4/10 WWE Raw results: Powell’s live review of the fallout from Brock Lesnar attacking Cody Rhodes, Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus vs. Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles, Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens, Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed, The Usos vs. Alpha Academy

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,559)
Live from Seattle, Washington at Climate Pledge Arena
Aired April 10, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] The broadcast team of Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves checked in and then Rey Mysterio was introduced by ring announcer Mike Rome. Patrick and Graves added The Usos vs. Alpha Academy, Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed, and Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa to the list of matches.

Rey delivered an in-ring promo while sporting an LWO t-shirt. Rey spoke about his recent stretch of highs and lows. He spoke about being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, which drew “you deserve it” chants. Rey also spoke about facing Dominik Mysterio at WrestleMania. He said he really wanted things to be different.

Dominik Mysterio made his entrance. “Keep my name out of my, your mouth,” Dom said while correcting a flub. Dom said Rey makes things about himself and never cared about him. Dom said he’s better off with his real family Judgment Day.

Rey said Judgment Day are selfish idiots who are just using his son. Dom said he would have beaten Rey at WrestleMania had it not been for Bad Bunny interfering. Footage aired of Bad Bunny getting involved at WrestleMania and of last week’s Raw angle.

Dom said it was music to his ears when Bad Bunny was put through a table by Damian Priest last week. Rey said Dom and the rest of Judgment Day would regret putting their hands on Bad Bunny because he spoke to him and Bunny said he’ll be back.

Rey asked Dom when he was going to man up and fight on his own. Rey called for Dom to face him in a WrestleMania rematch on the spot. Dom said he couldn’t fight his own father, but he knew who would fight Rey instead. Finn Balor made his entrance to a flat reaction. Graves said Rey vs. Balor would take place after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Dom actually got tongue tied a couple of times, which stood out because of how strong his mic work has been since he turned heel. He still has great heat and no real damage was done. Meanwhile, the lack of reaction that Balor received was telling, though not particularly surprising.

1. Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor (w/Dominik Mysterio). A few minutes into the match, Rey performed a head-scissors takedown that sent Balor to the floor. Rey hit him with a slide kick and then followed up with a sliding splash from the ring onto Balor at ringside. [C]

Rey hit a seated senton and then followed up with a springboard crossbody block for a two count. Rey set up for a 619, but Balor cut him off with a clothesline. Balor performed a shotgun dropkick and then went up top for his finisher and acknowledged Dom, which led to Rey cutting him off on the ropes.

Rey hit ten headbutts and a huracanrana from the ropes that led to a near fall. Rey dropkicked Balor from behind, which put Balor on the ropes. Rey hit the 619. Rey went up top and splashed Balor, who put his knees up. Balor hooked Rey into a pin for a good near fall.

A short time later, Dom wrapped a chain around his fist and went after Rey while Balor distracted the referee. Rey blocked Dom’s punch and then knocked him off the apron. Rey sent Balor to ringside and then hit both men with a suicide dive.

Rey slammed Balor’s head onto the broadcast table a couple times and then threw him back inside the ring. The referee checked on Balor while Dom hit Rey with the chain. Balor followed up with a Coup de Grace and scored the pin…

Finn Balor beat Rey Mysterio in 13:45.

Powell’s POV: A really fun match to open the show. They worked hard and they played into Balor’s head injury from WrestleMania. Speaking of which, it’s pretty damn impressive that Balor was back in the ring just eight days after suffering that nasty cut that required 14 staples to close on WrestleMania Sunday. Then again, the guy had staples inserted at ringside after he suffered the injury and finished his match, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised by his toughness. By the way, Portland has the kindest fan signs. I’ve noticed one from a fan who missed Randy Orton, another fan saying hello to his mother, another fan wishing their father a happy birthday, and one more with a father greeting his children by name. It must be the legalized marijuana that’s making everyone so happy.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Cathy Kelley interviewing Alpha Academy. They were interrupted by Maxxine Dupri, which led to an argument between her and Chad Gable. Kelley noticed commotion from nearby.

