neck. Rollins hit Priest with a flying knee on the floor. [C]

Rollins failed to put Priest down with multiple clothesline attempts, but he eventually knocked him down with a kick. Rollins went for a top rope move that Priest avoided. Rollins caught a charging Priest with a kick and went for a Pedigree. Priest backdropped Rollins, who countered into a rollup for a two count.

Rollins put Priest down with a sling blade clothesline and then played to the crowd while Priest rolled to the floor. Rollins went for a suicide dive, but Priest caught him and then executed a Flatliner onto the broadcast table, leaving Rollins down heading into the final break. [C]

Priest got the better of Rollins coming out of the break. Rollins eventually fired back with a superplex and rolled into a falcon arrow attempt. Priest was going to power out of it, but Rollins threw a knee to his head and then executed the move. Priest ended up on the floor. Rollins hit him with three suicide dives. After staying on his feet after taking the first two, Priest tumbled over the broadcast table to sell the last dive.

Back in the ring, Rollins superkicked Priest. Rollins went up top and frog splashed Priest, which resulted in a two count. Priest rallied with a headlock driver for a near fall. Priest set up for a Razor’s Edge. Rollins slipped through Priest’s legs. Priest grabbed Rollins by the throat for his finisher, but Rollins avoided it. Rollins went to the ropes and was blasted by a spin kick.

Priest performed a huracanrana that pulled Rollins from the middle rope and then covered him for a two count. Priest stood up Rollins and asked if he wanted more pain. Priest clubbed Rollins with two clotheslines. Priest went for a third, but Rollins flipped and avoided it, then performed a Pedigree, which resulted in a near fall.

Rollins and Priest ended up on the apron. Priest performed a bellringer. Rollins came right back by standing on the floor and then pulling Priest down and hitting him with a nasty looking barricade bomb. Finn Balor showed up and was taken out by a Rollins superkick before Rollins returned to the ring. Priest turned Rollins inside out with a clothesline and then performed a South of Heaven chokeslam for a good near fall.

Priest looked down at Balor and questioned why he was at ringside. Priest hoisted up Rollins, but let him go while selling his bad shoulder from the barricade bomb. Rollins put Priest down and Stomped him before pinning him…

Seth Rollins defeated Damian Priest in 21:55 to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Balor entered the ring and went face to face with Rollins, who smiled and waved at him. Graves said the work had just begun for Rollins to end the show…

Powell’s POV: A good match that lacked suspense, thanks in part to Priest taking the pin in last week’s main event. Granted, I don’t think anyone would have predicted a Priest win had he not taken the pin last week, but it sure didn’t help the cause. Oh, and Priest’s top made him look like something out of Rocky Horror Picture Show but whatever. Priest taking issue with Balor showing up was an interesting development.

Overall, a quality show with the Gunther vs. Owens match topping the main event for best of the night in my book. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the June 5 edition

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. Kevin Patrick saying “it doesn’t get bigger than this” referring to Seth making his entrance tells you just how low the bar is on RAW. Case in point, how does a guy who loses practically every match he’s in deserve a title shot. Why was he even in that damn tournament to begin with – the guy just lost a match to a freaking musician. Damian Priest can’t generate enough heat to warrant a main event spot, let alone a world title shot.

  2. Great show so far. I’m so glad Vince is backstage ruining everything. That’s sarcasm by the way

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