The cameraman ran over to find Lita down and selling an injury while her opponents Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez stood by. Becky Lynch, Trish Stratus, and Adam Pearce showed up. Pearce called for a doctor while Becky bickered with Morgan and Rodriguez over their potential involvement in the attack on Lita…

Patrick hyped details on Brock Lesnar’s attack on Cody Rhodes from last week and an appearance by Cody… [C]

A video package recapped last week’s Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar angle… Graves said they reached out to Brock Lesnar’s camp for a comment on why he attacked Cody, but they did not respond…

Backstage, Byron Saxton interviewed Becky Lynch on a backstage set and asked for an update on Lita and who might be responsible. Lynch said Lita was in a local medical facility and she had her suspicions about who did it, and said she would slap their head off once she found out. Lynch said she was going to go it alone and give the people a title match, but someone had a good idea. Trish Stratus entered the picture with Adam Pearce. Trish said they made a good team at WrestleMania and she would do it again for Lita…

Trish and Lynch made their entrance for the tag team title match… [C] An ad for Smackdown focused on Matt Riddle’s return…

A Seth Rollins video package aired and listed his accomplishments while showing his entrance and various Stomp finishes…

Powell’s POV: I felt like I was watching a PLE during that random Rollins video package. For those who see ads on The Cock, that’s an example of what the ad-free viewers see while you’re watching commercials.

Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan made their entrance…

2. Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus vs. Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Ring announcer Mike Rome stood in the ring and delivered introductions for the title match. Lynch barked at Rodriguez, who said they didn’t do it and then picked up Lynch and tossed her into the corner. Morgan tagged in and eventually Lynch fought her off and tagged out.

Stratus went for a clothesline, but Morgan performed Trish’s Matrix move to avoid it. A short time later, Stratus performed a head-scissors to pull Morgan off the ropes. Lynch tagged in and went to the middle rope. Lynch had Stratus pull Morgan closer before she performed a leg drop that led to a two count. Graves chalked up the “miscommunication” to Trish being a late replacement for Lita. [C]

Lynch performed a missile dropkick on Rodriguez and covered her for a two count.

[Hour Two] Lynch tagged in Stratus and they setup for a double superplex on Rodriguez, who shoved Lynch into the ring. Trish was able to perform another head-scissors move on Rodriguez and then covered her for a near fall. The champions continued to work over Rodriguez while Morgan made her way back to the apron after being down at ringside.

Morgan tagged in and performed an elevated tornado DDT that led to a few two counts on Lynch. The champions came back and set Morgan on the top rope and set her up for a double superplex, but Rodriguez ran over and turned it into a tower of doom spot. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Lynch and Morgan got back to their feet and traded strikes. Lynch put Morgan down with a clothesline and then went to the ropes, but Rodriguez cut her off. Stratus tried to help Lynch, but Rodriguez shoved her away. Rodriguez blindly slammed Lynch onto Morgan, which led to Lynch getting a two count.

Lynch went for a Manhandle Slam on Morgan, who countered out of it. Trish bulldogged Rodriguez. Morgan hit Lynch with a Codebreaker. Lynch countered Oblivion and hit the Manhandle Slam, but Rodriguez pulled her off the pin. Stratus tagged in. Lynch dove onto Rodriguez on the floor. Trish went for her big kick finisher, but Morgan ducked it and rolled her up for the three count.

Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan defeated Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus in 15:25 to win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

After the match, the new champions celebrated and headed to the stage while Stratus sat dejected in the ring. Lynch pulled up Trish and raised her arm and then hugged her. Lynch went to leave, but Stratus hit her from behind. The fans booed. When Lynch stood up, Stratus put her down with a Chick Kick. Stratus leaned over Lynch and spoke to her before leaving the ring…

Powell’s POV: Unfortunately, word leaked that Trish was going to turn heel and feud with Lynch, so this one didn’t catch me by surprise. Even so, I like the way they tried to make it seem like Rodriguez and Morgan were suspects in the Lita attack by having them discover them down and out backstage. But I’m still not seeing much chemistry between the Rodriguez and Morgan characters. Heck, I don’t even know what Raquel’s main roster character is. She smiles a lot?

Paul Heyman was interviewed by Cathy Kelley on the backstage ring set. Kelley recalled Heyman dodging the question of whether he had anything to do with Brock Lesnar attacking Cody Rhodes. She asked him about it again. Heyman mocked her and shifted the focus to Kevin Owens having a problem because Matt Riddle and Sami Zayn were not present. Heyman claimed they both opted to take a later flight to avoid facing Solo Sikoa.

Heyman said Owens wasn’t bright enough to do the same, so he’s coming in with “zero allies and even fewer friends.” Heyman said he, Sikoa, and the Usos were in the building. He questioned what kind of people would take advantage of Owens in this vulnerable state and follow the Tribal Chief’s orders to solve the KO problem. “We the ones,” Heyman said… [C]

Just when you thought you’d finally heard the WrestleMania 39 theme song for the last time on WWE television, they played it while touting the event’s social media success…

Byron Saxton stood backstage and asked Stratus while she attacked Lynch. Stratus walked by Saxton without acknowledging him…

Footage aired from Smackdown of Triple H announcing that the WWE Draft will be held in a few weeks…

“Damage CTRL” members Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky were standing outside Adam Pearce’s office. Bayley emerged from the office and said she spoke with Pearce about getting them a tag title shot. Bayley claimed that Pearce only wanted to talk about the WWE Draft, so she made sure he knows that they need to stick together.

Bayley said Pearce put her in a Triple Threat with Piper Niven and Michin with the winner earning a title match against Bianca Belair. Bayley said that once she wins the title and has more leverage, she can talk to Pearce again. Sky interrupted by saying no and then spoke in Japanese. Kai said she assumed that Sky was asking what about them. Bayley said she would talk to Pearce again…

Bobby Lashley made his entrance for his match against Bronson Reed… [C] Reed made his entrance coming out of the break while Graves hyped SummerSlam in Detroit…

3. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed. Lashley ended up on the apron and ran Reed’s head into a turnbuckle pad. Reed kicked Lashley and then knocked him off the apron. Reed went to the apron and hit Lashley with a shoulder block on the floor. The crowd chanted for “Bobby” while he was down at ringside heading into a break. [C]

Lashley went for the Hurt Lock, but he was unable to apply the hold on the big man. Reed pushed himself onto Lashley and covered him for a near fall. Reed went up top for his finisher, but Lashley cut him off. Reed raked Lashley’s eyes and then dove onto him in Thesz Press style. Reed powered up Lashley, who slipped away.

Lashley went for a spear, but Reed cut him off with a kick. Reed ran the ropes and was put down with a Lashley spinebuster. Lashley set up for his finisher again and was unable to lock his fingers. Reed walked toward the ropes and both men tumbled to the floor. Lashley got up first and clotheslined Reed. Lashley tried to hoist up Reed for his turnbuckle spot, but Reed slipped away and shoved Lashley into the ring post. Both men were counted out.

Bobby Lashley fought Bronson Reed to a double count-out in 10:30.

The fight continued after the match with Lashley getting the better of it when referees and producers showed up and pulled them apart. Lashley broke free and landed some shots on Reed, who looked winded based on the way he flailed his arm at Lashley…

A smiling Cody Rhodes was shown walking backstage dressing in a suit… [C]

Powell’s POV: I hope Cody offers an explanation for why he was smiling despite the way he lost at WrestleMania and was then destroyed by Brock Lesnar the next night. Anyway, the cheap finish was the right approach to take for the first match between Lashley and Reed. They should have a real program, not just a one and done television match. I’d love to see Reed elevated by beating Lashley in a meaningful manner, but seeing is believing.

Cody Rhodes made his entrance and slapped hands with fans. Cody stood in the ring and let the crowd cheer after his music stopped playing. A “Cody” chant broke out. “So, Seattle, what do you want to talk about?” Rhodes started.

Rhodes said it was typically a bit of a redundant question because he typically has a singular focus. He said it was Seth Rollins, then his injured pec, then the Royal Rumble, and then finishing the story at WrestleMania. Cody said it felt a bit cloudy after what happened last week.

Cody said that he lost in the main event of WrestleMania. There were boos. Cody mentioned that he lost to Roman Reigns, which drew louder boos. Cody said it was a polarizing moment and people were pointing fingers. Cody said the finger should be pointed at him for not realizing the lengths to which Reigns would go. “I lost and I’m sorry,” Cody said.

Rhodes recalled his friend Matt (Cardona?) saying that being in the main event was a win and questioned whether wins and losses still mattered at this point in his career. Cody said they absolutely do. He said the other thing he heard was “Mr Heyman” saying that if Cody ever wanted to challenge for the title again, he had to earn it. Cody took issue with Heyman saying he had to earn it. “Earn it? I am it,” said a fired up Rhodes. The crowd responded with another “Cody” chant.

Cody said the unfinished tale has a whole new wrinkle to it in the form of Brock Lesnar. Cody said what’s more embarrassing than being laid out in front of 80,000 people with a rubber chicken near his head rather than the title belts was offering up his partnership to Lesnar and having him repay it with destruction.

Cody requested that someone tell him why Lesnar did what he did. Cody said he heard on Smackdown that Lesnar was unhappy with his spot on WrestleMania. Cody said his theory is that Lesnar is uncertain about him and the change he is bringing to WWE and how that will affect him.

Rhodes questioned why Lesnar would ever be uncertain. He said Lesnar looks in the mirror and sees a predator who has won the NCAA Championship, the UFC Championship, and the WWE Championship. Rhodes read through a lit of top wrestlers and said Lesnar saw them and thought of them as victims. Rhodes questioned if that’s how Lesnar sees him.

Cody played up the question of whether he is afraid of Lesnar. “I’d be crazy not to be scared of Brock Lesnar, but I still want to fight Brock Lesnar,” said Rhodes. Cody said that he would leave no stone unturned and no opportunity left behind so that when Lesnar is prey rather than a predator and becomes his victim.

Cody said they could fight any time, any place, but he knew Lesnar was not there. Cody challenged Lesnar to face him at WWE Backlash. “Answer the call,” Rhodes said before dropping the mic. Rhodes left the ring and greeted fans as he made his exit…

Powell’s POV: Cody didn’t explain his smile, but I can chalk it up to confidence rather than his character being dismissive of the things that have happened to him. He delivered another strong promo. I loved the way that he told fans to blame him for losing at WrestleMania rather than complain about the way he lost. I’m looking forward to his program against Lesnar.

Graves said he didn’t realize that Rhodes had a death wish. Graves implored Rhodes to reconsider…

Highlights aired of Jey Uso beating Sami Zayn with help from Solo Sikoa on Friday’s WWE Smackdown followed by Matt Riddle making the post match save…

The Usos made their entrance for a match against Alpha Academy… [C] A WWE Backlash video aired for the May 6 event…

[Hour Three] The broadcast team spoke about Logan Paul re-signing with WWE while mainstream headlines were shown…

4. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis. The Alpha Academy entrance was televised. Otis had some early comedy spots. Gable tagged in and hit Jimmy with a top rope clothesline that led to a two count. Jey checked in and the Usos hit a double team move on Graves and then used a double superkick to knock Otis off the apron. [C]

Otis slammed Jey. Once Otis stood up, he caught legal man Jimmy leaping from the ropes and slammed him for a near fall. A short time later, the Usos double superkicked Otis over the broadcast table. Gable performed a top rope moonsault onto both Usos. Back in the ring, Gable hit a top rope headbutt on Jimmy for another good near fall.

Gable put Jimmy in the ankle lock, but he rolled out of it. Jey tagged in and then both Usos caught Gable with a double superkick and then put him down with 1D. Jey covered Gable and got the pin…

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso defeated “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis in 13:05.

Iyo Sky made her entrance with Bayley and Dakota Kai for the Triple Threat match… A sponsored video aired for the movie Renfield… [C]

Powell’s POV: A strong match with some good near falls for Alpha Academy. I assumed the Usos would win, but I couldn’t rule out an upset due to the possibility that the creative team would want to keep the Usos in down and out mode to give Roman Reigns even more reason to be upset with them. Meanwhile, Bayley being removed from the Triple Threat is due to her character telling Kai and Sky that she would talk to Pearce about one of them replacing her in the match. I assumed that Bayley would selfishly keep the match for herself, so it’s an interesting development that her character actually got it changed.

5. Iyo Sky (w/Bayley, Dakota Kai) vs. Piper Niven vs. Michin in a Triple Threat for a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship. Michin performed a suicide dive on Niven to a flat reaction. Sky followed up with an Asai moonsault onto both women, which got a rise out of the crowd. [C]

Powell’s POV: I mistakenly wrote earlier that the show was in Portland, but they are actually in Seattle. So the Seattle fans deserve the credit for having the kindest fan signs (the laws are the same in both cities, so my earlier weed theory stands).

Sky performed a huracanrana that pulled Michin from the ropes. She followed up with a springboard dropkick on Niven and covered her, but Michin returned and broke it up. A short time later, Sky rolled to the floor after taking moves from both opponents. Michin performed a Destroyer on Niven for a near fall.

Michin hit Eat Defeat on Niven and went for the pin, but Sky returned with a her Over the Moonsault and broke up up the pin and then got the three count on Michin.

Iyo Sky beat Piper Niven and Michin in 8:15 in a Triple Threat to earn a Raw Women’s Championship.

After the match, Kai was happy for Sky, while Bayley’s character forced some enthusiasm…

Powell’s POV: It was comical to watch Sky climb over Niven to pin Michin. Sky was the most over of the three wrestlers and it seems like they are setting her up for a babyface run.

Backstage, Kevin Owens was interviewed by Byron Saxton. Owens cut off Saxton and said he lets his emotions get the better of him, so his heart is telling him that he had to beat the hell out of Solo Sikoa for what he did to him on Smackdown. Owens said maybe he shouldn’t have taken the fight while Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle weren’t there, but he’s KO and his shirt reads “Just Keep Fighting”…

Solo Sikoa made his entrance with the Usos… [C] Graves hyped the return of Brock Lesnar for next week’s Raw… Kevin Owens made his entrance…

6. Kevin Owens vs. Solo Sikoa (w/Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso). Owens sold his knee injury from Friday’s angle on Smackdown. Sikoa went for a uranage at one point. Owens tried to counter, but his knee gave out. Sikoa kicked the bad knee. Sikoa followed up with a hip attack in the corner. [C]

Owens continued to sell left knee pain and had to stop short when he wanted to perform a cannonball. Sikoa stood up and superkicked him. Sikoa put Owens on the top turnbuckle and joined him on the ropes. Owens knocked Sikoa to the mat with an elbow and then performed a top rope frog splash. Owens clutched his knee with one hand while hooking the leg of Sikoa with the other and ended up getting a two count.

Owens was unable to hit the Stunner because of the knee. Sikoa put him down and then went up top, but Owens bounced into the ropes, which crotched Sikoa. Owens went to the middle rope and wanted to superplex Sikoa, but they ended up trading strikes. Owens hit several headbutts. Sikoa rallied with one and knocked Owens off the ropes. Owens landed on his feet and slammed Sikoa to the mat.

Owens wanted to go up top, but Jimmy stopped him while Jey distracted the referee. Owens edned up taking out both Usos and hitting a Swanton for a near fall. A short time later, Owens hit a Popup Powerbomb and sold the knee afterward. Owens went for a Stunner, but Sikoa pushed him off. Jey hit Owens with a shot from the floor while Jimmy distracted the referee. Sikoa hit the Samoan Spike and then pinned Owens.

Solo Sikoa defeated Kevin Owens in 13:35.

After the match, the Usos put the boots to Owens in the corner of the ring while Sikoa watched. Matt Riddle and Sami Zayn were shown running through the backstage area. Zayn’s entrance music played and they both ran out and brawled with the Usos, who met them in the entrance aisle.

Zayn and Riddle plowed through the Usos and then doubled up on Sikoa before clearing him from the ring. Jey ran in and ate a knee strike from Riddle and an exploder suplex from Zayn. Sami set up for Helluva Kick, but Jimmy returned to block it. Owens kicked Jimmy and gave him a Stunner. Zayn went for the Helluva Kick on Jey, but Sikoa pulled his brother to ringside. The babyface trio stood tall to close the show…

Powell’s POV: It looks like we have a six-man tag team match ahead. Is it a Raw main event or something they are doing at WWE Backlash? The closing sequence was a lot of fun and got a strong reaction from the crowd. The main event match created so many outs for Owens losing that even Hulk Hogan would blush. It was a win for Sikoa, but another tainted one, and I’d really like to see him get some meaningful wins to help make up for the “you’re not ready” treatment that Cody gave him heading into WrestleMania.

Overall, this was a much better episode than last week’s show. I’m guessing that means the Mustached Meddler stayed out of the weeds this week. I will have more to say in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading it below.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the April 10 edition

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Readers Comments (14)

  1. Seems odd for Dom to use Balor to get Rey. Isn’t Balor supposed to be the leader of Judgment Day? Could you imagine Tully Blanchard putting Ric Flair in a match against his feud? Or Buff Bagwell telling his opponent that he has to go thru Hogan to get to him? Just seems very insulting to Balor.

    • I’ve never felt like the faction established a leader, but maybe that’s just me. They seem to rotate between spotlighting Balor, Ripley, and Dom. So I’m not sure who the leader is, but it’s never felt like Priest was in that position.

  2. Local medical facility. It’s official then. Oof.

  3. Give Heyman a raise. The dude just is great at what he does.

  4. Cody sure didn’t look like someone who got destroyed Brock Lesnar just a week ago

  5. sistersalvation April 10, 2023 @ 9:14 pm

    I’m ready for Raquel to revert to her NXT persona and theme.

  6. Dang I though Gable had that pinfall after the diving headbutt on Jimmy

  7. @Jason:

    >>> “I’m not sure who the leader is, but it’s never felt like Priest was in that position.”

    Maybe Puerto Rico is his turn?

  8. Yeah, it got leaked out a while ago about Trish’s heel turn, maybe Lita is turning heel with her. If not this would be a great time to reboot Damage CTRL and make her the leader of it. I do like the heel turn and they almost had a good attack mystery setup making it seem like Raquel and Liv similar to what they’re doing in NXT right now with the parking lot attacks on Nikkita Lyons and Wendy Choo with many babyfaces as prime suspects. I can’t wait until they get back into that stuff on NXT.

    Trish turning heel is very intriguing though as I can’t wait to see the way this plays out and Damage CTRL is definitely splitting up by draft time on May 8th.

  9. Becky did all she could to keep that rough match from going off the rails, and keeping the apathetic crowd engaged. What a pro.
    Her heel run, while enjoyable in some aspects, took her momentum.
    Glad the crowd cared about Trish’s heel turn on her.

  10. The Mustache Meddler. That wis Gold!

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